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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Believe it or not, your Christmas was just another day where I now live in Issan. I'm happy to say I didn't have to endure a single silly song, decorated tree or outlandish costume. I didn't feast nor drink on the day or even think about it being something different. I always had trouble understanding how all that festivity fitted in to religion. The same with rabbits and chocolate at Easter. New Year was a different story! My kidneys are still recovering. When I was a worker, I did appreciate the gazetted religious holidays, if not the reasons for them. When I worked shift at airports, I was the guy who swapped shifts so others could do their thing for their god. I gratefully raked in the huge allowances for working on those days. At other times, I did eat, drink and reluctantly exchange presents without ever thinking it was someone's birthday. I appreciated the bacchanalian aspect of my secular Christmases. Easter was always good for taking extra days off to go fishing or camping for a week.
  2. It's been many a year since you've had a go at me, Tipp. Good to see you are still around.
  3. I think an idiot is someone who resents an opposing view on a thread asking all about their beliefs, opens a new thread to troll those people, then gets upset when they troll him!
  4. Thank you to both for presenting this guide to the tax régime now being implemented. I had already studied, and appreciated, Mike Lister's post on the other thread. This thread could be a valuable tool for those of us who now find ourselves having to re-enter a life with a taxation burden to add to our visa and health insurance woes. Please keep it fact driven and free of nonsense.
  5. . Which of the 3 statements are you having trouble with? I do my research before posting using google. With this, I wrote a very similar post a number of years ago after some Chinese tourist drownings. I still rechecked my facts before posting again. For future reference, when quoting statistics, I do my research first because after 18 years on this forum I find there are many people of your ilk who will disagree just to troll. If you want to argue the premise do your own research.
  6. Individual Chinese swimmers and snorkelers have been drowning here every season for many years. It's a fairly common occurrence. Drowning is a leading cause of death in China. It is the primary cause of death for Chinese children, exceeding even car accidents. One more individual dying on holiday will not raise a blip in China.
  7. I blame the fact that the original thread has, Quote- (200 pages of nonsense- M. Lister)- Unquote. Or the fact that 4 or 5 members have posted there more than 250 times each mainly arguing semantics trying to prove who's the cleverest tax expert. Or perhaps, now we're in 2024 and these rules apply, the OP wanted to know if anyone had transferred money this year and did the banks get involved in taxation issues. I considered it to be a fair question. A question that could easily get lost in 200 pages of nonsense.
  8. I don't know if this has been addressed yet, and apologize if so, but the tax subject threads have become too large to search. Just checked my savings account (K) and find it is now a Business Account. Implications?
  9. They should start by banning farang from golf courses. That would really set the ball rolling.
  10. I owned power boats for most of my adult life, fishing being a favored pastime. I'm from the western side of Australia where coastal sea conditions can be among the most treacherous anywhere. I sometimes wonder what I was thinking when younger by taking an 18-footer to fish the edge of the continental shelf out of sight of land, or by anchoring outside and close to a coral reef. While I always first checked forecasts, the weather can still catch you unaware. My biggest ever scare was from a set of king waves coming out of nowhere, starting to break in what I considered deep water, and nearly throwing us onto the reef. Looking down on rocks that were suddenly exposed was terrifying. I also wouldn't get on a crappy Thai boat in the open sea.
  11. I consider the meaning of my quote to be fairly straight forward. You may not agree with the premise, but it doesn't make the quoted statistics invalid. Perhaps you may find your "context" in the link which I belatedly printed in a further post.
  12. You expressed astonishment that cruise ships don't tip over because they seem unbalanced. Just trying to help. Wooden boats also need ballast to prevent capsizing, although building, maintenance and operating standards can be suspect here. Water ingress would be the main cause of instability. From the op, this astonished me! "Songtan explained how the ship was forced to stop en route as 'the waves were so strong'. Waves 'more than three metres high' slapped against the side of the ship, with too much being taken on for the waste water pump to remove. "
  13. Sorry, I should have included the source. Ranked: The top 10 countries that dump the most plastic into the ocean | Euronews
  14. Cruise ships have a very low center of gravity. All the weight is in the steel hull, engines, tanks, etc. below the waterline, complemented by ballast. Upper decks are built of lightweight materials.
  15. No. Built substandard in a machine shop. There was a well published case involving foreigners building boats in a backyard who were found to be breaching immigration work rules.
  16. I recall a tug sinking a few years ago where a crewman (also a cook!) was found alive in an air bubble 3 days later. Of course, not as long, not as deep. Moment divers found man trapped alive in sunken ship - BBC News
  17. It is quite reasonable for the western mind to consider that a report has been made by fronting an IO, presenting a detailed application for an extension, with a current address, and being approved for such. Unfortunately, that is not how it works, with one exception. Phuket has long considered that to constitute a report, and automatically resets the 90 days. (Presumably they still do) However, they seem to stand alone on that commonsense action and other offices seem happy to insert the extra step in the process.
  18. Collectively, the top five plastic waste dumpers throw an astonishing 314 million kg of plastic into the ocean per year. So who are the top 10? 10. United Kingdom – 703 thousand kg of plastic 9. Japan – 1.8 million kg of plastic 8. United States – 2.4 million kg of plastic 7. Egypt – 2.5 million kg of plastic 6. Mexico – 3.5 million kg of plastic 5. Thailand – 22.8 million kg of plastic 4. Brazil – 38 million kg of plastic 3. Indonesia – 56.3 million kg of plastic 2. China – 70.7 million kg of plastic 1. India – 126.5 million kg of plastic
  19. Used Wise for many years without problems. Moved a large amount a week ago, it was in my Thai account within minutes.
  20. People have been injured when their wheel has exhausted the electricity supply and stoped instantly from speed. The rider keeps going. I remember one of the members of the Goonzquad YouTube channel sporting extensive road rash after such a crash. (They may have fixed this problem since the publicity)
  21. Another silly topic from an individual screaming for attention. There are nowhere near as many "Western Men" living in Thailand as he seems to think. Figures are hard to confirm, but the number is somewhere around 150,000. The several millions of foreigners in Thailand are mainly from neighboring countries. The biggest category of westerners are those holding work visas, probably on temporary assignment. Many of the others are single retirees and a lot fewer expats are married and raising families. (One source I found suggests there's under 20,000 with a Thai spouse. Fewer of us have children) The OPs research on numbers of children with western fathers consisted of "looking around." I've personally never seen a westerner with more than 2 kids. I'm not saying there aren't some but given their propensity to start procreating at a higher age than is traditional, I wouldn't think not too many have a tribe of kids at foot. My point being, the idea that half-western kids are colonizing the country is ludicrous. If he had said the same about certain religions, he may have had a point.
  22. "Poor Marty" would just be another pathetic drunken Brit, prone to disrobing, singing and starting fights. Laughable and needing a night in a cell to sober up. However, for me the fact that he was driving and had a crash puts him in another category. I would like to see him permanently removed from Thailand's roads however that can best be achieved.
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