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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Notice to the Government.

    The more you are chasing after her the more you are creating a false hero under the eyes of her supporters.

    Let her go, let her disappear into oblivion, she is not worth anything, worrying about.

    no wrong few will care You have a very naive view of redshirt cowards. In out red shirt (before) village all posters of Taksin and her gone and all will like pathetic sheep they are follow new order. Sad it is. Watch and learn forang redshort and Taksin supporters while you watch the cockroaches scuttle under their rocks. Funny really to witness it. And in our village after years if intimidation my wives family suddenly all smiles to her pathetic when before since they knew she and her family were one of few anti Taksin she and he her family had cars vandalised dog poo thrown at their houses and much worse.

    Grow up and see forang idiots supporting red scum

    Revenge and Karma is sweet

  2. Thailand's first female PM and what a showing!!! there is NO 'impeachment' as she is not in office, imagine 'impeaching' bush now he's out of office? it's ABSURD

    as for the rice thing? it was a failure but to suggest she was responsible as a publicly elected officer? AMAZING THAILAND

    I say STOP the bulling and vindictiveness and start being MORE Buddhist

    She is an honest person methinks, not a great PM, but she has shown dignity under severe pressure that would have buckled most of us so please (fat chance) give her some CREDIT and stop the BULLYING and, by the way, most Thais I know admire and love her

    she's an honest person best laugh I've had for ages

    some people would believe any BS You'll be claiming pigs fly next

    Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad

  3. See the nation is really showing it's allegiance to the yellow dem junta coalition .

    No need for attitude adjustment with them it's always been there and they just keep churning out bias articles which sends the yellow dems into a zombie like feeding frenzy.

    Won't help at election time though!

    if you think their will be an election your more naive than brainwashed Issan

    Or at least this time they have thankfully learnt from 2006 and I hope and believe they wont maker same mistake and this time once and for all put total paid to Taksin his vile clan and rest of them

    And dont give me that democracy claptrap BS. Hitler was elected as was saddam and rest. Thailand is simply not ready for democracy and wont be until uneducated majority actually understand what it means and cant be bought y 500 baht or head of villages say so or vile red shirt thug intimidation

    Well done Suphet for at last putting with help vile would be dictator in his place.

    And dont for i minute think the people will rise up. They wont since vast majority are total cowards

    Their will probably be some form of bloodbath but then as before it will all settle down as normal

  4. All those idiots including mostly USA lot who thought you could try and bully Russia and Putin are in for a huge shock. USA started this for sure by at least encouraging a hostile to Russia government in Ukraine and went on to make matters worse and worse. Then when quite rightly Russia took back Crimea instead of doing a deal USA and west cocked it up even further. Crimea voted 90% and it was not rigged to be part of Russia so why on earth did USA ignore this and other parts of Crimea are more russian than Ukrainian and a majority want to join Russia. If parts of UK want to leave we let them. If Northern Ireland wanted to join the south wed accept it but no stupid USA and many of its varian dead citizens thought they could provoke the russian Bear

    This action can easily lead to third world war which is what USA and West want to distract their sheep from fact west is going down the drain fast.

    Russia is now joined by China and many Brics nations in total opposition and loathing of USA and west.

    France and many european countries are already scared shitless and begging west to make peace with Russia even if it means total capitulation.

    russia will win this one for sure or USA will cause world war 3 and sooner USA and west surrender Ukriane the better for all of uzi including citizens of Ukraine.

    As they used to say better Red than dead

    And we all have a greater enemy to defeat in IS and Muslim threat to our way of life

    • Like 1
  5. sadly their is going to be ah ute backlash against all muslims and since most muslims seem to have some sympathy with the vile IS or is it ISIS lot they are bringing it down on themselves. Most people now loathe all muslims or at least the majority do IMO. In effect this is a war and in a war you must take one side or the other. This is probably what IS want and in end they will get it and all non violent muslims will suffer for it. Time IMO to stop messing about any known Muslims who preach this sort of stuff should be at very least imprisoned. It should be a criminal offence for anyone including Muslims to not inform police if they have any knowledge of extremists even within their own family and if proved they also should be imprisoned. In a WAR which were n one needs to fight for your ice and other side have made it clear given chance they would behead us all.

    IF politicians dont start soon then extreme right will gain power and it will lead to a veery nasty internal war.

  6. This is exactly why government school is the best, as it strictly follow Prayuth 12 core Thainese value.

    Thai government school now even have Farang teacher.

    Not sure if they managed to get the full 15,000 Baht / month or not.

    not having a go at you but honestly all posts I've read are total BS talking about 15000 baht. That is peanuts in real international system here where even lowest qualified forang teacher gets at least 60-80,000 baht a month in Bangkok and elsewhere at least 60,000 and many can earn 150,000 in top international schools. The thai assistants however are lucky if they get 15,000-20,000 and to be honest most of them aren't worth any more in my experience of having sent our 2 kids to several schools here including bi-lingual thai private and good international schools. I know friends who think 400,000 a year fees are crazy but international schools we've sent our kids have in each class properly qualified forang teachers or if not ones with many years forang experience. Amongst other things I'm a fully qualifies teacher but know that does not make a good teacher. Problem is most Thai teachers (except at some of very top) dont teach children to question and dont understand

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  7. well i my this wife and many thais we know are really happy for Army to be in control and dont worry a bit if they stay in control for decades. Taksin is pure evil as are his scan and hanger on. Sorry rural thais are simply to easily brainwashed o most of them are. Thailand is not ready for democracy and if it takes the army to stop Taksin so be it. Those posting here are simply wrong and naive and if Taksin and his red shirt thugs got their way would truly understand meaning of an evil dictator. Remember chase under Taksin. Red shirt villages where people were scared shitless to not obey his masters wishes and all the rest. I live n a red shirt village and i can tell you since the coup people here are free. Sure their were a few totally dedicated red shirt thugs who have crept back under rocks to continue their drug dealing ways. Total scum and cockroaches all of them.

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  8. well for myself after 30+ years i could not contemplate icing in west. I could afford it but could not stand rules, regulations not being free, PC crap and rest. Sure i get naooyed with some things here and still do and sometimes it would be nice if things worked better. With school fees ,medical and rest tis not cheaper to live here than in Uk except in UK wed not have a maid. Heat hjas always been a problem for me and we spend 10k baht am onto or so on air con but id spend that n Uk on heating and air con in car and buildings makes that ok. I did not come here to escape sort of fell into the place and made it my home 30 years ago. I do however resent all forang here these days but thats probably ld age and noticed a lot of low life forang particularly USA citizens who seen to revel in being master on a pittance, boast about number of girls they get and how their wives are like slaves. THeir seem to be a very large number who try and survive on very little and boast they can live herd great for 50,000 or less. Thats not life thats surviving but each to their own. Id hate to live anywhere with little money.

    Miss one things still like a decent sunday roast or decent smoked salmon things like good black pudding and snow. Financially its been a slow steady decline ansi m sure if id stayed in west id have 3-4 times amount of income and wealth so miss real big bucks a bit but except for that still love it here and have 90% + of what I want here. Its all here if you path for it. I mean great meals western style, great hotels, service here beats Uk and USA hands down and if you pay a bit more you'll get things done right here but if you try and be cheap charlie or have to be then its not so good.

  9. i bet he wished he had not tried to push through that amnesty bill 1 year + ago that was final straw for many people. Hope the vile scumbag gets what he deserves and all his rotten clan along with all hangers on and red shirt murdering thugs and not least the lying darling of Issan. Hang them all i say hang them high. Well done Suphet very well done.

  10. Again whats that fb page or group anyone got link

    Obviously it's https://m.facebook.com/groups/562587763877947?ref=bookmark

    But it seems to be a secret or hidden group. Invite only. So, it makes no sense at all. Paranoia in the rise.

    Paranoia or an intelligent response to the military's constant threats against anyone

    posting information critical of them on social media.....

    total BS and i would love the military to press even harder on vile red shirt thugs and rest if it means no critisism fine buy me much prefer to darling of issan, her megalomaniac brother and rest of them.

  11. Best thing the general could do for the PTP, UDD and red cause would be to lock her up for a couple or years. Dare ya?

    ha ha ha and red shirt scum will like always run like cowards same as their leader bring it on and finally get rid of this vile cancer masquerading as a saviour of poor on Thailand. WEll see but i hope and pray they just try it and see them run like rabbits when they even try anything against army

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  12. good longer the better anything to keep vile last lot out and if its not democratic tough luck. Thailand needs a tough if possible good dictator and if its someone who lines their pockets and lives a high style just think of it as proper pay. Less corrupt than our western lot who simply go on bank directorship, write books, give lecture tours at minimum 250,000 us $ a pop ( Did I say scumbag Tony Blair. Useless Gorden brown and even lot i support such as John major and even total failures such as what was his name neil knock foot lets give them 1 million pound a year jobs in EEC UN or somewhere while poor mugs like us tnihk were better than here.

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