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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, it does seem a bit quiet here. I rarely ask for advice on the forum any more as there are too many who respond to genuine requests with unhelpful advice, weak jokes or criticism of spelling errors. I'll give it a day or two and see what happens,
  2. The over-the-top gloating and hatred continue. Not a sign of a forward-looking vision of the promised Greatness when their esteemed leader takes the reins. Perhaps they too are aware of the looming autocratic chaos when the cabinet of loonies start the purge.
  3. The reminder system didn't work for me for the first time since inception, which has resulted in me being about 3 weeks overdue. I know I should have had a backup system in place. My problem now is how to proceed. I believe I can't now submit it on-line, instead must visit my IO in person. While a fine is annoying, the main pain is the 2-hour drive (130 kms) to my IO just to sort out this petty matter. My driver is busy at the moment with harvesting. There are no agents anywhere in my vicinity. My next extension is in April. Does anyone know of a way to sort it without a visit? Perhaps leave it until April, they can only fine me once? Hope the rumored non-Immi visa changes make frequent reports redundant. Lodge it on-line and hope it is accepted - unlikely. Thanks for any suggestions.
  4. Using the word GOSH at the beginning of the sentence (or anytime really) doesn't do much for me either.
  5. What a silly little attempt to justify your flawed interpretation of my words. You didn't need an invitation to become a nit-picking Nazi, you did that all by yourself. Despite studying French for numerous years in school, I have never found it necessary to attempt self-aggrandizement by its use in this English-speaking forum.
  6. Your initial intentions were to insult, but you have accidently come to a correct conclusion here. The Australian Labour party are floundering in a sea of PC. Always made more difficult by the fringe parties, with whom they are forced into coalitions, with their often-impractical ideas and policies. The Australian conservatives are closely following the MAGA playbook in the hope that their base is just as gullible as the Americans. It may well happen.
  7. Perhaps you need a lesson in reading and comprehension. Where did you find the term "numerous occasions" in my post? If indeed your initial attack on my spelling was meant to be humorous and not just a poor MAGA attempt to avoid the actual theme of the post, I apologize for not recognizing it as such. Actual humor is not common, nor well executed, in this particular forum.
  8. You should research the word you used here. It specificity relates to the extreme right. Just another example of projection, a tool used by the afore mentioned feeble minds.
  9. Not the first time I've misspelled ludicrous. Fortunately, a small, minded spelling nazi is on the job. A different version of a title I'm sure you've worn before.
  10. Most religions stopped the whole "Love thy Neighbor, Good Samaritan " thing decades ago. It's now all about, "be the same as me or die and go to hell". Forgiveness is about turning a blind eye to the criminal excesses of their own people. Their version of inclusion and graciousness in victory, is over-the-top gloating and a vicious need to extract violent revenge on those from the other side by inventing high crimes and meting out harsh punishment, including execution, for the free speech and the opposition to their criminal leader, whom they have elevated to God like status. They desire a military dictatorship in the "land of the free" to control those who don't fit into their version of self. Religions thrive within low educated, low IQ communities when increasing hordes of people are unable to think logically for themselves, and are in need of a strong personality to tell them what they should believe in. Ludacris conspiracy theories take root in feeble minds. Any thinking adult can't believe exactly how ridiculous these beliefs are. Some cultists in America actually think teachers are performing penectomy on children in school between classes. As an outside observer, I have trouble believing much of what is happening in the USA in the name of religion. As a child in the 50s and 60s America was considered a nirvana. Great things emanated from there like cocoa cola, hamburgers, rock music, radio, space travel, next level electrical appliances, and much more. Now with the emergence of religious zealotism and its leading role in the judicial and political systems of the country, I just see the US as another version of Pakistan.
  11. Past the rioting, if Trump loses civil war will come, If Trump wins, the world will have to brace for President Vance sooner rather than later.
  12. A sound humanitarian move designed to legalize stateless people closeted within Thailand. As stated, it also helps the host nation suffering from a declining birth rate and in need of economic stimulus. This program has nothing to do with expats holding citizenship in their home country. A completely separate matter, but Thailand does need to make an easier pathway for these people to obtain citizenship or PR if wanted.
  13. It's amazing that these massive tourist areas with their millions of annual visitors also have so many rip-offs, scammers and criminal activity. I can't understand the reasons.
  14. They were clearly French as the clever play of words in the headline indicates? plan fails to baguette away with it in Phuket
  15. Unlike you, I don't get misinformation hot from the inventors like MTG, Hannity, Meagan Kelly, Pirro, convicted felons and traitorous insurrectionists.
  16. Yes, only hunters have guns in America and then only firearms suitable for hunting. And of course, those US road rage incidences, police chases, and riots that are all over YouTube, are committed by illegal immigrants not peace-loving citizens.
  17. Last year, they also insisted on signed copies of the 90-day next due date slip. When I asked why, and what rule applied, they got quite nasty and decided I needed more house photos and other BS documents. I now play along with their silly games.
  18. For my marriage extensions I still have to submit signed copies of my card from my last entry in 2011!
  19. Insulting other nationalities is hilarious! Funny how you don't find it so when it comes back at you.
  20. It's sad that the sense of entitlement of some Brits lingers long beyond the era when Britain was considered a superior nation to the unfortunate countries they invaded, plundered and enslaved.
  21. It's normal for an individual to choose their friends, those who meet their standards and are like thinkers. However, for a person to use this open forum to selectively recruit people that he decides are suitable to dine with him at a closed social function seems to be at odds with the aims of this forum.
  22. I know who you're talking about but give it a rest. Our interpretations are not going to coincide.
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