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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. If you guys want to get bent out of shape about a stupid Helmut law.

    When you have very very dangerous driving on the roads in thailand every day that is excepted as the norm and is ok.

    Get on with it boys. coffee1.gif

    But i do feel many on Thavisa dont do much driving on the roads in Thailand. ( it shows )

    just a bunch of back seat drivers. coffee1.gif

    By your own admission, this would surely be even more of a reason to wear a helmet then?

    When you have very very dangerous driving on the roads in thailand every day that is excepted as the norm and is ok.

    you dont get it do you,

    The guy with no Helmut kills himself, mainly.

    The guy Dangerous driving kills everyone. bah.gif

    Who does not get it??

    You are more likely to die from a head injury caused by an accident caused by one of these dangerous drivers if your head is not protected by a helmet. Doh!facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    Or let me simplify that for you.....you are less likely to die from a head injury if your head is protected by a helmet.....get it now?

    Mate that pick up doing 140km over the red lights on the Sukumvit has just hit you.

    bet your glad you had a Helmut on cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Get it now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doh

  2. If you guys want to get bent out of shape about a stupid Helmut law.

    When you have very very dangerous driving on the roads in thailand every day that is excepted as the norm and is ok.

    Get on with it boys. coffee1.gif

    But i do feel many on Thavisa dont do much driving on the roads in Thailand. ( it shows )

    just a bunch of back seat drivers. coffee1.gif

    By your own admission, this would surely be even more of a reason to wear a helmet then?

    When you have very very dangerous driving on the roads in thailand every day that is excepted as the norm and is ok.

    you dont get it do you,

    The guy with no Helmut kills himself, mainly.

    The guy Dangerous driving kills everyone. bah.gif

  3. IMHO to drive a motorbike without a helmet is not a small infringement of the law it is stupidity beyond belief.

    On the other hand even in Germany the ticket for "no helmet" is just 15 Euro. But unlike in Thailand it is not possible to pay and continue your travel without the helmet, you have to organize a helmet first.

    If you wear no helmet and you have a accident with a head and or brain injury it is very likely that the insurance will claim the money back from you, as it is negligent behavior. So in the end it can cost you big $.

    In Thailand a 2000 THB would be a very steep fine for a young student. Most could not pay it by themself so parents would have to pay for it.

    Instead they could order them for community service. Clean the beach in a nice orange overall for two days on the weekend. Young Thais would love to collect trash all day in the sun and most areas in Thailand could use a clean up.

    If you want to enter the Navy area in Sattahip you have to wear a helmet, otherwise you can not pass the security checkpoints. Very good rule.

    They should also fine every policemen or school teacher the tenfold fine !

    @Mykthemin, freedom of choice is a good thing, if you are alone on the road.

    If you have a accident with another motorbike, car or truck you`ll involve other people in "your freedom of choice".

    no way, cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  4. If you guys want to get bent out of shape about a stupid Helmut law.

    When you have very very dangerous driving on the roads in thailand every day that is excepted as the norm and is ok.

    Get on with it boys. coffee1.gif

    But i do feel many on Thavisa dont do much driving on the roads in Thailand. ( it shows )

    just a bunch of back seat drivers. coffee1.gif

  5. they should make it 2000

    Why ?

    maybe then people will start to respect the law.

    Tell us what would happen in such an event where you come from.

    First off this is Thailand ok, not the USA or Uk. both have different laws for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2000 for no Helmut is just to much for the thais to pay for this small infringement of the law

    I think the fine for dangerous driving should be large, helmut stuff, no small fine is ok.

  6. Airlines will not accept a debit card here ,and do you know the hoops you have to jump through as a foreigner to get a credit card ,i do ,it took me ages and phone calls to the banks ho , one of the things i do not understand is why they do not want anyone over 65 especially as you have to have an account with the money in beforehand ,i mean if you die ,they already have the cash , amazing Thailand ,(deleted)

    Good point

    Never thought of that one !!!!!! they only have 100,000 fom me,

    but still hard for someone to get back, i bet !!!!!!!!! ohmy.png

  7. I agree 100% with peterb17 (#25) - all inside condo walls undercoated and then top-coated; new bathroom door lacquered,hung & accessories fixed; front door removed & reshaped; balcony painted and not a drop/drip on the floors and all for just over US$100 or under £80. Refer my post #5.

    Undercoat on a wall what is that ? different type of paint ?

    or do you mean two coats, same same paint but different ?

    Just asking

  8. The presentation skills of many of the speakers is very low, you could say non existent, somewhat surprising as they often claim to have a professional background. To be fair difficult to obtain interesting speakers, from my POV have a meeting without a speaker, rather than a dullard rambling on.

    I recall an interesting speaker from UK Consular Services who during his presentation said many calls received treat the Embassy as a travel agency. During the Q&A session some idiot asked for the location and phone number of the Austrian Embassy in BKK.

    He wasn't an idiot - he had just grasped how utterly useless the UK consular service has become.

    It was never good. even the short time they had an office in Jomtien it was crap.

  9. Riding behind my Thai fiancée on the pillion, I was nicely told by a policeman directing traffic at an intersection to put on my helmut. He had a legitimate excuse to "take my money" but didn't.

    Why would you want to put on a German ?

    yes, that's funny, it's not the first time I read "helmut" instead of "helmet" on this forum, I've always wondered why this mistake is so widespread. and indeed, I must always thing about a former colleague when I read Helmut, LOL.

    Okay, so big deal, I spelled the word "helmet" wrong. Compared to some of the spelling errors and illiteracy that I see on TVF, this mistake is pretty insignificant. And BTW, you might want to check your own spelling. I guess you meant "think", not "thing" in your less-than-perfect punctuated sentence.

    The Helmut one is a bit of a joke on the forum.

    But ok sorry if offended you.

    Think the Police man that pulled you, about the Helmut

    was not on Helmut duty that day. wai2.gif

  10. Only a driver with something to fear should be concerned about check points and speed cameras.

    But then of course there is the traffic delay to be concerned about (for those who have nothing to fear).

    Then you dont know anything about Thailand.

    Most checkpoints will stop most motorcycles and most farangs they can spot and find waterver excuse to take your money and waste your time.

    Not true everywhere. Pulled in this morning, did not come to a full stop before they noticed I was a farang and told me to go. Waved through another an hour later.

    Riding behind my Thai fiancée on the pillion, I was nicely told by a policeman directing traffic at an intersection to put on my helmut. He had a legitimate excuse to "take my money" but didn't.

    Why would you want to put on a German ?

  11. Need some information.

    I wish to renew my 12 months extension of stay (retirement visa) in a few months time, the 800.000 in the bank, does it need to be all fresh money or can you use some money still in the bank from the last year, all the moneys are from outside of Thailand, at the same bank, same account, Just wish to know before I transfer money over to Thailand.

    Also is it a maximum of 30 days before end of extension that you can renew it early ?

    Anyone ?

    Thanks, onemorechang

  12. If you "friend" does not want to follow the rules and take the test legitimately then there is always the brown envelope option

    The Thai driving schools that I have had experience with in Pattaya concentrate on the actual driving test and pay minimal time and attention to the written (on the computer) test

    If this mystery person really can drive perfectly then why do they not use their home country license and dispense with the practical driving test all together

    Non Thai license only valid for 6 Months here in Thailand.

    You sure about that ? coffee1.gif

  13. I don't really care if people want to overpay, but I care if people try to push lies about what the correct fare actually is. As far as "corrupting" drivers ... come on now, the damage is done. They are hustling on the streets for fares; most strongly prefer charter rides.


    They just pissed me off a long time ago.

    I will never have a good word for them, to much aggro before.

  14. I give them 20 baht for that trip starting from Jomtien. I think its a great price. I mean come on. You stand in the road, hop on the Toyota, little to no waiting and off you go. can't be much more convenient than that. A fine open air ride from the beach back to your hotel. 10 baht for local in the Pattaya area loop, up and down second road, beach road, soi bukhao, etc.

    Wrong its 10 Baht coffee1.gif

    Please pay double next time you order beers for one week. good idea Yes/No ? crazy.gif

    I never said the price was or should be 10 baht. I simply said what I pay. So replying that it is "wrong" is silly. Jesus, the ride is what, 2, 3 miles? 20 Baht is about 60 cents USA. The driver's profit margin is negligible. Goodness, are you going to get argumentative over 10 baht? As for your words about paying double for beers, that is such a ridiculous generalization that it doesn't even rate being called reductio ad absurdum


    So 100% tip to the baht bus driver, nice one.

    Shame you dont use it 5 times a day. think you would change your mind after a few days.

    Tipping the baht bus driver only makes them want more than the correct fare from other people.

    you are part of the problem with over charging in pattaya by thease people

    Well done.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Maybe I should start taking pictures and posting up on social media all the Thais I see urinating in public. I doubt the Thais would disapprove and complain.

    Look lets be serious about this, yes Thais do urinate in public but they find a bush or a wall and to a certain extent conceal their activities, this guy is in full public view on a moving vehicle hiding absolutely nothing, it is obscene and quite frankly disgraceful behaviour, I hope they catch him and lock him up for a week, there could be kids seeing this on their way to school - what sort of impression does that leave for all of us

    People can have there heads bashed in on walking street.

    The guy gets a small fine and out the door.

    And you want to lock a guy up for a week for pissing in pubic.

    As disgraceful as it is,

    It is not like a voilent assault is it.

    BTW i have seen Thais take a piss in the middle of the road before.

    Anyone know where it was, Baht Bus in Soi 6 ? biggrin.png

  16. RIP. Hope his last night was a good one with a talented lady. I'd want to go out that way!

    Out of all the wonderful things that life has to offer, sex with a prostitute is not what i value the most. I would rather be surrounded by the warmth of family and friends.


    No thanks mate.

    Get off, before you get off. thats the way to go

  17. it may help to secretly take a Video of him "in action" with mobile devices and post it on some Thai social media websites, or even youtube. That way, the Thai police/authorities will be forced to take action sooner or later.

    Social media is a very strong tool in Thailand nowadays. Do it now before he attracts copycats....

    Has it made any difference for the Jet Ski scam ?

    That was all over the net.

    But yes i agree.

  18. They must be able to find Thai people who can afford them as they are only allowed by law to sell 49% of the total units to foreigners.

    So you dont know about the company Bs for getting around this

    IMO people are crazy to do this but some do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amazing Farangs in Thailand w00t.gif

    Yes, I know about forming a company to get around the restriction on land ownership but I think you'd have to be really desperate to use that method to own a condo. I mean, why bother when there are so many condos available legally?

    Starting to get off-topic now.

    Yes you are.

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