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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Good timing. Suthep has run out of moves.

    The goverment has handled these "protesters" (terrorists would be a more accurate description) extremely well so far.

    well according to you red shirt people SUphet had run its course so if that was so it would be bloody stupid to do this but fact is they are running scared so their last resort

    ??? are you stupid enough to think this will improve situation

    well see and so will you this is not over by a long long way

  2. Almost 4 years later, we are still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologize for the 90 killed in 2010!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>

    I didn't realize Abhisit or Suthep killed anyone .

    There is a warrent for his arrest in relation to these murders.

    Hopefully he will be behind bars soon.

    dream on cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif that will be day Taksin admits his murders begs forgiveness and gives up - aint going to happen but thanks for one of best laughs today cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  3. The rice farmers must be mad. The unelected electoral commission are responsible for this not the government. If they think the PRDC are going to support rice farmers they are sadly deluding themselves

    its hardly worth replying to your dribble BS many have not been paid for 5 months and money is simply gone

  4. FIL in Isaan is still waiting payment. along with all his neighbours. He blames YL and her brother. MIL thinks its just how all government's behave.

    Neither have any idea about politics, the scheme, economics, the reasons behind the current situation etc. They know the Shins are corrupt as hell but scared to discuss it openly. They will struggle until they get paid if I stop bailing them out. Wifey is going nuts because both parents say the will still vote PTP because "everyone will do round here". They have absolutely no idea of the policies or behaviours of the people they are voting for, but are in total awe of them. Give them 500 baht, tell them they'll get paid soon, it's all Sutheps fault, darling YL will make sure you get paid when she's re-elected and they will do as told.

    The Shin propaganda machine has done a very good job on brainwashing all the people like my in-laws. Poor, hardworking, honest people - who never had the chance for real education or opportunities the corrupt politicians continue to deny them.

    well stop bailing them out then and tell them go see their hero for some money

  5. The army and military need to keep their noses clean in this civil dispute and conflict.

    With the PDRC losing serious steam and the government more than willing to talk and work out a solution, the current slowdown of confrontation provides an opening to the mainstream leaders of all sides to sit, talk, moderate and find some common peaceful ground.

    Abhisit needs today to clearly and publically state his support of discussions by each side while himself stepping aside.

    As no Thai appears acceptable to any side or involved group, the Thais are just going to have to accept a cool head outside mediator, perhaps from Japan but certainly not from China. The United States is not acceptable because it has stated repeatedly that it supports the legitimate democratically elected government, which is a strange basis to exclude Washington, but the fact is the US is excluded.

    Perhaps the Secretary General of Asean, Le Luong Minh might be someone to consider.

    what a load of crap no way will someone outside be allowed or wanted

    USA and rest should stay out of it and look at poo in their own garden

    and democratically electric govermentcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  6. From a member 20 minutes ago:

    Thai news reports bomb attack at Victory Monument.

    An unknown man was seen throwing two bombs in to crowds of people. The protesters tried to apprehend the assailant but were shot at it.

    Source was Nation TV.

    More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

    Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

    ....There are real people out there protesting what they believe in and getting killed or seriously injured....

    As I watch the live protests on TNN I noticed these people are dragging their children into the midst of the protests.

    Every parent who takes a child into this mayhem should be arrested and jailed on child endangerment. This is just another example of how thoughtless and uncaring these people are for those whom they inconvenience or endanger, including their own families.

    This thoughtless act alone shows the true colors of these protesters.

    Sent from my tin can via string

    did you not see reds shirt in 2010 putting their little kids on top of barriers as human shields and why should it be dangerous to do a peaceful protest and it has been peaceful on protesters side Red thugs are ones with a long history of terrorism and violence

    All it needs for this to stop is for one mad megalomaniac to do what is right for a change and be content with billions he's stolen instead of trying to turn Thailand into his own one party state

    Of course he and his clone Yingluk and rest have no shame whatever and could not care less as long as they have total power and can take whatever they want do whatever they want and anyone who complains will be dealt with by their red thugs

    As far as high season is concerned theirs a hell of a lot more at stake than that theirs future of Thailand at stake but if Taksin gets his way their will be no future or only one were freedom is non existent and Thailand sinks into same sort of pitiful mess North Korea or Zimbabwie are in just because of one man

    • Like 1
  7. Pity we didn't hear the same complaints a few years ago last time Bangkok was under siege . . .

    It's totally different. In a democracy you vote for change. But the only thing you can do in a military dictatorship is to protest. To topple a dictatorship with violence is justified. To try to do so in a democracy is not.

    This is a simple concept that all western governments understand.

    So finally you agree with us that this is all about bringing down the current dictatorship, although you would have to accept that the violence is coming from the reds, not the anti-government protesters, wouldn't you?

    An elected government can't be a dictatorship by definition. It may be a corrupt government or a government that stole the election or a group of crooked politicians that got elected but not a dictatorship. Part of a dictatorship is not having elections. You can have a red vote payoff and a yellow vote payoff and a black vote payoff but it is still an election. The person that a military coup appoints is a dictator.

    really what about Hitler elected at least once what about north korea always elected what about Zimbabwie

    All great examples pf democracy but of course since they were elected their is no dictatorship and by the way Stalin and all communist states but their dictators changed sometimes

    What a load of BS

  8. To all the shin haters please tell me why the poor people of this country should not be given the same rights as those with wealth why should they not be allowed to vote the man in Dubai gave these people that vote and now we have the opposition trying to take it away from them and installing an unelected peoples council which will be run by the elite of Thailand every person deserves the chance to better themselves kun Suthep wants to change that if he has his way Thailand will become the new North Korea and if that ever happens we Falangs will be heading for the airports and borders in double time, the time has come for all parties to make dialogue and bring this craziness to a halt before others are killed and injured due to. Someone's self gratification . It is clear to me that by the amount who have been demonstrating that the majority of Thais are not prepared to go on the streets and want to choose by the ballot box on 2 February .

    ok ill bite because they sell their votes because many of them are totally brainwashed and not their fault but so uneducated it beggars belief

    I really think their should be a simple test in all countries before anyone has the right to vote and put in jeopardy everyone else's lives just because they can be manipulated. I doth mean a hard test something like

    1. name 2 political parties or 2 party leaders

    2. Are you aware that Thailand has 2 main levels of government Parliament and senate but word so its really simple question or name one MP

    3. Answer one of following (a,b or c):-

    where does government get its money

    a. dont know

    b. from taxes

    c. its given to them

    just very very simple questions but I can assure you at least 50% of Thais rich or poor would fail

  9. I couldnt give a crap about the government, I do however give a crap about the farmers and to those that think it serves them right and they dont deserve prompt payment or even any at all ?

    Well your a pretty sad excuse for a person and if you think you have morals as you pretend to here. ?

    You don't

    just different morals than you and one that thinks its not right to reward a group who could not care as long as they got money for their vote and believe everyone rich or poor has some form of duty to use the brain given to.

    They accepted the bribe money to vote for their idol let them now go ask the person they worship to sort it out and to make matters worse many will now loose it all to exactly same person and group they worshipped.

    My wife came from poorest of backgrounds but as her family taught her you might be dirt poor but that does not mean you need to steal or be dishonest.

    Dont blame people here who have no sympathy blame the one your poor ferments worship and I'm sure he could not give a dam about the plight of the farmers nor his sister.

    they sold themselves to the devil and that has now come back to bite them.

    Serves them right and if not bad enough most/many supported red thugs in 2010 so no I have no sympathy at all

    You reap what you sow

  10. The Washington post today calling for US Government to make clear to thailand that Suspension of aid and security co-operation is MANDATORY under US law if this Judicial Coup is successful.

    The Army Coup is fast failing and the lack of trouble on the streets has focuses all attention on what the Courts are getting up to... And... other than Bluesky and a few Coup lovers on here, they are seeing through the whole charade.

    Very hard hitting (against Suthep and his backers) from a highly regarden news outlet and opinion driver.

    "Thailand’s anti-democracy militants may be emboldened to believe that they, too, will be tolerated by the Obama administration. They shouldn’t be."


    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif poor deluded sole do you really think Obamha or any us administration will give 2 hoots = look at Egypt sand rest

  11. Thaksin's worst political nightmare of his career has just got a whole lot worse, and at the worst possible time. The edifice of Thaksin's northern coalition is falling apart at the seams, as rice farmers are no longer aiming their protests as simply getting their money, but are now actively engaged in demanding the administration's ouster. This is a significant sea-change. The truth, however, is that the Pheu Thai coalition was already starting to unravel for some time. Everybody in Pheu Thai knows that power rests in the support from the North. And everybody in Pheu Thai knows that Thaksin has ingeniously exploited this for his power gambit. But these same people also know - that at some point down the line - that Thaksin would be prepared to ditch the concerns of this constituency when he no longer needs them. And that is why the people at the top of the red shirt movement have been particularly restless, as they see their own interests at peril. So both sides of the red-shirt movement are suspicious of each other, and in a sense hold each other's interests as ransom. And for a long time - it worked. But something has changed. The money handouts ended. The gravy train came to a sputtering stop. But the worst development for Thaksin in the long term is this -

    The farmers are beginning to think. And have now taken the wool from over their eyes.

    i live in a red shirt village and area and they still worship Taksin here so far and probably for ever. They have been so brainwashed they believe Taksin paid from his own money to clear Thailands IMF debts they also believe gold price is lower because of dems and that dems stole all money so theirs none left. But as far as I know they have been paid for rice here.

    People just simply fail to understand the way after 10 years or so of Takmsin red shirt propaganda as far as many Taksin can't do any wrong and will be their savious

    So While some might be angry I'm very sceptical that most of Taksins support will ever go

    Its a but like support thatcher got in UK you will never persuade anyone including me she was not best thing that happened in UK for centuries. Its same with many/most of Issan and rest and they will never go against Taksin or most of them. They are totally and utterly brainwashed and sorry to say IMO don't deserve a vote not because they are stupid just totally uneducated and manipulated beyond belief.

  12. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif must be same place Yingluk got her degree - your atonal cretin in my humble opinion and a pompous ass yo boot

    Fortunately, I am neither poor nor misguided nor a fool. My accounting and economics degree from Melbourne University, Victoria, Australia taught me that a dollar earned is a dollar extra in my account and a dollar lost is.... well, a dollar lost 5555

    Sorry, your lack of proper punctuation, spelling errors and overall ignorance of geography does not permit me to make an educated reply

    oh dear my english is bad cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif must mean i have no intelligence do you not realise what a prat you have made yourself with all your nonsense. You will note several seem to agree. I repeat what a useless pompous twit you seem to be. If your level of understanding is as you show then your university in Australia must be on par or below standard of one its claimed our dear PM attended in one of our other fort her colonies. As regard grammar sorry not only am a dyslexic but my degrees are in Maths, BMA and teaching with many years in real world running my own business's. I always found it amusing when some who worked for me thought they deserved a higher position because they has some petty qualification and of course were much better at english than id ever be.

    Its great to find world is still full of ignorant folk who have no clue but believe they know all since they have some claimed piece of paper.

    thanks for laugh cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  13. I wonder if the red/Shinawatra apologists are going to come here and say these rice farmers were paid to protest. whistling.gif

    I know for a fact that they are paid it comes from my wife's second cousin who is one of Taksins organisers and takes 10% for whatever votes and protestors she could get. Taksin has screwed her and not paid so she's gone to a better provider She does however have a living to make and it seems she has no choice but she's hoping Taksin will up anti so she can pay for her merc or order another

    of course they were Suphet paid 500 baht per protestor and 1,000 for each farmer who says they want government out

  14. The shutdown bangkok plan is clearly not achieving its objectives of shutting the govt down and forcing the resignation of YL. What it is achieving however is losing Thailand millions and millions of baht daily, money that could have gone to paying the rice farmers.

    You poor misguided fool.

    The shutdown has no bearing on whether there was money to pay farmers or not. There was and is no money.

    That's why someone had to make a stand.


    Fortunately, I am neither poor nor misguided nor a fool. My accounting and economics degree from Melbourne University, Victoria, Australia taught me that a dollar earned is a dollar extra in my account and a dollar lost is.... well, a dollar lost 5555

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif must be same place Yingluk got her degree - your atonal cretin in my humble opinion and a pompous ass yo boot

    • Like 1
  15. The question that begs to be asked, is whether the NACC has any jurisdiction in this matter at all. The Constitutional Court dubiously declared the actual process of constitutional amendment under the constitution as unconstitutional but didn't set penalties.... So disgruntled anti-democrats went to the NACC. Instead of deciding that it didn't have the authority to consider the flimsy case, the politicized NACC made up the rules as it went along to get the result the anti-democrats wanted..... Bottom line, at this point, it appears that the politicized judiciary is the preferred coup vehicle, and this NACC thing is one of the initiatives launched by the elites and their street-based coup-mongers to achieve that end.... If it walks like a duck, quackes like a duck, it is in all likelihood an attempted 'judicial coup".

    my wife and many could not care less if it got rid of Taksin HE is/was expert at using judiciary to sneak out of his wrong doings so even if your right which I don't think you are old saying of he who lives by sword etc

    Taksin may at long last be getting his own medicine back but as I said do you think anyone against him cares how its done and many would prefer a more permanent solution

    Well done Suphet and all who at last have made a stand against Taksin's vile government

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