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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Firstly, a few years ago the government retrospectively added a criterion for extensions to the O-A visas to include bogus health insurance payable only to a select few Thai insurance companies. This stemmed from complaints from Vachira hospital that foreigners had departed leaving a few million baht in unpaid bills. The govt was unwilling to seek compensation from short term visitors so unfairly placed the burden on a small proportion of non-immi long stay residents. Does any of this money flow back to the hospital? Secondly, it's reported this man has a low platelet count, an immune system problem that results in a thinning of the blood. As the treatment requires many transfusions it would not be at all unusual for this thin blood to soil the sheets. I have a medical condition that requires me to undergo regular bloodletting. Occasionally, during the process, blood gets on the sheets even in top level facilities. This huge, very busy, public hospital wouldn't be able to constantly change bed linen. If you want 5-star treatment, go to the excellent private hospital a short distance down the road. If the sight of poor Thai people dying in your crowded ward offends, at least pay for a private room. Thirdly, if your lifestyle choices (see pic of huge beer gut) result in medical problems which you probably ignore, but instead go on a hedonistic holiday without travel insurance, blame yourself, not that country's health system. If you want dunny paper, buy some, poor Thais generally don't use it. Any of the staff or other patients' family visitors, would be happy to assist for a couple of baht. Don't turn such an idiotic thing into an international whinge or form part of your fund raiser!
  2. To me it seems this tourism safety exercise is more about tourist control and overwatch than their personal safety. You mentioned a couple of the great cities of the world, I too would love to return to Paris and Vienna to spend more time exploring what they offer. My travel through Europe previously was too hurried. London, been there done that, and as a strong Australian republican, I have no interest in viewing the accumulated chattels of a family about whom I cannot understand the adulation. America, safety? Over 2000 confirmed suicides from your bridge, more than 520 mass shootings so far in 2023. Pass.
  3. Mixed feelings. It's good to see one of the Bangkok political elites actually visiting the country's tourism cash cow rather than just counting the money as it fills the coffers in the Capital. However, the reasons given for the visit seem silly and paltry compared to the real problems there that require massive remedial action from government to restore Phuket to again be one of the great tourism destinations of the world.
  4. "This is great, I'll be rich before I turn 14."
  5. PVC pipe is made for plumbing jobs. It's strong, doesn't deteriorate nor rust, and won't crack or develop holes unless struck with tools or machinery. It can be painted to blend with the house. Leaks occur because Thais don't like to use glue to seal the joints to save money and time or in case they want to move it later.
  6. For those who have trouble understanding the difference between Immigration residency and Tax residency the ATO details their interpretation here: Your tax residency | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)
  7. New competition - what is she thinking?
  8. "wacky coffee shops" It's legal in this country, you don't have to use euphemisms.
  9. I thought this was going to be another tale of Pattaya. Buffett and his ilk, all claim to be giving vast swaths of their wealth to charity, mainly after their death, but somehow still manage to retain more personal assets than most countries. Certainly way more than one individual or family could ever need. Munger seems to have been an exception. He died with just a couple of billion in shares.
  10. Wow, you encountered a couple of judgmental middle-aged women! Hold the presses!!! Isn't your country the birthplace of the modern "Karen"?
  11. "The primary focus of the Phuket Crime Free scheme is to secure accommodations for tourists, including hotels, guesthouses, condominiums, and rental houses. The initiative aims to develop a comprehensive database of these establishments and their guests to ensure a crime and narcotics-free environment, thereby prioritising tourist safety." So, the main strategy of this MoU , signed by govt and private entities to prevent crime against tourists, is to build more data bases about tourists, their accommodations and drug habits. The presumption being that they themselves are responsible for all crime against tourists.
  12. Don't mention the types of unlicensed vehicles they use on the roads to cart produce and workers around. I had to buy a box of Leo for the rice workers, which they quickly consumed before getting on their bikes and tak taks to drive home.
  13. If the OP is actually considering retirement in Bali there are heaps of YouTube posts about the place that will provide a more accurate version of life there than a bunch of AN posters with whinges about nearly everything. If you hang out in Kutu you will come across Aussie bogans having a drunken good time. It's very cheap to get there from Oz. Alternatively, you could go to Amsterdam or Spain where the UK "Chavs" are much more refined, particularly during soccer matches on the Continent.
  14. Of course, there's no bombings in Thailand or UK or US, etc. Scary history is a good reason to never leave mummy's basement.
  15. My rotator cuff injury, caused by a fall from a faulty chair in an internet shop in Phuket also about 20 years ago, has been giving me pain recently. I put it down to age and arthritis.
  16. When we built our house on a property near the village, the wife put in a paved area I queried as akin to Cole's carpark. I subsequentially found out its other purpose was as a drying area for rice. The clan finished the drying and bagging of this year's crop yesterday. We can move the car again now. I just asked her how they do it in the village. Apparently, some still use parts of the road - mainly a small cull de sac. There is also a large, paved area in a common meeting place that is used by some. The wife has an unoccupied house in the village, with a paved area in front, that neighbors make use of. The main highway past the village is obviously not used and the crappy condition of the roads in the village preclude boy racers from doing their thing. Incidentally the head man uses a group message board on DRIVE to inform locals of matters of interest.
  17. There seems to be 3 types of opinion regarding this proposed taxation. Optimistic - It's fine, read it again, it won't affect our money. Pessimistic - they'll double tax my pension and I'll be out of here. Agnostic - TIT. It's impossible to know for sure what will happen.
  18. I first went to Bali in 1976 and it was a paradise, reminiscent of the film based upon it. At that time Kuta had only a couple of bars and less hotels. The mainly Hindu people there were happy and welcoming. Years later Javanese people, seeing the wealth the Island generated, started to flock there to fleece the tourists. They effectively ruined the main tourist areas with their presence and sales tactics. As others have stated, it has become an overcrowded nightmare in those areas where the short-term party goers congregate. Most commentators here will have formed their opinions of Bali based on stays in Kuta in the same way that the ignorant believe Patong is all that Phuket offers. Bali is 10x the size of Thailand's biggest Island and there are many places inland and around the coastline that can offer a retiree a great lifestyle. Many avail themselves of that lifestyle. Indonesia appreciates the inflow of money from visitors and the visa and stay requirements are a breeze in comparison to Thailand. If the girlie thing is a must for you it does exist in the clubs. I was once having a quiet beer with others at the small bar in my accommodation hotel, before heading out for the night, when a guy went around the bar taking orders for ladies from the drinkers.
  19. I was in that bar 6 months before it was bombed. I've been to Bali 13 times, but after I started visiting Phuket decided Thailand was my preferred place to retire.
  20. Why would you assume Thai tax rates are stated in US dollars?
  21. I'm replying as you directed this query at me. I have little advice to offer you as I handle financials in a very different manner to yourself. I live remotely and travel to my little town infrequently. I don't use my phone for any financial purposes as I consider them to be an insecure device against theft and hacking. (I am aware of Sinc problems associated with Google and others.) My credit cards are never used at ATMs. I do all transactions on-line (3BB) using variously; Wise, Lazada, and similar. I transfer required household funds to the wife's account; she does the daily shopping and face to face contacts. I rarely handle cash myself.
  22. Good trick, didn't think of that. Next year.
  23. As a mere Silver member, you are at least 5 ranks below my Star status. You may be reaching for it, but you don't get to censure someone who is already way over your head. There are people paid to do that. Incidentally. your topic would have been more appropriately placed in Forum Support.
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