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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Most likely because of corruption and cronyism Russia has more than 100 billionaires and any number of millionaires. Their families, particularly the ones out of favor with the boss, could be hiding out in places like Phuket spending the cash. Maybe that's why they are being welcomed with open arms by the current govt here. Interestingly, 67 of these Billionaires are using Cypriot financial services providers to safeguard their wealth from sanctions. That little island has one of the highest rates of billionaires to population outside of HK.
  2. For a more balanced viewpoint here is a vid of GUM Department store in Red Square.
  3. There are problems either way with these emojis. Before they became anonymous many were using them to express personal like or dislike of a poster rather than as commentary on a post. Now, anonymously, they can still be used by the intellectually deficient to disrupt the true mood of a post without consequence. Having seen how the system was abused on another forum, I opposed their introduction on Thai Visa and stated such at the time. Initially here, several members and their mates went berserk with the power and loaded up each other with scores of likes despite any merit of a post. Their value, in numbers accrued by some, is worthless in my eyes.
  4. My posts, rather than being superfluous, in your judgmental call, was to highlight, and hopefully slow, the many who read about a bunker and automatically go off on a zombie rant. A thinking person would be aware that the purpose of such a place is shelter from fallout and non-zombie, lawless people. To offset the potential argument that all were just joking, I asked how many people actually believe in this impossibility. Also, for your edification, many more people read threads than actually contribute to them. If you believe a question posed is only for members who have actually posted, you need to expand your thinking and perhaps stop nit picking.
  5. My here is broader in definition than yours. Who were you including in your nobody believes post?
  6. For clarification, this is the type of machine involved. The child was probably sitting in the back seat and the driver on the middle one. They can reach about 25 kph (I've ridden one at that speed) and are common in some rural parts of Thailand.
  7. "a new survey found 1 in 7 Americans actually DO have plans in place in case of a zombie outbreak. That’s 14% of Americans, including 24% of millennials . . . 15% of Gen Xers . . . and 6% of baby boomers." 25 Unbelievable Things Americans Believe (list25.com)
  8. There's a lot of talk about zombies roaming the earth after the nuclear holocaust. How many here really believe a sub-human race of mindless bloodsuckers will arise, and survive, where no one else can? Americans?
  9. You would pay the bodyguards by providing them with life in the bunker. However, it would be prudent to leave them outside as they would probably take over when they eventually realized who then held the power.
  10. The clue is at the beginning of the sentence, read it again. I didn't say clarified I said legislated.
  11. I would image there would be an energy source and extensive libraries of books, games, movies and medicines. Many live with less in this pre-apocalyptic world.
  12. Years ago, some friends and I were snorkeling from a boat over the sea grass meadow in Shark Bay. A couple of us were collecting anemone exoskeletons and dropping them in the boat. The mate sitting there suddenly screamed when he found a blue ring crawling on the seat next to his leg. He flicked it out with a knife very nearly landing it on the head of my other mate in the water! One of us had picked up the octopus hiding in a hole in a skeleton! We were a long way from any medical help, and in those days none of us knew how to keep a person alive if bitten. (Incidentally, that sea grass has been determined to be the largest plant on Earth. Meet the world's largest plant: a single seagrass clone stretching 180 km in Western Australia's Shark Bay (theconversation.com))
  13. I've been saying that for some time, good to see someone else agreeing. Although...... I'm not so sure that is still the case.
  14. Thai tax -Despite some head in the sand commentators refusing to entertain any possibility that it will affect expats, the statements released by the govt can't be totally ignored. Until they give some clear legislated guidelines anything could happen. Hopefully they will realise the implications and backpedal. Residential pensions - As much as some governments resent citizens spending their money in other countries, a law to restrict people to that extent would be a huge social upheaval and impossible to implement.
  15. I think the plan is to live out their days in the bunker, not roam the earth with barbed wire baseball bats looking for food.
  16. And buy a super yacht. The disgusting part is that too many have so much wealth that they have trouble working out how to spend it. Few of that personality type are altruistic.
  17. All of the above. I had a love/hate relationship with the game. I once won a nearest the pin trophy on a long par 3, once hit the pin with my tee shot on another, then three putted. Most of my walks on courses were spent literally bush bashing rather than strolling down a grassy field. My game was a mixture of mercurial and ugly with the emphasis on the latter. I scored under 90 only a couple of times. I never once beat my regular playing partner who was only slightly better than me. The last time we played we were even on the last, I was on the green he behind a grass tree about 60 meters away. He put his in the hole, I missed the putt.
  18. If Zukerberg was so smart he would be building his bunker in NZ like many other billionaires, not Hawaii.
  19. Anyone remember this lady and her tv series? She went on to star in classic films like "Beach Blanket Bingo".
  20. My contribution, at the risk of further fueling the ageism of a member who recently insulted me by stating I was in my dotage among other childish, derogatory analogies. Months before broadcasts actually commenced in Perth, my parents were the first in our street, and among the first in the district, to buy a tv. The only thing on it was a test pattern but, after school, there was always a lineup of kids from my school sitting, staring, at the screen. The numbers grew enormously when the channel started broadcasting a cartoon series called Crusader Rabbit.
  21. The hospital has been named a couple of times in this thread. Also, the hit and run driver has been located and charged. That he was Intoxicated should be a surprise for no one.
  22. I read elsewhere that a nurse was the night supervisor.
  23. The story initially gives the impression that the deceased was spotted just off Karon Beach. Then it transpires that the body was seen 16 nautical miles offshore. Probably out of sight of land. The person could have entered the water almost anywhere in the region or even from a vessel. The accompanying pic appears to be Patong Bay. If found again it may be difficult to identify.
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