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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. The law clearly states that the helmet must be securely fixed to the head. The helmet must also be certified by Thai Industry Standards and have a TIS 369-2539 sticker on it.

    do you think that safety standard is good for a crash helmet ?

    Strange question but the answer is yes, what do you think?

    The question is not strange as you are the one quoting regulations !!!!!!

    No, I don’t.

    I think most of the crash helmets in use are just slightly better than a chocolate tea pot in a serious crash.

    If your happy with a thin bit of cheap plastic and a bit of polystyrene , go for it.

    Saying that something is better than nothing in a crash.

  2. The law clearly states that the helmet must be securely fixed to the head. The helmet must also be certified by Thai Industry Standards and have a TIS 369-2539 sticker on it.

    do you think that safety standard is good for a crash helmet ?

  3. I was transported to emergency via ambulance last night. Sukumwit was a mess, a Thai said "Thailand does not have good heart" as cars refused to clear the road for an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights.

    This is the norm

    I not move over for you.

    Selfish drivers in Thailand., lots of them. most I think

  4. All the mentioned are lame and weak.

    no bite in them at all, some are just like soup !!!!!!!!!

    no good for me.

    if you eat a chili con, your taste buds should know it.

    But not in this town.

    Anyone know different, would be nice to try ?

  5. So to summarize, the places listed below have all been recommended by one person but have not been seconded by another. Does this mean there's just no good Chili Con Carne to be had in Pattaya?
    The Sportsman on Soi 13
    Wild Chicken at the second road end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office)
    Frasers in Jomtien
    Rich Man Poor Man on Jomtien Soi 9
    Tequilla Reef
    Moonshine bar/restaurant/hotel, soi 4, Jomtien
    The Coins

    That's about right,

    I just make my own now days , and keep 5 or 6 lots in the deep freezer

  6. The traffic along Thappraya/Jomtien 2nd Road seemed worse than ever last night. It looked like the jam was as far back as the new AD Condo, and from there presumably all the way to Pattaya. Luckily I was on foot.


    What happened?

    Just congestion or was there an accident or something?

    Seconds road to top of hill out of jomtien

    No accident

    17:30- 20:15 and more , Jam packed with traffic. as I saw it last night.

  7. It took my wife two hours to get from Khaotalo to Soi Yume yesterday - she had forgotten that it was a holiday weekend!

    Anyway, I have a simple solution that City Hall should implement immediately. Pattaya is a theme park, yes? Theme parks charge admission, yes? So, set up toll booths on all roads into Pattaya and charge any vehicle that doesn't have a local registration 1000 Baht admission (10,000 Baht for tour buses). This might defer some people from coming here and causing chaos on the roads.

    I think that the City would make money out of this and the local traders probably wouldn't lose out either. After all, how many of those coming here by road actually make it to the point where they can park up and actually spend money? It seems to me, from what I've seen, that the majority spend their time gridlocked and going nowhere!


    Not everyone that lives in Pattaya has a Chonburi plated vehicle.

    OK then, we could look at other ways of establishing that a vehicle is, in fact, local.

    I'm aware that some people prefer to have a Bangkok registration because, for some reason, they think that it makes the vehicle more 'up market', which is a load of old b*ll*cks of course. Apparently, a Bangkok registered vehicle is also supposed to command a higher resale value! How sad! Personally, if I were buying a used vehicle, I would prefer one that hasn't spent its life crawling around in Bangkok traffic.

    Maybe we should just target 'Bangkokians' in general as they seem to be causing most of the problems on the roads. Just check the number plates of vehicles in the traffic jams here. The majority will be Bangkok plates. OK, some of these will be local vehicles but the majority will not be.

    My original post was supposed to be 'tongue in cheek' by the way - no chance of such measures ever being implemented. If only!


    You will pay more for a second-hand vehicle in pattaya than in Bangkok

    But a lot of traffic problems are caused by very bad driving and parking.

    to many selfish people (99.9% thai ) on the roads in pattaya.

  8. Knowing it’s going to be like this why do so many people still bring their cars?crazy.gif

    On public holidays back home in the West I would gladly leave my car in the garage and use a taxi. Not only because of the incredible traffic congestion that I knew could be expected but because the prohibitive parking rates charged by multi-storey car parks made it just as economic to catch a taxi. Plus you had the advantage you can have a nice lunch and get sloshed and not worry about drink-driving.

    Great post crazy.gif

    You must live on the baht bus race track beach road - second road.

    all will be fine then.

    Every one else can get stuffed yes ?

    will a taxi be stuck in traffic as well ?

    or do you put the wife and 3 kids on a motor cycle taxi ?

  9. Tequila Reef has Texas Crash and Burn Chili. It is not the best item on their menu but it is not the worst I have ever tasted. I adore Tex-Mex food above all others! Alas, Mexico is way too dangerous to live there!

    Crash and burn chili was good a few years ago.

    but crap now, like dish water you need a straw to drink it, last time I went.

    No thanks

  10. Well guys if you don't like what is happening in Pattaya then why not go somewhere else? Short term tourists are being carted around on these coaches and I'm sure tourism leaders are very pleased their numbers are increasing. So get used to it or leave. I tend to think if these coaches were carrying Europeans, Brits, Aussies or other westerners there would be little whining. But they are carrying Asians, and more specifically, Chinese and this invariably gets up the xenophobic Pattaya expats noses. Get used to it guys as the Chinese tourist numbers will multiply in the next few years. As will the number of coaches carrying them!

    Ha ha

    What a wing nut

  11. Is it the same zero dollar holidays for the Chinese like a few years back or is it different now ?

    are they spending a lot of cash in town ?

    or a quick look and back off to the next town or BKK the next day ?

    anyone know ?

    And very true Jomtien is a parking lot for the bad attitude bus drivers and there busses

    seeing them do u turns on second road jomtien, what a bunch of dangerous %!-&S.

  12. Op is trolling

    his not been back, just sitting back having a laugh.

    Why does he need 100 / 150k a month in Thailand, why ?

    why not say 60,000. many people easy live on that amount.

    Come on Op tell me why ?

    why does he need it /...cos maybe he does, not everyone lives on THB 60k/m you know

    stop being so bloody nosy

    I will ask what I like ,

    your not in charge here mate. don't be so bloody silly.

    I think his a troll

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