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Posts posted by icare999

  1. "We will return the power to the people"

    What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

    Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

    Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

    To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

    and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

    If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

    Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

    Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

    For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

    HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

    History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

    Thaksin and his clan out of the game would be just the beginning for a change, not the end of all the problems, at all.

    I did not see any factual change done when Dems were at government, but no one remarks on that. All you can blame is Thaksin (with an 'h' between 'T' and 'a') but I am sure that once (finally, I'd say) he would be out of Thai politics, problem would not be over.

    it would help totally to heal hatred between 2 sides. I also think Abihist while I believe a decent person should leave politics for good of really helping to heal the huge divide. While Taksin is in picture their are so many who loathe and hate him with such a vengeance their will never be peace or acceptance of a government controlled and led by him. WIth him and his clan gone quite quickly a new party would emerge and almost anyone would be better. An election could then be held and most would accept and give benefit of doubt to winner. All provided Taksin and none of his clan were involved. Its probably unlikely then that any one party would get a total majority and so most people would be even more content knowing none could take or impose total control and power.

    Whan I say all problems would go of course their would still be normal poetical disagreements but without him I doubt their would be total hatred and loathing for his government, him, his clan and cronies that even most blind can see is there for a very large number of Thais.

    Ive been here 30+ years and I've never seen Thais so divided. My wife and family come from the poorest of the poor yet my wife and many of her friends hatred of Taksin is undeniable and massive. These are not hiss people but normal working people. Their are also a number of our (no longer friends) who worship Taksin like a god and also a number who are beneficiaries of Taksin's corrupt schemes and have become very wealthy by being given licences from Taksin overlords and so able to cream a slice of Pie for them selves. Its pathetic to see these vile creatures then lord it over those not at feeding trough and acting just liker in Animal farm as Pigs to those who before were their close neighbours and friends. Their greed and desire to stay at feeding pen makes then most vocal supporters and admirers of Taksin. The majority left out in cold hang around like beggars hoping for a few crumbs to fall their way and believe if they also show great support for Taksin they to could get some of spoils. They are to stupid to understand they will never be free or anything but useful cannon fodder for dear brother.

    Taksin is avery clever manipulator and has successfully bought or given favour to a select few just like some robber baron of old. At every level as in any dictatorship the few who have been given privilege (to varying degrees depending on their pecking order) know if they do not supply support and obedience of lesser slaves beneath them then they will loose their place in the pecking order and lesser slaves below them are hoping they then will be placed higher.

    Its really sad to see as I witness this day by day in our red village and area that a once lovely place where most were content and happy turn into a place of fear gossip greed and envy.

    Those who believe this is democracy should come and live in it for a while. We are of course Ok since we have money and are left mostly alone although their have been minor instances of keying of our cars and such. Our neighbours have been told not to talk to us since my wife's views on their beloved leader are quite well known and most obey that edit. How long before it gets nasty I don't know and as I said so far its limited to silly vandalism and some fairly minor instances of decrying or attempting to destroy some of our property. I am watching it very carefully and we've sent our 2 children who are now finishing their education to another part of Thailand just to be safe. I expect if it gets worse we will have to board our home p and leave until hopefully red thugs are beaten once and for all. I can assure you if that happens decisively their will be many here who celebrate but at moment are to frightened to say anything or even to vote for any other than those they are told to vote for.

    • Like 1
  2. "We will return the power to the people"

    What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

    Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

    Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

    To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

    and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

    If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

    Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

    Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

    For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

    HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

    History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

    • Like 1
  3. Time to stop the BS!!

    Supporters of Suthep still want to convince us, that this is the middleclass in a peaceful demonstration??

    More like a ultra-national "rent-a-mob"

    More sad than the Thais behaving like idiots, is that you got posters here applauding the fascist "sturmers"bah.gif

    I often wondered how Hitler could get away with it, and now I see a repeat before my very eyes!!

    its actually Taksin and his cronies who are more like Hitler and if you were not so blind you would clearly see Taksin's uses of his red thugs is exactly like Hitler's use of brown shirts and Red Shirt villages are very similar to Pol Pot's political education camps only those being politically educated red shirt and Taksin way live there. I should know I live n a red shirt village.

    All this would go away and proper elections could be held if Taksin his puppet sister and clan simply stepped away and let Thailand move forward.

    whatever you think this is not going to end until Takisn either wins total control and turns Thailand into his own one party state or he is finally defeated. I would choose Suphet any day over Taksin as would a large number of people. Taksin may be able to get again by money, bullying and other means a majority but until he goes their will be no peace.

    And please don't give me this free and fair election crap. If yowl I've in a Thai village especially a red shirt one you vote as your told by head of village and his band of cronies or watch out. The people here simply believe and know how they vote can and is seen even though I have tried to explain to them this is not possible given their are no numbers or marks on ballet paper that could possibly link them and how they voted. Im told you don't understand or know being a forang. Thats of course few wed trust in our brave res shirt village and area to discuss anything outside the party line.

    COme on up and see for yourself and you will see how democracy works here in Thailand. In cities and towns it is different but in country and villages which are totally controlled in north east by Taksin its as democratic as a Stalin communist election or any other dictators election. Pick any one Hitler, Mugabwie, Saddam, Gaddafi all elected in totally free and fair elections bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  4. They would not dare make a single arrest.

    They know what it would lead to, and they don't want that do they?

    Go on Tarit... I dare ya.

    Just more wind and piss, totally worthless news article, they already have warrants issued and they are too scared to go and carry those out.

    Don't ask me for proof.

    Yes they are scared to bring out the iron boot.

    You say you dare Tarit to bring it on.

    You know full well that if Tarit 'brings it on' the gov't will be dissolved- either by military or judicial coup (use that 134 IQ you claim to have!)

    and then the dogs of hell will be unleashed- Rightly or wrongly (who will care?)- the people who do support this government and (so far quietyly) oppose the fascists will come to fight.

    Is that what you want?

    An Eastern Sarajevo?

    And you know- that nobody won SHIT in Bosnia!

    Yingluck has offered time and again the olive branch- Suthep and his madmen have refused to grasp it.

    They have stars in their eyes- blinded by hate and fantasies of utopian fairies that will usher Heaven on Earth.

    Reason has left the room.

    And your post is evidence of that.

    You just reflected everything I was actually hinting at.

    They go in and arrest everyone, then there will be another bunch right behind them to take up the reigns.

    They have probably already discussed what the action will be and that it may be along the lines of 'no more peaceful protest'. Or possibly even total lock down of BKK But whatever their plan B course of action, they will certainly take it to a whole new level, and that will force a coup of some sort.

    Tarit will become public enemy number one and i suspect he will have to flee the country for his own safety.

    Tarit? you think when the shit hits the fan anybody will even remember his name?

    What do you predict the response will be- locally as well as internationally- to a coup?

    Top brass knows- and you don't- that's surprising. They are using reason. What are you using?

    come on who cares about so called international community. I worked for UN and other bodies and they are a load of hot air balloons. What on earth did they do about Pol Pot or Idi amin or Uganda or recently Sudan Iraq and many more.

    You need to get out of your ivory tower mate and go see real world. Thais don't give a shit about international community and Taksin definitely could not care less and has even said so.

    Grow up please and smell the coffee.

  5. The BBC admitted that the 5 million figure was nonsense, just like this new nonsense. I've been in much bigger crowds over the years that were still under 500k. As others have pointed out elsewhere the spaces these crowds were in could not physically hold more than about 200,000 and when you allow for the fact that many people out yesterday were simply watching rather than taking part you get a more accurate figure. Suthep can't even tell the truth about the numbers, how could he be trusted to run a council.

    well since many said he could not even get 10,000 and by your own admission it was probably a few hundred thousand. Now compare that with red thug showing a little while ago and whichever side of fence your on Suphet has pulled of an amazing feat. He's made government resign and stopped the Amnesty bill and put a serious spanner into Taksins great plan. All these things would have seemed impossible 2m months ago but he's done that and almost single handed.

    So maybe just maybe he can rid Thailand of the most evil megalomaniac would be total dictator.

    Well see but its obvious to anyone that even if feb 2nd elections take place this is not going to end whatever number of seats or people Taksin manages to buy, brainwash or coheres. Interesting Chuwit has also said he and his party are not standing.

    I pray and hope this is beginning of end for Taksin and his clan and cronies and then Thailand can mover on.

    If Taksin does not concede then its obvious we will have either an army coup or a civil war and all because of one mans megalomaniac will to make Thailand his own police one party state. Even in Cambodia they are rebelling against the once pol pot dictator. IT wont be nice but necessary to avoid Thailand becoming another country rules by a dictator.

    First sign of hope I've seen for many years here and ill take my chances with Suphet anyway compared with Suphet and red thugs.

  6. I have to admit that vote buying is one thing both the democrat and for thai parties do. And since both of the parties know that the act of buying votes will not determine the winner, so they opt to buy the winner instead. If you have been living in Thailand for some time, you should know by now that in each region, there is at least one or two prominent political figures and most likely they'll win the election in their areas. So Thaksin put this idea into practice. He knows he needs only 300 winners, so he'd buy the prominent political figure of each regions who are likely to attain lower house of representatives status into his party. By giving them each 20 millions, he could buy Thailand just under 6 billion bahts or under 200 million USD. Very cheap for buying a country, don't you agree?

    Did you know that these same people were being offered 40 million per head to join with the Democrat coalition? Newin's Bhumjaithai party accepted the loot along with three cash generating ministries to run, giving the Democrats enough seats to form a government. The rest, as they say, is history.

    i was offered 100 million baht (I would have accepted GBP or Euro) by taksin to get 100 mercenaries and take over Thailand instead of having to go through all this pretence. What a cheapskate so he paid 2000 baht each to al pad of local inexperienced mercenaries and look at result.

  7. Those who are posting on here in support of these protests might like to consider the sort of people they're supporting:

    RT@BangkokLife: Thai woman shouting in English outside Lumpini Park "All Shinawatras must go" followed by "All foreigners should go! Thailand is for Thais!"

    Not even that will convince some of them of the xenophobic, uber nationalism of this 'movement'

    <deleted> so one person hates forang. Heres al title surprise for you from someone here for 30 years a lot of thais dislike us and a lot hate us. In wales they used to burn english cottages because they hatted the English so much. A lot of Thais don't like forang irrespective of their political allegiance. In most of Europe lots of people say same about muslims. In 30 years I've made al to of great Thai friends both rich and really poor but all will tell you a lot of thais simply don't like even hate forang. Live with it it wont go away same as prejudice against blacks or jews or germans. Now don't get me started n germans and don't mention the war.

    Dont be so pathetic and show your total ignorance

    Finally you must be American and I wish americans would go and get lost and stop polluting the world with their BS so please if your american go home the world is for all not for Americans

  8. I think its right decision while a criminal from abroad controls all here. If Taksin left then all would be fine. Elections could be held and provided the government did not try to ride rough shod over everything and ignore courts then it would be accepted by vast majority of people. What many wont accept is a party and government controlled for benefit and sole purpose of one megalomaniac.

    Until Taksin goes or manages to turn Thailand into his own one party police state this will just continue and probably army will have to take over.

    All Taksin and his clan have to do to stop Suphet is say for sake of country they are stepping down but of course they don't do anything for anyone as long as they get their power and total control.

    Why should Democrats give any form of legitimacy to Taksin's government when their sole stated purpose is for one man.

    This is not going to end even if election is held. That I can guarantee 100%.

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  9. well on the other hand she has been elected ...so why resign now ?

    Elected by whom?

    the majority, thats called democracy

    im fed up with people confusing what happens here with democracy. There is nothing great about buying votes and elections and calling it democracy and then having a totally corrupt puppet PM and cronies bent on pillaging tHailand purely and only for their won gain.

    If this is democracy then id rather have Army or anything than this one man megalomanic turn Thailand into his own feudal one party police state

    Id prefer to take my chances with Suphet or anything or anyone else than suffer Taksin and his clan and cronies any longer and just pray that is possible irrespective of how brainwashed bought or otherwise shat upon the poor vote for them

  10. All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

    The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

    By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

    The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

    as a farther of 4 girls i would want total revenge of most vile kind and suffer any Karma. This guy and people like him are sub human and not worry of any more thought than you'd give to killing a rabid dog. The difference however is a rabid dog is not human so no difference.

    He should be made to suffer 1`00 times worse than the suffering he has caused to an innocent small child.

    And anyone who suggest otherwise I would also mark as almost as bad as him and also should be put down

  11. Quite interesting..... the serving 'top brass' feels quite rightly that it cannot come out and overtly support either one facation or the other, but there is nothing to stop retired 'top brass' from doing so. No-one should be naive enough to believe that there is no serious linkage between those serving and those retired. I reckn the writing is on the wall for the Sinawatras.

    lets hope so and hope Thailand can get rid of this vile person and his clan soon and then move on

    Their will be no peace until Taksin is finally defeaed and if he's not thailand will stay stuck in a loop

    All this for one megalomaniac evil man

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  12. "Almost all coup attempts, successful or failed, occur in countries that are relatively poor ..."

    More accurately it is a history of poverty among a large segment of the population, with little hope of escaping from it. We have seen coups in many countries where the ruling class had obscene amounts of wealth, but the majority of the populace were poor and uneducated. With no opportunity to escape poverty under their present conditions, revolution/coups appeared to have been their only hope. Unfortunately for them, the new regimes just moved in and took over the role of the oppressors.

    Although there is a significant population in America who perceive themselves to be poor (compared to well to do Americans. Not compared to those in other parts of the world who are truly poor), there are possible opportunities to raise themselves out of their present situation and thus have realistic hope of moving up in economic class. It is this possibility which keeps them in check and prevents the probability of revolution. In Thailand, those who are disenfranchised see no such hope, and live in a constant state of desperation. For them it appears that they only will see a change in their oppressors, but very little chance of escaping their poverty. Thus, ongoing desperate times will call for desperate actions, and they will support the overthrow of the present regime in the unrealistic hope that they will miraculously be lifted out of their impoverished lives.

    what a total load of BS. Ive been here 30 years and seen lots of very poor get ahead and not just by finding some sugar daddy. Its very hard to do but in many ways no harder than in west. Theirs very little really grinding poverty here compared with hopelessness found on many UK sink estates. My wife and family come from dual poor and several still live hand to mouth getting a living by a mixture of farming and selling. Its far easier here for someone to open a food stall or other small business without oppressive bureaucracy and excessive rules and regulations prevalent in the west. Most of rural poor had/have their own land and no debt. Its true they lived very humbly but increasingly they are selling their land for a quick buck and becoming real slaves as workers in cities. Many are simply very lazy and ones who make a real effort often manage to drag themselves out of poverty but it takes a lot of work. My wife still keeps a small farm in Issan more to keep tradition these days than out of need. Several of her neighbours work all hours and have worked really hard to give their children a education and several have managed to send their children to university while themselves living in effectively huts. Those are exceptions I agree but its no hardener to do here than for a family living in some drug ridden estate in UK or many western countries. difference is only those in west mostly have much more material goods but give up. When my wives aunt's husband died leaving her with 3 kids she rolled up her sleeves and started a noodle stall which in west she could never have done due to all red tape, regulation and PC claptrap.

    One of beauties of living here is its rare to see anyone hungry. In fact one only has to go to local temple to get food if in dire need.

    Its not simply a case of rich against a poor downtrodden underclass and its definitely total crap to say its more difficult for someone to rise above normal very low standard. Problem is its just to easy here in many ways since up to recently one could live here on almost nothing so many maybe wisely simply decided not worth bother to get a bit more. I know many many hard working poor thais who don't just laze around and know many who prefer to sit back especially the Thai men and drink cheap whisky.

    Its hard here for many but please don't make out poor here are anything like rap abject poverty you get in many countries in Africa and other Asian nations or India or large parts of China

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  13. " from previous poster

    You are kidding me right?

    PTP have wanted to make several changes to the constitution using their majority tactics, as they already own most of the senate through corruption.

    That isn't enough. They want to own the entire senate and buy off most of the lower house by kissing coalition ass.

    Then we won't forget that they also want the senate to be composed of family members of the PTP MPs and the remainder of the Shinawatra clan who are not already involved.

    Yes, that is not only totally unconstitutional, it is bordering on dictatorship. "

    I hardly think bordering it is dictatorship which is exactly what Taksin and bios clan cronies are planning to get. Those to blind to see that are totally deluded but then most people did not see what Hitler, Idi Amin, Mugabwie and rest were up to until it was to late

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  14. No matter how you try to disguise the PDRC, it is undemocratic. If Suthep is serious about what can be dishonestly referred to as 'reform', let it be considered in a referendum after the elections. To stall the elections for something that is nebulous and ill-defined as the creation of the PDRC, is like the blind optimism of the man who jumps off a building and yells at each floor on the way down -- "Everything is ok, so far!"

    sorry Taksin's thailand is not democratic. At least in my books. And Taksin himself said he does not believe in democracy unless of course it suits him.

    What is all this BS about democracy being great. So great it voted for Hitler, for Mugabwie, for Gaddaffi for Idi Amin for Saddam and hosts of others and all those places would be in far better shape if it had not been for so called democratic elections.

  15. Makes me smile every time I see someone calling Suthep an idiot, stupid, as bad or worse than Thaksin or any of the other silly things they say about him.

    Consider what he has achieved in the last 45 days.

    He has got hundreds of thousands of ordinary Thais from all walks of life out on the streets to vent their previously hidden feelings about the corrupt PT Government.

    He has got the Amnesty bill scrapped, a bill that would have exonerated all the red shirt leaders and their boss Thaksin, would have dropped over 25 thousand corruption cases at present under investigation, corruption that has cost the country billions of baht. A bill that would have set a president that corruption can be excused. He did this even though the same bill would have also excused him of any charges against him.

    He has got the PT Govt to resign.

    He has got every group in the country realalising that there needs to be some sort of reform to clean up politics.

    And now he has got these groups talking about it and in most cases coming together to talk about it.

    Sure they are not all coming together as yet, but give it time it will happen.

    In the mean time there are those who have vested interests in keeping things the same and they are the ones who will eventually have to be pushed out in order for the country to move forward.

    Well, it doesn't make me smile to see a country ( one for which we all have affection) paralysed and divided by this guy. Ordinary people are losing their livelihoods as a consequence of these actions, foreign investors losing confidence, tourists cancelling, thugs fighting in the streets. He is no different from the previous cabal of bullies wanting to retain their ' born to rule' authority. He seems quite happy to destroy the country in his obsession with Thaksin. Everyone knows that politics is a rotten business and the majority of Thai politicians would steal a stale crust from a blind chook , if it suited them. It does make me smile to note that some seem to believe that this guy is different. Most Thais do not believe so, as reflected in the latest polls.

    and you i guess would be happy for Taksin to continue taking total control of everything and happy for an amnesty to pardon him and all other criminals and happy to see Thailand become Taksins one party police state without any protest from anyone. SOme great democracy that will be with Taksin and his red thugs deciding that they can do anything they want, ignore all laws and court decisions and happily carry on pillaging and looting the nations wealth, taxes and assets for their own and family's sole benefit while throwing a few crumbs at the poor while assuring them they will all be rich in 6 months.

    You vision of a future here is onto one my wife, her family and most of her friends want which is why Suphet has managed to gain so much support. MY wife and family and many of her friends come from lowest rung in society but are not so stupid as to be brainwashed by Taksin and his fantastic PR machine. Even Goebbils could not match Taksin's skills in lies and falsehoods.

    it is your hero Taksin, his red thugs, his clan and cronies who are slowly and surely destroying Thailand.

    We will see what happens but doth be so sure that this time your hero will be able to fool most of the people most of the time. He might get away with it again and if so their will b e no peace here. If he goes all will be much better I guarantee you.

  16. Let's imagine a Thailand without Suthep and his demonstration:

    1) Dr T is back and cleared of all wrongdoings

    >> Not. Senate (50% appointed) rejected the Amnesty bill.

    2) His confiscated money is returned to him with %

    >> Not: The top appeals court ruled to seize 2/3rds of his frozen assets.

    3) 2.2 trillion loan is ready and waiting for further instruction to which private account to transfer it.

    >> Not: Constitutional court is reviewing it first.

    4) senators are wifes and family members of lower house MPs which means that whatever party get's the majority of votes have no one to be accountable to.

    >> Not: Unless a charter amendment passes (Constitutional court blocks it), Senat is still 50% appointed.

    >> Government is still accountable to: Constitutional court, NACC, Supreme Administrative Court, HM the King, and of course the general public, as per the next election.

    5) Dr T can run for PM, or maybe since the constitution can be amended any way the goverment wants, for even more lucrative position.

    >> Not: Again, amnesty bill as above.

    None of what you say is true. (Additions in red mine)

    The 2007 constitution implemented several institutions, outside of the control of the elected government, to limit the power of a single-party majority. And so far, they have done exactly that, maybe even a little too well.

    Suthep's antics have achieved exactly nothing.

    BS if you can't see what was happening then your either totally brainwashed or simply totally naive Suphet has put a brake on Taksins plan to totally take 100% control of Thailand and make it into his own 1 party police state.

    we will see if Taksin still gets his way and then if he does you will see in a few years how totally blind you are

    All it needs to put Thailand n a decent track is for the megalomaniac and his clan to step down for good and then like magic Suphet will be irrelevant. Since that wont happen Suphet or his replacement are needed to stop one of most evil people in this world namely the coward hiding away in Dubai or wherever.

    Until Taksin gives up Thailand is set on a course for civil war or an army coup

    The trouble with Taksin supporters such as yourself is you simply cannot understand that a large number of people even if a very large minority hate and loathe Taksin much more than paid and brainwashed hate and loathe the so called hoses in BKK

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  17. No, but the 12 million people who voted in the current government probably don't want Suthep?

    12 mill is a small percentage of a country with 67 mill people.

    The current government was voted in by over 53% in both constituency and proportional votes. A clear majority, leading to 60% of seats, again a clear majority.

    Now what democratic mandate has Suthep ?

    who cares democracy does not exist here and however many votes Taksin can buy does not make it democratic.

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  18. So, to all the people who have bashed me over the past few day (I'm loving this) TOLD YOU SO!! He's mental, and his only ain is to reign as dictator. What a total disgrace to his people who initially supported him

    rattled you has he and rattled Taksin and his clan no doubt . Im for anyone who takes Taksin and his red thugs family and brown nose hangers on down a peg or two.

    And people still support hi . You might ask why but you'll never accept the answer which is because they are simply fed up with one family taking total control of everything.

    Well sone Suphet clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif for having guts to stand up and give taksin and his lot a run for their money.

    and even Taksin said he did not believe in democracy. Anything that its a spanner into Taksins master plan to take complete control and turn Thailand into his own one party police state is good with me.

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  19. Suthep needs to take a step back and take a deep breath , the people will decide not Suthep, the Shinawatra family have just the same rights as everyone else, believe it or not , if suthep is not careful he will be alone voice in the wilderness , all the support will have deserted him, Suthep would be better placed to start the ball rolling for elections and democracy reform , instead of running around brow beating and making threats .bah.gif

    anything that makes Taksin and his evil clan skirt a bit is good as far as I'm concerned. The sooner Thialnd is rid of Thaksin the sooner it can start healing. Well sone Suphet as one who stood up and was counted unlike that miserable coward Taksin.

  20. i have just spoken to my wife about this late payment her reply no money no vote she is quite sure payments will be made before proposed election date

    I'm sure she is right and like lambs to daughter then all is fine and they and I assume your wife will vote for this lot again. Well will serve them right to find if they do that next year payment is not made or less or whatever because as lots say here they were voted in so can do whatever they please.

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