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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 21 hours ago, johnnybgood said:

    Air con pubs, 2 kids at school, or my wife.


    I'm a bit scared of needles so a flu shot wasn't on the menu. 

    I couldn't even feel the needle go in. I had to look at the bandaid to see the blood to know she'd actually jabbed me.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, topt said:

    If you look up previous threads you will find a number of recs and also negatives for the same people.

    I am still using PK Air - khun Pittaya on 0813449052.


    How is your experience with them? How are they? What's it cost to clean an air conditioner?

  3. My university-age daughter will be coming to visit me at the end of the year. I'd like to ask you guys  for suggestions on an  island(s) to take her to from Pattaya (where I live) that wouldn't be too difficult to get to. Preferably somewhere with beautiful beaches, not so many people, and where the locals aren't aggressive or more money hungry than usual. 


  4. 1 hour ago, tlock said:

    as many have said get the unit cleaned.  after about 3-4 months without a cleaning our electric bill starts to gradually climb with the same usage as the unit becomes less efficient.    

    Please can someone recommend someone who can clean an A/C and do a COMPETENT job.

  5. 6 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    The bill is for month 9 as stated and reading was to the 20th of this month as is normal to read before month ends.


    If a/c only run at night you might want to have cleaned if not new or use less bedding and warmer air.


    My bill came today for 5 bedroom home in Bangkok and cost was 8,000 baht and have 5 a/c running most nights and using about 1k kwh more than you.

    5 bedroom home in Bangkok? Sounds quite nice.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Ok, let's try again, how many BTU is your A/C, if you don't know we can guess from the size of your condo (metres please if possible).


    "Pretty cold"? What do you set on the thermostat?


    Roughly what hours do you run the A/C?



    The condo is 42 sq. meters . I usually set it at at 20~17 (I come from a cold hometown). We usually use it at night, almost all night, and sometimes during the day.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    OK I've fixed the image, right way up now.


    You have used 834 units since the last reading. The rate is a sliding scale and it does get more expensive the more you use, but in reality what you are seeing is fine for the consumption.


    Taking into account the Fuel tariff (-0.159 Baht/unit) and adding the standing charge and VAT comes to 3603 Baht = about 4.43 Baht per unit which is reasonable.


    Look at your previous months consumption, you are more than double the largest.


    How big is your A/C, what temp do you have set?

    It is a rectangular wall unit, about 300cm X 900cm. I run it usually pretty cold.

  8. We just moved full time into our Jomtien condo. The electricity bill for last month was 3603 baht. It's never been that high. We have been using the air conditioner at night. Can anyone translate this bill? Are we paying extra for using too much electricity?






  9. 22 minutes ago, johnnybgood said:

    Well, as I lie here in my bed, alternating between sweating and shivering.... 

    ......  necking a fist full of paracetamol for the third day............

    I can at least have comfort in saving 790 baht.     :smile:

    That sucks. How'd you catch it?

  10. 55 minutes ago, Oink said:

    I got one last week. Went to Dr. Oliver as thought it may be cheaper than hospital. The receptionist told me "no have go to hospital" without even looking up from her mobile phone.

    So I went to Bangkok Pattaya Clinic on Sukhumvit opposite Big C. Best bit is no hanging around as it is a quiet place.

    Baht 790 including Dr. consultation to write prescription, taking Weight, Blood pressure and temperature.

    BPC Flu Jab.pdf

    That's actually really funny because I called his clinic this morning. Receptionist couldn't be understood. Kept asking whoever was next to her what I was saying. Then related it back to me. 

    "No have."

    She didn't tell me to go hospital. Just, "No have."

    So, I asked here. 

    Thanks, Oink.

    • Haha 1
  11. This joker just lies right to your face. The way people lie here is funny.

    My wife and I were looking for a condo to buy. We were chatting back and forth with a few real estate agents when we were still back in Farangland. We made a few appointments to see places that we were interested in seeing. We were only going to be in Thailand five days, so we didn't need any bullshit.

    Real estate agent starts driving us to the first place. As he's talking in the car, he mentions the price, which had gone up 20% from his email the week before. I ask him why it is now 20% more expensive.

    "It's just been renovated."

    We get to the apartment, and not only was it filthy, but nothing had been renovated...ever.

    "What's been renovated," I ask?

    He just looked at me with a blank look.


  12. In a another country, this guy would have been punched in the face. I'm a man, and not a timid man. But Thailand is Thailand. 

    I just feel like such a walking potential victim everywhere that is not allow to defend himself. Thais will always back up other Thais. In civilized countries, this isn't a problem. The person instigating the violence in wrong. Thailand is different.

  13. I'm on a visa run now. Inside the Thai immigration hall in a neighboring country this morning, a worker from a visa run company assaulted me. He was trying to pull people not on his company's visa run out of line. He grabbed at me, and I pulled away. Then he yelled at me and grabbed me harder. I said he had no right to touch me, and he didn't work for immigration. He came up behind me while I was in line, not looking, and pulled me back very hard by my backpack, causing me neck, back pain, and a headache later.

    I just took it, and did nothing.

    Hours later, I am sore, and I feel bad about being assaulted in a government building. But there is really nothing I could do, or can do, about it. I feel Thais can hurt farang with impunity. 

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