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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Sorry to hear of your travails mate. While not always seeing eye to eye on some matters I've always respected your knowledge and intelligence. All the best for your future.
  2. Since the big blackout of 11/2023 are there any changes with ownership, personnel or policy? I notice George is now a Root Admin and has attained Legendary status. We also have at least one Grand Master, although I'm not sure if that is with AN or something like D&D!
  3. The inane adds are free, you pay to not get them. Before paying the 1590, I considered how much time I spend watching YT videos these days. How much information and entertainment they provide and compare the cost with what I used to spend on pay tv in Australia and True visions when I first came to Thailand. When I also consider Kodi where the price is that of a bit of cheap hardware, I can get everything for a fraction of what I used to pay. Entertianment is dirt cheap these days and I'm happy to be spending so little!
  4. I have it on my phone, laptop, smart tv and the tv box attached to the tv. Also, by logging in to my Google account, I can read my home country news site that normally requires an expensive subscription. I paid 1590 for a yearly sub. I hate having to do these things every month.
  5. I became a Premium member a few months ago and have not regretted it. All adds are removed with the exception of those inserted by YouTubers themselves into their videos. It's easy to fast forward through these to avoid the ubiquitous adds for the green gunk they all seem to have for breakfast. For details on plans, costs, payments, etc. I simply clicked on the "Premium" item in YouTube's index.
  6. If it only results in a decrease in the numbers of duplicate cables festooned around the country's lamp posts it would be a good thing.
  7. I'm very similar to the poster above. I left in 2010 for many reasons - I found myself living the single life after early retirement and a separation from a long-term GF. A health scare made me rethink singularity. On one of my many visits to Thailand I met a Thai lady and decided the lifestyle with her was much more to my liking than where I saw Australia, and my place in it, heading. I could see the mindless majority there believing the lies of the religious conservatives, led by a disgusting worm named Abbott, and wanted no part of their vision of a return to the dark ages, while plundering my taxes for the benefit of a privileged few. My parents, sibling and other relatives were all dead and my children were living their lives in different parts of the country and rarely in direct contact. Moving to Thailand was a no brainer despite some of their stupid rules and frustrations we're all familiar with. I sold the house and chattels and gave everything else away, arriving with a suitcase, a laptop and a bank card. I am a little concerned about possible useless compulsory health insurance, and double taxation, but will wear it because at 75 I'm not moving again. I'm fully self-funded, never applied for the OAP and my money buys a lot more here than in Australia particularly because inflation there far exceeds that of Thailand. I haven't been back, the few people there still in my life have visited me here multiple times. I (we) own several houses and numerous farming properties and are building up a rural business that will support my wife and her family long after my ashes have dissipated in the wind.
  8. I have an AFL, West Coast Eagles playing jumper signed by the entire premiership team of 2006 which includes some legends of the game. I think I still have it, the wife packed it away somewhere years ago and I haven't seen it since. I had a large picture of infamous criminal Chopper Reid brandishing his pistols which he signed on the frame. Gave it to a friend back home when I emigrated. I also had a pic taken with him which is still on my PC. (I think I posted it on this forum many years ago -won't do it again) In my own footy playing days, a kid ran up to me at the end of a game and shoved an autograph book in my hand. Taken by surprise I took too long to decide how to write one (I nearly used my signature) and the book was snatched back before I could formulate something, as the kid raced off to get another player. Was never asked again!
  9. There's a fine line between Big Cheese - Cheesy and Limburger.
  10. Nor can you use a sad emoji when one of your well researched posts disappears for political reasons. The next day the subject of my post appeared as a topic posted by the news editor.
  11. A dictionary definition of a backyard: (the immediate surroundings or locality of a person, organization, country, etc) Pedant: (someone giving too much attention to formal rules or small details:)
  12. I'm not a hunter and don't condone the practices I describe. On YouTube I've seen brave hunters kill bear by baiting, then throwing a spear into them from a hidden blind in a tree above. Others kill pigs after their dog pack keep the animal immobile for them to slaughter it with a knife. (I do support humane culling of feral pigs where they have bred up in huge numbers)
  13. I saw Count Olaf in the clouds a few nights ago. Can you see it?
  14. Can happen, I know of someone who ended up with a wedge tailed eagle in the back seat, still very much alive and angry after coming through the windscreen. I had one almost enter my car the same way, but it veered away at the last split second. You learn to slow right down when you see eagles on roadkill ahead. They're slow to take off.
  15. On topic, I took this sunset pic from my Isaan property last night:
  16. Australia has sold camels to Arab countries. Apparently, they have better, purer breeding closer to the original.
  17. I've come across scores of them on remote tracks. I didn't even mention feral horses, goats or pigs. Australia, home to the world's largest camel herd - BBC News
  18. Believe it or not there are deer in many other countries. Yanks probably have no idea how dangerous Australian roads can be with kangaroos, emus, cattle, sheep, camels, buffalo and more, likely to jump in front of vehicles at any time in vast unfenced areas of that country.
  19. I had thought the poster was seeking views from members of their Thai backyards, not how many deer can be hunted in the usa, or videos of a favorite band! My backyard:
  20. This may be more about shoddy/incomplete reporting rather than a new immigration policy about detaining overstayers on the way out. Apparently, there was an arrest warrant issued for the illegal tour guide. It wouldn't be normal policy to allow a person named in a warrant to just leave without facing charges. As stated by another poster, the person who overstayed by several months possibly didn't have the funds to pay the fine. Contrary to many here, I believe most people who overstay are not misunderstood Samaritans propping up the economy, but simply lack the funds to pay for extensions, a new entry or a fine.
  21. I've camped on remote beaches in Australia for weeks at a time abluting in the ocean. I've virtually never paid for accommodation when travelling or camping in bush areas. Even with today's "nanny" restrictions, the country is large enough and the beaches vast and remote enough for you to still do it without hinderance. Phuket is not Australia; I believe it was recently voted most crowded tourist destination in the world. Trying to live on or near tourist beaches there will greatly risk your chances of assault, robbery, harassment, or arrest. There are groups of "mafia" who believe they own certain beaches and have used firearms against interlopers. I can think of several murders there over the years of people sleeping on a beach. Many years ago, a young woman sleeping in a tent on a northern beach was raped and murdered by fishermen from a boat anchored offshore. A man had his head bashed in with a lump of wood on one of the main beaches. There would be no such thing as stealth camping on a beach on Phuket Island.
  22. A short time ago my wife nearly stepped on this snake very close to the house. It was just under 3' long, but from the markings I think it may be a baby king cobra. It's last meal of a large frog probably slowed it down and ensured it's demise. Can anyone Identify it?
  23. I've been in a wheelchair for ten years after my health crashed at 65yo about 3 years after moving to Thailand. It wasn't entirely unexpected; my health had been declining for years. A decision to emigrate came after my much younger Australian gf decamped after deciding she didn't want to end up as a carer when she still had much life to live. Can't blame her. Selling up and moving to Thailand, I found a culture, a lifestyle and a lady that suited me much more than did the structured expectations of the west. I will never return there; all my family are either deceased or scattered and would never interrupt their lives (nor be asked) to care for an old fart. Suddenly being unable to walk, nor drive myself was initially a massive shock, but you adapt to change. With the wheelchair, I found I could get around the house and gardens faster and with a lot less pain. However, Thailand and particularly Phuket where I lived, are not wheelchair friendly. Socially I have definitely found restrictions. I now rate restaurants bars, etc. based on accessibility, not cuisine or service. I don't go out as much. My lady had to learn how to drive a car, a skill I fear she will never quite come to terms with. Obviously, my social life is more constrained, but you have to learn to live with change. I eventually bought a rural property up country not far from her village, and built a house with large rooms, wide doors, accessible bathrooms and toilet, and a verandah all around. I use a 3-wheel electric scooter to get around the fields and pond and even do some gardening including cutting lawns from it using a grass trimmer. The subject of the thread seems to have all that's needed to live much the same life he has now - money, accessible residence, nearby facilities, etc. Although, a caretaker, in whatever form, would be essential. Far be it for me to suggest he slow down some of his hedonistic lifestyle.
  24. I'm calling bs on this one. Canada is not some banana (!) republic in Africa. A passport renewal in reasonable time for genuine citizens would be just a formality. It's obvious to me that the OP (or his friend) have issues.
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