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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. That's how religions work. They thank their "gods" for the good things, but explain away the bad by blaming others.
  2. Oh my! The topic was hijacked (expanded) and discussion evolved to include limits for in-bound funds. Never has such a thing occurred before! I plead guilty to answering some latter questions and not the original query! I guess I thought someone would have addressed this fairly common inquiry. If the OP is still hoping for answers to his original questions, I can advise it rarely comes from those ever ready to jump in just to criticize. I'm fairly sure Wise doesn't transfer funds out of Thailand, but best to ask them. DeeMoney does transfer funds from Thailand. Try them.
  3. Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions about Thai baht (THB) transfers. How much can I send? You can send up to 2 million THB per transfer. Please note that you’ll only be able to send 50,000 THB or above per transfer to the following banks starting from 7 January 2022 due to regulatory changes: Bangkok Bank Public Company Kasikorn Bank Siam Commercial Bank You can still send money to recipient accounts that use other banks, but you’ll only be allowed to send them up to 49,999 THB per transfer. There’s no limit on how many transfers you can create.
  4. Two cricketing legends, Rod Marsh and Shane Warne, passed away within a day of each other. Olympic gold medalist cyclist Dean Woods also dead at just 55yo. Also gone is John Landy, the second man to break 4 minutes in the mile and who pushed Bannister to be the first. He was 91. Bad times for Australian sport.
  5. Historically, Russians launder their money in the small EU states of Malta and Cypress. Corruption abounds on these Islands. The latter is colloquially known as "Moscow in the Med". Many have bought "golden" passports (citizenship) from these countries. Under pressure from the EU and US this is changing.
  6. I can't see how they hoped to make money from Chinese covid medicine. They can't even give the real stuff away!
  7. Again, abusing the system to live long term in a foreign country because of vagueness in the law and it's interpretation by individual officials, is fraught with risk. Whining about it when it becomes more difficult is dumb. (A "d" word) I commented on these pages some time ago about the possibility of tightened entry rules following the border closures. Never any sympathy from this 800k baht, enforced scam insurance buying, temporary entrant.
  8. Nor I. I should have read the OP more closely about his passport expiring in a few days. I made an assumption it would still be valid for a while longer. My bad.
  9. Perhaps it's just me, but I defined the covid extensions to be for people who couldn't return to home country because of the pandemic. I don't think it's purpose was unclear and could also be considered an alternative for border runners to maintain defacto residence until they could resume short hops into next door countries. To claim vagueness of legislation, or questionable behavior of border officials, as an excuse to abuse the system is disingenuous.
  10. If your visa/permit/extension is valid you remain legal. If expiry occurs before you obtain a new document you need to contact your country's representative to help with a temporary document. Don't think Immigration will understand if you become illegal. Not all nations have a representative in all other countries. You need to contact your Embassy responsible for the region. (Try where you applied for the new passport?)
  11. Someone falling off the back of a moving boat would most likely fall behind the prop and not then be hit by it. I think she may have been badly injured when the boat backed up to retrieve her, and she then couldn't be saved. If so, gross negligence by the operator.
  12. In the now usual manner, the TV and Movie industry have gone overboard with political correctness to the detriment of accuracy. Being a bit of a fan of scifi I tried to watch the remake of "4400". It lost me after a few episodes because of the ludicrous emphasis on black and gay characters in virtually all the lead roles. The villains were predominately white.
  13. Exactly the same dates and refusal, for the same reason, for me. When vaccinated in Oct I asked, and was told 3 months for the booster. In December, as Omicron was taking hold, the PH Ministry announced 3 months was the new norm. It seems this has now changed to 6 months, perhaps depending on where and with whom you ask.
  14. I don't understand how going back to resume your previous life and residences relates to "we want to spend time exploring new places and see new things." I would have thought using Thailand as a base would open up much more opportunity to explore than Florida. Anyway, if I wasn't classified as one of the "glad I never had the pleasure" expats surely I now am. Your departure from the forum will leave a huge hole.
  15. With windows 10, I simply right click on one of those Thai reviews, then from the pop-up menu select "translate to English" and all comments will be translated.
  16. With these whiners there's always the common theme about exorbitant taxi and tuk tuk prices (they are very high compared to elsewhere in Thailand). It is obvious they expect prices in Phuket to be the same as in Isaan. Anything else listed is just an attempt to justify (mainly to themselves) the fact that they lack the financial resources to spend like a tourist in a high cost place like Phuket. I'm reminded of one fool who stated his reason for hatred of all things Phuket was because he read about an assault case on a bus driver that occurred last century! So many people are incapable of being honest, even to themselves.
  17. I can't see any oil in that picture, just a normal sea floor exposed by the tide. Did the oil cross the isthmus via the proposed land bridge from Chumphon?
  18. Firstly, put your comments in the box provided for you, don't amend my post with your stuff! Secondly, try to understand that Phuket, like many islands, has leeward and windward sides. Educate yourself as to how beaches can differ depending on the prevailing winds.
  19. A Thai would know that disposing of the guns in the sea at Rawai wouldn't be a good idea as they would (did) become visible when the tide goes out on the mud flats.
  20. Several countries have announced they are opening borders to fully vaccinated visitors only, and Western Australia, for one, has similar restrictions on entry to restaurants and other public places . All very well to bleat on about personal freedoms and choices on a forum, but the real world is legislating to deny such "freedoms" to the trypanophobes. Time to test your resolve if you want to move through society again as before.
  21. Only important for a few on this forum. Surely, about 63,000,000 Thais don't give a toss about which method is the most suitable for international travel, only the one that will give them the least grief. I'm fairly sure the Public Health Ministry weren't considering a few whiney expats when they devised these alternatives.
  22. There are many different skills involved, not every natural athlete can master the transition. A few years back one of the best and highest profile rugby players in Australia tried AFL for the bigger money. They paid him big cash, way beyond his value, and hyped it up for the massive publicity it created. He never really made it in the game and when the contract ended he went back to rugby. A couple of US basket ball players (very tall) have had some success, but the most suited to the game have been Irish Gaelic Football players. A number have achieved great things. In recent times a few African refugee kids from places like Somalia and Senegal have displayed their natural athletic ability in AFL.
  23. Agree, they probably shouldn't have bothered. Too long since the original.
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