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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Not sure anyone is trying to look trendy, what an old fashion thing to say
  2. You're just resisting change like the others
  3. you've still not said which ones, but have you tried central festival and offer to buy their insurance? Kasikorn, Krungsri, usually it's a way round the problem
  4. Not everyone uses a keyboard with home and end key i.e. those of us that have moved onto phones
  5. no not strangers i was thinking you could go with friends for coffee rather than always staying at home
  6. i wonder why. I keep going back to it though to blend with Arabica
  7. i can see thousands of deliveries taken to the post office daily will work well
  8. look in facebook marketplace at the various groups, depends where you live
  9. I don't like the look of it, nothing like traditional fish and chips like this one
  10. Pensioners like panicking about taxes as much as they like queuing
  11. I went round the house of a highfalutin friend like you, wanted us to have coffee round his, better than the planned coffee shop, i was embarrassed for him, the coffee was 5 or 6 out of 10 at best, in his mind it was great, anyway try and get out more for coffee it's better meeting real people rather than stuck at home grinding beans
  12. Have you seen Trung Nguyen S beans on Lazada? i only see the ground
  13. more to the point Sharples doesn't appear popular, previously over rated
  14. What data analysis did you do in Angeles?
  15. Probably just snobbery mostly. I go to many shops that have very expensive equipment but the coffee is average at best, it's mostly in your head
  16. Life definitely is better with a motorbike, if not you'd end up getting the baht bus everywhere that keeps you isolated in the square mile. Also once you have a bike you can move further out, more choice, maybe quieter, probably cheaper. I also recommend still being walkable to central so you can go out for drinks without relying on taxi bikes
  17. I'm sure yours is average in reality, works for me, i go out to good coffee shops who spend 250k on machines for some reason
  18. because it isn't that popular
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