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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Forget more CCTV cameras.

    Get police out there stopping and fining all traffic violators THS500 on the spot with a genuine receipt for any offence.

    Take half the money and use it to employ more traffic police with the surplus legally going into whatever slush fund they want.

    Problem solved.

    totally agree .thumbsup.gif

    This would work, the rest of the ideas wont.

    500 is affordable , and will hurt enough but not break the bank completely. thumbsup.gif


    You could bump it to 700 maybe ?

  2. So, how do they plan to coordinate these classes? I'm dubious. Are these "classes" only for the Thais, or will they continue to harass the farangs?

    After all, they do seem to target us more frequently than their fellow countrymen. The classes will be held in Thai. Do you think they gave this any thought?

    I think I'll take a drive up past the Ambassador later, to put it to the test. There's usually a pile of them up there just waiting to pounce...

    I doubt that it will ever happen.

    No, I'm positive this will never get off the ground. Another brainwave from the boys.

    Sounds like a job for the FTPV or what ever they call themselves now days.

    Recon they will give re-education a go, but think they may all need to do the first re-education class themselves, just to set an example to us all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wai2.gif

  3. American pit bull dogs cross or not, they are still devil dogs.

    Every person I have ever met that have this type of dog are strange people, why is that ?

    just coincidence, think not, the owners have issues, all of them. bah.gif

    Bet when we get a bit more truth, the dog will belong to someone else !!!!!!!!

    also when this story first broke on the Thai social media.

    someone said it was a Russian guy, killed a dog testing out his new samurai sword on the dog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, total nuts !!!!!!!!!

    don't believe to much you read on the net !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and this story has plenty of nuts. coffee1.gif

  4. Cruelty is unacceptable, but stray dogs are a menace in many ways and should all be rounded up and either sterilized or destroyed. There are simply too many to be rehomed so a bit of tough love is required. Which civilised western tourist destination would tolerate this?

    OK, admit it - how many of us have taken a stick with us when we walk down the street or ride a push bike to DEFEND ourselves from these wild animals? I remember NUMEROUS attacks from these soi dogs and it is one of the biggest deciding factors for me leaving Thailand.

    How many of us know someone who has been bitten (or have been bitten YOURSELVES) then having to suffer the expense of the painful shots?

    I can't see anybody supporting cruelty to these animals and I believe we all agree that if Thailand can afford submarines, then they can afford a comprehensive, HUMANE animal control program of absolute sterilization.


    You let dogs make you relocate to a different country.

    That's just mad. crazy.gif

  5. Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

    They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

    Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

    ( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

    we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

    Thanks bah.gif

    Why not have a go at him. I've got rid of most of these people around my way who create dog $hit on our roads. Yes, you put food in one end and $hit comes out the other. It ain't rocket science. If they wish to feed these dogs OK but at least clean up all the crap afterwards.

    It wont be long before the numbers are back down.

    to an expectable level. ohmy.png

    I love dogs but not all of them.

  6. Get rid of all the Soi dogs and the place would be much safer for kids and elderly folk.

    They are a pest and a menice and spread rabies.

    Also get rid of the do gooder's who go around feeding the soi dogs.

    ( his a westerner with a light blue van ) bah.gif

    we had 2-3 round the back of me, now this idiot turns up every day and feeds them, we now have a pack of 9. ( very nice )

    Thanks bah.gif

  7. diversification ..... she could also have a couple of massage rooms out the back .. and a few bottles of brew to sell.

    Make the clothing as just a front ... she can make more on the other ...

    Once word gets around and customers keep coming back for more ..... 50,000 - 60, 000 / month easy.

    How often do customers return to buy a dress or shirt ? once a year ? whistling.gif

    Are you talking about the other occupation that some hair dressers / Stylists can have

    in this town ohmy.pnggigglem.gifohmy.png

  8. It is a positive sign that your wife has a desire to "run a business"; however, does she have experience running a clothing shop or even working in one. Pattaya would be one of the worse places to start a clothing shop since they is an overflow of them from the little shops on the sois , to the little stands at the night markets. The profitable times depends on the tourist season which is about 5 months out of the year and now with the flow of tourists down (and Chinese are not out and about spending their money with their group tour bookings) things are bleak. The other downfall is that rent in Pattaya is quite high and most owners renting out space want a year's worth of rent. (They do not care if you go out of business; for some other fool will move in and pay another annual year's rent.)

    What your wife should do is take that money and attend a beauty salon school and learn how to cut/style hair or learn some other trade so she has a skill to lean on.

    I think there could be a few around town now days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle.gif

    Having a desire to have a business is the usual dream in Thailand, but very few wish to put the real effort into it, to have any chance of successes.

    Its usually this.

    Free money = start business = hire staff = sit down money come = bust in year = unlucky = try again !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is Op prepared for his wife to not be around the home for 14 hours a day. every day ?

    The list of cons for a business here is very long.

    but that said some do ok,


  9. 'one more time , drink driving is not the problem on the roads in Thailand.'

    Its is a problem, and in this situation it was the problem.

    Pattaya needs an effective police force to blitz the city and eradicate it. After all, its not as if public transport options are not plentiful and affordable.

    I bet that woman in the picture wishes she spent 60bht on a taxi now.

    No she won't.

    She will say (I unlucky) , and she will believe that.

  10. Op

    When the money has gone, she will want more., what you going to do ? cave in / yes / no

    she will then want to start one more business, as first one was unlucky.

    Sorry mate but most Thais don't want to work hard, most want a business so they can sit down and money come through the door.

    Don't do it. you will have endless problems.

    how many shops are there around town the same ?

    Try something a bit more mobile, with small fixed costs.

    shops are expensive and will eat all, if any profit.

    Good luck

  11. Believe it or not they are enforcing in a big way now, recently I have spoken to 3 different farangs I know, all been busted for DD, there are road blocks at night all over Pattaya stopping bikes and cars and testing them.

    More and more expats I know are leaving their motors at home now

    All the guys I know busted all spent time in the monkey house and it cost them dearly, the law changed 1st July its one month in jail and 10k baht fine for being over .05

    Be careful if you are still drinking and driving

    Expats are not the problem

    No shortage of piss*d-up expats driving cars here. And quite a few piss*d-up expats have killed themselves on motorbikes here also, several of them within a few hundred yards of my condo.

    A drunk in a vehicle is a dangerous menace regardless of what colour his skin is.

    If you say so, you must be right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    one more time , drink driving is not the problem on the roads in Thailand.

    there's a far bigger issue out there,

    Are all the people in Thailand pissed up all the time on the roads ?

    if not why are people having accidents all day long here ? whistling.gif

    if you drive in Thailand every day, you will know the answer to this .bah.gif

    This is not directed at you but I suspect many people on Thai visa.do not do much driving here.

    most nip off to makro or lotus once a week and that is the sum total of the driving they do here,

    the rest of time they are back seat drivers whilst the wife drives them around. coffee1.gif

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