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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Well they do have Songkran on the 18th in Naklua but it is rather tame in Pattaya outside of Soi 7/8, so what's so "lol" about having songkran on the 20th in Jomtien but not in Pattaya?

    As you can see from post #2 there have been a few people saying it and I also saw it announced somewhere.

    Oh, I'm arguing over the internet again.

    Ha ha.

    So no songkran on the 19 in Naklua ?

    or are you just wrong.

    Same as wrong about Jomtien 20th Songkran ?

  2. My laundry is done for less than 150 baht per week and my Wifi is free....I chose to spend my money on coin operated girlfriends and enjoy the view and the food....lol...?

    Not sure which section of the hi-so elite at Coconut Bar has been reduced to taking coins, but you seem to have hit the jackpot.

    OK - I'll let myself out.

    He could be talking about Self Abuse with a condom on.

    that would be cheap, also can be form a coin operated machine, many around in Thailand.

    It fits the bill. ?

    what would he be classed as then ? smile.png

  3. RIP Man

    Some people may well be able to do many things, but are reluctant to do so

    due to finger pointing later on down the line in the offshore industry .!!!!!!

    It’s a witch hunt environment now days , due to law suits and crap companies.

    Not saying this was the case here, but could be a point.

    We don’t know what happened or if he had any preexisting conditions .

    So who knows.

    But the ships master should know what was, and why ? he himself should have first aide experience , to a level to open the throat and let air in, so don’t know what went on.

    Rip man.

    Loved working with the Flipos, had so many laughs with them in the Metro club Aberdeen

    23 years ago ,, before I went up to the real pubs in town.

  4. This young 'lady' and the Finnish boyfriend own a Pattaya bar.

    She is collecting bar fines and sending her staff home with drunks but suffers indignation when her bottom gets a pinch?

    Pimping is legal and pinching not?

    The defenders of these thai guys are really laughable and clearly show they have no clue what is going in Pattaya.

    Prattling on about a drunk who touched a woman and calling it sexual assault....what a joke even more laughable when you consider she sells other women for sexual services.

    I guess then all those katoeys that hang around Pattaya who try to hug you are also guilty of sexual assault then?

    Good luck with getting the police to lock them all up!

    Someone touching you in a sexual manner when NOT INVITED to is sexual assault.

    Clearly you think you know everything about everything...going on as though everyone on here is clueless while you know it all. Ex SAS by any chance?

    My wife is Thai, not a bar girl but still I doubt that would matter to this guy, if he'd pinched her backside then he'd have suffered a lot worse than what these Thai guys did to him.

    Oh, and if Pattaya is so bad....erm , why do you live there? Martyr or trouble maker yourself?

    Have a look in the mirror mate.

  5. + 1 to most responses. Get the drunks off the road, Thais & foreigners alike. Best, get rid of this kind of people who have no respect for others. Most civilized countries consequences would be much more serious. MS>

    How would you do this, execution by firing squad ?

    • Like 1
  6. Where are the road blocks ?

    Of course I am asking because I want to greet them and say thank you !

    That's jolly nice of you.

    Good to see the road blocks up, it great for the community.

    would be a shame if it was just to stick money in the back pockets of a few.

    that would never be the case in Pattaya, w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Stupid a**. Got what you deserve. Why do you need a gun!

    To rob people

    To show off to the girlfriend.

    To win an argument in karaoke bar. (or fight outside)

    To make up for a small size in the trouser department.

    To keep in house so wife can kill you when she finds out about your girlfriend.

    To be a cop ?

    Just a few I can think of for Pattaya.

    To be a Red neck with your mates shooting bottles and cans in the woods

    whilst drinking beer. for Americans back home only.

  8. Hookers and Alcohol, all over Thailand not just pattaya.

    its just a bit more in your face here.

    Are Hookers just for tourists and expats , don't think so.

    I have no care of what any people think about where I live.

    why should I. how snobby is that !!!!!!!

    Many people marry a hooker from the pattaya bar industry, but forget that a few years latter, up to them. and good luck to them.

    Pattaya for ever .

    how long will this topic be open for , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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