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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Not much help for the vast majority here. Happy for you that insurance helped out with your illnesses. Self insurance doesn't actually mean returning to home country for treatment. It means having sufficient personal assets available to pay for any health crises that may occur. Not everybody wants to pay for all the overheads insurance companies need to operate. It is a numbers and waiting game, a gamble perhaps, but it will be much cheaper over time if that large crises doesn't occur too soon. Many here save money by having enough (invested) money to cover any unforeseen expenses.
  2. Very tragic. The driver certainly was speeding, but had a green. The girl on the unlit push bike was crossing against the lights at a busy intersection without looking for oncoming traffic. From the video there were many dazzling lights making it very difficult to see her until too late. When in a country like Thailand you need to take extra care and certainly not trust anyone to drive sensibly within the rules. You're responsible for your own life and cant always expect others to respond like a European driver. Read the travel advisory your Embassy publishes about personal safety.
  3. Exactly the same situation for me, but with a different result. My 90 day report was approved on Tuesday night with the new report date in August. I'm travelling to Immigration tomorrow to get my next extension as my "under consideration" period ends on Saturday. There was a reminder that my extension was expiring when they acknowledged my report application.,
  4. "The Phuket Express notes that the current status of the girl was unclear and many details in the case had not been made public." There's always more to the story. These young flower sellers are often victims of abuse by parents or employers.
  5. I think this couple are as bad as each other and there is no innocent one in their abusive behavior's and outsized sense of entitlement. I can't understand why this s-fest of a trial is such big news and it certainly won't revive either party's failing film career. I've never forgotten how Depp's drug den, Viper Room nightclub featured in the death of River Phoenix', nor how Depp and others involved left town the next day to avoid scrutiny. Low life with too much money and fame. Heard is just another Hollywood gold digger with few redeeming qualities.
  6. I enjoy good sci-fi and thought I would check out the latest new series of StarTrek - Strange New Worlds. This was a long way from good Ordinary writing, bad acting and cheap production design turned me off. How many times can they resurrect the Enterprise? How many new worlds are still out there? I switched off when I noticed the futuristic Enterprise medical center used folding camping stretchers identical to one I used about 20 years ago on fishing and prospecting trips.
  7. We bought 6 1/2 rai of Chanote land in Loei about 2 years ago. Paid 200k per rai. It's elevated with incredible views of mountains, river, lakes, rice fields, etc. It has a paved road linked to the nearby main hwy and has electricity and water at the gate. About a month ago 4 rai on the other side of our road became available, but we couldn't get it for less than 250k per rai. Prices are growing as locals realize the long term value. Wifey is crooked at her drunken father who literally gave away land many years ago. He also failed to buy a big block on the hwy that was offered for 500 baht! Those days are long gone. The wife cleverly bought several cheap parcels of land in the area over the years she was working in the south (never in a bar). She has around 20 rai in total. We still own our Phuket villa. Apparently there is money available from big investors in the cities who are happy to pay to plant rubber on land owned by others on a shared profit basis. About 4 or 5 farms around us are in the process of switching to rubber. Our next door neighbor who has bred cows for decades is thinning his stock and has plowed much of his pasture to plant the trees. I think Isaan farming land is now a good investment as, in this changing world, Thais are realizing they need income later in life and are (re) turning to land.. The big problem is finding labour to work on the farms.
  8. I've started watching, and enjoying, that series despite initial misgivings about formulaic lawyer shows. I hadn't realized it was the same author as Bosch!
  9. Can you change your flight to go directly to Krabi International Airport?
  10. To explain to those who fail to see past the end of their nose, I was talking about the big picture not some individual's experience with a claim. Obviously most genuine claims have to be paid else they wouldn't continue to exist. However, there are many aspects to the industry in Thailand other than some pedant's individual case. In my assessment I consider the inflated cost of policies, the many exclusions making the policies redundant, the sales pressure (especially targeting naïve individuals in rural communities to buy long term valueless policies), the blatant partnerships with legislators, and yes, the many times they fail to pay out on technicalities. I would explain further but find your opening remark pathetic.
  11. Even before covid was a thing I worked out that the words Thailand and Insurance, when linked, was a scam.
  12. I'll get the wife to complete a full report on tokays for you using headings such as noise pollution, hygiene (droppings), habitat (will it return to it's home?), mating rituals, breeding (egg laying), predatory behavior., etc. I'll also ask her to include a statement on her version of Buddhist cultural rituals, including specifics on when killing of other creatures is allowed with special reference to your curiosity and study of anthropology as a resident of many different countries and cultures. First, as I increasingly get asked on this forum, could you explain why your questions have gone off the topic of the use of bug sprays to move unwanted pests from personal property?
  13. You're an intelligent man Simon, work it out. I could find scores of staunch Buddhists who will kill various creatures for food, defence or convenience.
  14. The missus uses the ant killer Chaindrite to flush the extremely annoying tokays from their hiding places in the roof. They fall to the ground dazed and are dispatched before they work out what happened. Peaceful nights again without their continual mating calls.
  15. Is it like when they deep fry Mars Bars?
  16. I looked up chipper on the web and all I found was images of these:
  17. Bosch: Legacy (TV Series 2022– ) - IMDb
  18. A couple of superannuants on this forum have called ATO on their status and received an Oral Ruling (Oral rulings | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)) that they can be considered resident for tax purposes. Go for it if you're game.
  19. The public service superannuation, residency test applies if still contributing when working overseas, not pensioners.
  20. I've never applied for nor received a cent of the OAP (or whatever it's called now), but do receive a superannuation pension from my years slaving for the govt. It is taxed, but at a reasonable, residents rate. This proposed way of taxing my stipend would definitely hurt, and affect my lifestyle. I decided some time ago that I will never return to Australia My on-line tax form comes prefilled by ATO, all I do each year is confirm the detail. I will be waiting with some trepidation to see how it is completed this year.
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