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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Yes, certainly valid considerations when thinking of solar. I was going the same way when we moved to this property a few years ago. The service had all the problems you listed, although I do protect the electrical devices with top quality breakers and boards. Then one day PEA turned up, removed the old lines, installed new posts, ran wire from the highway all the way to the house, and even gave us the new style meters. Apparently our little rural soi had met a magic number of 6 subscribers. The service now is stable, cuts are few and relatively brief. Now an analysis suggests we stay with the norm. The costs of solar would need to greatly decrease to make it viable.
  2. @ liquorice. I've more than met my quota of discussion with arrogant fools this month. I promise to avoid any further interaction with you in the same way I reject the inedible confection you represent. I suggest you do the same with any old crocs you come across.
  3. Sigh! Again, if you had read further by clicking on the category "wife" you may have received some edification.
  4. ศูนย์อุบัติเหตุ-ฉุกเฉิน - โรงพยาบาลวิภาราม (vibharam.com) This hospital advertises its emergency treatment center on its website. Despite the apologists inventing excuses for the place, there is none. I recall the Taiwanese patient was rejected because he was alone on admittance, and they couldn't establish if he had insurance.
  5. I extended for 12 months, based on marriage, three days ago. For documentation I used the Bureau of Immigration extensions list that I linked. I received my Under Consideration stamp without drama. My mistake was to, unknowingly, quote one of the surliest characters on the forum. I didn't look/remember that you were someone best avoided in mature discussion here.
  6. Perhaps if you weren't so obsessed with being offended by my quote you may have read past the criteria and on to the documents to be submitted list.
  7. Visa Extension – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง – Immigration Bureau Open point number 18 for marriage extension requirements.
  8. Thankyou. I guess with such a massive electricity use (90.000++ baht/year) it may be well worth it. Our property (several buildings) pays PEA about 25-30k a year. Not worth buying an expensive system to replace it. I wouldn't live long enough to get the advantage even without costs of R & M and upgrades. We do have a number of solar powered lights around animal enclosures, ponds, etc I am considering buying a solar pump to transfer water from ponds to fields. Any recommendations?
  9. So, you're the porch pirate neighbor who has been hassling the delivery drivers and opening our parcels. How else would you know about our garbage ordering and processing business? Despite later claiming to not know what we order, you have already incriminated yourself. At least I now know what you look like. Pic taken by doorbell camera .
  10. How much did the solar system cost, and how long will it take to pay for itself with reduced PEA bills?
  11. Thanks for giving me the go ahead. (irony)
  12. Most, if not all, private Phuket hospitals employ Russian coordinators on staff. "International Medical Care: “We speak your language” Bangkok Hospital Phuket employs a team of multilingual coordinators who are always ready to assist guests to overcome any language barriers. The hospital also liaises and coordinates with leading insurance & assistance companies worldwide to facilitate the insured with direct billing agreements. Over a dozen worldwide languages are spoken at Bangkok Hospital Phuket, which ensures patients can feel at ease in any language. Multilingual Coordinators speak English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Tagalog." Obviously, Government hospitals don't have the budget for such staff.
  13. Australians can be criminals just as can any other nationality. Look at the bikie gangs and their activities around Pattaya as an example. In this case the Australian is the father of the potential child victim. Save your sarcasm for somewhere more appropriate. I'm an Australian who doesn't think all who come from my country are snow white, as the English do.
  14. It's a bit like the stock photo used in the OP. I very much doubt the models are British. They don't appear to fit the style of young people from there. The same group have been pictured many times in pics on Shutterstock and that company and the photographer are American.
  15. The Australian is married to the prominent Thai woman and is the father of the child. It's a little more clear cut than a she said/he said situation. The French woman entered the country illegally and had been changing hotels daily. Strange behavior for a genuine visitor. Despite her denials, Pol. Maj. Gen. Theeradet expressed scepticism over Diersten’s claims, stating the police had gathered ample evidence against her. Reading the flowery language describing her companies, and the dodgy over qualifications of the senior staff, would have me, and my money, avoiding them like the plague.
  16. I have a year's reserve here, thanks to the new tax proposals. Property to be sold could stretch things out for years.
  17. Lots of views, no replies. I now have the answer to my question. Could the moderators please close the thread?
  18. So, you're living (voluntarily?) in a country that you find too hot for your comfort, you find chlorinated swimming pool temperatures not to your liking, and are even afraid to venture onto the roads, You decided to start a thread on a local expat forum to whinge about the aforementioned and reacted with anger because you got the inevitable advice to leave for somewhere you'll find more suitable. If you were looking for platitudes and God blessed wishes you should become an American YouTuber, not seek it on AseanThaiger.
  19. My marriage extension date is looming again forcing me to visit the worse part of scenic Chiang Khan. The IO. Checking their somewhat chaotic website it appears they MAY have moved offices, but as usual, information is unclear. I would ring, but they're closed today and rarely helpful anyway. Can any residents in the province advise if this is so, or is the old rundown premises on the river road still the place to go? Also, does anyone use the on-line appointment system with them. I tried a couple of years ago, but they had no clue what I was talking about when I fronted. Thankyou.
  20. I know which piece of trash I would deport first. A clue - it wouldn't/couldn't be the victim who will be in hospital for a long time with grievous injuries. It wouldn't be the crazed attacker who must face Thai justice and should be incarcerated here for a long time before deportation. Which piece of trash, named in the quoted post, could I be thinking of?
  21. You really do have the intellect of a 5-year-old. I think there's a chance you are the f--wits vacant faced offsider in the blue shirt.
  22. Come on mate show us all the level of your intellect with some juicy Biden conspiracies.
  23. Do you think the seemingly high crime rate on this small island could be related to the fact that Phuket gets millions more international visitors than the entire population of your country of NZ? Of course, there are other factors, such as the sometimes-hysterical reporting of relatively minor incidents, and the open-door policies for people fleeing wars started by despots in their country.
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