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Everything posted by NicoBKK

  1. Why crazy? The Bali Hai pier multi storey fully automated park is 250 THB per full day. I always park there and is very convenient then try the "supposedly free" and walk 500mt under the sun
  2. 7-8000 THB for "popular" K-Pop concerts? Guess she did sell a couple of fake tickets only, then.
  3. They will not be checking upon leaving the Country , no problems, will reset 90 days once you will get back in.
  4. hopefully not, loosing plenty of money here
  5. Secret Beach, Koh Raham. Might suffer from low tide sometimes, then dive in from the nearby restaurant area - even if not a guest can still go there and jump in the water to swim around corals.
  6. It's not BTS - but yes there is a train now, Red Line from the new train station connected to MRT. Need a bit of walk to terminal and 's not well indicated from Airport, might need to ask once there
  7. Depends where but I see still 90% of Thai wearing masks expecially indoor and 5% foreigners. Even in parks when walking alone, 50% of Thai wear the mask. In my company (Thai) masks are still mandatory if not sitting at own's desk
  8. Company can do it if they agree to absorb the cost - they will outsource the service to a Lawyer's firm e.g. Ernst and Young, Deloitte.. These firms will take care of the transfer and you will not have to go to the Immigration in person - I did it last year. If your employer is not covering it watch out as these firms are not cheap might be between 12k to 20k so better you do it yourself
  9. his t-shirt did not help him in keeping a low profile
  10. I suspect the monster uncle did "annoy" the boy and when he threatened to tell the father he did kill him.
  11. And this was last year - Russian in Pattaya. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2462094/russian-basketballer-electrocuted-in-pattaya
  12. Yes in principle you have to go in person or with agency on last day, and leave the Country by midnight of same day. Note some paperworks needs to be prepared in advance. You can ask for 7 days extension paying 1900 THB, this time is given to prepare luggage or organise departure but your visa and WP will be Void already
  13. Happy to see a fantastic pointing! Was missing it since a while
  14. Happy to have lived pretty much all my life in a world with no smartphones or webcams.
  15. In Italy, on the following day any leftover piece of metal or equipment would be gone for good
  16. Yes to both Chidlom BTS (through Central by DeanDeluca) and to Ploenchit BTS (exit by Paul bakery)
  17. Ao Nang beach dogs are the most infamous in the Kingdom, not sure why but there have been several attacks expecially to kids in the past https://www.thephuketnews.com/dog-bites-south-african-boy-at-ao-nang-beach-78048.php https://www.thephuketnews.com/finnish-boy-5-attacked-by-stray-dogs-at-ao-nang-krabi-70465.php https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/stray-dogs-on-ao-nang-beach-in-krabi-targeted-after-attacks-on-tourists-401849 ...and others
  18. "He reportedly claimed he found the gun and the ammunition in a plastic box in front of an unnamed go-go bar, so he just decided to keep it" Yah, yah..
  19. Can try the second hand warehouse Nakayama Japan - Bang Na area
  20. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9828895,100.9239095,3a,15y,173.84h,81.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sK6915HHAXjTIO7gdknLQLg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 And with the grass all around could not even see. RIP
  21. Walk in at Med Park hospital located on MRT metro station with passport and get Moderna booster for a fee (I did pay 700 THB last month)
  22. I was going to suggest the same.
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