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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Seattle (SEA) a few years back.

    Profiled as usual for bag check by Customs (single guy coming on EVA flight from BKK-TPE with only cabin bag).

    Inspecting Customs female officer asked purpose of visit.

    Just vacation, camping and hiking in the Cascades.

    Wow ! that's nice ! I love to do that myself.

    Took opportunity of this friendly contact to ask her what was so wrong with me that I was always selected for bag check at PDX and SEA.

    That's really bad, Sorry, Just open your bag and I'll make like I'm checking it because 'they' are observing us from the mezzanine...

    But then there were all the 'other' unpleasant times like, after bag check, I was taken to a small stuffy room where two guys who had appeared from nowhere during bag check frisked me (missed my zipper pouch belt LOL) and had me lean over while watching my behind to see if any suppository drug capsule would pop out.

    Almost missed my connecting flight that time. Ba****ds !

    I guess I will have to experience all this to believe it, but I have never been hassled upon returning to the US

    I will report my experience next week thru SFO, from BKK via Hong Kong

    At 54, I expect zero trouble,but wil report it either way it goes

  2. 42 / 25

    Are you crazy, man ??

    This is a full normal relationship every where in the world.

    If you are 62, 72 and your GF (of course her heart is full with love:))))) is 25 yrs old, people will stare you, BUT not in TH wink.png

    When I was 42, I was getting divorced from wife #1

    The girl in the law office was 23. We dated.

    My other lawyers assistant was 24. We dated.

    A girl who worked in PR came to interview me, she was 24.

    That night at a party thrown by Microsoft in LA, she had a fight with her 25 year old husband,

    walked up to me and told me she was leaving, and wanted to know if I was coming with her.

    I did.

    42 and 25 is completely normal in the US,

    all three girls were american, all 3 college grads.

    In thailand, I dont know any 25 year olds, but the girl I have been with for 5 months is 32, I am 54 now,

    She is highly developed emotionally, prays every morning in the spare bedroom,

    is what everyone on TV would call a northern predator girl,

    but from what I can tell,

    these girls deserve better than they way they are treated, by the majority

    • Like 1
  3. It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.

    Yes this guy is completely off the charts wrt ignorance of how most women think, not even worth trying to correct.

    Just that most are smart enough to know that hardbody beauty is 1 very temporary and 2 not that relevant to choosing a long-term mate, unless those other factors are relatively equal.

    Men however think with the little brain far too much, and are happy to believe girls telling us they LIKE older overweight baldies.

    Fortunately many TGs are more focused on financial security than hot bods, and as many point out are able to usually have their cake and eat it too - personally fine with me. . .

    Why is the reference always to fat balding men?

    There are some of us in their 50's in excellent shape who don't look their age and don't have belly's

    My rule is, if I am older than your father, we aren't getting involved,

    Beyond that, the non baggage rule is nonsense,

    Everyone has it,,

    including everyone.

    The OP thinks he is in straneg territory, but he isnt

    Mid 40's men ARE attractive to girls in their mid to late 20's, because it is what THEY are looking for,

    OP, when you get to your 50's, you will find, you are where you are today,

    with girls in their mid 30's

  4. I mostly like Thailand its good for working and living for me.

    the only three reasons which make me considering moving back would be:

    1. lack of good friends, most expats I met (no I dont go to any go go bars) but still are in someway nuts, crazy party people or cocky business people who brag all day about their "great" lives. I have good family and friends back home which makes it tempting sometimes.

    2. visa issues, never having any real security for staying, lose your job than lose your visa

    3. having kids, not planning for that now as I still have time but there is no way I would let my kids grow up in a messed up, corrupt society like this. also the educational system is not the way I want to have my kids educated, private schools are also no option since than they are mingled with those highflyers again smile.png

    Yes. Education, education, education.

    Had to go

    I think my final answer on why I am leaving Thailand,

    1) I want to earn money, real money. The opportunity is still in the States

    2) it's too damned hot here

    3) I can live for half of what it is costing me here, in better style in florida

    (admittedly, I am spoiled on luxury living)

    4) I can be a mile from the ocean, and not have to deal with bar scum

    5) the ocean in florida is clean enough to swim in

    6) girls go to the beach there and arent afraid to wear a bikini

    7) I am not afriad of getting killed on a motorcycle there,

    8) I wouldnt dream of driving any vehicle here

    (luckily have had a thai native dricing me everywhere)

    9) I can't get mottivated to do anything here

    10) the weed sucks

  5. A Nordic blonde tourist told me NZ customs went through her pc for several hours. She had the feeling that it was just guys hoping to find something titillating (but didn't) but she might've been wrong and it was customs doing their job


    I will be using the SF airport to enter next week,

    will report back the process.

    both laptops will be packed in stowed luggage,

    the only think I will be carrying are clothes and toiletries and a guitar

  6. Stop the rampant development as much as possible, anyway possible, is the best policy.

    Enough said.

    I think that will auto stop itself when the bubble bursts . I have never ever seen so much property just sitting empty as I have in BKK. Some of the villages are like ghost towns yet still they build & build. Meanwhile the small townhouse villages are packed out. It does seem like the ordinary working class Thai has already been priced out of the market.

    Another consideration to think about is that with climate change & the predictions that Thailand could lose a third of it's land mass in the next 1-2 decades is building or buying static housing sensable . If you get wet feet in a moveable home you can go to higher land the people that bought will suffer the same as the people in the USA floods. Don't expect the developers to warn you .

    Very interesting, and I don't often read about empty commercial and retail products in BKK.

    Where the world does read about it is China.

    China has its 64 million empty condos, and if BKK also has the same rate of empties, then this is interesting

    There are some places in Asia which do not have as high a surplus.

    I am waiting for the next big correction to see what happens to China, and also I am interested and hoping that what happens in Thailand will not be that bad if there is a major correction in the real estate market,with a nose dive in prices.

    The Chinese market is crazy, although some say it is not.

    China is already beginning its banking crisis, as defaults and warnings of defaults have begun,

    the Empty condo figures in China arent reliable, as many cities hav been built for the future, and are intended to be empty

    whereas Thailand is just a real estate mess

  7. I have a g/f at 32 who tells me that women at 50 dont want sex and thats why the sex industry thrives with thai men?

    And you believed her?

    One born every minute.

    Believe her? Of course I do,

    she was telling me not to expect sex when she nears 50, why would I not take her out her word?

    I am outta here soon anyway, but, that isnt the reason,

    I have tired of Thailand, but like the people quite a bit

  8. There is a large pool of single Thai women in their 30s that for some reason or another are single.

    Thai guys don't want them, but we western guys aren't all that bothered.

    Essentially all we foreigners are fishing in the same pool.

    Not because they want us, but because they have few other options in life.

    It isn't really that hard to understand.

    The same goes in the USA,

    the generation that is in their 30's now, has been raised by parents from the 60's and 70's and many did not have two parents and are damaged, plain and simple, and some, are repairable, most are not,

    and in this country, what are their prospects for improving their lives?

    vastly limited, and without infrastructure, nearly impossible to even get to a decent job unless you live in the main city

    these girls are lucky they have foreigners to target, otherwise they would be bitter, sooner

  9. My wife isn't older than me, but she's in her mid- forties and I'm really happy with her. She doesn't want kids, is financially well off, and she takes really good care of herself. It's a match made in heaven. Like an earlier poster said, most Thai women keep their looks well into middle age and a few beyond. Good luck to you. I hope you find happiness with your wife.

    I thought the poster said, they all get fat and dont want to screw?

    I have a g/f at 32 who tells me that women at 50 dont want sex and thats why the sex industry thrives with thai men?

    I heard that and realized, I was given a clear message, not to expect sex at 50.


  10. The best $100 I spent was to get Global Entry. I filled out a questionnaire on the US customs website, scheduled an interview near the Atlanta airport. Now I just go to a kiosk in US (valid also if traveling to Australia) get a ticket from the ATM-like machine, wave it a the customs officer and I'm on my way. As I am pre-screened and background-checked, I have never been hassled..

    I think this Global Entry E-prescreening is indeed a very good idea to lighten the long Customs lines on arrival.

    But only if it was free or near-free.

    Having to pay the not-unsubstantial $100 makes cynical me sees that as an extortion scam : You pay us or we'll harass you and even confiscate your laptop and camera on arrival to our Land of the Free ...

    But, then, maybe I've read too many stories about the Sicilian Mafia and their protection rackets biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png


    Does this not also require a Retina scan and fingerprinting? Soon, a swab of your DNA?

    Im sure the Government already has your fingerprints on file somewhere. At the immigration kiosk , you do need to scan your fingerprints.

    All Im saying is that once you go through the trouble the OP went through upon his arrival back in the states, its much easier and gives more peace of mind to have the Global Entry scan on your passport

    Anyone who has held any form of license requiring prints, has them digitized for sure,

    I am not concerned about my prints,

    it is all this retina scan activity and swabbing of DNA that has me testy,

    even Tesco Lotus is using retina scanning in their parking lots so as you pump gas and enter their store, they store you

  11. Been reinjected now with some of the posts. Well informed opinions about how the world rolls. I'm not being sarcastic Its more a story now how the rich get richer. Even today coming back from swimming fun park in a taxi, I kept seeing those half completed 2 story ,whatever they were. Driving past a 4 story thing where 90% were completed and inhabited but the rest. Had trees growing trough em. And almost countless HALF demolished joints, maybe size if 3 shops.

    I know this has nothing to do with my post,BUT.

    who owns all this shit. Must be the wealthy Thai that can just let it sit.

    Call me Mel Gibson, but did the rich Thai buy it at fire sale price. Knock half down so no vargrant Thai can move in . Now just sit on it tax free as no local government or other brings them to account.

    Please don't bag me I love if here. But the poor Thai people don't own these sites. What's going on ?

    80% of the wealth in Thailand is owned by well under 20% of the population.

    Some say 40 families own over half.

    My understanding is that these kind of ratios are quite similar to recent US stats, which is going further and further in that direction even after everyone knows it, the middle class disappearing pretty quickly, most Americans heading toward third world levels in coming decades.

    I believe Thailand is going in the opposite direction, the hope of the nation's future lies with their growing middle class and ambitious hard-working individuals rising out of the rural poor majority.

    Personally I think the fact that real estate has low to no taxes is a great thing - in the west you have to make sure you have a good income stream right to the end of your life if you want to stay in the same home. Here once you own it outright you only have to worry about maintenance.

    I didnt know that about the real estate taxes,

    A change in commercial properties taxation would go a long way to solving the riddle of the wasteland of unfinished product, and put a lot of the so called wealthy thai's in the same boat as the real world

    • Like 1
  12. Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

    How about the Templar's and the illuminarti ?

    Found the original piece, Kevin Cahill seems to be a reputable journalist. But yes, his claims are quickly picked up by the conspiracy buffs:



    To the point where you get above the Rothschilds - shape-shifting alien lizards. Someone already mentioned David Icke?

    David Icke is a punk. I called him on a retard comment he made on Facebook and he blocked me, refusing to answer a non threatening question, unless of course, being shown to be posting false and misleading statements may have affected his book sales.

    There is no need to delve into the Rothschilds, as they are well known,

    the Knights Templar on the other hand, owners of Many US and global corporations now have the upper hand on the Pope and their ages old wars continue,

    I do see McDonalds is all over Thailand now, that is one of their companies as is Esso, aka. Exxon in America, another Templar company

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Unfortunately keeping people ignorant means you can buy their vote more easily. That's why the laws are archaic.

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

    It would double, triple the prices for the locals

    Keeping people down only works until the people begin to understand - the internet changes understanding.

    Singapore was once parochial and Thailand was the richest country in South East Asia. Singapore changed the rules and has become, BY FAR, the richest country in South East Asia. Thailand continues to fall farther and farther behind, because of their parochial rules.

    If Thailand wants wealth, the government will change the rules. If they want slavery they will not.

    As for being lonely - Asian women are famous for desiring security over beauty. This has been true for centuries. Thus an older, established man who is not searching for a dollar, is much more desirable than a young handsome, but poor man.

    My son corresponds with women all over Asia, who have the same question - where to find older foreign men.

    The Internet for Thai's changes nothing, and does not increase their education of anything other than Farmville and silly Icon's to send eachother via instant message and facebook,

    face it,

    the Thai's are not interested in bettering themselves through education, as, it won;t improve their job prospects, unless and until, there is real job growth, and not in sex factories or places pirating movies and clothing,

    I maintain,

    Thailand has no future, and the Chinese just reported a MASSIVE drop in exports,


    if China pulls back, Thailand has no foreign sponsor, and a person like myself, retired since 40, (14 years) with discretionary income to spare, has decided I have had enough as there is no real potential for growth, and the female population is damaged by their upbringing, tribe mentality, no fathers, no guidance, and unless you are willing to sell used rags (now called vintage clothing), stolen merchandise or seconds or chickens, where is the commerce?

  14. The world's primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world's population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth's land surface.


    good qualifier from yahoo answers

    Sort of.

    She has private lands that she owns, including estates/houses. However, as the living symbol of the "Crown" in 16 different countries, she can be said to own Crown Lands in these countries.

    E.g., Canada, being the 2nd largest country on the planet, still has about 85% of it's lands owned by the Crown. As Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada, her Canadian Crown owns 85% of Canada. The Crown, but, not hers personally. She is also Queen of Australia, and New Zealand. Australia is a pretty big place, and also has a lot of Crown land, so, as Queen of Australia, she technically owns this land as well. As she does for Crown land in New Zealand, and so on.

    Now, this is Crown land, and she is the symbol for the Crown in each place, but, it is not her personal land. It is administered, technically on her behalf, by the governments of each country. So, in effect, it is government land, or even public land, even if it technically is hers.

    In addition, in Canada at least (and, presumably other countries), ALL lands are held from the Crown. Your deed does not give you exclusive ownership; it just gives you a set of specific rights to "your" land. So, in a purely legal sense, the Queen owns all of Canada (ever "private" lands). But, again, as the Crown.

    Let's not leave out the Knights of Malta

  15. Who the hell puts cucumber on a hotdog? Should be beat up for that. Better yet that should be an offense in itself. Littering a hotdog.

    makes the entire story suspect,

    but, for the OP's sake, assuming he is still alive.

    probably better he came to his laptop to complain rather than try his luck with a team of cabbies who would have clubbed and stabbed him to death before the cops arrived, and, good luck getting a ID

    anyone who intentionally wants to screw with natives, in any country, will meet his fate, this is a certainty

  16. http://www.slideshare.net/mobile/jenimawter/moving-on-from-narcissistic-abuse-due-to-narcissistic-personality-disorder-npd-compiled-by-jeni-mawter


    Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

    Believing that you're better than othersFantasizing about power, success and attractiveness

    Exaggerating your achievements or talents

    Expecting constant praise and admiration

    Believing that you're special and acting accordingly

    Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings

    Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans

    Taking advantage of others

    Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior

    Being jealous of others

    Believing that others are jealous of you

    Trouble keeping healthy relationships

    Setting unrealistic goals

    Being easily hurt and rejected

    Having a fragile self-esteem

    Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

    The prettier they are, the more narcissistic,

    whats the big deal with all that exactly?

    what, you want compassion and unconditional love? Isn't that what puppies are for?

    you want to much from women, and simply don't understand them,

    my short experience with the asian female is,

    they are easy,

    just be prepared to be forgotten

  17. if your wife is/was not an expert accountant, why would you trust her abilities

    she didn't need to do any accounting, she was just supposed to handle the cash, and the flow of funds into, and out of, the bank accounts (and she wasn't supposed to take out extra loans without informing me)... it was simple stuff an honest monkey could do... my mistake was to assume she was honest

    This simply does not pass the smell test:

    What is the real agenda here?

  18. "Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

    The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

    them they want to keep tight control.

    Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

    Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

    Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

    Good gawd man, get down on your knees and prey to whatever diety you worship that the Thais see fit to allow you to come here and spend such an obscene amount every year.

    I wish my facist country would grant my wife wife such ease to come to my country and spend money so freely.

    No one asked you to come here, you came of your own freewill, we can leave of our own freewill, be thankful for that, at least you aint a Thai who is stuck here.

    Interesting point you make, about the Thai's being stuck here.

    I didn't think of it from that perspective as the girl I am with doesnt want to leave, and it's semi baffling, but, it's her country, her family, her King, and that's all there is left to say.

    I will see if she changes her mind after I am gone, which is within 30 days but as of now, she has zero desire to go to the USA, not even to visit

  19. "Nothing wrong" from YOUR POV.

    The Thais don't want foreigners to own land. In principle and in fact. What's so hard to understand? It's their country up to

    them they want to keep tight control.

    Some of your posts make sense. Some are rubbish... " be happy they let me stay here"

    Give me a break. All my hard earn money from 40 years of work is now being spent in Thailand. I don't work I get nothing from Thai government and spend about 60k Au every year and you say I should be thankful. Other way around. I know what you do here and why your here. Good luck with that .

    Just be happy they let us stay at all. . .

    It's a mafia led country, and you ain't in the tribe.

    that's all this is here.

    if they wanted their people to be free, they would educate them and teach them english

    • Like 2
  20. The best $100 I spent was to get Global Entry. I filled out a questionnaire on the US customs website, scheduled an interview near the Atlanta airport. Now I just go to a kiosk in US (valid also if traveling to Australia) get a ticket from the ATM-like machine, wave it a the customs officer and I'm on my way. As I am pre-screened and background-checked, I have never been hassled..

    I think this Global Entry E-prescreening is indeed a very good idea to lighten the long Customs lines on arrival.

    But only if it was free or near-free.

    Having to pay the not-unsubstantial $100 makes cynical me sees that as an extortion scam : You pay us or we'll harass you and even confiscate your laptop and camera on arrival to our Land of the Free ...

    But, then, maybe I've read too many stories about the Sicilian Mafia and their protection rackets biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png


    Does this not also require a Retina scan and fingerprinting? Soon, a swab of your DNA?

  21. Thanks - that is really helpful advice. Your plan is a refined version of the basic plan I had in my mind, although I will wait until she needs my signature to remarry and trade for custody (rather than offering her more cash).

    I will certainly try to cover all the bases back home in case either of us moves to a developed country (I suspect she has done so already actually, although I can't imagine she has a long-term visa) or in case Thailand becomes developed!

    I'm on the same wavelength as you with regards to lacking interest in back-office/admin/treasury/etc and I'm know trying to remodel/grow my business in a way that minimizes the need for me to trust the people in these functions.

    The reason I am feeling positive is that as well as all the business/money stuff, my wife also made by life living hell through verbal / emotional abuse and by cutting me off from my very loving family back home, with whom I can now reconnect.

    Thanks, and of course it's your life, but from my experience:

    Don't be proud about giving her money to get what you want, keep your focus on what's really important and try to keep your ego out of it.

    IMO there's no way she'll give you what you want without any money at all unless you really play the hardest of hard ball plays like threatening her with arrest and jail time.

    Don't forget she is the mother of your children and once you are sure you've protected yourself and them from her latent legal power to control your lives, it is in their interest (most important of all is the welfare of the kids) that you leave things open so they can have as good a relationship as possible with their natural birth mother, ideally spending time with her regularly.

    I personally suspect that NOW is the time to move as aggressively as possible. Down the road she may well get more resources, advice confidence and self-justification to make things much more difficult and expensive for you.

    Try to execute a complete and clean buyout ASAP.

    Don't discount the dirty tricks that are so easy to do here, more so for the locals than we foreigners. And if she's a true sociopath she won't refrain from violence either.

    If the OP is sincere in this assessment of how it all went down, I have only this to say,

    "she is not yet thru with you brother, and you, are not preparing for more assaults"

  22. Although it was biodegradable rubbish, it was rubbish all the same. You would never have had the confrontation had you not thrown rubbish on the street. You would never have had the confrontation if you had accepted the first guy's criticism and picked up the rubbish you had thrown.

    I would have stood over and criticised a foreign litterer in my country. How dare they come to my country, disrespect our customs, and then throw rubbish on the street to boot?!

    I think the OP needs to show a bit more respect to the host.

    This post has nothing to do with littering this is more to do with the sense of superiority some farangs think they have over the natives, how dare they tell a farang off.... Don't they know their place ?

    But if the OP wants a hospital visit all because of a piece of cucumber, go for it, just another stupid farang with an attitude me thinks

    if it is 10 taxi drivers,

    he won't make it to the hospital

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