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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Maybe Yingluck will go on a long shopping trip soon, as there is no law that says she can resign!

    Cause it doesn't look like the farmers will vote PTP next time!

    They will.

    Remember YOU can FOOL all of the people ALL of the time... especially here.

    As much as the locals where I live want to hang her and her cronies over the rice scam 10-1 they will vote the lot back in.

    Most villages controlled by the head man, who gets 10k approx. without perks. and paid by the controlling council chief. it only needs 1 man to in a small village to have the people conform--remote villages of course. The head man gets voted in by the locals for sweeteners given. Fact, lived next door to one head man.

    thats peanuts head of village gets real money by distributing the village fund (I believe now 2 million) into his own projects for good of village of course or/and loans to help people but of course at least 10-20% kickback plus interest. No problem rice farmers and their families will probably get 1000 baht a vote this time plus promise of loans to help them manage their cash flow while waiting for rice payment.

    Deserve everything they get for being so gullible and if theirs an election they will be fooled again and again and probably vote for Taksin since he's their saviour and will make them al rich but just need a bit more time

  2. She's behaved in a far more mature manner than Suthep and his clan.

    But how did her clan behave during the 2010 riots? Much worse, IMHO. I'd take Suthep's approach any day over what happened back then.



    The reds in 2010 were fighting for democracy and were responding to having the army set upon them.

    Suthep and his thugs are fighting to overthrow a democratically elected government which has shown amazing restraint, no other government in the world would stand for such behaviour.

    Shame on you!

    and shame on you for supporting a one man megalomaniac who has no care for Thialand at all and has/is hell bent on making Thailand bios now one party police state totally controlled by himself his clan and cronies. Thank good ness at last some one has had guts to stand up against him and ability to raise enough support. What train and red thugs did in 2010 is not something to boast about and it had nothing to do with democracy.

    Whoever wins this at least a decent stand has been taken against Taksin and Thais have shown to my surprise they wont just lie down and cow tow to a would be dictator.

    You are pathetically brainwashed or deluded or stupid to compare Suthep and his followers who have been very peaceful against red thugs and their war cry if burn down Bangkok.

    We will see but ax I've said this is now a tipping point and either Taksin wins and Thailand over next 5-10 years defends to a one party police state under big brother Taksin or can choice a better alternative which while uncertain is 100% better than 1 man and his megalomaniac out for power.

  3. Suthep didn't win. He lost. An election is the last thing he wanted. And he will lose again when February comes and the Thai people show the Democrats again that they don't want them in power.

    Suthep can proclaim victory like North Koreas Kim Jong-un but the truth is that he has no power at all, without the army or police behind him, which he doesn't have.

    He'll have the police behind him soon.

    Both "peoples man of choice", suthep and his fellow unemployed murder suspect, abhisit, are due to appear at an arraignment hearing on 12th December - no parliamentary immunity this time, boys.

    you wish but it aint going to happen you'll see

  4. It is the people's wish.

    The people has spoken.

    If Thaksin cares about the people, he should comply.

    You mean your people. What about other people? They are not Thais and their voices do not count because it does not comply with yours. Is that it?

    sadly Taksin by his quest for total power and total control has caused an equal and opposite reaction as was almost certainly inevitable. If he had not tried to get an amnesty bill done to allow him back and measures to give even more control to him and his clan then people would not have felt driven to support whats happening. However it ends it all is due to one mans megalomaniac lust for power. These are dire times and anything is possible but for better or worse anything that gets rid of Taksin and his clan and cronies has my support. If Tansin and his family had any decency they would quit and let wounds heal and maybe someone can emerge who is better since nothing can be much worse. Abasit would have been natural one and he was best P/m this country has had in my 30 years but his hands were very tied and now would be a good time for him to say hell step down if Taksin Yingluk and rest of clan do likewise and also if he suggested Suphet did same

    Anyway at moment well done Suphet for being only one with guts to stand up fully to Taksin and he's achieved more than I could have hoped well done indeed

    If after all this Thais decide they still leant Taksin and his rotten to core government then so be it and they will get what they deserve. If Suphet gets his way 100% and turns out to be a dictator so be it. Ill taken y chances on that

    Whatever One huge victory is that I can't see Taksin ever being able to come back even if he manages to buy another election

    All this fork one man Taksin and hid lust for total and absolute power and control

    • Like 1
  5. strange but when its purely the anti govt protesters there is no violence, when the reds and police get involved the violence starts. This says it all really, it also shows that it is the govt and its stooges that are the cause of all the violence.

    Oh Jeez.

    I truly do give up on the human race's capacity for seeing the truth, rather than following the indoctrination of their peers, at times.

    Don't bother replying (or don't expect a reply) as I'm going for a lie-down.

    truth is hard to take is it for you reds can do no wrong

  6. It would all make sense except they are all wearing yellow and the other side wears red and they are not calling for a coup.

    The Reds won the election.

    The international community?

    Read what posters outside Thailand are saying.

    The vast majority of posts call it a coup and undemocratic and they look down upon Thailand should a coup be aloud to happen with this act.

    You see, if you marched toward Obama, the army would shoot down the people like dogs.

    If you tried to take out the PM in the UK, David Cameron, they too would defend him with armed force.

    But in Thailand?

    The army not only sits silently, it gives aid.

    NO--this will be a coup and no way to hide it should it happen.

    The international community knows this for a fact now.

    who cares what so called international community think They stand idly bye when millions are massacred inn Cambodia in Rwanda and everywhere unless of course oil is a factor. For me good luck and anything that rids Thailand of Taksin is worth it. Nothing can be worse than this government in fact its not a government its a one man show with not slightest voice raised in discussion about anything as long as Taksin gets back.

    • Like 1
  7. It would be a great gift for the country if all of these Democrat MPs would just vanish from the surface of the Earth.

    Dems MPs joining the thugs in the streets... Too funny. I hope they don't end up with a broken nail biggrin.png

    And people did vote for these traitors? Incredible.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    give it a rest mate I get more and more convinced people like you are either brain dead totally naive brainwashed or maybe paid to post such dribble

    • Like 1
  8. They are back to their 2006 tactic, if you can't win at the ballot box, you frustrate the system. The democratic party is democratic in name only.

    Not only do they backstab all the people that voted for them, they now openly support Suthep and his People's council.

    I feel sorry for everyone that voted these clowns in to parliament.

    Once and for all it is now been officially revealed. The financial muscle behind the Dems is the same group sponsoring the rally. I have just watched that spineless thing that calls himself a leader declaring his intentions in the hope level headed Democrat supporters will head for the streets tomorrow and swell the dwindling numbers.

    What amazed me most was the skill of Blue Sky TV to hide the strings of the puppet master controlling Mr Abhisit. If they have resigned they should never be allowed to enter politics again after failing the 11 million that voted for them. The Dems are effectively saying that they dont want to govern in favour of a selected 'Peoples Council". For the 11 million that voted for these worthless people I feel sorry , you deserve better. Dont make the same mistake again, they dont want democracy, the next free election is your chance to resign this political party (term used very loosely) to history and let Thailand move forward.

    The people's behind the Democrats are far richer then the Shinawatra clan but they don't go in politics normally but they know who to contact to get their interest made known but with PTP they really have no one to listen to them. I know three companies of which at least two could swallow the little assets that the Shinawatra group has today. Thaksin real mistake was that he left those companies out and didn't shared his pie. I think the first option should have been for Thaksin to sell AIS to Telecom Asia and not to SingTel in Singapore.

    The second mistake was he sold ThaiCom to the Singaporean government linked company. He should have offered it to sell to Telecom Asia as well. When he placed that two deals to the Singaporean's he got himself a very big upset Thai company. Then he played games wit DTAC. DTAC can't have majority owned by foreigners but AIS is ok and fine to ahve SIngaporean take over.

    Then Thaksin made a tax free transaction in letting the Singapore GCC take over AIS but for Dtac and True they have to pay taxes on the sell of shares.

    This was certainly that broke his neck in Thai politics. It's all about business and the other groups knew that any Thaksin linked government doesn't bring any money in their pockets so they are funneling now funds to the democrats.

    BTW: Since last month a few hundred thousand demonstrate in Bangkok. Who pays the money of providing food, drinking water and logositics to the demonstrators. Most of them do not have the money to buy their drink and food for them-self, specially the thugs.

    Lets say 600,000 bottles x 14 Baht per day = 8,4 million Baht

    Two warm meals per day 300,000 meals x 28 Baht per day = another 8,4 million Baht

    x 30 days at least 500 million Baht.

    Logistics is not even included.

    Surely the democrats can't pay for it so it would be great to know who are the financiers. This number above are very conservative numbers and according to some friends in Bangkok, they put the number to as high as 1.5 billion Baht to bring down the government.

    "Then Thaksin made a tax free transaction in letting the Singapore GCC take over AIS but for Dtac and True they have to pay taxes on the sell of shares".

    So do tell us what was it that Thaksin did,three weeks before the AIS deal that allowed him not to have to pay 40% Tax on the deal? which later became the start of his many problems? Q1.Your starter for 10!

    i loathe taksin and all he is but the tax thing IMO is not correct Thailand does not have CGT tax so i don't see how any tax was due. SO much as i loathe and despise Taksin as I said their is no tax on sales of shares or profit from that

    please someone correct me if I'm wrong its same Thialand does not have inheritance tax either so people seem to think rules and things as they are in some western countries apply here when they dont

    What incensed people back in 2005 or was it 2006 was huge amount Taksin made from sale and his nonsense claim he had no shares that and changing law to allow it to be sold to a foreign entity.

  9. "He asked Bangkok people to walk on every street in the capital to let the international community witness the worlds greatest march while provincial people who wanted to join the act of civil disobedience in Bangkok should arrive in the city today."

    Ghandi walking across India to reach the sea and defy the salt tax imposed by the British was a great act of civil disobedience. The Jarrow march was a great march, one of protest and emotion, while essentially being non violent. There are many more throughout history that I both know and don't know of I'm sure. What you are doing suthep is nothing compared to these.

    Those demonstrating on the streets have genuine grievances and a legitimate right to protest, their demonstrations have had an effect and stopped the "give thaksin anything he wants" amnesty bill. A great achievement and one this corrupt govt finally took note of.

    But you, with your grandstanding, rambling speeches and over blown statements about "the worlds greatest march", are nothing but an opportunist and charlatan. Please, for everyone's sake, go home.

    go home to what a Taksin one party police state dictatorship My wife many of her friends and family say no to that

  10. Apart from setting "deadlines" every other day, "upgrading" protests depending on his mood, distribute free silly little whistles for naive middle aged people to play with, transport yellow thugs from the south to incite unrest in bangkok, commit treason and lose elections, ... Suthep does not seem to be able to achieve anything of any value for this country.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's abject nonsense. The difference between this demos and red demos is obvious to any neutral person. Red mobsters were armed, aggressive, destructive, paid to attend etc...etc...Most of these guys are there out of their free will. Buying Thai flags, buying whistles, buying their own food etc...etc...You're just being dishonest. Killing your own soldiers and attacking your own army is treason mate, treason in any normal country in the world and it is punishable by death. So some of the red mobsters got off lightly.

    This is total abject nonsense. The yellow fascists are paid thugs & terrorists from the South & other yellow areas (B300 a day). These fascist thugs have violently attacked police & public building with petrol bombs, been caught with pistols & grenades, & have murdered pro-democracy red supporters at Ramkhamhaeng. This is insurrection, & indeed treason, and the ring leaders need trying & executing. Suthep is timing this insurrection to escape trial for mass murder & potentially pushing 'his' country into civil war to save his own neck.

    They are of course genuine fascists: with Suthep playing the role of Mussolini (who in fairness to him was never involved in a Phuket land scam), the March on Rome is this ragbag bunch of paid terrorists in Bangkok and the Grand Council is the equivalent of Sutheps cronies riding roughshod over a democratically elected Parliament & Government. I really do see why Western fascists flock to the yellow cause - same same.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif sorry your bs is just so cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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  11. Just to repeat myself. The current gov won a clear, democratic mandate to govern Thailand. While they are undoubtedly corrupt and incompetent, they are no more so than the yellow shirts or most other governments. Overall, Thailand, with Ms Y in charge, was doing ok, econ, and so forth chugging along. So, leave them alone! If you want to take office, stand for election. If you want to discuss who is harming Thailand, look to the current protests and the resultant economic decline.

    your wrong its not just the corruption and incompetent its the chance of Thailand becoming a one party police state totally under the control of one evil megalomaniac. This has never in my 30 years here happened before in that you never before had total power and control slowly being taken by one person and his clan. Whatever the problems before the party in power and Pm had to watch out since their were always before several viable alternatives. Taksin has managed to create a state where he totally controls all government MP's and most of powerful positions such as police and judiciary.

    If as seems quite probable he continues within a short period their will be no way anyone good or bad could unseat him weather or not their are elections. He will be in total control just like many dictators around the world before and now. It will remain to be seen weather he simply becomes a Gaddafi or a Mugabwie or possibly a pol pot but be sure he will turn Thailand into his own one party state within 5-10c years.

    Those now talking BS about a democratic elected government will see if he gets away with it how stupid and naive they have been.

    I doubt Suphet is the right man but who knows. He seemed only one able and willing to make a stand and to gather large support. And please don't give me that crap about protestors being paid since a lot of my wife's family and friends from both up here in Taksin red shirt land and in BKK are so insenced with what Taksin is doing they attend without payment. In any case they all have jobs and while a lot of them are still very poor they are sincere in their opposition. I don't know but I assume some of guards are paid. I do know however for a fact that up here in Taksin red village land most go for payment which does not mean they are not also convinced but they are definitely paid and IMO most are totally brainwashed. Here we have at most times red shirt announcements over village speakers and red radio and TV channel. I kid you not it is a constant stream of brainwashing. They leave us alone but if my wife was not married to a forang it would be totally expected for her to attend all red shirt meetings or else.

    After 30 years here if it gets any worse we will have to lock and board our home here and move to another part of thailand that is not controlled totally by red shirt gang. Its liveable with at moment but I know the very few other forangs around here left already and were only ones left. We have had no intimidation and my wife has refused to attend any red meetings which so far has only resulted in disapproval and mild intimidation I think due to my presence. I know other Thais here have told my wife privelty they dare not attend.

    We will see. Ive made our plans in case but will stick it out here for a while longer hoping against hope that it will go away. Next step will be to move down south to a totally non Taksin area or to one of cities here where red shirt emacs is not so prevalent and wait a few years to see what happens here. It will mean having to rent since id not risk buying here again and disrupt our family life a lot. But were quite lucky our children are nearly grown and we moved them to a boarding school a few years back when this all started and our area became a red shirt controlled village as well as surrounding areas.

    Of course most of people here wont see it coming before its to late same as victims of Natzi Germany and/or other places such as ZImbabwie, North Korea, Iran, Iraq and several other places.

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  12. Why is a "married to a Thai" visa only requiring 400,000? Makes no sense that it should be 400,000 when two people are being supported. Why not 1,600,000 baht for a married farang?

    Two things.

    First, that would mean a foreigner married to a Thai wife having show a disposable monthly income of 130,000 baht.... in excess 2500 STG or 4000US. Now I don't know about you but I don't know too many retirees with dependents here who could hack that. If we did we'd be living in another country in one of those high end resorts that TAT is always saying it wants to emulate. So to demand that amount would be self defeating.

    Secondly, if you must give our hosts ideas like that please go somewhere else and do it.

    i don't know what sort of life you read and yes it is quite possible to live on 25k gbp in uk but not very well and possible to live here on less than 130,000 pm but not that well. Id guess most forang retired couples here have 130,000 am onto income. I know with 2 kids and I admit a very nice life style we can't manage on less than around 200,000 baht a month but kids schools fees are 50,000 or so of that and foreign trips eat about 50,000 a month on average. I can actually live cheaper in UK than here due to free schools and free medical and a lot of other things if you live to a western standard are much cheaper in UK but then in UK we would not have a maid and gardenor since we could not afford them nor need them given wed in UK have a much smaller house and gardens.

    25k gbp is hardly these days a massive income

  13. States can be sued and embarrassed in front of the world for breaching their international commitments to Human rights if they are unreasonably forcing married couples and families apart, ie by prohibitive and unreasonable financial requirements, 400k baht is pushing their luck.

    why uk do it all the time. I know plenty of people over last 30 years who have had even a temporary visitor visa refused to a Thai married to a UK citizen and a friend of mines Thai wife who was dying was refused a visa to keep him company in last few weeks when he went back to Australia for urgent medical treatment he could not afford here, It broke his wife's heart not to be able to be with him Start looking at what your country does please before complaining about here.

    This apples to forang couples who are both for nag so why on earth should Thailand not make whatever rules they want. IF couple do not like it they don't need to apply and can just go back to their own country.

    Even though I've been married to a Thai for nearly 30 years I went on a retirement visa (they call it that at immigration so don't be nit picking to say its a extension permission to stay bla bla bla).

    Id be pretty embarressed if after a lifetimes work I could not come up with around 16k gbp or 32k for that matter.

    Im also sick and tired of meeting and seeing these pathetic poor forang who do not have a pot to piss in and believe they have some sort of right to live here. Im amazed Thais but up with such low capital or income forang and it would be great if they just shipped most of them out or stopped all this multiple visa runs.

  14. Why should a falang married to a thai be treated any different from what i have seen thai woman seem to cost more to keep than a falang wife think it is time to move onto the next door neighbours Malaysia, Cambodia or even the Philippines.

    It has nothing to do with the "cost" of maintenance (to put it crudely) it's because someone married to and supporting a Thai wife. and maybe children. is allowed compassionate consideration. If you are staying here and not supporting a Thai wife, they want you to have (and to spend) an amount that is considered a benefit to the economy. Thailand is not operating a UN refugee camp for farang who can't afford life back in farang ville. If you are looking for the cheapest place to live they would prefer you give another country the privilege of having you. It has nothing to do with whether Thai people love you or not, they want foreigners here whose presence contributes to the economy.

    in order to apply for or renew retirement visas

    I assume this wording is the reporter's interpretation of what was said because people don't apply for or renew "retirement visas" at Immigrations in any case.

    oops I've been going to wrong place all these years both in BKK and Issan since ice been going to immigration office for last 8-10 years to get my retirement visa renewed. Pretty good scam by those boys.

  15. Some regular used words by foreigners are very hard to find in Thai dictionaries

    Like why?

    Now perhaps this is one of the main structural problems in Thai society, not to question anything except when it is useful (prayood)

    opposite world were we question in order to gain knowledge They question when its to late.

    Oh well

    A nice day anyway.

    actually if you know anything about thai upbringing and education they are from start told not to question and definitely not to question anyone deemed or seemed higher in status. Its totally 100% ingrained in them from birth or for 99% of them. Some like my wife rebel but most don't but even for her she still after 30 years of living western type of life finds it difficult to ask and has to force herself.

    sorry off topic but just trying to explain a bit

    on subject of 800k each you only need to keep it in bank for 3 months and as someone pointed out you can stagger your applications so its same 800k. IMO if a retired couple don't have that in savings then they should not be here since if one of them gets seriously ill they will need that for their medical needs. If they have health insurance then they should still have that if living here since their is little social services or other help nor should there be IMO for forang. THe UK now requires I believe proof of 25k gbp income pa if I wanted to bring my This wife to UK to live not that id want to. The UK also seem to take no account of her income or fact she owns a place to live in UK.

    So Thailand rules do not appear over difficult except for quite poor retirees who IMO cannot really afford to live here. In any case its their country and they are quite entitled as UK does to make whatever rules they want.

  16. So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

    Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

    But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

    further id prefer to believe my wives niece and friends since i know them but i guess you'll just believe what fits in your mindset and any red BS given to you

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