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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. He may have been greedy and screwed a lot of people but it’s not like he’s the only one. I think he was great for the Foreigners. At least he welcomed us and made life easier. He also was good for the economy. Sure he f’d up with the monopoly on the phone and shares manipulation, but I’d still rather have him than Mr. P and his cohorts. They have destroyed the country in the last decade and put targets on all foreigners. JMO
  2. MYOFB. Some people must have nothing better to do with their lives. Do they think they get a trophy? Pathetic.
  3. Why was only 20% used is my big question? Maybe to many people profit more from the import and export rather than using it for the locals to cut costs down. Something doesn’t seem right.
  4. Hmm wonder how those men in brown sneezing into their uniforms feel about this. ????
  5. Could also be that they over harvested the past few years and they need time to catch up. At least they aren’t picking them now and letting them grow. Time will tell. I’m sure it may be a mix of both, but they need to give it time to see. I’m surprised that the Thai won’t eat the small ones though as they catch and eat squid and fish well under sized with no time to grow and reproduce. ????
  6. Maybe they are finally getting smarter and not willing to spend crazy money on to the overpriced tiny units. Also they can’t add on to the price anymore for extra cash due to the bank’s crackdown on that.
  7. Cover up coming soon to a news site near you.
  8. Don’t worry, we will see a good taxi returning a lost wallet later today in the news.
  9. They are very important to the economy. They do all of the work the Thais believe is below them.
  10. The EC is made up of the old dinosaurs who are trying to push off the actual votes and try to stir the pot to try to keep their fellow aging associates in power. They don’t care that this is messing up the economy or the people’s will.
  11. Can we just get on with this. They are trying everything they can to change the results. I’m sure if it was the dinosaurs that had more votes it wouldn’t even be an issue.
  12. Sad to see those enormous billboards go. They are an eyesore and not built to withstand any sort of high winds or storms.
  13. They know this when they decided to become a doctor. It’s not a secret. It’s like getting into restaurant management and expecting to only work 50 hours a week. It rarely happens, and if you decide to consult at other places to make extra income, what do you expect? Some doctors in the private hospitals only work when they have to, and others work more, and all over the place. It’s their choice.
  14. A bit too early in n my opinion to be doing anything. They need to lay low and be confirmed as the winner before they start making plans. You all know how things work here, and it’s not very pleasant.
  15. I imagine this will affect quite a few pensioners from Sweden and Norway. Hopefully they find a solution. I can’t imagine not being tech savvy and having to deal with this.
  16. They should also get rid of the ban to buy in the afternoons. It makes no sense. All they need to do is card people like the rest of the world. Of course that may mean to much work and math for the cashiers. ????
  17. If they decide to go with the dinosaur group they are worse than I thought and believe the Thais will be extremely upset. That move should not even be the last resort in my opinion.
  18. Good for them. About time the small guys get a chance to make some money.
  19. Just like most criminals who have money, he will be able to buy his way out of most of his problems. Nothing new in the Land of smiles.
  20. Boy these old dogs love to dig up dirt. Hopefully non of it will stick and we can finally move forward.
  21. I don’t understand the mentality of this daughter, who would just drop off her 97 year old mother on the roadside 50 meters from the home. I hope that they ban her from the family and all activities. She showed no remorse or sympathy towards the mother who raised her. Disgusting woman.
  22. Just because you own your own condo in your name doesn’t mean that they can’t make some law in the future that will change your rights and seize it as well. It was done in Mexico about 30 years ago. I highly doubt that will happen, and I doubt that they will ever crack down on Companies owning houses. It’s been thrown out there for years but nothing has happened yet and I don’t think they want to do all that work to find the ones done for this reason. Sure it may but as long as you keep your business private, you should be ok. Not a wise choice to ask on a forum. Easy enough to just ask friends and find a lawyer. But a little late on that one. In any case Thailand will do what it wants when it wants and we have no rights.
  23. Well I guess they are going to have to figure out a way to fill their pockets before this happens. Glad they are giving them plenty of time. ????
  24. Until Thai police enforce the rules it’s never going to end. So unfortunately we will have to deal with this for a long time coming. The police just don’t care. They should also pay the police more, issue them a government motorbike and the rest of the stuff they need to do their job after training and passing the tests on laws. Now most police have to use their own vehicles and buy what they need for the job. No wonder most cops could give a rats ass. Better to stop and hassle the foreigners to fill their pockets.
  25. It’s always best to deal directly with the people you have a problem with and work something out. I’m sure there are several people in the offices willing to help for a fee. ????
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