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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Maybe try Kamagra like most guys do, purely recreational of course
  2. Much clearer in this video, guy in the blue total turd 1655891815799.mp4
  3. I haven't found a low fat soy milk yet, not too worried about the sugar
  4. It's not just straight fat and oil, its fat in food, cheese is a prime example, about 33%+ fat. Losing the weight is good but see if you can maintain it, many people yoyo on these low carb diets
  5. Lots of videos, I've posted before which you ignored. High carb low fat, problem is many people like eating the fat, like yourself. https://youtu.be/YxjHlbum394 Thus is one from his channel promoting diet vs medication https://youtu.be/ZzCU9V27UkI
  6. Not according to experts who recommend a high carb diet and are elderly
  7. I don't think being carb phobic is a good thing, it's nice being able to eat when you want and feeling full. I probably eat 5+ bananas a day
  8. Just tried it, much easier on right leg (right handed) than left leg. Interesting test though
  9. The new Governor will get a name for himself if he tackles the dog problem
  10. The other twist is boyfriends get them hooked on yaba so they have to work
  11. Shell are always at it especially with their VPower 95, usually 5 baht more than PTT
  12. You still don't get it after all this time, unbelievable really
  13. The old taking the keys routine or taking your licence was quite effective
  14. A lot of construction on walking st, Simon bar complex being rebuilt it seems, I'm surprised about that as there wasn't demand for the bars pre-covid. Space next to pinup being renovated
  15. ok check playstore settings, in case anything there
  16. Sounds like data may be a problem, sometimes apps only update if you are using WiFi so try that
  17. Sounds like it's time to move to Pattaya
  18. The smoking is likely to cause ill health sooner, so say 65 vs 75
  19. Yes does sound better, once you give up junk you really notice it if you indulge ever, body doesn't like it
  20. No one I've asked has heard of it, generic is pretty cheap 400 baht a month to not get HIV
  21. So diet plays no part after all? ok let's binge on KFC, Pizza, McDonald's
  22. I hope you've had a vasectomy, otherwise an accidental baby is probably on the way
  23. I find shirts too hot, i only wear for golf, cycling, immigration, agogos, some bars, some restaurants. Singlets are the best for Thailand if outdoors, i wear these most of the time, in my condo it's just my boxers
  24. I find it appalling you can't get PrEP generic in Pattaya, girls don't know anything about it
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