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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Road tax is separate, it's the square people attach to their motorbike
  2. I just checked my statements, only Kasikorn showed it, Bangkok Bank, Krungsri nothing
  3. Maybe it's against the broker, they aren't allowed to sell non thai health insurance
  4. Hopefully we'll hear how it goes, but it seems they denied a legit claim
  5. I still think they are the best out there, not good publicity though
  6. Very unlikely
  7. Usually the taxi bikes going the wrong way. They need to hurry up and make Buakhao one way
  8. Obviously it confused you, special needs?I'll explain, i often see crazy farang riders on motorbikes those same people are probably just as bad in cars, the driver was half falang
  9. Finally he's found something to love him unconditionally, well, as long as he keeps feeding it
  10. Learn how to quote the correct person
  11. Sadly that is a very risky thing to do, pedestrians should have triple checked it was clear
  12. Good you accept that you're useless, work on it
  13. you made 2 posts, nothing useful to the op
  14. I asked a question in the op, you've been useless too 👏
  15. The first post explains it, hopefully you understood that, it was quite simple
  16. i see friends all the time, you don't have to drink every day
  17. then why are they wanting monthly payments?
  18. You've been useless on this thread, don't bother next time
  19. Seems to be giving better answers than Gemini, I'm using both and comparing
  20. Should have checked him for drugs, crazy some of these young falang riders, probably the same in cars
  21. Most floor pumps do both, Decathlon have good ones, Mr DIY sell them or Lazada/Shopee as usual
  22. You're right there, this is about going out, not staying in with the fake wife
  23. the tube you'd get is a 700, usually they come in a range 23/25, 25/28 even 25/32, so anything which includes 28 in the range, i think a 28 tube would be about 80 psi, i use 25s and have 100 psi
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