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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 5 hours ago, tropo said:

    Ah, no! You are confused.


    It was the old "this problem could happen anywhere in Thailand" argument, but now that you mention it, beatdowns happen all over the world, especially in nightclub areas with alcohol. I specifically remember 2 deaths at the hands of nightclub security staff in my old town in Australia, which is far, far worse than this. There were another couple that I remember reading about recently too, in Australia. 


    Most of my comment was about how safe Walking Street is if you mind your own business and don't argue with Thais. Do you disagree with that too?

    Stop talking about a crime thousands of miles away in a dissimilar area  and situation. 

    Pattaya has epidemic violence and crime directed towards the tourists. Do you disagree with that too?

  2. 5 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    Not when its a American soldier they cant

    The American soldier clearly wasn't having any of it. For most tourists, they aren't prepared to get into a fight, and they shouldn't be: they're on vacation. 

    But take my word for it, don't turn your attention away from an angry Thai man...you'll regret it. And any confrontation with a Thai man will include all Thai men joining in on you if they see a fight. They are just waiting to get in on an attack with a farang.

  3. 30 minutes ago, tropo said:

     You sound like the people who were afraid to enter the Central shopping mall when it was completed because they were afraid it would collapse. There are millions of tourists walking up and down Walking street every year, unscathed. If you walked there every day for the rest of your life the chances of a beating would be near zero, provided you didn't go around insulting Thai people or quarreling with them. This attack happened not because it was Walking Street, but because of some altercation between some Thais and a foreigner. Try the same anywhere else and you'd probably cop a beating too... but just walking up and down Walking Street minding your own business and being polite to Thai people - safe as houses.

    Ah yes! The old "this problem happens in other countries too" argument. 

    No. It does not. Thailand is devolving into an anarchy where Thais can cheat, hurt, and steal without getting caught.

    like monkeys in the jungle.

    • Confused 1
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  4. I watch a lot of dashcam videos. Usually, there is a way to avoid the crash. But not in this case. There was no way that poor boy could have avoided that. 

    The guy coming out of the alley  needs a baseball bat to the face. Selfish little bastard. He murdered that boy. He's lucky it wasn't him who died. Who the <deleted> turns onto the highway without looking?!?

    The songthaw driver is guilty of hit and run, lying to police, and of not being a human being. Was he thinking about all the 10 baht coins he would lose if he stopped? He ran over a human; then he kept going. 

    I have driven and riden in many Asian countries. Thailand is by far the worst. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    If google is your path to educating yourself then there are some deeper problems to be looked at. In time you may graduate to that apparent font of all knowledge..... Wikipedia and be able to master cutting and pasting 'facts' onto internet fora thus displaying a supremely high IQ. 

    I fear for the future of mankind, as did George Orwell. 

    I suggested that YOU google the research for yourself. It's like talking to a fallacy of language guide chatting to you. I like it how you picked one small thing in my argument to discredit me, and ignored the rest. 

    Well done, sir, your ignorance is intact.

  6. 11 hours ago, Cranky said:

    Ball Hooks.  You are implying all Thais are thick by birth which is no more than a bunch of bigoted racist rambling.  The system is flawed not the kids.

    South East Asians routinely score at the bottom of IQ rankings, as do Africans.  Different races of people have different ranges of intelligence. If you think that Thai people are inherently as smart as Koreans, Japanese, or Chinese, then you are ill-informed, uninformed, and/or probably of a low IQ yourself. 

    The educational system plays a part, of course. But if you look at South Korea, everyone is in agreement that the system is terribly flawed, yet South Koreans score near the top in IQ, test scores, and aptitude in math and science.

  7. 1 hour ago, Cranky said:

    What a nonsense comment.  Total lack of intelligence and common sense is a direct result of environment.  Take any new-born out of a poverty stricken area and place in to a decent educational system and see what happens.



    You don't know what you are talking about. There are many reports which show that intelligence is mostly a matter of genetics, with environment playing a role, but far less. I suggest you google to educate yourself.

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