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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Most documents must be signed in blue ink. I don’t remember this being a big deal in the past, but now I have just gotten used to signing everything in blue ink.
  2. We used to have issues a few years ago, but for the past 5-6 years we have had no problems receiving any mail or packages using the regular mail sent from the US. This is in Pattaya so it seems to be issues with where you live. Sure they can take some time, but they all arrive.
  3. Kids these days have not been taught how to deal with controversy and think the only solution is violence. Sad times
  4. I think MF needs to keep quiet about all their new ideas or reforms until they are actually in power. They are stirring the pot with many of their supporters.
  5. In Pattaya we have pick up service every night and they have been great. So much better than the last company. I guess it depends on where you live, but I’d check with the local municipal and see what they are supposed to be doing there. Luckily the soi dogs don’t raid the bins, but that’s only because some “good “ locals feed the lot every day. Now we have more than 10 and they harass anyone who passes by and bark all hours of the day. Wish they would stop, or feed them across the road in the empty field.
  6. They need to receive the same punishment they gave. Sickening how people can treat children this way. They certainly will be scared for life. Hopefully they will find a loving home that can help restore their trust in adults.
  7. Well we can see something in common. Stupid is a Stupid does. If so many are complaining now about overpriced hair care at specific salons obviously they aren’t asking the right questions, or getting good advice from their “friends”.
  8. I’d cool it down a bit for now. Yes celebrate you won the majority, but you still don’t have all the seats needed. So use your time wisely and make sure you secure those best you can first before the big Victory.
  9. And this is why MF needs to stop making statements now about all they are going to do until the final vote is done. Don’t get cocky too quickly, we see how that has turned out.
  10. If they have only paid 12,500 so far it seems they still have a long way to go. Good luck raising funds.
  11. Let’s slow down a bit and actually get the full win
  12. Thailand is a cash based country. Who cares if it’s legal. There are many reasons people run around with a lot of money. Rental deposit, condo down payment etc. I’m certainly not saying it’s smart to be running around with that much cash on you but there could have been a reason behind it. He’s lucky he got it back and hopefully isn’t stupid enough to do it again.
  13. While Russia did start the war, many Russians were against it and now that they may be forced to join the fighting, I don’t blame them for leaving. Now, how they are going to support themselves, especially in Phuket, is going to be the big question, and if immigration in Phuket gets tough then there will be a lot more problems to come.
  14. Spaying and neutering did very little for our Soi. New strays arrive and here comes the puppies again. Also they drop them off in the same area they found them. Now they are chasing people walking, motorbikes, and even cars. It is not safe to go down the Soi anymore without a stick for protection. Unfortunately we will never get rid off them due to the people leaving scraps for them. They don’t live here so they don’t have to worry about it. Nice gesture but take a couple home with you. Hopefully you’ll get a couple of the nice ones.
  15. I had to buy several different outfits for different days. I think that is crazy. They just need one standard uniform. I can get most at lotus and have them embroidered there. You also have to get different shoes for each uniform plus you have to pay for all of their books. It adds up quickly and I think the school should supply the books at minimum. They can be recycled most of the time. I have thrown away some and donated others. I had to take him out of a private school because it just costs too much and sent him to a semi private school. Sad that it comes down to this. Also if you are looking to transfer your child to a semi private school be prepared to either hold them back a year to learn to read and write Thai or send them to extra after school classes to learn it. Something the international schools don’t focus on, which is incredibly stupid as the kids need to read and write Thai. I never really thought about it until it was too late.
  16. Don’t forget get to go to the SS office as well. A lot of things to tie up in 7 days. If you’re lucky your employer will work with you and give you the time to get everything done before they cancel your WP.
  17. There needs to be more places for people who are depressed and it should be paid for by the government. Depression can take a turn for the worst if left untreated and can come with severe consequences for those around them. Most people don’t want to admit it and they have a hard time accepting help. Nobody should be ashamed of feeling depressed and ostracized. Hopefully people will step up and offer help in a positive manner.
  18. I wish he’d just keep his mouth shut about returning time and time again. It’s not helping the current political situation at all. Just wait until the time is right and just do it. Then they can figure out what to do about it when it happens. This speculation is driving me crazy.
  19. I would love to see them win. It was a much better time for expats. We weren’t loathed and treated as a bunch of scum bags like they have been treated us over the past few years. There is corruption in every political party but at least they did what they could do to make life easier for us expats.
  20. Where are these people buying cyanide? You’d think it would be very hard and their excuses must have been pretty creative.
  21. There are several ladies along Pattaya Thai near Tuk com that do sewing work and I’ve seen one near tiggle bitties. They are around you just have to keep your eyes open. Worst case scenario just go to any tailor and they can do it but it usually costs more.
  22. Well if there’s only a 1% unemployment rate what are they concerned about? ????????
  23. She’s absolutely stunning. Congratulations ????
  24. Give her what they give to a Foreigners family when one of their loved one dies. A wai and a lot of questions. Although, with the new proposed laws they may get a million Baht. If they are lucky. This lady deserves nothing but justice.
  25. If you’re in Thailand just apply for a Non O. Much easier and nothing to worry about. You can always do it when you get here if you’re traveling elsewhere. Keep it simple.
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