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Posts posted by icare999

  1. my idea the same just get this guy in to jail can nobody see he is a second Hitler only educated people understand the real meaning of democracy

    Your idea on the 'real meaning' of Hitler bear any resemblance to reality...? Knee jerk...

    taksin has proved himself to be a want to be Hitler Suphet is only to stand up and stop his one party police state Ill take my chances with Suphet thank you as will many Taksin is the real dangerous one and when he's gone ill be cerabrating

    but each to their own and if Taksin wins you will see a real Fascist one party state

    Thankfully the army will probably save day once again

  2. It is really stupid, isn´t?
    Why they not organize a statewide signatures action?
    A simple petition.
    I agree that in future no criminals and/or corrupt people can work in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
    Yes / No
    It will be excluded, from now on, all persons from the Parliament, which
    a have criminal records.
    b running free on bail.
    c were already banned from parliament in the past.
    d against are corruption or crime cases opened.
    I agree Yes / No
    I guess in 1 Week they can get a lot of signatures from all parts in Thailand.

    Yes that is called an election and it is scheduled for Feb2

    Then we will see who will collect the most signatures

    But he obviously knows that if the people were allowed to choose he will loose, so he is going for the who can shout the loudest route.

    Because he knows that if he doesn't block the elections, the new government will be solely composed out of people that belong to one or more of the 4 points Tomacht8 made clear should NOT be in any government.

    Similar to the current government .

    He is welcome to make this point during the election , convince the people of the merits in his argument and let the people decide,

    But he either has no confidence in the straight of his argument , or his ability as a politician. or both.

    please come up here to red country and try to say anything against Taksin this government or even simply put up a poster IF your Thai its likely you'll escape at best with simply a beating and probably be killed I dare you to try so please stop talking BS and crap and live in real world. You simply have no idea do you

  3. A bit hypocritical. They served the reds well, blocking streets and being idiots. Now the shoe is on the other foot, they are upset!!!

    For "hypocritical" read democratic.

    The "population" is quite happy with the current government, thank you very much (it's they who voted them in, after all).

    It's only the elite who are throwing their rattles out of the pram cuz no-one likes them or wants them to govern in the current administration's stead.

    You have no clue at all, "it's only the elite!". What a comment to make, you've really fallen for the Red propaganda.

    Do we have to explain it your lot all again. Speak to the real people, go outside and speak to people on the street and see why they are unhappy with this Government. This isn't no rich vs poor thing going on, wake up.

    The South of Thailand, are they elite? No. Are they poor? A lot of them, yes. Are the majority, anti-Government, yes?

    The Elite - a lot of them are anti the Government, sure. But a lot of the Elite are pro-Thaksin too, a hell of a lot. And what about the Shinatarwa (sic) family, not exactly, trudging the fields every day are they?

    Then you have your working classes and middle classes, some who are pro Government, some Anti, some Neutral. Many of these are disgusted with the Government after what they see in a failed Rice Scam robbing their taxes they pay, a Government that continually lies and corrupt to the core and let's not forget the thing that started all this mayhem, a whitewash bill, to make corrupt, deceitful criminals have nothing to answer for.

    That my friend, is why the people are upset and taking to the streets. Do the majority of these people like Suthep, from what I hear, not many. They do however, know it's right for this Government to be railed in. If the Government had done its job properly then none of this would have happened. Simple. But no, they got greedy, power hungry and thought of one man, just one man, over the needs and wishes of the people. That's disgusting.

    Do you really think the "people" are so upset about the "rice scam" that they are taking to the streets to drive an elected government from office?

    Or the ill conceived amnesty bill which was defeated by the senate and dropped by this government?

    Are they really on the streets fighting against corruption?

    Wake up. This is the PAD and an attempted coup.

    An attempted Coup for the Rich like last time

    Notice how vague they are about their so-called "reforms."

    We've heard a few things though including

    Suthep's call for the minimum wage to be reduced from 300 baht back to 200 baht. Good for the bosses.

    Removal of voting rights for the poor etc

    Endless hate rhetoric

    Facebook hate messaging

    Collective whipped up mass hysteria.

    It will fail.

    it worked for Taksin and his red shirt thugs pot kettle glass houses good for goose good for gander etc

    • Like 1
  4. Democracy at its finest. Well done The Nation!

    Why should they relinquish power just because some failed, corrupt politician who can't win an election decides they should.

    February 2nd sunshine. One person one vote...get involved!

    We have now corrupt politicians who can't win an election so they bought it.......

    It's ignorant in the extreme to think Thaksin's popularity is down to vote buying

    their are many ways to but an election apart from direct paying for someones votes. And remember Hitler was popular so is Mugabwie as was Saddam and rest. Their popularity did not mean they were not most evil men around same as Taksin is. if Taksin by whatever means is defeated now I am 100% sure it will have avoided a one party Taksin state and I think risk of a different person or persons being able to do as much damage as he has done and could do is small in comparison.

  5. Nobody knows the outcome, but the scene could turn ugly

    Thaksin has access to large offshore wealth and (imo) also has money backers. If he starts handing out large payments to people in the North, to mobilise and march on the capital the scene will be far worse than in 2010, because this time PTP were elected then toppled, thus making their supporters far angrier. Obviously some of their support is based on bribes and broken promises, and many PTP supporters were starting to criticise PTP in recent months, but I feel they would still be offended that their cast votes have been discounted by one man in a jogging suit and a whistle. If the money incentive to march is there, we may see a mass exodus from the North and I fear that the events of 2010 will be a picnic by comparison.

    Why would TS care if BKK is shut down? Or to send a red army to the city? Eventually Suthep's gang will tire of their pointless & useless marching & go back home to their jobs, if they ever had any. Why provoke the military to "coup" YL?

    As the article said YL has the support of the USA. Also China.

    who cares about support of USA its a failed empire sliding slowly into its own decedent filth China is another matter but in end they wont care who is in charge. Don't fool yourself this is not going to end until Taksin and his clan leave and its obvious army will step in if needed but are hoping it can be done without them.

    Watch and learn watch and learn how it works here

  6. The Red's from he countryside see their basic human rights disappearing under Suthep's People's Council, whether you think it will happen or not is beside the point. They will fight not to be disenfranchised. And people fighting for causes usually triumph over those fighting for a few bucks.

    First of all, those guys don't have a clue what basic human rights are. Their leader in exile will be remembered as the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. During his reign 20 human rights activists had been assassinated. A fact. Can't you see the problem? So your argument about them fighting for the basic human rights doesn't hold water.

    Furthermore, in red control areas and particularly villages human rights are blatantly denied to anyone who dares to express different point of view. I dare you to visit their areas and express different political views. See what happens.

    completely true i live in a red area and I wish the pro Taksin lot would just visit and then they would learn truth

    • Like 2
  7. If he really shuts down Bangkok, foreign investors shall react and move their businesses to a more civilized country in the region. After the mess with the flooding 2 years ago, they will recognize that this country is just too immature for serious investments. And the cost structures aren't as competitive with the strong Baht anyway.

    Suthep may have his one-man-show, but the impact is much greater. His followers are just too uneducated to realize that.

    This has been going on for years and years and years here.

    Why would this impact foreign investors? IMO just business as usual. Nothing new.

    I don't remember a shutdown of Bangkok has been going on "for years", where people cannot go to work and government offices close.

    The last quasi shutdown was during the floodings, and then Japanese investors threatened to pull out if something like that happened again. We will see how far Suthep will go, but don't underestimate foreign capital. The other countries in the region don't have that extreme lack of common sense.

    thailand can survive quite nicely without probably a bit or a lot poorer but its got plenty of food and a constant drive to more and more materialism you will have noticed has not made it better here or anywhere

    compared with Taksin and his clan continuing to plunder and make Thialand their own one party state shutting down BKK and some loss even if high in GDP or growth is preferable OF course Taksin could try and get his red thugs back on a rampage but somehow I doubt they have the stomach for it this time around

    A coup for a few years with Taksin his clan and cronies is most likely and best outcome given true alternatives

  8. How can a movement of undemocratic thugs even consider using the King in the name of their not so democratic quest to take over the country? Nothing but utter disrespect!!sad.png

    Taksin has left no choice Taksin his clan and go and no need for these needed tactics to rid Thailand of one evil megalomaniac would be dictator of his open one party state.

    Instead Taksins party list no 1 2 4 all his relatives and most of rest red thug relatives and cronies

    This will not end until Taksin wins all and Thailand becomes his own one party police state or Taksin calls it a day

    all this for one man and to get him amnesty for his crimes along with rest of his cronies

    If Taksin and his sister and rest had any care for Thailand they would have quit long ago but no they want total power total control and of course to be able to continue pillage of all state coffers

    • Like 1
  9. well just go away along with rest of your evil clan hardly wanting peace when they put up all clan members as MP's in party list and stuff every important post with their own family members and cronies

    I just hope whole rotten evil lot would sink into slime they came from

    Iguess you want a dictatorship?

    no i want Thailand to escape from one it is in

    • Like 1
  10. isn't the deadline today and if so surely their are more than 5% of constituencies which have no candidate and so parliament cannot open so whats point of having an election or do we just have one its declared invalid and then another until army step in. In any case it seems almost certain that their wont be 95% of mps to have a parliament.

    So this is going to go on and on until army step in their seems no other wand I for one and many Thiasi would prefer that to Taksin and his clan continuing

  11. Pretty poor show by the BBC to drag out this clueless twit; completely out of his depth. Is this the best the opposition can muster?

    for a kid he did much much better than PM in her interview. Anyway I guess BBC did not ask for a spokesman but just wanted an average protester. Now a debate with him against Yingluk would really show the beloved PM up even with her great masters from a USA university. IMO for a kid he made a few quite good comments such as all were armed with is this a whistle.

    • Like 1
  12. There seems to be an awful lot of newbie here posting as if they been here for years. Maybe afraid to post under their other id.

    I am proud to post under my name

    Maybe they are posting use phony name because they are know nothing

    I love to read about their hate for Thaskin when they know nothing about the great man

    Just ask his family or me

    I'm sure your being ironic but since many wont understand irony and just in case "great man" well many believed Hitler was a great man and many today still believe mugabwie is a great man as was pol pot to lots so I guess compared with these peers he aims to be a great man although even hw I don't think could aspire to be as great as Pol pot os some of really great men but who knows where his vanity and megalomania could take him

  13. " So far I have heard that it is constitutional to delay the election and form a committee to look into reform for the Election system and the rest of the Government but she is not willing to step down and do that."

    Oh, really, Dolly, what knowledgeable person did you hear that from, suthep? Would you care to tell what article/section of the constitution allows you to blockade election candidate registration centres, or, come to that, shutdown the capital city until a self decreed saviour of democracy gets what he wants? Let's face it, Dolly, you just nail your colours to the mast of anyone who is against Thaksin.

    fab fab still rewriting posts to prove some elusive thing. Probably that Thaksin and his Clone are saints or some other unlikely thing. I have no idea. Have you checked out the


    file yet.

    The EC is my source for delaying the election. The last I heard they were not entirely sure that it was constitutional. Of course they are not as familiar with the constitution as you. Why don't you offer them your knowledge. I guess that is not a topic in red shirt bar's.

    Before you post research what you are posting and then you will be able to understand things better. I never did say it was OK to blockade election candidate registration centers in fact I have said I am against it. As for shutting Bangkok down the last I heard it was still open and I for one highly doubt it will be shut down. Care to tell me where you got the information that Bangkok was shut down?

    I am for any one currently on the scene against Thaksin. There may be some coming up that I would not be for but they would have to be really bad. Leave the corruption aside and look at the number of innocent murders in his crack down on drugs. One that has obviously failed as any body with the sense God/Buddha/Allah gave a goose could have told him. Look at the mess he encouraged and paid for in Bangkok in 2010. If Suthep was as bad as you would like us to believe and he was running I would back him. He how ever is not running he is trying at the moment to reform the government some thing Yingluck agrees needs doing but she was to busy trying to white wash her brother to do it. But now that she has had to put that on hold for 6 months and she has a gun to her head she is going to look into it. After she is elected which as I have said often enough will probably be the result of the election.

    Another election promise. Why not reform the electio0n procedures before the election. Any thing it would stop the PTP from doing it would stop any one else from doing it. What is the problem?

    In the mean time have a Happy New Year.

    Just define "reform" as in "reform the election procedures".

    You never know, I/we might just be willing to give it a whirl if only you and the "Democrat cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif Party" would actually say what you mean by the much trotted-out word "reform".

    All for an even playing field, me (having been indoctrinated with the British sense of fair-play and all that).smile.png

    Put in procedures to allow voting to be private with out a witness stop vote buying. Put an end to false election promises. Lot's of things they can do.

    Remember you really can't do any thing unless you are Thai just offer opinions. It would be an even playing field. With out the vote buying.

    Not being British I don't know do the parties give money to the head man in the villages and then he makes sure they all vote for the man paying him. He generally gives part of the money to the people,

    right now it is not a level playing field because all the parties do not have the same amount of money to buy votes with. I believe there are 53 registered.

    You have been reading to much nonsense posts. It is the people calling for the reform the democrats joined them and are not calling the shots. If the Democrats were calling the shots this whole thing would never have got started.

    The people are calling the shots and the weasels are sticking their head in the ground just like an ostrich. Pretending like it isn't happening.

    I only wish I was calling the shots. There might be an exodus of foreign business who need the corruption to stay in business. You might find yourself out of a job. but relax I am not calling the shots just commenting on what is happening.

    voting is private so I don't know were you got that wrong idea from. However many this don't believe its not known who they voted for even though that also is impossible and theirs a great deal at least in Taksin land red areas of intimidation let alone vote buying/

  14. Forget insurance this is my bloomin holiday I'm talking about here. Serious biz.

    if it worries you go somewhere else no one can answer your question since none knows and yes anything can happen. Thats risk you take when travelling here or almost anywhere so stop being a pussy and just come or don't come Who really cares about your little holiday when theirs a lot more at stake such as IMO weather Thailand turns into a one party police state or has some other future. Iived ives here 30+ years through many upheavals and coups and this one could get very very nasty and bloody. I think 8 have already been killed as a result of protests and it could but I hope not get much much worse although IMO the chance of all out Syria type civil war is very very low.

  15. What's the problem?

    The voters will have choices, up to 53 in some cases. Why not let them choose?

    In my wife's village, in Issan, they know who you voted for and intimidate you if you didn't vote for PTP. Hardly democratic. Bags of money are brought in and votes are bought. Money is promised to village headmen if PTP gets elected, and in the past, was delivered. The rumor recently in her village was 1 million bath to every village if Thaksin came back. People got very excited.

    Now you know one reason why Bangkok people are not happy. Their tax rates are very high and they see their hard earned money going to support massively corrupt projects in the northeast.

    The election system is broken and massively corrupt. Reform is desperately needed.

    I dont agree even though we live in a red village in a red area. Their is terrible intimidation and all you argue I see around us all the time but their is no way anyone knows how someone voted. Sure they think they know but I've been to voting places and their is no mark on ballet paper that can possibly link a vote with person making that vote. However none of people around us believe this and all believe they know somehow so I guess if they believe it for them its true. The head of village certainly tells all how they should vote and has for al ing time received 1 million baht for village work. I believe it was raised to 2 million by this new Taksin regime. Of course that obey is then used to but influence and ensure feudal system continues. Its carefully sone as loans to people who are in favour but theirs a large kickback under the table and any project of course results in a large part going into head of village pocket and then up the chain.

    Those who support Taksin here and red shirts simply are naive brainwashed or have never witnessed or lived in these areas as we have. Its crept up slowly over last 15 years or so until Taksin and his clan control all an d everything and no one would dare oppose. If Taksin wins this time we will have to leave after 30 years here but its getting unliveable with. I doubt well get much or anything of our 30 million or so baht investment in the village over last 30 years including our small business's which will be closed. At least our 2 children have nearly finished their education and we have kept a bit in UK if need be so will survive. If Taksin wins well simply board up workshops and house and close the farm hoping we can return one day.

    This is a fight to finish and will determine weather Thailand becomes a one party one man dictatorship or has a chance of something better. IT will not end without sadly a lot of pain and probably a lot of blood. If Taksin has not bought off Army then they will thank goodness take over. The next few weeks and months will show the outcome.

    • Like 1
  16. From the OP headline:

    "People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban declared Saturday night that the entire capital Bangkok will be completely shut down..."


    It's been a slow train coming and I think Khun Suthep is choosing to ignore the fact that his "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif supporters may well end up being outnumbered at least two-to-one by the voters who (democratically) elected the current government (not forgetting that the world's media will also be upon Mr S's proposed Thai transition from democracy to autocracy).

    This isn't the 1930's. People can see and report and if Abhisit (despite his expensive education) remains stupid enough to think the rest of the world will tolerate the birth of yet another North Korea, he is sadly mistaken.

    About time Abhisit grew some and had Suthep handed over to the justice he so richly deserves.

    A padded cell awaits him, I imagine.

    The sooner Mr Suthep gets the ball rolling, the better.

    its Taksin who would make Thailand like North Korea. Are you naive enough to believe Suphet will even spend 1 day in jail or that even if a election is held (unlikely) that vast number who loathe and hate Taksin bios clan and cronies are simply going to lie down. Think again. What will almost certainly happen is either the election will get postponed or will be invalid due to various reasons not least it being controlled totally by a convicted criminal. Then the army will have to step in but this time their would probably be a lot of blood after which the curse of Taksin will probably be purged from Thailand forever and he will go down in History as man who caused most harm to his country and be on par with Hitler, Mugabwie, Saddam and the rest only unlike them he probably wont get to totally destroy the place before those like you eventually wake up to what he his clan and cronies are which is nothing more than would be dictators.

  17. How about if anyone canvassing against her son is beaten up?

    In a 'normal' democracy, one doesn't canvass against the other partys' candidates. One canvasses to promote one's own party's policies

    But it seems that these so-called Democrats don't have any popular policies nor candidates...


    Absolutely ridiculous.

    In many so-called 'normal' democracies the canvassing and politicking is as much, if not more, to blacken the name and then the policies of the opponents. I've watched hundreds of TV adds in both the US & UK & Oz that solely target the opposition and the more personal the 'better'.

    The Democrat party doesn't have the money to compete with Thaksin's PTP, nor does it have a militia to intimidate opponents in some areas of the N & NE.

    Now whos being ridiculous ? cheesy.gif

    come up and live fro a while in a red shirt village and area and then tell me how ridiculous it is. People here are totally controlled by red thugs and god help any who dare raise a protest.

    Is is you who simply are ridiculous and would I guess argue Hitlers brown shirts did not intimidate nor pol pots education squads or rest

    your comment from one who lives daily amongst these red thugs make me puke

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  18. Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

    agree with you, only that you've mistaken yellow for red.

    How can Suthep win his struggle if he does not engineer a coup ?

    or you might ask is how can Taksin win unless he turns Thailand into his own one party police state

  19. Great!..A Coup!...this will really place a lot of confidence with the rest of the world.

    I and most Thais could not give a toss about what rest of world might or might not think and if it takes a Coup to stop Taksin then as far as I and a very large number of Thais are concerned then so be it. The rest of world and in particular that warmonger nation USA should shut up and go away. They only get in evolved if oil is involved and happily stand bye while genicide is done in many places.

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