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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. how long is the drunken carnage going to continue in Pattaya before something is done about it, it is quite shocking to read news like this on almost a daily basis - Pattaya Police need to start addressing this massive problem as it really is way out of control - 1zgarz5.gif

    Believe it or not they are enforcing in a big way now, recently I have spoken to 3 different farangs I know, all been busted for DD, there are road blocks at night all over Pattaya stopping bikes and cars and testing them.

    More and more expats I know are leaving their motors at home now

    All the guys I know busted all spent time in the monkey house and it cost them dearly, the law changed 1st July its one month in jail and 10k baht fine for being over .05

    Be careful if you are still drinking and driving

    Expats are not the problem facepalm.gif

  2. Getting caught stealing in Iran would result in the removal of a hand, so I can understand their option of Thailand.

    Good they were caught stealing by alert security.

    Infact, well done "Security".

    And they understand the concept of an eye for an eye, so why not let Sergeant Somchai loose with a meat cleaver, could start a new spectator sport and Pattaya's own version of chop chop square

    Do you really want to cut someone's hand off for stealing

    or are just joking ?

  3. You guys need to first acknowledge your mistakes.

    Now go spend a bit more money and get better neighbours.

    Pay peanuts and you will live next door to the monkey business that goes on. wai2.gif

    You guys need to first acknowledge your mistakes.

    Now go spend a bit more money and get better neighbours.

    Pay peanuts and you will live next door to the monkey business that goes on. wai2.gif

    You guys need to first acknowledge your mistakes.

    Now go spend a bit more money and get better neighbours.

    Pay peanuts and you will live next door to the monkey business that goes on. wai2.gif

    Perhaps you would like to invite us around to your "Stately Home" and show us where we went wrong

    Oliver Read as a role model.......!!!!!

    Only the fool will judge a book by the cover.

    No you cant come round the Wife / Gig don't like riff-raff, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle.gif

    Thought Mr reed was a jolly nice bloke and he loved a beer thumbsup.gif

  4. Actually unbelievable that still in Jomtien is no Superkarket apart from BigC and Tesco at Sukhumvit. It's also amazing that there is no McDonald, no KFC and so on. Only 200 000 7/11s and 35 000 Family Marts.

    Many years ago there was a KFC but it was never busy.

    Ha Ha.

    The worst KFC I have ever come across in the world.

    Went in one day, chicken and chip please,

    No Hab.

    Ok I have just chicken.

    No Hab chicken. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. w00t.gif unbelievable

    Yes it closed down.

    Would be good if Foodland come one day.

  5. You guys need to first acknowledge your mistakes.

    Now go spend a bit more money and get better neighbours.

    Pay peanuts and you will live next door to the monkey business that goes on. wai2.gif

  6. I had to leave Jomtien because of the incessant boom box cars on Beach Rd. every night. After years of trying to fight it-calling 1337 all the time-I just gave up and split. Much quieter in BKK. For now. There are a number of construction projects set to begin in my neighborhood and I will have to move again.

    The best advice I can give anyone who is noise sensitive in Thailand in the 21st century is don't buy a house or condo. Much easier to move if you just rent.

    And you will be moving more than you would like. Its just not an important issue to most Thais so don't expect any help or sympathy, for that matter.

    Anyone who buys or rents beach front property in Thailand and expects peace and quiet

    is just plan stupid.

    and is not smart enough to give any advice.

    enjoy moving all your life from place to place. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.gif

  7. Fairs fair ... if they are leveling trafficking charges against the managers of the club, they should also level trafficking charges against the PARENTS of those underage girls, who I'm sure are the ones that didn't object to them doing what they do because it's very good money.

    I had a gf from a village near Sa Keo, and I witnessed another girl from the village forced into prostitution by her parents. Her family told her "Go to Pattaya, work at bar, send money home or leave the family!" I was there the first night she reported to the now defunct "TG Bar" on Soi 6 and will never forget the look of terror on her face. While she wasn't underage, she was still obviously SO not wanting to do this. Shameful culture.

    I believe it goes on, but don't believe you.

    No way would a Thai family say stuff like that in front of a an outsider.

    You also must have be flaunt in Thai to understand what was said.

    And what was you doing on the first night she was working,

    you her first customer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    or is just some Bs fed to you buy a Bg coffee1.gif

  8. In Angeles city, the Philippines, if they catch under age girls in a bar, the bar is padlocked for good,

    the proprietors and the mama san are thrown to jail years of jail time.. and they're as crook as

    they come, but still, when it come to under age girls, there's no nonsense there, yet, in Thailand

    they don't value their young ones as worth saving and with light punishments, the offending bars

    can and will continue to do the same.... Money talks, young lives walks....

    Don't think you know much about the Philippines mate.

    plenty goes on there.

  9. These "meter" taxis are a plague in Pattaya. They are all over the place double parking, camping out on sois.And I assume taking away baht bus business.

    Most I see any where are empty.

    It is kind of curious. They are in competition with songthaews operating in taxi mode. Also, many motorcycle taxi stands will have an unmarked car or truck for hire if you need a seat inside.

    Yes there are way too many local transportation services. Thats all Pattaya needs is more idle Thai males.

    You walk a gauntlet of about 20 of these various transportation drivers on many sois.

    By the way you can give the driver of an empty baht bus 100 baht and they will take you just about anywhere, Naklua - Pattaya - Jomtien

    Ha Ha

    Private hire a Baht Bus Naklua to Jomtien 100 baht

    what a load of Bs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. They won't turn them on.

    Don't even ask.

    Sorry this is a shock to you.

    That's really the way it is.

    Your only options are to charter the fare by negotiation or use grabtaxi.

    Man that's bad.

    They are a plague around town now. Total con.

    Amazing Thailand.

  11. Yes the taxi meters here are fake taxi meters.

    The meters are for decoration.

    Here is info about the grab taxi app:


    Not the same value as a Bangkok taxi meter though.

    Are they fake meters or just wont turn it on ?

    I know getting taxi guys to turn on a meter is a bit hit and miss in Bangkok.

    But an out an out fake meter is bang out of order ?

    Have never used this so called service and never will in pattaya.

    Just asking.

  12. Op should have parked back up and gone in and sorted it out.

    Think they would have been ok about it.

    Myself never take the car there , car park is way to small,

    always use the bike, nearly everything you see in Friendship you can buy

    at other places that have a dissent car park.

    Maybe a few you cant, go on a bike and get them.

    Who wants a day trip to friendship supermarket in a car, NO WAY bah.gif

  13. Yesterday did the 1 year too 5 year at land and transport office (near Regents school)

    Arrived 8:15 got ticket.

    8:30 upstairs show docs.

    Colour test, reaction test, depth perception test, (don't no real term)

    No Road safety video to watch.

    Pay fee,

    Take photo,, New bike and car licence for 10 days short of 6 years.

    All done by 9:45

    RESAULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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