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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Available everywhere, you need a bike licence and IDP to ride legal
  2. The news that reaches the media does seem selective, but that's the same all over the world. One death makes the news another one doesn't
  3. The moderators killed another Pattaya forum, any interesting posters were either banned or left, leaving the forum like a library, quiet and boring
  4. I haggled with a kosan road seller for a rucksack, she was convinced as it said North Face it was worth much more, but it's fake, not North Face, anyway i bought for a cheap price and as expected didn't last long
  5. If the bill will include Satang change i usually pay by scan or just leave the satang at the checkout, annoying things
  6. So in a week it's got a lot worse? in what ways?
  7. Presumably both will report to Immigration unless you say no need to one of them
  8. Also closing threads, no need really, let them fizzle out themselves
  9. interesting point that, maybe a potential insurer will provide a list of readings that means a pre-existing condition, could use recent test results as an indicator
  10. I used to stay in a hotel for 3-4 months in Pattaya where the doors were getting slammed often, a german guest put some foam tape around all of the doors to stop it
  11. My condo is quiet except for the 10 months a year of refurbs going on, one of the downsides of an older condo
  12. The govt hospital would treat you, it's the ambulances who would prioritise one of the Bangkok hospitals most likely, in your example no need for them
  13. I got back to the condo just in time, checked the CCTVs around town for rain
  14. If you added in your labour costs you'd make a loss every time, you see it as a hobby fair enough, most wouldn't. Pointless buying in 70s if you plan to sell several years later, we all know how hard it is to sell plus loss, 5% agent commission loss straight off
  15. Good, shouldn't cut them, but presumably you'd see a path where rubbish is dumped
  16. Sounds like common sense to me. Examples where people don't follow that is when people moan that certain people have started threads, then moan more when they stop posting and the forum is quiet
  17. Generally in Pattaya the road sweepers do a good job, i see them out 6am. In my soi a couple of ladies come who sweep for a hobby it seems
  18. Depends on age, 50s definitely, late 60s or 70s not worth it. Nice to change things if you want, new TV, bed, AC whatever and not pay rent. It's not an investment though, can make more money elsewhere
  19. Depends where you live but in Pattaya a motorbike will take you to the next level
  20. The problem you have and are ignoring is the greater speed puts you more at risk on a faster bigger bike. I ride my Click 160 on Sukhumvit and it's fast enough and i don't need additional speed, not once have i needed it, same on my previous Click 125. I've had big bikes in the UK as it was the norm, they're over rated, i had a 500, 600 and 800 BMW, much prefer the smaller scooters
  21. Countryside isn't full of rubbish, where i cycle i see a few fly tipping areas, there lies the problem, authorities aren't up to speed with stopping fly tipping
  22. If you make a claim after the policy lapses I wouldn't be confident the company would pay out
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