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  1. I know from personally experience that it is not a issue at Suvarnabhumi to travel with duty free on a domestic flight. As long the duty free is in the temper save duty free bag with the receipt visible you can take it in your handluggage. I travel like this as least 5 time a year (AMS-BKK-HKT on seperate tickets) without any issue.
  2. No, The immigration and labor office database aren't linked and you have to do the WP cancallation seperate. Correct, as he still receives money from the company it is regarded work and needs a valid WP. The employer or the employee shoud go to the labor office to cancel the WP.
  3. MOst banks will refuse indeed to open a bank account (same as for the 5 year DL) on a DTV visa as it is regarded a tourist visa. That is the whole point, the DTV visa is clasified as a tourist visa and therefore many banks will refuse to open a bank account (as according to them) you need a long term visa. This is the same for the 5 year DL which in most cases will be refused for the same reason. The banking rules became much more strict a while ago.
  4. I don't have a big issue with doing this online TM6 form when it is inplemented but i'm only afraid of the processing time as i have to travel sometimes at a very short notice (within 24 hours) and this could be a big issue for some.
  5. Airlines require to provide this information to the goverment in most countries, so this could also be the issue for thailand. It was mentioned that it will be applicable for all foreigners entering Thailand. No, All forerigners require to do it as ,mentioned in the press release.
  6. Can anybody give some advice how to storage cigars in Thailand ? Can i use a simple humidor or similar ? I love sometimes a cigar and planning to buy a small box at the airport on my way to Thailand but i'm afarid that i can kep them good for long.
  7. It is not possible to transfer the scooter in your name without the current owner ID / housebook copies and signed transfer form. If a agent says that they can do they do it it's in illigal way and possible not a real transfer.
  8. 300 K Baht (300.000 Baht) in taxes ? Sounds a lot to me. I will go there in a few weeks to see if a can a TIN only or if it is required in the first place as i pay taxes in the country where i work.
  9. As long the duty free is in the official sealed bag with the receipt visible you don't have any problem with hand carying it wit you on your domestic flight, I do this several times a year without any issue. Yes i do this several times a year without any issue as long it's in the official duty free sealed bag. Not correct, it's allowed as long it's in the sealed duty free bag.
  10. Untill a while ago the spelling check was working fine but not anymore. Is there anything chnaged which makes the spell check not to work anymore ? I'm using Google Chrome.
  11. Phuket immigration requires the bank book updated on the day of the application but the bank papers (statement and certificate) can be from the previous day. The map can be a hand drawing map or google map as long the Longitude and Latitude are mentioned. Only 1 outside picture was always accepted and there is no change.
  12. I don't know for other provinces but the CoR from Phuket immigration will mention the reasoning of the CoR and we had a few repports of banks refusing the CoR as it mentioned that the CoR was for another reason then opening a bank account. So please provide the correct reasonoing for which the CoR is required. The condo guy is required to do a TM30 report within 24 hours of arrival regardless how many days the person is staying on the address. when informing the immigration office about this they will normally call him and inform him about his obligations.
  13. It is very well possible that you are right as the person wasn't very clear explaining it to me.
  14. I fully agree with you and i'm not afraid for the uimmigration departament as they are not linked anyhow with the tax departement but the tax department could start doing audits and then start doing difficult when not paying taxes. As it was explained to me is that the Thai embassy has to authorise/certify the translation the UK (P60) tax papers, but that wasn't very clear i have to admit. And then this had to be authorised (or how you call it) by the MOFA in Bangkok.
  15. Thanks for the information, I don't have income in Thailand but have income from the UK which is taxed in the UK and put into a UK bank account. As i spend more then 180 days in Thailand and transfer sometimes money from the UK to Thailand i should (i believe) bassicly pay tax in Thailand over the money i transfer to Thailand. Thailand and the UK have a tax agreement but i was informed that to be able to use the UK tax (P60) form it would be very difficult as the tax form has to be translated into Thai and certified at the Thai embassy in London and then authorised by the MOFA in Bangkok. This is a impossible task for me and for most people i guess. Therefore i would first only apply for a tax number and see later what will happen with paying taxes. Meanwhile i'm using different methods to avoid transfering money from the UK to Thailand. I don't know what you mean but we are talking about tax number and possible paying taxes in Thailand. Were not talking about the TM30 !!
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