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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 56 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The have been reported as wanting a new report every time you enter the country. But is seems to depend upon what you have for your permit to stay. People with extension of stay were not asked for one in most cases. If entering with a visa or a visa exempt entry that want one every time.

    I am coming back into Thailand with a ED visa. Do you think  I need to report again?

  2. I'm going on a visa run. I'll be out of the country about a day. Do I need to go back down to my local immigration office within 24 hours of return and have the "Notification form for house master, owner or possessor of residence wheee alien has stayed" form filled out and put into my passport? I have one there now from this current stay.


  3. It's just another successful attempt to push away the farang who come regularly on vacation. Before moving to Thailand, I visited two or three times a year for twenty years. 

    Nearly every vacation cut short by strict limits on the amount of time I can stay, cutting into the money I would have spent.

    and I drink beer everyday whilst in vacation here. 

    Now the baht is too strong vis-a-vis major currencies, the immigration laws are too strict, and alcohol is super expensive. 

    But...they really don't get it do they?

    "More tax mean more money, khap!"

  4. 1 hour ago, blinddodger said:

    no baht bus routes on darkside sadly always thought that was stupid but guess taxi mafia rule. so you would have to join a group such as adam runs from his bar or get your own taxi to game. VIP seats in main stand are 300 baht. behind goal is 100 i think but good fun.   

    So, Adam has transport from his bar to the matches?

  5. My Yashima air conditioner remote control isn't really working. It keeps turning off. I went to Tukcom, but they don't have a copy or an original. The guy at the night market on Theprasset does not have it. Does anyone have an idea where I can get one?



  6. You can't get a Thai to follow the rules. They will litter like it's a sport, and they will drive cars and ride moto bikes like little children ride tricycles at the park.

    The ONLY way to get them to stop would be to impose hefty fines that increase with each offense. 

    The beaches are filled with trash that Thais leave. Those Styrofoam bowls aren't coming from the sea. Those cigarette butts are going right into the sand. 

  7. I don't want to overpay. I don't like Baht bus drivers, and they don't like farang. Try to pay with a 100 baht bill. 10 out of 10 times, they will want you to give it to them before they even try to get change. If you don't, they will start yelling at you with abuse, and waving a finger in your face.

    Try to catch one where they wait until at least 12 people are inside before they leave, steaming in the heat of the enclosed space with the engine running and the exhaust coming out.

    You overpay if you want, but my motto for Thailand is "Not a damn satang extra!"

  8. When I was 15, my mother forced me to lay bricks in the backyard. I have never been good at such things. I smoothed the dirt and laid the bricks down. 

    It, to this day, looks bad. It is uneven most places, and when it rains, the indentations form puddles.

    My backyard...Jomtien Beach...Same same.

  9. I live in Jomtien. I take Baht buses from home to pattaya. When getting off in North Pattaya, I have had several drivers recently try to get me to pay 20 baht, saying that I came from Jomtien.

    It is my understanding that when getting on a baht bus that is on a route, as opposed to one you hire, that it is a 10 baht ride.

    Am I right?

  10. Please don't touch me.


    Do you know what a Bangkok handshake is? I can't seem to go to any of the red light districts without getting them. 

    Youll know it's me because I walk around with a package covering my package.

    last time I was in Bangkok on Sukhumvit, the darkest African prostitute I'd ever seen, straight out of a National Geographic, grabbed my hand when I wasn't looking. I walked around desperately looking for somewhere to wash my hands with soap like I'd taken a dump and there was no soap in the bathroom .

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