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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Just demolish them and get the other side paved. Should be easy enough to do at the same time. This has been going on way too long. Do they even try to use logic in anything that they are doing? Rhetorical question. We all know that answer.
  2. Well Pheu Thai is definitely showing it’s colors. Demanding things they shouldn’t. If they won, do you think they would be giving MF party these demands? ???????? I don’t think so.
  3. Still way too many obstacles for most people who want to buy a property and live here. Property taxes can an have changed recently. Immigration hassles and laws, or requirements can change at any time. Everything can a will change depending on the government and their thoughts about foreigners coming to, and investing in Thailand.
  4. Thai monk hood has been going downhill ever since they let convicted cons and troublemakers in to get away from facing justice from the courts. They need to weed out the drunks, druggies and child molesters ASAP. Then maybe they can get their respect back. Just maybe.
  5. He needs to be locked up or it will only be a matter of time until he does it again. We must protect our children.
  6. He should still have been locked up for abuse at minimum, but I’m sure he just gave a wai and apologized and let go. She was lucky he didn’t do more harm and should stay away from him.
  7. Good to see vaccinations are working so well. It’s generally just like the flu these days and should be considered part of life. JMO
  8. As long as you have the proof a TT3 of sending the money here you can easily send that money back. If you end up selling and making a profit, it will be a bit more difficult as you only officially own 49%, but you can still find a way to get the funds back to your home country.
  9. They really need to look into these cops mental health. It seems there are more and more cops shooting wives or friends while drunk.
  10. Not really sure what it is, but if it works for her then give it a try and see if it helps. There are many herbal treatments that can help certain individuals, but everyone is different and react differently to certain herbs or meds. If it works let us know. I’d like to find something that would work for me, rather than the expensive prescription pain meds.
  11. I’m confused. If you transfer money to whom or what institution do you need your face scanned? I just bought a full living room suite yesterday and transferred well over 100,000 from my account to theirs with no issues. ????????
  12. I would recommend trying mirtazapize. I take 30 mg, but I would suggest that she try 15 mg first. It’s not that cheap. For the 30 mg it’s around 1,200 baht but like I said she can take half or some pharmacies have 15 mg, but I’m not sure of the price. I would first look it up and see if there are any contradictions with any other meds she takes, but it works great for me. No drowsiness in the morning and a good night’s sleep. Best of luck.
  13. I guess I’m looking at the wrong kids. It seems they are getting taller, and a lot of them much heavier. My son is Thai and drank milk, jumped up and down constantly trying to get taller, but he’s still short. It’s just in his genes. His mother was even giving him medicine to get taller, which as soon as I found out I stopped it and just explained that these pills will not help. Just keep drinking milk if he was concerned and accept that people come in all shapes and sizes.
  14. I don’t understand why they still don’t Always have the electric grounded, but TIT.
  15. And if it doesn’t happen then we are in for some stormy weather.
  16. Does anyone know if I Can you do the 90 online if you have traveled out of the country, with an re entry stamp, but obviously the date is not the same in the passport, but 90 days from arrival? Thanks
  17. Welcome to Thailand! What used to be called the Land of Smiles. They sure know how to welcome you these days. Very sad to see the once welcoming country has turned into.
  18. What kind of “travel cards” are you looking for?
  19. I’m sure they have atm’s and you can set your take out limit very high daily. I’m sure they do charge a small fee for this and it won’t be in Thai Baht, but it can be done. Where there’s a will, there is a way.
  20. And just one more reason Thailand is not a suitable place to push for retirees. This rears its head every few years then goes away, but you never know when they might go full force. However, don’t be fooled that buying in FQ is 100 safe. If the government doesn’t want foreigners to own property they can revoke that as well. And if you don’t believe me look what happened in Mexico many years ago. They took everything back. Sure hope they wouldn’t go that far, but this is Thailand and they do what they want when they want.
  21. Well I certainly don’t miss them or the smoke puffing busses that clogged the streets.
  22. With all the “Bad foreigners” news we get from the government and immigration, why would anyone doing their research choose Thailand. Not to mention all the hoops you have to jump through and changing laws. They would certainly have to go back to the good old days when they welcomed us and made it easier to stay and live. Let’s hope the new government can do this. Otherwise it’s just another pipe dream.
  23. They must be getting really bored. I know I am with all this bad foreigner hype.
  24. I had it done a few years ago in a private hospital and decided for the price I’d rather do the small incision. It went perfectly fine and I can barely tell where the scar is. If you’re that concerned about a small scar then you are going to have to pay up and do laparoscopic. I’d just shop around. I think you will be able to find something much cheaper. Just do your research and due diligence. Good luck.
  25. I am privately insured and have been in the hospital on several occasions and have had the best service I could ask for. Yes it’s a private hospital, but you get what you pay for. I also have been able to get OxyContin for the last few years so it is here and available. It’s not cheap but if you need it you can get it. I found the hospital service in America horrible and so expensive that I wait until I’m here to see the doctor. I have always been treated with the utmost care. I guess it is different for the public hospitals by the sounds of it so take her to a private hospital and get her the pain medication she needs and treatment she deserves at the end of her life.
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