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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. If? If I didn't have wedding tackle I could have been in the front row of the famous Windmill Girls. ????
  2. There are plenty of dogs in the dog pounds that need a good home and won't mind sharing a bed with twenty others. But seriously, are the pedigree dogs portrayed the ones for the prisoners rehabilitation? His Majesty, the late king, took mongrel dogs and trained them. But times have changed, sadly.
  3. Money laundering in Thailand? I don't believe it. Who would be so dishonest as to hide ill gotten gains? Certainly not my noodle vendor.????
  4. With reports of more establishments serving drinks and customers not being fined, I think it is just a matter of time before there is a revolt by Joe Public against measures which are ruining the the livelihoods and lives if many people. With people having their double vaccinations to reduce the severity of covid upon them, I think the new normal is that we have to live with Covid as we have done with other contagious diseases. Boost the vaccination rate and open up the country.
  5. 'They should not be selfish'? As a well known activist said "How dare he? How dare he?" Many people in the entertainment business rely on being able to serve alcohol which is part and parcel of the industry. Due to the restrictions imposed on them, they and their families are without jobs and wanting for food and lifes essentials. How dare he call them selfish when he and his gang of self serving cronies are looking forward to their banquet where they can pat each other on the back and say what a good job they have done in bringing the country to its knees? Hipocricy is rampant in this leadership. How dare he!!? ????
  6. By a white elephant. Philistines! A wonderful example to Chula students. 'If you can't make money out of it, get rid of it. It's worth nothing to us or our future generation who may have had a peek at what real architecture was.'????
  7. Rubbish. Next day. Sometimes on the same day afternoon. Or are we being sarcastic?????
  8. I think 'Thai Pass Up and Limping' would be more appropriate; going on the amount of applicants problems in using it.
  9. You forget Dr Anund, who brought a breath of fresh air and common sense that unfortunately petered out when he went.☹️
  10. But then you haven't mentioned insurance which has nothing to do with extensions, but is unobtainable for those over 75 and means they will be unable to return to Thailand should they venture out to visit relatives, maybe. In effect, kept captive.
  11. The Prime minister orders the growing of coriander? Forget the destruction of the forests. How many chopping days till Christmas? We must get our priorities right mustn't we. This man is making himself more of a fool everyday. If that is possible.
  12. Yes. My wife complained that a couple of days before it began there was a shortage of vegetables on the shelves. She said the stores were holding them back to get a higher price nearer the day. Maybe the growers have had problems catching up?
  13. I don't suppose the shortage could have been caused by the Thais joining the Chinese vegetarian period?
  14. 'Coriander was used only for dish decoration. not for real consumption.'? What ?? Another minister who hasn't a clue what he is talking about.????
  15. The same thing happened to a Provincial Governor friend of mine around thirty years ago. He was warned by people in high places in Bangkok that if he continued his crack down on logging he would be transferred. TIT☹️
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