We've had at least 4 pythons on our Isaan property in the last several years, a couple in the last month. (4 seen, others not but have left trails) They come after the chickens and have killed a number in their attacks.
The biggest, a reticulated python, was about 13' long. The others were Burmese and varied in size, The smallest was found right outside our door.
The local farmers have come across some very large specimens in jungle areas. They are scared of them and sometimes carry a gun for protection when going through those areas. They are aware they are protected but consider their numbers have become out of control and will now kill them rather than call the removal people.
For those who say just slice their head off, that is not easy. They are incredibly strong, thick skinned and very hard to kill. I saw one still alive the next morning even with 2 rifle shots in its head.