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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Why should she resign, she was democratically elected!

    because if she cared at all about Thailand she would go and so help resolve the situation and she's not PM is she ?? she's Taksins clone so another reason she should go

    ?? do you really think if she tries to hang on under orders of her brother its going to be accepted by moat thais and even if she could win again she will only lead a divisive party who would be faced with constant protest.

    So best thing for Thailand would be to resign after all even handbag Thatcher went when she realised her support was going but then in UK we don't have puppet governments who are only their for one man

    If she does not go this does not end simple as that so if she does not go it increases greatly chances of civil war

    Any one with some sense can see it would be far batter for all if she went and handed over to a non Taksin party

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  2. The Great Leader has finally come up with something even the Red Shirts at their prime in 2010 wouldn't dare imagine.

    Now that creates a bit of a problem for the anti-Government supporters in this forum because each time when the Great Leader came up with something unacceptable, their would be "legal precedents" that they could rely upon, with compliments of the Red Shirts, to deflect the wrongfulness of the conduct.

    Now the Great Leader is simply on a frolic of his own.

    no problem for me its just same as people in eastern europe finally having enough and capturing their oppressors although I doubt it would go as far as stringing them up which is what they deserve

    These are vile criminals in my book and if system wont bring them to justice then its perfectly reasonable for others to do so and I support it 100%

    • Like 1
  3. Did I hear that right?

    Yep he wants kidnapping adding to the list of charges he already faces

    Let's see on the charges...

    Murder - check

    Insurrection - check

    Kidnapping - pending

    Not talking about all the civil charges (Defamation, etc) - though here defamation can be a criminal offence as well......

    Is somebody bored enough to keep a list? Might be amusing....

    Taksin insurrection check

    Murder double check

    Kidmapping check for kidnapping democracy here

    and all rest so except for BS about murder charge and fact that their has been no insurrection just peaceful protest Taksin has a list as long as Marley's ghosts chains and he will with luck soon realise it simply was not worth it when he eventually goes to Hell

  4. I find it very difficult to believe that the rest of the world would accept Yingluck being held accountable if "something happens". What kind of rubbish is this? Thailand would become (even more of) an international laughing stock in the event that an elected PM is held responsible for the actions of anti-democratic street thugs. That would lead to sanctions, trade embargoes, investors fleeing the country, ASEAN intervention. It's complete rubbish. Classics case of blaming the victim.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif but same does not apply to attempt to charge Abahist with murder - unbelievable the hypocrisy and double standards of some people

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  5. 9am and it's certainly looking like a flop so far. A few troublemakers loitering around traffic junctions in inner Bangkok while 99.9% of Thailand gets on with business as usual. The women around my way are cackling and waggling their little fingers. They say that Suthep just hasn't got it.

    How unfortunate to have spoken too soon.

    What are the women saying now?


    8pm now on Sutheps Big Day and it's all over for the anti-democracy agitators. 99.9% of Thais are now watching their favourite TV soaps and no one cares any more about the Big Bangkok Flop. No doubt this will rumble on for a few more months but the danger to Thai democracy has now passed.

    5555555555555 you dream it aint over at all and wont be for months

    come back in a week and tell us its over

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  6. "I don't know how it can happen. How can the PDRC have many protesters who will occupy the seven intersections for a long time? You know it was not hard for Adolph Hitler to order an invasion of countries in World War II, but it was very difficult to control those areas," he said.

    The Bangkok shutdown would not affect the caretaker government, but the lives of Bangkok people would be really affected. The PDRC would become an enemy of the people, he said.

    Exactly. Let the spoilt brat yellow shirts have their hissy fit, give them the rope they need to hang themselves, then lets move on to elections as planned.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif in your dreams election 50/50 but even if they have one then its pointless or don't you know about 95% rule

    90% chance it will be delayed so wait and see

  7. Well done Suphet. Notice difference between red shirt thugs in 2010 and this protest. So fat totally peaceful no burnings no guns with protestors just a very large group of determined people who are totally sick and tired of Taksin and his lot just doing whatever they want.

    I never thought Suphet it stood a chance but whatever Taksin supporters here say just going by crowds he obviously has massive support. And before we get a barrage of BS about elected government democracy elections and rest it is obvious to anyone not blind that Taksin and his vile government are not wanted by a very large section of Thais of all walks of life.

    To hold an election on 2nd feb is pointless and will achieve nothing. It would not even result in a government even if Taksin got 100% of vote since os many wont vote and their cant be enough MPs anyway. Even if Taksin managed to disregard rules again and try ot form a parliament it simply would not be accepted by so many it oculd not function and Army will not intervene.

    So only way pout is for Yingluk to resign and a interim new caretaker government not linked to Taksin take over for a few months while reforms are put in place. Then have an election without Taksin (or it simply wont work) and most would accept a voted government even one most red shirts would want provided Taksin was not involved.

    The only other way out is an army coup or Taksin pays enough to start a real civil war which in his desperation he could well try however I dont think that will work and I cant see cowardly reds supporting in enough numbers and so hell have to rely on paid mercenaries.

    Before Taksin tries to turn Thailand into a sort of Syria he should but wont do decent thing for sake of Thailand. Being vile coward he is and fact all he cares for is his own then that is not going to happen.

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  8. The problem is there is no date for an election that is acceptable to Suthep. So there is no use postponing it.

    If they do however they must fire the entire EC for there gross incompetence in getting candidates registered.

    I am sure the money they get from Suthep will see them well compensated. coffee1.gif

    nonsense he has been 100% clear if Taksin goes and his evil clan then a breathing space of a few months to at least sort some of worst scams and corruption and then everyone including Suthep will be content even if a red shirt government is elected provided its not controlled by Taksin and his lot.

    If Taksin his sister and rest gave one jot for Thailand they would give p and hand over to someone not connected with them and so avoid all this but of course then Taksins dream of having his own one party dictatorship cannot be realised and he and his clan and cronies would have to be content with just many billions they have stolen

    Rather than doing whats good for Thailand Taksin will do anything to keep power including if he can igniting a civil war but thank goodness it seems Army has not been bought by him as many feared it had

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  9. His facebook a/c may have been hacked or his password stolen. The comment could have taken out of context. The whole thing could be a complete lie. In this game of controlling the narrative, one needs to consider who stands to gain from making this the non-story of the day. The Nation needs to teach its journalists the difference between personal and personnel.

    anything is possible but given red shirt history and words which cannot be disputed ill believe threat is genuine. Any group of people who can throw contaminated HIV blood around try to kit-nap Abahist offer 5 million for Supep's head are not a group you can give much if any benefit of doubt

  10. ''He refused any compromise or negotiation. Once the government could no longer function, people would become sovereign holders of power and their orders would become law.''

    Somebody has already said on this forum, why, with arrest warrants issued for him, is he still free, inciting riots and civil disobedience? What message does this send to the rest of the world? Further, the quote (above) says it all, really - No negotiations or compromise (fascist?). If the people become sovereign holders, as he stated, their rule would NOT be law and most certainly not Democratic! This could only be as a result of negligence (on the part of the current powers that be), or civil war!

    I wonderwhat else was in those noodles, that he ate for lunch!

    you mean Taksin of course or are you like all brainwashed Taksim followers happy to apply normal double standards

    if all you opponents of Supet started applying your comments to real dictator or at least recognise the harm he and his clan have done then maybe sensible people like me might have a little more time for your BS

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  11. It is not Bangkok that should be shut down it is Suthep.

    Talk about stirring up a hornets nest.

    Most countries wouldn't allow him to get away with this sort of rabble raising and closing down of a

    capital city.

    He just represents a bunch of spoilt brats who had years to implement reform and never did and when Thaksin came along and used the institutionalised corrupted system to benefit his cronies and left out all the old money cronies well that just wouldn't do would it.

    Old money old elite did nothing to change the system for years but when they lost control suddenly start prattling on about a peoples revolution.

    Only the truly naïve could swallow that codswallop.

    and only the really naive would not recognise how awful corrupt and dangerous Taksin is and his plan to take total control of everything

    SO I guess you'd like a one party taksin state because without suphet that is exactly what would carry on happening

  12. I admire his vision, despite his chequered past. I can't see Monday not being violent. Thailand has a history of getting things done violently, and I can't see how change can be done peacefully. So we shall see.One thing is clear. Thaksin won't give up, no matter how badly things are stacked up against him, so i cannot see it ending peacefully.All those who think the election should go ahead and rattle on about upholding the law/democracy/etc, obviously have no idea how things work on Thailand. It really isn't as simple as that.


    He could be bought in a moment.

    idiotic comment if Taksin could have bough him he would have done so long long ago with all his billions

  13. Which army chief in the world behaves like he is an independent body and dose not come under the ruling government? Which army chief in the world condones c apital shutdown by protesters and says that no violenece should directed atthe protesters by security authorities.

    This army chief is basically a Suthep sympathiser or has an agenda of his own. The masses should come out and remove him, all lower reanking soldiers who belong to the masses should revolt and eradicate all their yellow generals in the army.

    Well said. If I were Yingluck, I would remove this yellow banana a long time ago. In any functioning civilian government the chief of the Army would be sacked asap. But this is Thailand and the army is above the law and in fact they are to be blamed for the current and past stand-off's.


    otherwise Thialand would already be totally controlled by Taksin as dictator and new president and of course you could then totally forget about any elections

    The Army is only thing here that keeps things in check and you think the most corrupt self serving awful evil government should have power over it

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  14. Anyone who feels the army is on the fence should contact me about real estate in Florida. The Army is on the protesters' side. It speaks more to the truth to say that the army is acting like it's on the fence.

    In the event that a coup does happen, I just hope that there is plentiful video taken of the masses of [cough] Democrats cheering and celebrating news of the coup as incontrovertible evidence of what radical hypocrites they really are. For posterity's sake.

    i hope your right since it was/is possible Taksin had even bought the army. That seems unlikely so one of greatest dangers hopefully is gone and

    taksin will have to go to Plan B to try and become total dictator

    Anything to rid Thailand of the Taksin cancer and if that means army take over so be it

    Ill be cheering day as loudly as any dems if Taksin is defeated

  15. at last someone is learning from Taksins tactics instead of playing by nice rules of game. At least they have not yet copied his grand plan to burn down Bangkok and cause civil war.

    So far Taksin has had it all his own way with dirty tricks and rest and if Dems and those who recognise Taksin for vile would be dictator he is start using same tactics or some of them I applaud it since it seems only way to get rid of the Taksin cancer

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  16. The really foolish thing is that the Army has bothered to issue this press release rebutting Amsterdams statement.

    Obviously as Mr Amsterdam is not in Thailand, the Army are unable to invoke the arcane defamation laws that are regularly used to silence critics,

    The irony is by responding to the accusations, without offering anything in defense, but only to say Amsterdam is persona non grata it would appear to most observers that the article has substance.

    Lets face it, a quick google will show that many of these claims are indeed factually correct.

    The Army would be better of saying nothing, the only effect it has is digging themselves deeper into the hole they are already in.

    i think its Taksin and his regime which have dug their own hole. You are totally naive and mistaken if you think the army really could give a toss but they have thank goodness shown their hand cleverly as yet another warning shot to Taksin that he will not be allowed to simply take over Thailand

    In any case everyone has right to refute any accusation made against them particularly from someone totally on Taksins side and paid by him. Even if he claims he no longer acts for Taksin its more than likely that he's still paid under the table so that he can claim he's unbiased What a load of BS

    weather its legal or not I doubt he will dare come back to Thailand unless Taksin does succeed in making here into his own dictatorship when he probably would be awarded the Taksin medal of honour for upholding democracy in Thailand bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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  17. Since when was it amsterdams place to blast the Thai army.

    Oh yes, he is Thaksins mouthpiece so he is talking for the convicted crim.

    How dare the army attempt to prevent the chosen one from returning to claim his rightful place as the dictator.

    Please highlight what part of Amsterdams article was factually incorrect so we can all discuss

    Right! Amsterdam my be a dubious person, just as much as his client, but even he sometimes may be right. The Thai Army has a history of coups and violence against the Thai people.


    so what they are needed until such time as would be dictators like Taksin is able to disregard laws checks and balances. If and when Thailand's leaders accept independent judiciary and such bodies and accept their judgements then feel free to criticise the army here. Taksin has clearly stated he does not believe in democracy, his taksin regime have clearly stated they do not accept court decisions and wont, Taksins government have tried to force through an amnesty bill to give immunity to Taksin and force through changes to constitution so any spending could not be scrutinised even y their own party members or MP's and Taksin has been caught red handed trying to bribe judges (luck box with 2 million baht) as well as plenty of other tube evidence showing he has total disregard for any laws and is quite happy to pay red shirt thugs to do his will.

    How much worse does it have to get for people to stop trying to make excuses for Taksin and his one aim to turn here into his own one party dictatorship so he and his clan can have total absolute control of Thailand.

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  18. It's not the polls that is the problem it's Suthep and his Yellow Skirts thugs that are the problem.

    bs its Taksin and his reims which is problem and if Taksin gave up then most would be ok and Suphep would not have huge following he has and support of my wife and many who simply have had enough of his totally corrupt regime.

    Remember how this started with an attempt to pass an amnesty bill to absolve Taksin of all his crimes and amend constitution so government could do whatever they wanted with them obey without parliamentary or any other oversight.

    The election if it goes ahead will not be end of it in fact its irrelevant since even if Taksins party got 100% of votes cast parliament cannot open simply due to 95% rule and so a caretaker government would need to be in place for several months.

    Only way without a coup is to postpone elections for a few months and put in a impartial government while reforms are carried out and then hold an election which I'm sure the dens would then be quite happy to join. however this will not happen since taksin will not give in and do anything for Thailand which could put any brake on his plan to turn here into his own Taksin state totally controlled by himself his clan and cronies and remove any semblance of democracy or checks and balances.

    <deleted> Takins party having said they wont accept court decisions are now saying they wont accept EEC and I'm sure will simply if they dared and theirs an election hold a parliament amend rules so that 95% does not apply.

    This will not end with an election even if one is held on 2nd feb but with a coup or civil war. Hopefully a coup is most likely outcome.

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