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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. There has been many ferry accidents and sinking's, over the years so personally I and my family would not board a ferry,without a personal life jacket allocation!

    Watch out for over crowding,which means there will not be enough life jackets to go around.

    I would contend that if you don't have a life jacket in your possession when the poop hits the fan, you won't have one on when the ordeal is over. And if your kids aren't wearing them when bad stuff happens, they won't be wearing them when it's all over.

    Look around next time you're on a boat and ask yourself who, exactly, is going to distribute the life jackets in a calm, orderly manner when the fricking boat is sinking- even if there are plenty on board?

    Sometimes, these sinkings take just moments, especially in the case of a collision. Finding and putting on an unfamiliar life jacket and securing all the straps takes longer than you have.

    And don't think for a moment that another panicked passenger (or crew) won't rip the one out of your little kid's hands if they thought it would save their own skin. Kids need to be wearing theirs.

    Big C and TESCO sell them for $10-20. I have mine- and they're with me whenever I get on a ferry.

    But of course you don't wear said life jackets inside an enclosed cabin do you ? As if the vessel goes over or down you stand a greater chance of drowning by becoming trapped in the vessel due to the buoyancy of the jacket, unless its one of the inflation types

    Never seen a Life Jacket on any boat in Pattaya.

    Only cheap buoyancy aids.

  2. I give them 20 baht for that trip starting from Jomtien. I think its a great price. I mean come on. You stand in the road, hop on the Toyota, little to no waiting and off you go. can't be much more convenient than that. A fine open air ride from the beach back to your hotel. 10 baht for local in the Pattaya area loop, up and down second road, beach road, soi bukhao, etc.

    Wrong its 10 Baht coffee1.gif

    Please pay double next time you order beers for one week. good idea Yes/No ? crazy.gif

  3. Everyone in the family has to work to survive because of the huge cost of living increase that Thailand has seen over several years. Those very things that have destroyed the West are now evident in Thai society. The vast increase in prices in land, house and basics are more and more out of reach of the average person both in the West and in Thailand. In the long term, it is not sustainable. The wealthy are in line for a huge lesson in how to survive the redistribution of their wealth. They won't survive it. A very wise man once said the poor shall inherit the Earth. Believe it!

    How much of this do you think is the result of retirees and influx of foreigners moving to Thailand for its low cost of living?

    Here in CM, amazed at how many billboards pop up advertising luxury condos when I know most Thais couldnt afford to live in them. What's going on in their minds when theyre constantly bombarded with huge advertisements promoting luxury and excess?

    They must be able to find Thai people who can afford them as they are only allowed by law to sell 49% of the total units to foreigners.

    So you dont know about the company Bs for getting around this

    IMO people are crazy to do this but some do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amazing Farangs in Thailand w00t.gif

  4. If you look at the quality of foreigners and how they behave in Pattaya I can understand some resentment. (not talking here about the average expat) That of course does not justify bombing them.

    If too many people at a spot are replacing local people tensions will rise. Just like the Muslims in Europe are tolerated until they reach certain levels and then people start to complain not feel at ease.

    Its natural (not right), that if you feel as a local your a minority in your own city to feel some resentment. Combine that with how the woman are treated and you get this.

    Lets hope its a one time thing.

    "as a local your a minority in your own city" I understand your reasoning, but I would have thought that there are substantially more locals in Pattaya and B/K than tourists. I may be wrong of course, and if I am, then I think TAT would be very interested in the figures!

    Your right.. i should not have said minority in your own city.. just having past a certain percentage of foreigners immigrants in a city gets tensions.. not sure how high it is actually before friction starts. (believe its 20% that irritation start I read about this somewhere but its on in the English language).

    Again this is not justification for bombing people.. and it will never be that. Some people are not bright enough to see that I don't blame the victim but give a reason for attacks.

    And just how many Thais come from Pattaya and Jomtien

    want to put a % on that ?

  5. dangerous to photograph this guy. for the record, he chased a Thai guy off the beach 4 days ago, threw a beer bottle after him but no fight. kicked the shit out of another Thai guy in the middle of the footpath 3 days ago, when pedestrians thought it save to pass he went in for another round of head kicking, pretty much like clockwork orange, this guy knows no limits. I think only social media can maybe change this. the police wont act unless a farang female is raped/murdered

    Not true about the police.

    They will do plenty if its about money.

    Try riding a motor bike along beach road with no crash hat or documents.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry wrong again

    They get people from other countries to do that now days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle.gif

  6. Had one at BigC just outside, a few year s back.

    Had a beer, total crap, never went back.

    Think the beer was made there, but cant be sure.

    One was setting up on North end of beach road, again a few years back, dont now what become of it.

    could have been just a fake gear set up, who knows.

  7. The new Shenanigans brings us some excellent draft beers, at reasonable prices and hopefully a new choice for good food. As yet I have not sampled their cuisine so cannot comment on taste and quality, however, the new owner showed me his kitchen as it was being installed and if the quality going into the equipment is matched by the food, we are in for some treats.

    To endorse the Original Poster, yes welcome to Steve and Scot, a most welcome addition to our community, I for one especially like your Campaign For Real Ale Idea with a guest CAMRA beer every few weeks.

    It is only fair to point out though that there has been good food around the lake for a while now:

    The Fisherman does really nice Indian curries, I have been many times now and taken friends, all of whom have returned more than once.

    The Mediterranean resort (located just a little off the Lake on the road towards the 36, down a little Soi behind the Brass house) has very good Farang food, mainly based on European style but a menu with good variation and choice, also, in my opinion some of the best Thai food that I have ever eaten. Again I have eaten here many times and see many familiar faces coming again and again. Many mixed couples too because of the excellent Thai food.

    All in all, life up by the lake is getting better and better with fewer and fewer of the cowboy idiots that used to blight this area hanging around. A much better quality neighbourhood now, life is good!!

    Ha Ha.

    Pull the other one. cheesy.gif

  8. Think i have seen this stuff in

    Pastrami on rye and Mick's Mexican Jomtien.

    Cant be 100% sure on the name but think its an American beer so not that interested myself smile.png

    Not cheap, i bet ?

    It is Scottish, and very good.


    My mistake, disregard my last post. ohmy.png

  9. Think i have seen this stuff in

    Pastrami on rye and Mick's Mexican Jomtien.

    Cant be 100% sure on the name but think its an American beer so not that interested myself smile.png

    Not cheap, i bet ?

  10. If you are in any way unqualified or not knowledgeable in matters electrical; if changing a light bulb requires checking your Last Will & Testament for validity or doing a full-blown Risk Assessment, when any domestic electrical device begins to malfunction or fails, you must:-

    1 ) Isolate the electrical power supply (unplug or turn off).

    2 ) Call for a qualified repairman.

    3 ) Don't watch what he does but even if you do

    4 ) Don't post your advice here (like admitting to changing the power socket for the water pump with the power on).

    No 3, is just silly.

    You learn many things in life by observation.

    Ever watched a training vidio ?

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