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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Hold the phone closer, get better reading glasses
  2. Not sure why paywalls are an issue on the phone? also using Brave on the phone no ads, watching videos great on the phone also, millions of thais are doing it right now, cast to TV if you prefer a big screen
  3. you could even cast your porn from phone to TV if you really wanted, great quality
  4. definitely not for me, phone is so easy to use
  5. You can select that on the phone, i use my smartphone for everything, no need for a pc or laptop or tablet
  6. Last Samsung i had broke the first time i dropped it, rubbish, won't buy again, Xiaomi is much better quality for price
  7. Yeah but i doubt anyone wants to go out in the morning with 50% only
  8. Most people probably don't even know what their new phone does over a cheaper one. They all seem to charge very fast now, who cares about that, i charge at night, couldn't care less
  9. Rubbish article, doesn't even say what the rule is. The sign they were showing yesterday said no parking both odd and even days, so none the wiser. I guess the businesses will suffer the most
  10. Is that that thai sack coffee? or ground coffee from a machine? decent ground coffee costs around 10 baht for the beans alone
  11. NFC is mainly useful if going abroad where contactless is the main method of payment. My 5G phone connects better to my 5ghz fiber at home and is faster vs non 5G
  12. Sounds like you've got a bad phone there, maybe even fake, the kind of thing people get from tukcom
  13. deep fried food will make you fat that's basic
  14. Memory and speed seems to be non issues, the thing to pay extra for is better camera, NFC, esim etc, depends what you need, if nothing special 5k baht is about right
  15. Instant in 7 Eleven is 15 baht, that's about right. In Pattaya, say Benjamit or hut next to Nikom Court, ground coffee 60 baht. I usually pay 40-60 baht out of town for good ground coffee
  16. I clean mine more regularly because things like chicken thighs, ribs generate a lot of water/fat at the bottom, easy to clean though
  17. The cheap ones will probably give you a poor airfryer experience, non stick surface pealing off quickly for example. My Tefal 1500 baht has been very good, 2 years on non stick still 100% and easy to clean
  18. I don't even notice the cost on my electricity bill, it's low
  19. Where do you get the flour from?
  20. Unhealthy though, fresh cut chips with a slight coating of oil in the air fryer are very good, and a lot healthier
  21. Which makes you wonder why some of our older members are obese
  22. Interesting, I hadn't heard of that, no one has mentioned it here before. From Gemini AI
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