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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. We went down to the local machine and filled a bottle just before our filter service guy came to do our house system. Our toilet water tested cleaner than the machine water. Maybe good for cooking but I’ll stick with our system. 16 years and still going strong. I’m sure some machines are better than others but it’s just a risk I’m not willing to take.
  2. If you put yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time then shtick can happen. Take your own risks.
  3. Yeah, but they let them fire off a sht load of fireworks all day everyday at the shrine on Pratumnak Hill. Drives me crazy as it goes on for at least 2 minutes, then the next one starts. You can tell when it’s a holiday and big groups of Thais are visiting. I guess it’s a holy thing so just have to live with it. ????
  4. I was just shocked that they won’t allow men 18-60 to fly out of the country. I guess they don’t want to lose potential fighters, but boy I’d hate being stuck there with no choice.
  5. Just a quick note for all those interested in statistics. Thailand only records deaths on the scene. Not on the way to or in the hospital so I’m sure the figures are much higher than anyone really knows.
  6. I don’t see any problem with them visiting, and I’m sure there will be more before the next “draft”. The only problem I see is that they will be trying to extend their stays over and over again and then the money will be tight for many. It wouldn’t surprise me if they started applying for exile due to current situation in Russia or China for that matter. Unfortunately it would be almost impossible as there are very few that would qualify for jobs for foreigners. time will tell.
  7. Unfortunately they just squeeze as many as they can in the bus and hope for the best. Poor kids. So much for protecting their upcoming generations. Life is too cheap here. Sad, but true.
  8. Great idea. Make them special, increase the price and watch the demand go down. Cheaper ones will go up so it may even out.
  9. The Russians are just fleeing a troubled country and don’t want to be drafted. The rest have been pent up and could finally travel again. Im sure we will get a lot of the Zero tours from China, which will increase the numbers but not the economy. And considering they’re putting all their eggs in that China basket it’s not going to be pretty when they start infecting the country. May be stopping soon after it starts, although the government doesn’t care they just want the numbers. Too much other sht going on in the world these days.
  10. And when it fails will they just pump more money into it and other schemes or face reality. Too many unknown factors this year. To hell with helping the people and spend away.
  11. I hope it all goes well, but afraid it’s going to be a long slow walk home.
  12. Anyone who doesn’t show up for a scheduled meeting should be fined and then fired after 3 strikes. And that is being generous, but TIT nothing will change any time soon. Don’t the Thais see they are paying for nothing. I’d certainly be <deleted>.
  13. He’s got enough brown envelopes and connections to do it if he wants to. Gotta remember we are talking about Thailand here, where anything is possible when you have money and connections.
  14. Unfortunately it’s an everyday occurrence here. Always dodging motorbikes driving on the wrong side of the road to save a little time. Exactly why I have a dash cam. When I hit that idiot I can just show the police so they don’t blame me and trust the so called Thai witnesses.
  15. I’m surprised that there were lifeguards there. I can’t remember the last time I saw one. If they really want to be like Miami then they need to put up proper booths and have them staffed all the time. 1 every kilometer staffed some days and times not others just won’t cut it. They are lucky the seas are rarely rough around here.
  16. No. The owners do not own or have any rights to the sidewalk or road in front of their shops, however as we all know this still never stops them from blocking them If I see a chair or anything on the pavement trying to block parking I just move it away. A bit more difficult to clear the sidewalks with the signs, motorbikes and food carts. I don’t understand why the police don’t enforce this. Seems like an easy way to make a bit of side cash.
  17. Good luck. I hope you find a solution. I think the requirements to donate blood here are quite extensive, but maybe things have changed.
  18. Once you stop working they will usually cancel your work permit and Non B visa, unless you have something worked out with them. You would also need to contact the social security office to show them your letter of termination and I was able to get a pittance of 3,000 baht a month for 3 months but had to go back in 6 months to sign up to continue the ss benefits and set up monthly payments. Unfortunately I left right before Covid and couldn’t get back to do that and Only Thais can do it online. Such as life. You must have it cancelled before you can apply for a Non O visa. I wasn’t married so I’m not sure it’s the same, but I shad to leave the country and return on a regular tourist visa then start the application process for the Non O. It seems like there may have been more, but I had my friend who is an agent help me with it. So, like I said it may be different for you as you are married and this was early 2020. I hope someone will have some more relevant information. Worse case scenario get an agent to help you sort it all out. Good luck
  19. Have a look at Lazada or Shopee and you’ll find many options for envelopes and some with custom design them for you. I’m sure you can have a “Thai stamp” printed on them if that is so important. I don’t think the post office has stamps like America where you can choose. May be wrong but good luck.
  20. I couldn’t understand a word they were singing except ohhh.
  21. Poor baby. Did you not get your milk this morning? He is a joke of a so called leader. This fool has never be able to handle criticism. The only thing he knows is scare tactics and how to change the laws as needed to keep himself in power. Thin skinned is being polite.
  22. I agree with Jimbo. While Thaskin is no saint, he was much better for the foreigners while he was in office. Sure he was corrupt, but they all are. At least he welcomed foreigners and their businesses. He was a businessman and tried to help both the Thais and Foreigners, well, and himself. I’d love to do an exchange with Prayut and send him packing. He has completely screwed Thailand since he took control. He can take Auntin with him as well. Someone needs to get rid of that Foreign hating numb nut.
  23. You should be able to figure out what size you need for your room by just googling it.
  24. The ultimate sacrifice for trying to help save someone else. Very sad. RIP
  25. If this is the way he chooses to live his life then let it be. He’s not hurting anyone and he’s cleaning up the streets. Nothing to be ashamed of. Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but no reason to belittle the guy for his actions.
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