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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Thanks, I hadn't looked at Greenworks. I actually have one of their lawn trimmer units. An older 12 volt version I bought for about 800 baht. I've given it a hiding, chopping out weeds, bushes (stones!) etc. I've gone through 3 metal cutting blades and worn out several batteries. The little motor hasn't skipped a beat. Looking at their chainsaws, the price you've indicated is for the body only, doesn't include battery nor charger (maybe even the bar and chain?)
  2. Tend to agree. Trouble is finding a suitable unit in Thailand for the planned use and for a reasonable price
  3. Have considered doing this, but I do have a bias against that country's dishonest branding and theft of technology.
  4. Thanks, a handy tool to have for many jobs. Even though you've cut down trees with one it seems unsuited for the planned use.
  5. Seems to be a great unit for professional use. However, I just want a light weight unit for the missus to lop off a few branches and cut wood into manageable sizes. It will no doubt languish in he shed for most of the time. I don't want to pay top price for something that will be little used.
  6. Have already viewed several comparison vids on YT, but finding the same machines on Lazada is almost impossible. Lazada is now just a Chinese outlet for most things.
  7. Looking to buy a smallish unit for lopping branches, cutting small trees, bamboo, etc. Trying to find something with a brand name and preferably not made in China. Not the very small, one handed units based on a grinder motor or whatever, but a bigger machine with a 10-12" blade that is still light enough for the lady to carry easily up tamarind trees. I would hate her to drop it on me as I sit in the shade watching her work. After many hours searching Lazada and similar I've made little progress in choice. Deception in advertising is rife with these things. I find what I think is a reasonable and affordable product only to discover the pricey batteries and chargers aren't included, or they neglect to tell you it needs to be plugged into a wall with a very long extension cord, or the "electric" unit has a 2 stroke motor! Recommendation's greatly appreciated. I live in an isolated area with few large stores anywhere close so would appreciate something that can be bought on-line. Thankyou.
  8. Yes, my first extension after the change was at Phuket so I didn't need the insurance. However, having then moved elsewhere the same sensible ruling didn't apply. As I wouldn't pay a dodgy agent, nor get scanned and medically probed from head to foot looking for possible reasons to exclude payouts, I was forced into marriage, not for the first time!
  9. Yes, brush cutters, tak taks, village loudspeakers. mufflerless motorbikes and random gunshots to scare birds from the crops is much nicer i
  10. Reasonable for newly issued O-As. Where it stinks is that they added the insurance requirement to extensions of O-A visas issued well before this requirement came into being (no grandfathering). Extensions that also require the money in the bank. A double financial obligation only for those with this visa class. Combined with the timing of closed borders preventing easy travel out to change to an O. Additionally, they demand the insurance be purchased from selected Thailand companies with rip-off rates and myriad exclusions. A high level scam.
  11. One of the things I knew about this country when I decided to retire is that many things work differently here from my home country. Thailand is not Britain, Australia nor any other more structured western country. Yes, there is a high level of minor corruption here, but it is an ingrained part of the local system and usually helps keep costs down and the wheels turning. Every time I build a structure on a property, from a tool shed, chicken house or even a main residence, I give thanks to the system here that allows me to bypass the numerous permits, moribund rule books and never ending permissions required back home. When I told a friend in Australia how quickly my new house was completed he was astonished, saying I would still be waiting for a building permit there. Fines here, despite never having to pay one, are so small they would have no impact on my income. I've never seen a booze bus nor speed trap here. In Australia, several times, it has cost me hundreds of $s for going a couple of ks over the limit. I don't care if fine money goes into someone's pocket here, at least I know it's not going into a computer record to blacken my name for evermore. Thailand is corrupt, but most of the small bribes are to everyone's advantage. I pay them so I can get on with my life. I'm not "scared" when I give an Immigration official some lunch money. It get's him out of my house and smooths the waters for my application. Of course I despise big corrupt schemes engineered by greedy officials and big businessmen in Thailand. That's the western system that seems to becoming more prevalent here. However, I have no interest in tilting at windmills, preferring instead to live quietly and avoid conflict.
  12. I have no problem with the money in bank, but changed to marriage last year because with an O-A the corrupt insurance is required.
  13. This from The Pattaya Mail (allowed to quote?) "the Thai authorities seem to be saying that the liberal 60 days Covid extensions are coming to an end. It is time for foreigners to move on if they are dependent on this kind of discretion. Although land borders remain closed for tourist traffic and so-called visa runs, the situation as regards regular flights to all continents and most countries is much improved since the pandemic first took root almost two years ago. A new, and likely the last, date for applying is up to and including March 25. But this discretion is limited to “tourists” with an initial visa or permission labeling them as such." Seems reasonable to me, surely no one thought it would be a permanent visa class? I'm certain a lot of the old border runners have been using this as an alternative. It's going to be difficult for them if both are unavailable.
  14. Childish retribution by the Serbian Government? Rio Tinto’s lithium mining licences revoked in Serbia (watoday.com.au)
  15. The OP was indeed talking about his experience when holding a marriage extension and yet it was yourself who repeatedly brought up the off topic fact that you were on retirement and continually stated that you would remain on it even if married. You did it yet again in this post! I think you should also re-read my post. I was not talking about the obvious - "police can come knocking for "other matters". My examples for a possible Immigration visit were about about breaches of extension conditions.
  16. If you are on a retirement visa and genuinely meet the conditions such as age and financial obligations normally there would be no reason for a home visit Although some local authorities in Thailand do seem to keep tabs on foreigners living in their district. Not likely to happen in big centers like Bangkok. However, if immigration have information you may be working illegally, or have fudged the financials, it's possible they may come knocking on your door. What ever the reason, if you were to tell them to f off there's a good chance you will be answering questions at the Police station or wondering if you should have been more cooperative as you sit on the plane out. Being aware of the temporary nature of your permission to be in a country like Thailand should guide your attitude towards the guys with the power to make your day very bad. Not every country gives you multiple court avenues to plead your case.
  17. Crocodile meat tends to taste like the food the animal consumes. Most from the farms are fed chicken. Wild animals would be a darker meat and a lot gamier. I've eaten it in Darwin and in Perth, where at one time you could buy it at Coles supermarket. (I fed it to my parents once and told them what it was later! They weren't impressed. Made up for all the offal and rabbit they used to feed me as a child.)
  18. So many members here live in a little fantasy bubble perhaps imagined by John Lennon. It may surprise some of these people to learn that there are many bad people in this world who don't always respect international borders when conducting their criminal endeavors. They take advantage of countries with lax Immigration laws, enforcement of such or those easily corruptible. People smuggling involving breaches of Immigration LAW is one of the biggest worldwide rackets. It can include abducted children, prostitution, child prostitution, refugees, faux refugees, arranged marriages, fleeing felons or even just an individual paying for a false marriage to gain a visa advantage. Virtually all countries have an investigative force to find and take action against these criminals. It may be the Police, special Immigration investigators or, in Thailand, a combination. Investigation of the motives of some applicants may at times involve unannounced visits to their homes. Obviously. genuine people will sometimes get scrutinized. It may also be surprising to know that waking up a judge to plead for a warrant is mainly an American TV show thing. Elsewhere there may be different paths to obtain a warrant.
  19. Some folks believe the Thai Government is akin to Pavlov's dog.
  20. I know someone, with over 35 years of (temporary) residence in Thailand, who decided not to travel to the recent funeral of his mother in the UK. The uncertainty about being able to return to his Thai family was the reason.
  21. Australia has 3x the population of Serbia, but only 1/5th as many deaths from Covid. Australians have endured harsh lockdowns to keep the population safer than most other places on the planet. They don't need a visit from an anti-vaxxer, buffoon with little regard for others, who lies on official declarations, and carelessly spreads the virus in full knowledge that he is infected. It doesn't matter how big a celebrity he is, or how good he is at paddling a ball over a net. Serbia, as a nation, should be ashamed of their countryman and his selfish antics, not whinging in full support of his actions. But that wouldn't be Serbia!
  22. It's probably not a bad thing for some of these modern "celebrities'" to spend some time away from their sycophantic fans and connect with their inner selves.
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