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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Prayuth should drop the minimum 300 baht per day policy. It is no good for thailand at all. All it does was increase inflation and job losses.

    And then what? 300 baht per day? What is this? A good life? This is not just a minimum wage. This is more like a number which shows how much you need to at least survive in this country. And I am speaking of "survive" not having a "good life"

    I believe the average income for rural farm workers (just published) is 27,000bht/year.

    That works out at 2,250bht/month or 110bht/day (assuming a 5 day week).

    we pay our farm workers 400 baht a day and thats minimum to have any sort of decent life here IMO nut then we run it forour own products and not sell. Workers also get to take surplus product for their own use.I know its well over top but we insist they actually work and they work hard. Any slackers dont last more than 1-2 days. They do at least 3 times work of ones I've seen elsewhere but we do use a lot of machinery to save labour. We've found this way we can make do with 1-2 workers when using cheap no good people wed need 5 or more and not get as good a job. Of course when we rarely have a vacancy we have a huge Q but 90% + would not last 1/2 a day and we only employ those skilled at many tasks or are abler to learn fast. SO they also do building work, building and house maintenance can use all machinery and maintain them. IMO its saved us a lot, our 2-3 workers (2 fill time and 1 half time) are happy can live a decent life. Everyone says were mad to pay so much and others pay 1/2 or less if they can and get workers who spend all time loafing around unless watched all the time.

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  2. Blah, blah, blah, blah... Russia say like that China will do like that, the dollar will rise, fall,

    go sideways, lots of heads talking but in reality no one knows what will happened in the

    next five minutes, let alone what Russia China or the US will do in days or weeks...

    true but anyone with an onz of brain can see where its going not in a week or am onto maybe and probably not for a few years but west has had it medium/longer term. Only question if like me your over 80 is will it be while i still live. For certain it will vein my wives lifetime and my children's lifetime and it will be massive. I see signs of to increasing and IMO huge financial disaster will occur in next few years but it could be longer. All depends time frame you work in I work in decades for my family

    • Like 1
  3. Just par for the course.

    All we need now is TAT to deny any involvement.

    come on all of us living here for a long time like me for over 30 years can get very cynical about Thais and start to think its all bad. We forget how bad it is in west.If you've been here a long time (over 30 years ago was my first time) you will remember your first visit to Asia (mine was 37 years ago in Indonesia). The buzz you got the experiences the pure joy compared with rat race hole of UK and USA. Sure I like most got scammed a bit in first few years was taken in my outside beautiful smiles of most gorgeous females I've ever seem and sure I lost in money terms a few thousand gbp which luckily was at the time not much to me. So some of rose tinted grasses wore away as a few years rolled on and i got more wise and a bit more careful but in all honestly i also found great true frendliness and kindness. Sure this was partly so they could make a living but for most of my guides it was more than that. It was about service and wishing to please and being kind. So after 5 years or so I discovered Thailand and by then was very vary of any Asian ladies and determined never to fall into same trap id seen so many. Like most who've been here a very long time I fell totally in love with Asia. I met true love and saul mate of my life and we've been together for 30 odd years. Like all marriages we've had our rough patches.

    TO point I know this film is of course grossly exaggerated and sadly Thailand like all developing countries is not the paradise it used to be. The ladies have grown hard and cynical due IMO to hordes of forang especially in Vietnam days basically just treating them like and throwing them on rubbish without a thought later.

    I guess its good TAT are learning some proper PR even if its like any PR its a long way from truth.I recall after a few years in Indonesia saying this place is like paradise and like Hell but tourists and short visitors only normally see paradise bit and not the hell bit. Thailand is same as often us olduns forget why were still here and will never ever return to decedent rotten to core western societies.

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  4. And how much prayuth got from his father land sales? Is he taxed like Thaksin on his share sales?

    Taksin did not pay any tax because their is and was no CGT tax here. IT wasp ne of his biggest mistakes since it incensed people and even though I was totally anti Taksin I did point this fact to ignorant Thais and forang. IF he'd volunteered to pay some tax or even given say a couple billion to a temple or something people at least in Bangkock would not have been dancing in the streets in joy at 2006 coup

  5. This is another useless survey. Their figures are unrealistic. Most Thai would not dare to lay claim to paying a bribe for fear of of repurcussions. The same that most would never report a police demanding a bribe.

    It must have taken then months just to find people who would talk to them because outside the big cities bribes are demanded for everything.

    not true I've lived here over 30 years and you dont need to bribe ask ing as your not breaking the law YOu do however receive slower service if you dont give a tip.

  6. Mind you of course nothing like this happened over the last 12 years or so did it ?

    of course not in red village i live none was intimidated no one paid to vote and red shirt thugs did not beat up or near kill anyone who in our village dared to disagree or not show respecter to dear leader Taksin and his clone

    Of course not and quite honestly if it takes this to get rid of red shirt thugs so be it

    If poor totally brainwashed Taksin supporters want to try bring it on this is not I hope nice Mr Abahist who played or even Suphet this is someone who i hope sorts thugs out and sorry if some stupid innocents get hurt or even killed they should not have been so silly as to continue supporting a vile gang.

    You get what you sow and Taksin red thugs and rest of those cockroaches forced this and thank goodness here at least their seem to be some powerful enough to stop him. Further I my wife and many f or friends dont give a damm if those who sort out mad red thugs get very rich they deserve every bit for services to Thailand

  7. Total transparency for all will rid Thailand of corruption. Practice what you preach and you'll gain the respect of your countrymen PM.

    ill try and refrain from telling posters like you in nicest possible way instead of what i really think that you are naive silly and have no clue but of course i would not insult you with my inner thoughts about people like you. Facts are facts and I my Thai wife my whole This family (except to be true a couple who got p[aid by red thugs)and loads of Thais we know are 100% behind this PM and to be honest compared with that vile pretender of democracy we had before is a saint. OF occurs he's not he's a normal human being but unlike the dear darling of Issan and her master does we believe genuinely are sure care for well being of Thailand and its people and way of life. It might not fit your idea of western nonsense democracy and to be honest my dear most of us dont give a damm my dear about your views. Were happy stupid fighting has stopped, were happy our children can go to school without fear of some red shirt thugs terrorising the normal people and were 99% happy with new PM. Of course thetis a danger he will become power crazy but it cant be worse than that megalomaniac who controlled Thailand for more than a decade.

  8. Total transparency for all will rid Thailand of corruption. Practice what you preach and you'll gain the respect of your countrymen PM.

    ill try and refrain from telling posters like you in nicest possible way instead of what i really think that you are naive silly and have no clue but of course i would not insult you with my inner thoughts about people like you. Facts are facts and I my Thai wife my whole This family (except to be true a couple who got p[aid by red thugs)and loads of Thais we know are 100% behind this PM and to be honest compared with that vile pretender of democracy we had before is a saint. OF occurs he's not he's a normal human being but unlike the dear darling of Issan and her master does we believe genuinely are sure care for well being of Thailand and its people and way of life. It might not fit your idea of western nonsense democracy and to be honest my dear most of us dont give a damm my dear about your views. Were happy stupid fighting has stopped, were happy our children can go to school without fear of some red shirt thugs terrorising the normal people and were 99% happy with new PM. Of course thetis a danger he will become power crazy but it cant be worse than that megalomaniac who controlled Thailand for more than a decade.

  9. I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

    I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

    All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

    I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

    It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

    However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

    I am sorry to contradict you on this - but no. Well planned or not, it really cannot happen to anybody. For starters, the day I buy a property here I would make damn certain that it requires both signatures on the sale document. If that is not possible, I simply wouldn't do it. I have been married and divorced here, a joint account was, is and always will be totally out of the question.

    As for my divorce and settlement, it cost me the grand total of 45 baht. We had a child too, but I obtained full custody.

    All of this while living here permanently, 12 months a year. If I was working abroad? Absolutely zero chance of me trusting any Thai girl, no matter how plausible, no matter how apparently genuine her feelings for me.

    There is a reason why it does not happen to everybody.

    you poor sick man living in fear all time unable to love anyone for fear they will scam you unable to buy and share a home sure you may never get scammed but you'll also never know true love of a genuine thai lady as i have for over 30 years. And yes after a few years since I'm much much older than her and we have 2 wonderful children everything here went into her name then later everything in UK and all in USA. She came from the slums. Lost her father and had to work from age 6 to help support her mother and brother. Worked to pay her education costs and her immediate family have never asked for a baht. Her uncles and aunts tried for years but she just told them no way she's now married and when they said so your family is not important she replied yes my new family. It was particularly difficult for her mother who was taunted daily by poor neighbours telling her her daughter was no good and why was she still living in a semi slum while her daughter had a rich forang and lived n a posh house. Her iuncles and extended family tried same for years but never received anything. After 10 years i felt guilty and told my wife to go and buy a simple town house where her mother could sell her noodles and things in a better neighbourhood. I also relented when my wives mother needed a life saving operation and we paid for it. As told my wife 30 odd years ago if her mother was starving or needed urgent medical care wed pay but as she herself says i still have 10 fingers. Her mother now for last 20 years still makes noodles and supports herself totally and no other member of family have ever received a satang. MY wife always feels sorry for poor forang surrounded by their GF wife or family and he simply footing the bill and says why doesn't he tell them all to #@@#$ off except them other of course.

    • Like 1
  10. I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

    I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

    All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

    I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

    It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

    However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

    and it can happen b y anyone those university educated thai girls those bank workers school teachers i fact they are worst in my experience of 30+ years here because mugs think they are safer with that ape of girl they are not so doth be so patronising and boastful that its got much to do with your wife's job or education it does not Ive known many many over years scammed as bad or worse by well educated good job girls and woman here even in one case by a bank manager In my experience its about equal between bar girls and their higher in society competitors or if anything in my experience more from well educated ones number of times I've heard i thought shed be ok she was not a bar girl and really was not or i thought ok since she was a little older. Just more experienced and al title cleverer in doing con thats all and easier for them (the non bar girls) to catch bigger fish

  11. As a bit of an extra on this, from what my wife read in the Thai news sources, apparently his gf tricked him into spending 10M THB to buy the elephant sanctuary, then got him to work there.

    However, they didn't actually buy it, and they just let him work there because they allow volunteers to work at the sanctuary. He apparently dding realize this, so worked there thinking it was his own business. Although by the time he found out the truth, his gf had done a runner.

    If that is the case, then I know of this gentleman. Very sad story and I hope his girlfriend rots in hell. Horrible horrible con.

    RIP but hardly newsworthy since it happens every day many times to one mug or another most however in time move n and lesson learnt he was young had a degree from Oxford so while maybe his whole fortune plenty of oppertunity to put Hz life back on track.

    Apart from money it hurts like hell when someone you loved and trusted lies to you and money does not really come into it. Sadder is impression given all thai girls are scammers they are not and nor are bar girls. In 30+ years I've seem university graduates here cheap and scam worse than any bar girl and gills from hiso family's even worse and bar girls who never conned their partners

    worst is well educated thai Chinese who con some poor old geezer out of everything and simply dumped them after bleeding them dry on rubbish at an age they are to old to start again. Ive also seen ex bar girls give all they could for their forang husband even down to selling all they had to help him.

    So please none of this bar girl bad crap its men who are crap by being so stupid and ones who gloat about cheating Thai girls especially poor ones are far worse scum than any girl scammer here

  12. fair only problem is UK inheritance tax was meant too nay touch real wealthy but now anything over in Thai money around 15 million baht its 40% hardly wealthy is it and even more unfair if id left that in UK my Thai wife and kids would have paid 40% since my thai wife is not uk resident. SO i left UK and moved most of my assets to my This wife here and out of UK. Were not by any means wealthy but if id left assets in UK my family here would suffer a great deal.

  13. Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

    the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

    he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

    Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

    tracks for a more benign environment....

    I can't understand this, life is usually better regulated in the village than in a big town. The village chief,or pu yai, is an influenciel figure of respect and has a great deal of power,he is also the go-between the villagers and police. In my village there is almost no need for police action as the pu yai regulates things from theft to domestic strife and he does it very well.

    all fine unless you totally fall out with head of village as we did 15 odd years ago now replaced by another. The head man totally unfairly took other side in a dispute with a local mafia type family. We refused to give in and refused his so called judgement and so went to police who said head of village already written our fault. We refused this and police laughed our face when our solicitor told him actual legal facts of the case which was 50/50 both parties to blame. they were very aggressive to me and my This wife and to 2 Thai supported who came with us. We stuck to our guns and in end to keep peace given other side had already murdred a local due to a minor dispute we let them save some face so avoided having to get more guard dogs and rest. However the head of village lost face so no one in village would talk or acknowledge us and some pressure we resisted was made but we did not give up. Our 2 children were were very young and we took extra precautions including a paid guard when taking them to and from school. The village though of us as super rich which were not but we invited some hisos we knew to visit. Now after 15+ years a few of village acknowledge us and mafia type family have been in and out of prison more times i can remember but never for long and have I understood killed at least 2 other Thais. Everyone fears them and police as we found out are no help and head of village is paid off. Were left alone and I'm still only forang in the village. Forangs i warn dont believe me but its no different than living in gangster controlled estates in UK or other places. We've been tempted to leave many times but its no problem and we still have 4 large guard dogs. SAme would happen anywhere in west controlled by mafia types if you are unlucky enough to come n conflict with them even in leafy surrey where I came from and perhaps worst there since its hidden behind respectability and charm.

  14. Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

    the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

    he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

    Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

    tracks for a more benign environment....

    Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.

    Indeed, but I bet a lot of foreign men in Thailand would not have married the ''ghetto'' girls from their own countries-they do here and are surprised when things get nasty.

    i resent this my This wife comes from slums and is by far kindest and nicest person anyone could meet. Its exactly because she grew up with a lot of these low life on drugs and alcohol she resolved to get out and did get out before i met her. A number of her friends also managed it bury not many and sadly many honest decent people are left in those places facing rape murder and rest but they know rules and keep to them so are rarely bothered. Forang are mostly simply stupid but dont paint all people same just because through no fault they are placed in such places. Idl irk to see people like you who make this sort of comment go and be forced to live in those areas with no way out you'd be like lamb to slughter

  15. Tragic story.

    Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

    the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

    he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

    Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

    tracks for a more benign environment....

    I do my best to avoid hill-billies in all countries, especially this one. The darker and dirtier they are, the faster I make an effort to avoid them.

    Yes, I know such things happens everywhere, with all sorts, but 99% of the confrontations I've witnesses in Thailand over the 15 years I've been here, they are lower class, darker skin, and generally dirty.

    I also will not hang out anywhere where there are Thai males drinking. Been there, done that, seen way too many fights start that turned epically violent over nothing at all.

    correct sad for the guy but neither not any sensible person would happily go into estates in UK full of human rash on drums rape knifing and the rest and UK police do nothing for poor innocents who have to live in those places. I feel really sorry for this guy but when i told my Thai wife she said what did he except marrying into such a family and she knows she grew up in slums

  16. over 30+ years here and my Thai wife is most critical of thais much more so than forang and she came from the slums. Time and time again she says most poor are animals and will cheat lie kill their brother sister or others for sake of some money. We live in a Thai village and see what its really like many times but are very careful and anyforang who thinks they are safe in their little gated communities is nuts. Here like everywhere choose your family here vary very carefully and your thai wife. I dont know facts but probably drugs jealousy a turned down request for financial help or any little thing can and does set many thais off. You only need to look at driving here to get a glimpse of what I'm saying.

    sorry just read article properly loss of face its always loss of face dont make a poor This loose face or even a rich one your likely to get a bullet in your head if lucky

    Having said that id not want to live anywhere else and 99.9999% of time it does not end in murder. Its also not safe in UK USA or Europe you only feel a bit safer but i known this sort of thing happens as much IMO in west only here its often family members but it happens in families in west. Young girls being raped by their step fathers or even by their own father beaten near to death by their parents and rest.

    In 30+ years here bringing up 2 sons we've seen a lot and even had sexual attacks by teachers here on our sons by neighbours and others and if you do liven one of gated ghettoes id worry about gardeners and others and dont tthink for one minute your silly security at gate offers any protection whatever only a false sense of security

    Yeah right. Divorcees being beaten to death in front of huge congregations of people happens everyday where I live.

    Fact is, yesz this stuff happens. Issue is, there wi be another senseless idiotic story just like this in Thailand next week. One recurring theme will be that a corrupt police force completely failed to intervene.

    Comparing thailand with the west and believing that it is even remotelg statistically similar proves that sometimes, farangs should stay out of the sun or off the laokao.

    BS and it does not happen here every day so dont talk crap and police refused to intervene in UK over many issues including manchester 1500 + teenage girl sexual abuse Yes were really do much better not in UK

  17. over 30+ years here and my This wife is most critical of thais much more so than forang and she came form slums. TIme and time again she says most poor are animals and will cheat lie kill their brother sister or others for sake of some money. We live in a This village and see what its really like many times but are very careful and anyforang who thinks they are safe in their little gated communities is nuts. Here like everywhere choose your family here vary very carefully and your thai wife. I dont know facts but probably drugs jealousy a turned down request for financial help or any little thing can and does set many thais off. YOu only need to look at driving here to get a glimpse of what I'm saying.

    Having said that id not want to live anywhere else and 99.9999% of time id does not end in murder. ITs also not safe in UK USA or Europe you only feel a bit safer but i bend this sort of thing happens as much IMO in west only here its often family members but it happens in families in west. Young girls being raped by their step fathers or even by their own father beaten near to death by their parents and rest.

    In 30+ years here bringing up 2 sons we've seen a lot and even had sexual attacks by teachers here on our sons by neighbours and others and if you do liven one of gated ghettoes id worry about gardeners and others and dont think fork one minute your silly security at gate offers any protection whatever only a false sense of security

    No. It is not like this in the West, unless you live in a government funded project--what used to be called the ghetto.

    IMO it is but of course your right much more in new slums but it does happen in rich south east of UK more often than you'd like to admit. Main problem is face and sorry silly to believe any family member will be on side of a forang. THeir were members of my wife's family i would not trust with a barge pole and she agreed so we stopped visiting over 20 years ago and even my wifes mother seems to have totally distanced herself from the rest as my wife has done. She's very vary of any Thai and trusts none but also trusts no forang. Probably a result go growing up very hard way in total poverty or near poverty in slums areas and herm others warnings. If you really blelieve it does not happen in west it does nay looks more civilised

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