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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. It could explain the shadow cast on his holiday.
  2. Thanks, I was a member of the thread from inception (and others that preceded it by many years) until it became something other than just an AFL tipping and discussion place. It seems to have reverted back to what it once was, and I was wondering about the changes.
  3. Popped into this thread for the first time in ages, it seems quiet and very civilized for some reason. Good to see. Why the transformation?
  4. I saw one kick another in the back! The ramifications could be huge!
  5. I recall seeing a fellow on several YT channels who used to give away money to the girls in Patts. But he wasn't a geezer, he was Australian.
  6. "You previously sent 10000 from AUD to THB. It cost 62.16 AUD and will now cost 64.93 AUD*." After getting this message I was so incensed I closed every account in all countries, converted everything to crypto, shot my dogs and am making plans to move to North Korea.
  7. Old Croc


    His visa was cancelled but an appeal to higher authority was made. Chance of a different outcome may have already happened. Of course, his elephant tourism business (sanctuary?) caused a closer look at these businesses. When riding the beasts became out of favor, many simply found a small pond and had the visitors bath the animals instead. His ambulance blocking and gun possession matters have probably disappeared.
  8. The house I still own on Phuket, gets its water from a well about 13-15 meters deep. The scheme water isn't available. I always showered and brushed my teeth with the well water, but never drank it (deliberately). I too always considered the septic's to be too close to these wells. Deep bore water may have heavy metals and should be tested. I would think without the same extensive filtering and osmosis processing. Hence the price difference.
  9. I'm sure a few in small shops are refilled that way, However, I defer to your greater knowledge and experience on all things Phuket. It would be helpful if you were to expand by indicating from where this water is sourced.
  10. It appears Seeall didn't notice that the topic and post to which she was referring are over 14 years old. Nevertheless, the topic is always of importance. Very few drink tap water anywhere in Asia, this despite Phuket water authorities stating it has been purified and is safe. Thailand water generally is reputed to have a high, but within limits, lead content. Water in Thailand is largely sourced from rivers and is stored in the 1000+ dams around the country. Thais generally use the white bottle water for washing or cooking, although many do drink it. It's most likely filled from the tap. Drinking water comes in sealed blue bottles of many sizes and can be bought in any retail outlet. It is safe even for finicky tourists. In Phuket I had 19-liter blue, bottles delivered to my door by the company, H2O. The quality was always excellent.
  11. My 90-day report was also just rejected for 'Incorrect entry date upon entry into the kingdom/ Incorrect visa expiration date.' The on-line system has worked perfectly for me for the last 11 times. The difference this time was that my report date fell in the middle of my "Under Consideration period following my recent marriage extension application. I resubmitted using the end date of the Consideration period and it was accepted with the next due date in August. There was nothing wrong with my last entry date many years ago.
  12. Here in very, rural Thailand the locals get up with the sun and have no compunction about running their various loud machinery or car stereo, at that time. If the only farang in the village likes his deep sleep beyond about 0540 am, that's his problem. They generally work 6 days a week and usually only take off the major public holidays. Of course, those holidays can continue for many days. They will stop work at the drop of a hat (or an old neighbor) and will stay off as long as it takes for the funeral rights, or food, or booze to expire. Chat breaks with anyone with whom they cross paths can last on average 1/2 an hour, and there can be many in a working day. Lunch breaks of an hour go beyond that as it often combines with chat breaks. Five o'clock knock off starts about 4 and rarely goes beyond 5. It can be triggered early by a chat break or the clink of a full beer carton. As primary producers they get ripped off big time by Bangkok retailers and their ilk, and I don't blame them for their somewhat lax work habits.
  13. I wonder if the seeds were sown for this invasion of Europe when the Europeans, and others, decided to invade, colonize, pillage, rape and enslave the African and Muslim nations centuries ago.
  14. Yes, the numbers for places like Kan and Patts are mainly Bangkok residents heading out of the city for the weekend, the beach or Songkran. Phuket's domestic tourism figures are probably down because of airfare increases. Their higher hotel occupancy rates no doubt comes from international tourism.
  15. Here 14 years, always had aircons, never used them. Fans sufficient. Turned on the never used one in the newish house the other day, didn't work. Rats had eaten wires, lizards lived inside - even found snakeskin in the unit. All the gas had gone (probably didn't help the environment). Called the guy, hardly had it off since.
  16. So, this is all visitors, not just international tourists. I wondered how Kan got in there. They must work out the numbers by hotel bookings.
  17. Not unusual to go shirtless on the beach.
  18. Argumentative and a pointless inane statement. Phuket is a city, an Island and a Province that includes several smaller, surrounding islands. Have you even noticed you repeated my description of Phuket Island while seemingly trying to invent an error in my words?
  19. I transferred funds for this year in December so won't have anything to declare next year. I expect things will have been clarified for 2026 and, if necessary, plan on transferring a lot less in the traditional manner in the future.
  20. What have you got to hide? Literally millions visit Phuket every year without getting arrested. Only the druggies, the crims, the drunken fighters and the chronically stupid are getting in trouble.
  21. The coal rollers are all over this thread. No surprises there.
  22. True, the celebrity cult in America is idiotic. However, the political and religious cults that have sprung up there are more than mindless, they have become extremely dangerous to everyone on the planet. The farcical film, Idiocracy, was mentioned in a news story I was reading this morning. For some years I've also been of the opinion that it has become more of a documentary about the failed states of America. For the smartest country on earth, it has vast swathes of the stupidest people to ever draw breath. Many of whom bleat their versions of idiocracy on this forum. I often wonder how many of them actually live here
  23. Unfortunately, our curiosity is often left unsated,
  24. There has been a couple of cases reported at Phuket where overstayers have been arrested rather than just allowed to depart. Considering the high volume of tourists and others who visit Phuket I'm sure scores of overstayers continually depart from there without being carted back to detention. The obvious reasons for the arrests would be that they face other charges, and the Police won't allow then to escape overseas. Happens in most countries, it's not unusual for wanted crims to be placed on Australia's alert system, for example. The surfeit of English language reporting of all things Phuket may also be a factor in these cases being highlighted while they go unnoticed elsewhere.
  25. A couple of cliché's clashing.
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