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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. An Electrician in Thailand is more like a Magician. Your never more than a milliamp away from being electocuted in Thailand....Perhaps a pair of rubber flip flops would have saved his life. Sad.

    A note to self and others:

    • Install water pump outdoors in a dry place under the roof
    • Have RCBO safety cut system in your house
    • Always wear slippers (preferably rubber) when you want to do any electric work
    • Make sure your feet and slippers are dry
    • Don't forget to cut the electric power before you start any electric work

    All good advice,

    But Test before touch,

    Dont trust the switch you can see or wiring you can see.

  2. Would be better to stop over loading the baht bus

    They should set a max amount of people on board at any time.

    The fools who stand on the back are just that, fools.

    Any extra training for the drivers can only be good. smile.png

  3. Who the <deleted> would want to invest funds at 2 or (God forbid) 2,4 percent anyway - forget the alleged racism, think about the rational of the investment. You couldn't convince me to fart in bed for a 2 or 2.4% return.

    As to buying a condo, get your Missus to buy it at the Thai price of 1.88M.

    Sorted coffee1.gif

    having wife buy it would be counter intuitive as it would then not fall into the 49% foreign quota. thus narrowing the market for a resale

    Thats a good point. thumbsup.gif

  4. Anyone who drinks or has drunk in thailand and drives Car /Motor bike.

    Has driven home at some point in time DUI.

    Bunch of Hypocrites. bah.gif

    Wrong. If there is even the remote possibility that I might have a drink while I'm out, I take a motorcy taxi from my home to the venue. For 100 - 200 baht, it's well worth it to me to not have to worry about it. If I'm on my bike and someone wants to go have drinks, I either decline or I take the bike home and come back on a taxi.

    It's not worth the risk of death or imprisonment. Ever.

    Ok, if you say so. coffee1.gif

  5. Who the <deleted> would want to invest funds at 2 or (God forbid) 2,4 percent anyway - forget the alleged racism, think about the rational of the investment. You couldn't convince me to fart in bed for a 2 or 2.4% return.

    As to buying a condo, get your Missus to buy it at the Thai price of 1.88M.

    Sorted coffee1.gif

    Maybe not the best of moves some times in the LOS ohmy.png

  6. For drink driving you should have been Jailed for 18 Months then deported with a no come back policy for at least 20 years.


    Yes and likewise I propose 2 years followed by deportation for speeding, 1 year for jay walking, illegal turns? 1 to 3, that should curb that dangerous activity. No helmet, maybe 6 months and deportation after all if you can't be a model citizen you should go back to your own country. There's more of course but you get the idea.

    Ha Ha

    And you think Farangs drink driving is a big problem in Thiland. ha ha ha .

    Yes nearly every Farang I know who drinks and has a motor drinks and drives on a regular basis, but of course I've only been here since 1990, so I'll bow down to your superior knowledge of how things really are in Thailand. giggle.gif

    And it would be a problem if a drunk Farang smashed into you or a loved one in his Fortuner wouldn't it ?

    You are obviously new to Thailand with your Myopic view that Thai = Bad and Farang = Good.

    With the Thai male driving in Thailand , yes 100% correct.

  7. Spent the night in banglamung jail cell ... All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

    For drink driving you should have been Jailed for 18 Months then deported with a no come back policy for at least 20 years.


    Yes and likewise I propose 2 years followed by deportation for speeding, 1 year for jay walking, illegal turns? 1 to 3, that should curb that dangerous activity. No helmet, maybe 6 months and deportation after all if you can't be a model citizen you should go back to your own country. There's more of course but you get the idea.

    Ha Ha

    And you think Farangs drink driving is a big problem in Thiland. ha ha ha .

    Go an experance the wonders of the Thai drivers of Thailand yourself .

    and tell me if they are all drunk or just , selfish dangrous drivers ?

    Anyway i think the police should give basic care to anyone in jaill

    like water.

    what they like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  8. DUI still accepts donations if offered correctly and discritly . 20000-25000.

    Not sure what OP wants to know, but in Soi 9, no food or drink is provided , it's not an air conditioned room, over crowded.

    Any food or drink is what visitors bring.

    Usually visitors would bring a pack of water and food , otherwise person may not have a pleasant time as the rest are thirsty and hungry.

    Donation to desk is 100 baht, lunch money .

    With good lawyer, "bail" can be paid and charge is lost in paper work.

    Is it better to pay than to be locked up ? Of course it is, especially when donations are pretty small in comparison to legal fees and all the rest .

    Thought they gave you water, thats a bit rough with out that, think i will give it a miss.

    How much is the room with Air con ? smile.png

  9. No never

    Heard it's not the nicest place to be in.whistling.gif

    Still heaps of drunk driving going on but they have finally started getting more serious about it and putting people in the slammer before seeing a judge, about time.

    Tough shit when people getting busted on a friday as they will have to wait until monday for seeing one.

    Thats funny

    I thought it was just another Tax on farangs, whistling.gif

    i must have been fed some bad information !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coffee1.gif

  10. Decent people tip. Thai or foreigner. This idea that Thais do not or never have tipped is nonsense..as with all things customs change over time..tips are becoming more expected...nothing to do with Americans..

    Ha ha, oh dear. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

    What a thing to say.

    Very disrespectful of you to say this about the poor people of Thailand, not all are rich like you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Shame you were doing real good till then

    I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't want to embarrass my friends by tipping if it wasn't appropriate (having just got off the plane, I wasn't sure) or by tipping more than they could afford. On my own, I tend to tip a little higher, but face is a big thing around here and these are my friends, so I didn't want to offend anyone my first time out. Is that a problem?

    Just to start

    Have you ever considered your friends tip because you are there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but when they are out alone or with family they dont tip ?

    That big old face thing when with the Farangs !!!!!! . i bet not

    Who are you to say 10% is about right, ?

    Thais will not tip 10 % if its a very large bill ?

    Well, as we got to know each other a little better, I asked my friend that very question. She said that some Thais do not tip. But she considers it to be the right thing to do, so she does. She believes in giving extra for good service. And yes, I've seen her tip around 10% no matter the size of the bill. I'm not saying 10% is correct morally or even culturally, but amongst my particular set of Thai friends, it's the average.

    I think you might be painting all Thais with the same broad brush. Generosity is not a given, obviously, but there are some very gracious and generous people here. Luckily, I'm friends with a few them. This girl doesn't have much, but what she has, she shares. I find that commendable and it makes me even happier to spread the relative wealth that I have.

    I dont think you have a real understanding of how deep and how important

    the face thing is in Thiland. there will alway be the few % exceptions to the rule.

    But the norm is not what you think it is about tipping.

    Face is a real big deal for them ( Babies IMO for this face thing )

    If you spend a lot of time with the Hi so and the Low so you will get it.

    Would it not be better to give the tip to the guy in the street with no arms and legs,

    when you leave the food place your in, Yes or No ?

    Please remenber i tip the delivery guy 40 baht, because he may well die bringing me my dinner.

  12. I don't tip because it's an American custom, I tip because it's a nice thing to do. I consider it part of my contribution to the local economy. It's the same reason that I try to buy things from the local shops instead of Big C when I can. I might pay a few more baht, but it's pennies to me and might put food on the table for the woman running the store. I also put all of my coins (and sometimes more) into the Father Ray boxes at local stores. What am I going to do with a ton of baht coins laying around the house? The charities could really use them.

    Also, the Thai friends that I go out with always tip wherever we go. They agree that it's a nice gesture. These are not hi-so Thais or girls living off their boyfriend's money, they work for every baht they get. I intentionally waited to see what they tipped before I laid down my money the first time we went out. I did that because 1) I wanted to see if tipping was appropriate here and 2) I didn't want to look like a big-spending, obnoxious prat if I threw down 200 baht when they were only tipping 20. Turns out, 10% is about right.

    Shame you were doing real good till then

    I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't want to embarrass my friends by tipping if it wasn't appropriate (having just got off the plane, I wasn't sure) or by tipping more than they could afford. On my own, I tend to tip a little higher, but face is a big thing around here and these are my friends, so I didn't want to offend anyone my first time out. Is that a problem?

    Just to start

    Have you ever considered your friends tip because you are there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but when they are out alone or with family they dont tip ?

    That big old face thing when with the Farangs !!!!!! . i bet not

    Who are you to say 10% is about right, ?

    Thais will not tip 10 % if its a very large bill ?

  13. I don't tip because it's an American custom, I tip because it's a nice thing to do. I consider it part of my contribution to the local economy. It's the same reason that I try to buy things from the local shops instead of Big C when I can. I might pay a few more baht, but it's pennies to me and might put food on the table for the woman running the store. I also put all of my coins (and sometimes more) into the Father Ray boxes at local stores. What am I going to do with a ton of baht coins laying around the house? The charities could really use them.

    Also, the Thai friends that I go out with always tip wherever we go. They agree that it's a nice gesture. These are not hi-so Thais or girls living off their boyfriend's money, they work for every baht they get. I intentionally waited to see what they tipped before I laid down my money the first time we went out. I did that because 1) I wanted to see if tipping was appropriate here and 2) I didn't want to look like a big-spending, obnoxious prat if I threw down 200 baht when they were only tipping 20. Turns out, 10% is about right.

    Shame you were doing real good till then

  14. I got new york pizza delivered and it was exactly 400 so i didnt tip him. He walked off very angry shakeing his head.

    That will be the fault of the nation over the pond.

    Job well done,

    The guy only wanted to pay the cost of the pizza, nothing wrong with that.

    his choice.

    Give it a few more years and he will kick your car in on the way out.

  15. 40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

    Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

    Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

    And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

    On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

    but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

    . You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

    so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

    . I come from a Tipping Society, Not a city in China , as a matter of Fact I Overtip, so all u Cheap Charlie's get riled up, 55555

    No your from the Wing Nut Society that have over tipped.

    So now there is very little respect for the customers.

    Noticed the sour faces and bad attitude of some staff.

    Well done, good job crazy.gif

  16. 40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

    Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

    Dont care about BS 10 % bla bla bla.

    And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

    On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

    but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

    . You re in a No Bashing Zone, Thankful The Cheap Charlie's didn't Make It Over The Pond...

    so your one then, violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

  17. 40 Baht, every time, could be his last ride on a bike coming to you.

    Only do the delivery thing once every 6-8 months max

    Dont care about BS 10 % blah blah blah.

    And have no care about the nation that has screwed tipping up all around the world bah.gifyou know who you are

    On a funny note , last week i did see a pizza motor cycle guy come out of the gates of a temple .

    but could have been a quick cut through for him, but was funny to see at the time.

  18. Yes i love the Thais

    This country is my home now.

    its far from perfict but !!!!!!, i love them most of the time. wai2.gif

    I must have missed that day at school.

    So you're supposed to love everyone in the country you happen to live in?wub.png

    Sounds tiring! crying.gif

    Especially if you're French. huh.png

    Your right, there are a few groups of people in thailand i dont love tongue.png

    i just thought the title of the thread was a bit silly.

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