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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Life was too comfortable. No challenges and felt like I wasn't moving forward.

    That's funny -- those are many of the reasons that I moved to Thailand 10 years ago.

    I felt the same way when I left SF, LA, and Miami, but 6 months in BKK, with 6 weeks, (two separate trips) here have shown me that there is a better life in the States, in spite of the encroaching FEMA state

    Florida's great although I'm a Central Florida guy -- As I used to say of the Brazilians when I lived there, I now go there to visit my money.

    you can't buy a breeze in Ocala during the summer,

    it's almost like bkk, in the winter

    that said, the air is clean and so is the water,

    and the girls,

    always interested

  2. I find it funny that so many people have mentioned corruption as a reason to move away from Thailand.

    15-20 years ago, it was one of the main attractions for people moving here, people p1ssed off with the rules and regulations their own home countries based their societies around.

    I can't figure out if it is a short term memory thing or a righteous change in thinking.

    If you can't be good, be good at it.....................wink.png

    Can't be for me, since I've only been here for a little over two years...

    The Thai society is as filled with rules and regulations and somehow it appears they apply more to farang than to Thais. Luckily (sarc) farang have a convenient way of getting around those rules simply by throwing money to the appropriate police/Customs/immigration officer.

    In a larger context, corruption is a major problem for the development and future of Thailand. Exporting agricultural products is all fine and dandy, but if Thailand wants to develop its economy and export industry, it needs to start producing high-quality end products, not commodities. Just because you get a certificate claiming quality doesn't make it so if said certificates can be easily bought. As long as the country has a reputation of being corrupt, no one will believe your assertions that your products are safe or durable. For all you know, the item could be made out of dog hair and nuclear waste, if there's is no truly independent governmental or private body to verify your claims.

    Thailand's economy is headed straight for the toilet, and thats a toilet with no paper

    Commodities are one thing,

    Stolen goods trafficking seems to be the main product here

    Nothing is authentic, and the malls are amercianizing at a faster pace than Ronald MacDonald can bend over and say sewadee

    KFC and MacDonalds, will assure the declining health of millions

    Credit cards will destroy what little people hsve earned

    Balloon mortgages have created a false real estate boom,

    and Chinese investment will soon dry up,

    Thailand is about to experience a deflation they are not prepared for,

    think people are demonstrating now?

    they still have food,

    wait until the freighters stop coming and 7-11 can't restock with the garbage it sells

    I actually like it it,

    imagine if I didnt

  3. I find it funny that so many people have mentioned corruption as a reason to move away from Thailand.

    15-20 years ago, it was one of the main attractions for people moving here, people p1ssed off with the rules and regulations their own home countries based their societies around.

    I can't figure out if it is a short term memory thing or a righteous change in thinking.

    If you can't be good, be good at it.....................wink.png

    corruption, for most in the west, doesnt interefere in their daily lives,

    very few police officers are seeking $100 to let you off the speeding ticket,.

    many police pull over girls here, for a chance to screw them, and not that it doesnt happen elsewhere, here it is a sport.

    thai police, dont speak english, so, any trouble, its your fault, every time

    there is no justice system, this is Dodge with a language barrier,

    my girlfriend? will she forget me when I leave, no?

    will she go right back to the life she had before she met me?

    If she does, it's her choice,

    they make few good decisions here, and have few choices to make those decisions on,

    I wouldnt want to live here

  4. I haven't left yet, but will be gone in 19 days. I'm just moving on to greener ( I hope ) pastures in Japan. I've had 8 great years here and I just want to try out a new country for some time. I have a feeling that I will be back in Thailand one day. I hope the political situation calms down by the time I come back. I think that is one reason that is pushing me away. Maybe it is me, but I feel Thailand has changed a lot in the last few years and not for the better. People just seem to be more on edge and too intolerant of others ideas and opinions. But I digress. Overall, Thailand has been very good to me and I hope I can retire here when the time comes to hang up the cleats.


    the country that is about to go to war w China, again?

    you better bring a geiger counter with you as the entire country of Japan, is about to die

  5. Next to the 2 year millionaires, that have to leave eventually, there is an other kind of Farang that will turn their back on the land of smiles. Realizing that:

    - I will never be part of Thai-Society (with or without language skills).

    - My Thai-Wifes loyalties will remain with "the Family", in the end,I will come in second.

    - My ATM Card is basically my only life-support system (what else would there be?)

    - Whatever property I buy will never be mine ( big crackdown on dodgy RE deals ongoing and increasing in the near future.)

    - My kids (if applicable), will be educated in an learning-environment that resembles the times when queen Victoria was in power.

    - The political situation is reduced to a burlesque - show, with more entertainment-value than any TV- soap-opera.

    - Once 70 years old, what health coverage will I be getting here, and at what price?

    And above all: As an European/US/Aussie-Guy, do you really want to live in a place where dishonesty, fake and meaningless smiles, face-saving-rituals are the rule of daily live and override anything else?

    How many Farangs, having worked in Thailand for 10 years, can claim they have gained one single Thai-Males true friendship during this time? (money excluded).

    The list is by far not complete. It's just to indicate, that there are a few other good reasons to take the exit, short of running out of money.


    I agree with all your points, especially, the loyalty issues,

    however, I am a musician, and I have made many decent new friendships with my fellow musicians here, because we speak a common language,

    that said,

    none of them really speak english, and that is about as far as those friendships will carry, the ability to play and enjoy the creative process,

    that said,

    my thai girlfriend wants to be pregnant before I leave her, as, she wants a white baby,

    that, is how insane this place is,

    she knows I am leaving, and wants a white child; no marriage, no sin sot, no family ritual, just a white baby,

    if that is the only chance she sees of having any future, I have lost my senses as, I will give herwhat she wants, if that's what she truly wants, but staying with her, no.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Money was not an issue for me...I became tired of the daily routine...drinking...chasing women...fighting traffic...getting ripped off...being seen as a walking ATM machine...the language barrier...the corruption at every level...being portrayed in the media as moronic villains...immigration...banking...Thai politics...did I miss anything?

    I can see this being the reason(s) I would leave... when I go. IT does get old and these people just don't care... and why should they... they seem happy with the status quo.

    The reason some people leave is because they come to their senses.

    If at the top of you're list are a good climate and weather, genuinely friendly, kind and honest people, then I think you are in the wrong place.

    There are a number of other places in the world that beat Thailand hands down in these two areas and also offer a comparatively low cost of living with less hassles to deal with and I'm not talking about another Asian country.

    I hear many talk about thailand as "amazing" or "exotic" and I just don't see that here. As I have stated before, it's ok here, but there are some amazing and incredible places back home and the diving, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, mountain biking and motorcycling there is some of the best in the world... and you can get just about any bike made and buy just about any motorcycle. There is a great 911 system and hit and runs are not very common in most cases and paying a govt official to do his job is not required.

    The beer is some of the best in the world. The food is good.

    The weather can be perfect or you can move around to have year round great weather, go up into the mountains and ski and drive down and bike ride in shorts.

    I'm here just traveling around and enjoying life, saving a crap load of money and with no intention of staying here forever... maybe come back to hang out, but a year here and I have not felt settled, have not bought a car, motorcycle or bicycle and that tells me something... not really the place for me to live....

    Still have several other places around SEA to hit up and spend time in... not going to waste much more time in LOS... although it will be my base for another year or so.

    Hoping to hit up Eastern Europe on my way around the world... and spend a year hanging out.

    Yep, there are many other places that beat thailand hands down... I agree and many that are very affordable.

    no foreigner should own, or drive a vehicle in thailand,

    taxi's are practically free, basis the US $

  7. I left because I was bored after 10 years it became same same every day i've done 300.000klm driving around every part of Thailand and Laos and Cambodia, it all gets tame.

    I am sure I will be back again in a few years.

    happy to be away from the heat and dirt and thieves and bad drives.

    Ten years?

    I reached same at 6 months

  8. Well, I was never charged for it except through my taxes. HIV can be brought down to manageable levels to enable a normal life. Yes; I just had Pad See Ew Moo for 40 baht. Cancer is cured many times. You don't see Lance Armstrong in a cemetery. I've tested my IQ - its 117. I do have fun - and will really enjoy tonight…smile.png Thanks.

    Bragging with a 117?

    Cancer can be cured,

    The way Michael Milken did it, and the girl from crazysexycancer.com

    but not the way Armstrong did it,

    he was just lucky

  9. The good aspects are good in Thailand, no question. Now if we consider that it is one of the most corrupt countries, one of the most dangerous to drive and high crime in some areas and the fact that the foreigner has literally no legal rights and can't really own a house (forget the corporation) how smart are we really?? Must be the sleeze we enjoy and the girls in shorts and the wonderful massages at some places for little money

    I freely admit,

    if it werent for the 32 year old g/f with a body of a 16 year old,

    I would have left a long time ago,

    as it is, even that, is no longer enough to keep me here,

    florida is much, much better, hands down,

    and cheaper to live in style, than it is here,

    I didnt believe that, until I learned this lesson.

    I cannot live here on the cheap, as many do,

    it isn't my style, and for me, it comes down to cost basis, not lack of money

    I can get more life there, than I can here, for less,

    now that I know that, I am preparing to leave, and doubt I will return, even though, she wants me too,

    I have one of the few thai girls that does not want to see the USA

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  10. For now, life is great here. Bus from Buri Ram pulling into Bangkok tonight with a 27 year old hottie looking to spend a week together. Will never happen in my country. Investment dividends roll in monthly like clockwork - save more than I can spend. Anytime I want sex with a beautiful girl, I just go outside. Its just so easy here. Food outside my house 50 baht for almost anything at the little restaurants.

    If I became sick from cancer or HIV or something, I would head home as the medical care is free for life. Once fixed, just head back here. The only reason all my friends don't move here is because they need to work, but they all love to visit.smile.png

    How long have you been here?

  11. Life was too comfortable. No challenges and felt like I wasn't moving forward.

    That's funny -- those are many of the reasons that I moved to Thailand 10 years ago.

    I felt the same way when I left SF, LA, and Miami, but 6 months in BKK, with 6 weeks, (two separate trips) here have shown me that there is a better life in the States, in spite of the encroaching FEMA state

  12. Life was too comfortable. No challenges and felt like I wasn't moving forward.

    Interesting way to phrase it,

    Life here for me, has turned into a rut

    and a rut can be defined as a grave with open ends,

    this place isn't for me

    the grass, or sand, suddenly seems so much greener, and the water, much clearer, in Miami Beach.. not that I would ever consider living in Miami, again,

    but areas further north, are very cheap to live, and clean

  13. The reason some people leave is because they come to their senses.

    If at the top of you're list are a good climate and weather, genuinely friendly, kind and honest people, then I think you are in the wrong place.

    There are a number of other places in the world that beat Thailand hands down in these two areas and also offer a comparatively low cost of living with less hassles to deal with and I'm not talking about another Asian country.

    Like southern florida, above West Palm.

    After being here for 6 months, it is costing me more to live here, with less enjoyment, than I can there, and be able to be with people who share common interests.

    As much as my girl may say she loves me, I don't see a future here.

    NOT complaining, just waking to reality

  14. I think the question is "WHY DO YOU STAY HERE ?"

    If its because of the booze and girls then ok, I can accept that.

    I do wonder, however, apart from that, what do you do every day here ? Its hot and sticky and everywhere looks the same. 7/11's, markets, shops, all the same.

    I left Thailand because I am English, and that is my country. I understand everything there.

    I can own my own properties and it is interesting.

    I don't have to go to immigration or spend hours in banks/council offices/lawyers offices.

    I have things I can do during the day and am able to go out because there isn't that big, round, hot, yellow thing in the sky all day every day which, especially in April thru June, makes it virtually impossible to be outside.

    So, what do you do every day and why do YOU stay here ? Apart from the obvious that is which I already mentioned.

    I agree,

    this is a nightlife city, and the daytime is rediculous, in every way, the heat, the traffic, the land of smiles, or, the road to nowhere

  15. How do you suggest they catch pedophiles without invading innocent peoples' privacy? I had my laptop searched 2 years back and there were a lot of questions asked about my arm around 2 5 year old hill tribe girls. I answered truthfully and never felt my privacy was violated as I had nothing to hide. It always seems to be guilty people that are first to question the legalities over wiretaps, searches and so on.

    People such as your self are ready to give up their freedom for a so called crack down on criminals. How many innocent people do they search for 1 guilty person it is one too many. I am not guilty of any thing and resent being searched to catch a hundred guilty people. You give up your freedom to easy.


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  16. It's completely legal and pre-dates Obama.

    Profiling is also standard practice by customs and quarantine authorities. I used to work in quarantine (different country), some of their profiles were surprising, for example their statistics showed that 30% of little old Greek ladies were carrying banned goods (mainly food, plant clippings etc that were not allowed entry). If you want to do a good job of keeping stuff out you need to profile.

    The single male thing is annoying though. I routinely get taken aside for questioning whenever I go home and it gives me the shits.

    I expect to be in US throughout April and May,

    probably have to fly in to LAX.

    I dont expect trouble because I will be sober, and know how to answer questions who's answers are valueless to the "strangers" whom I will never see again, and since there is no choice but to answer them quickly, wisely and efficiently, I expect zero trouble

  17. Given I just booked a flight this AM to Chiang Mai for an exploratory look at Thailand with an eye to retire there by year end, thanks for the warning of a potential invasion of privacy by the Feds, not that I'm a pedophile or use drugs..

    You will like Chaing Mai

    No reason to go anywhere else, IMHO

    How many weeks staying in Chiang Mai to develop this opinion?

    two trips:

    first time 2 weeks Oct

    second time 3 weeks Dec 2013

  18. redflag is a conservative rag created and edited by J.R. Elliott, a teabagger who is creator and editor of the tea party brief. I would read anything he says with not a grain of salt but and entire bucket. Let me make it very clear, I don't like obushma but not for phony reason the right wing liars come up with. There are plenty of real reasons to think he might should have a reservation in GitMo. Lots of luck mania, let us know just how much you, really, really enjoy the airport gestapo. I'm sure it will be an oh so pleasurable experience...lol.

    You know I have noticed on previous trips it is the getting out I dread more than the entry

    Usually getting in is just/or was just...welcome do you have anything to declare? No? Ok go ahead.

    But getting out sheesh 3rd degree, body scans, TSA & then in line of final boarding gates an officer of which dept I know

    not is asking each & everyone of us do you have more than 10k cash? Are you sure??

    WTH? if it is security you would guess it would be tougher getting in than out.

    But not so in my experience smile.png

    Yeah not looking forward at all to it.

    Wish I had just sent the kids $$ to visit me instead lol

    I flew first class out of JFK in Sept. to BKK via Hong Kong with a brand new passport, in fact, it was just a few days old.

    Didnt have any hassle other than I needed a supervisor to allow my guitar on board.

    Had a laptop, had a carry on, nothing was searched and no one asked me anything.

    Had cash, less than the eye brow amount, but close enough to show I knew the rule,

    And thought it was the easiest departure of my life,

    it was a 1am flight, out of JFK, and the airport was deserted, so, there may be a clue in that

    On departure in Hong Kong though, they confiscated my favorite perfect fitting screw driver for my guitar pegs, and two lighters, as one is the limit.

    Never had a problem in Laos, or Thailand, but after reading this thread, my passport now looks like the one's they want to scrutinize, so, I will answer their questions promptly, matter of factly, and not give anyone with power that they don't deserve, any excuse to abuse it, as that is what they are trained to do,

    to train americans into obedience,

    so they will go into the box cars, willingly, after disarming the people first; which is coming


  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OHHHHH.......... How did I miss reading this post??????

    Well allow me to explain what happens when one does NOT give up your password to US Customs agents........

    A little background first:

    I discovered Thailand about 6 years ago. After my first vacation here for a week, I decided I needed more Thailand in my life!!! And for the next 3 years I made a 29 trips from the US to Thailand; usually work 3 weeks in the States then 10 days or so in Thailand. In the last three years I began staying in LOS for about half the year for 2-3 months at a time.

    I usually fly from BKK to TYO or ICN, then to JFK, ATL, MSP, SEA, PDX, SFO, LAX, HNL, and DTW. Never, Never have I had any problem/questions/strange looks/additional security checks except flying into DTW (Detroit). Every single time I fly internationally into DTW, whether its from ICN, TYO(HND/NRT), or HKG I get the secondary screening. So, in the last 6 years, out of about 50 flights, 7 times I have entered the US via Detroit and have gotten the secondary screening. Every time, I had been in Thailand, and on some occasions I had also been in Cambo, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, and/or Burma.

    For a while I had contemplated getting Global Entry, but since I always fly biz class and I never check any bags I was usually first off the plane and first into Passport Control and normally lines weren't too bad with the exception of LAX and JFK...... but after a 2 hour wait in LAX I coughed up the 100 bucks and made a special trip to Atlanta for the interview. Approved. However, my next trip through Detroit, I get selected again. Same questions, where you been, how long, why, where do you stay...... same answers: Thailand, x days, my apartment in Bangkok. A few times they ask who do I visit, and I reply my GF. And few times they ask how old she is, where did you meet here, is she Thai.... and I answer politely, that's really none of your business. Sometimes they "gaze" into my back pack or roller board, but never much more than an unzip and a gander inside.... Never looked at my electronics; I usually travel with my laptop, a tablet or two, and 2 cellphones.

    Fast forward to this past November, the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving..... Flying into Detroit via ICN and BKK (had been in Cambodia earlier in the month also) and a one day visa run hop to Singapore. Pass through the GE kiosk, head to the Customs stand and the lady there ask where my bags are, I reply that I live in Bangkok and maintain an apartment there and also have a house here in the states so I travel light. I kindly joke with her that I don't need any winter clothes in Thailand and shorts and flip flops do me no good in Detroit (at the time it was something like -10F outside with the windchill). She made the cursory marks on the Customs slip, ie circling Thailand and sends to secondary security, "follow the blue line", I commented "yeah, yeah I know I am in Detroit, this is the 6th time now in as many years".

    So, I follow the blue line expecting the same as the past, 5 minutes or so of now routine questioning and a half ass bag search. I get to the end of the blue line, and there are 2 Customs agents standing a few meters away obviously having a very important conversation, I stood there for about 2 minutes. There was nobody else being searched; so I said to them "Is this where I am suppose to go?" They of course signaled me over. One guy was about 250 lbs and maybe 5'5" tall.... We will call him Fat. The second guy was about 6ft2in and maybe 150lbs..... we will call him Slim. Slim takes my passport and starts looking through it.

    Fat ask me where I was coming from.... Thailand.

    How long you been there..... Just about 3 months.

    Why so long..... I live there.

    You work there..... No, I work here in the states; I am a contractor and do work at cell phone towers all over the country, travel continuously. But I work 3-4 months at a time and then return to Thailand til I get a new contract. (Its always hard for these guys to understand that one can work in one country and live in another).

    But before I could even finish the last word,

    Slim says: You know cannot carry more than $10,000 in any currency into the US without declaring it.... Yes sir, I know that. And he continues to stare at me. It was a bit weird. A long uncomfortable pause one might say.

    Slim: Well?? Me: Well what?? Slim: I said you can't have more than $10K. So, how much do you have? Me: You never asked how much I have, A little under a 100 bucks. Slim: Well, how much exactly? Me: I don't know, maybe 80 or 90 dollars, would you like me get my wallet out and show you?

    Fat: Sir, put your bags on the table over here.

    So my bags go on the table, and they proceed to start looking through my backpack. Slim starts the questions about do I have a GF, ask how old she is; usually I don't answer this but I responded this time. As he is going through my wallet pulling out my receipts and diligently looking at them, Fat grabs one of my tablets and starts looking through it. They are behind a table/conveyor belt with me on the other side facing them, so I cannot see what he is looking at. Slim gets bored with my receipts and picks up my my other tablet and starts looking on it. Slim starts to question me again about my girlfriend again, either where she works or how I met her.... I told him I didn't feel that was a question that I needed to answer, and I asked them what they were looking for? They didn't reply.

    They spend about 5 minutes looking through my tablets, they are both leaned up against the table behind them. A third Customs guys comes up behind them and kind of leans over between them and is looking at my tablets too...... Then they the third guy points at something on the tablet Slim in searching and they all start giggling like school girls. I am just standing there with my hands in my pockets about 8 ft in front of them and about a foot from another table behind me; and I say "Really? Really? What's so funny?" Fat looks up at me and says, Sir take your hands out of your pockets and back up. I take my hands out of my pockets, look behind me and ask if he would like me to stand on or behind the table??? He doesn't respond.

    Needless to say, I am now fu_king pissed!!!! I don't mind the secondary screening and question, yes its a huge inconvenience, but I understand it. The searching of the electronics, I do mind, Its an unlawful search...... Yes, I know the law, the court rulings, the precedents prior to this.

    Slim ask again about my GF...... Wants to see a picture of her. I just kinda laugh and say not gonna happen. I then say, you got my tablets...... You obviously see pics of her on there. How long is this gonna take? I am so mad at this point..... the fact that they turned unprofessional and were snickering at something on my tablet. I don't know what, pics, emails???

    Slim puts down the tablet and goes after the laptop and Fat goes to the cellphones. Both cell phones were dead, and wants to know where the chargers are, I am now to the point where they can go fuc_k themselves I am done being polite and cooperating, my response was something along the line of " if it was a fuc_king twinkie you could find it" Slim ask for the password to the laptop..... I'm like yeah right. He looks and says you have to give it to me its the law. I looked him right in the eyes and told him to shut the fu_k up and that I know the laws and my rights and you ain't getting shit from me. He wonders off and gets his supervisor. And hand me a slip of paper outlining the reasons for searches and how they are legal yada yada yada....... I read it briefly and tell them I ain't giving them shit. Super spouts off that they will get the password, and they will call an electronics forensics expert to come and it will take hours for them to get here and perform the search. I ask how long, he says probably about 6 hours. I say ok, will you call me when your done so I can pick it up or can you mail it to me. He responds well you will have to wait.... I tell him I know that's not the case, and that is unreasonable and if he needs to review it with his supervisor please do so.

    So they call in 2 DHS Special agents, these guys are straight tools. One is trying to play good cop, all buddy buddy with. Telling me that they really just want to get me on my way and they are just doing their jobs. While the second one is playing the bad cop role..... Stating how many years I can go to prison for lying to a Federal agent. I call them out on this bullshit right away. And tell them to seize my laptop, i know the laws and they must return it in 30 days unless they have just cause and Director approval to hold it longer. And I state that I am finished answer questions and making statements without the presence of legal counsel. Bad cop says your not under arrest, so your not entitled to a lawyer. So, I ask if I am being detained, and they respond no but they have to finish some paperwork concerning this investigation. I tell them to hurry up cause its been an hour. They plead for the next several minutes for me give up the password, and I continue to defer any questions without counsel. Good cop makes a statement about how a Delta plane almost got blown up by the underwear bomber and there are thousands of American soldiers dying to protect this country from terrorist. I told him that I am a combat infantry United States Marine Corps veteran and what he and his posse are doing doesn't even compare to those spilling blood on foreign soil.

    So instead of just seizing my password protected laptop, which was only windows password locked and had nothing on it. And I mean nothing except for Windows, the week prior my HD crashed and I had a new one installed at the Toshiba shop in Paragan. (Note: Toshiba will do warranty work on US purchased laptops overseas.) they seized all my electronics: Laptop, 2 tablets, 2 cellphones. **** But the real kicker, I had 3 thumb drives and 2 external 1 TB HD that didn't even pull out of my backpack. They didn't even open the 2 side pockets.

    Good cop ask when I will be back at the airport, cause they could be done in a few days. Told him didn't know and just mail it when done. He continues to pry for info, wants phone number to call me at..... I'm like hello you seized my phone I won't answering calls on it, then ask for email....I just point at my laptop that is now in an "evidence" bag and shake my head.

    He gives me his business card and tells me to contact him in a few days and a receipt for my confiscated goods.

    Long story longer, at 32 days I get my stuff back. No evidence that they had even looked at them. I exchanged one tablet back into my company for a new one. The other I gave to my niece which I had planned to do anyways, and got a new hard drive for my laptop. I had to buy a new cell phone anyways so they never got turned back on.

    Oh, and when I got my stuff back, it was all packaged up in a UPS box with each device in a bubble wrap envelope. But between the envelopes was shredded documents. And cross cut shreds but the long strips..... And whats on these strips???? Names, addresses, aliases, DOB, SSN!!!! Hundreds of different names and numbers. You gotta love that.

    And when I returned back to Thailand for a week over Christmas, and back to the states on 3 Jan....... yes back through Detroit. I know, i know I am a glutton for punishment but it was it was the cheapest by like $800....... Yes, as you can probably guess got selected again for secondary.... Slim and Fat were now where to be seen and the guy this time asked where, how long. Opened one pocket on my backpack, didn't even look in and said thanks, good bye. I asked him if I was on a list or what constitutes the secondary screening. He said its random, I said every time I come into Detroit.....he cut me off and said yeap its random.

    I have been in contact with a few ACLU lawyers, not that I really intend to pursue anything but I know this info could be helpful to them if they plan to appeal recent rulings.

    Like I said before, I don't despise the searches, but when there is no probable cause or even suspicion........ If I was on some secret list I would think it would affect me at other ports of entry not just Detroit. Maybe the guys in Detroit are into kiddie porn and that's what they like to confiscate. Dunno rolleyes.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would try the Global Entry program. It's good for 5 years and costs $100USD and some credit cards like Amex Platinum pays the fee after you are approved. A few pages of questions have to be answered and then an interview with some pics taken and a finger printing are done. You scan your passport and fingerprint on the machine just before customs and get a slip to provide officials if asked. They can still go through your bags if they want but I hear it never happens. You also get a card for entries through Canada and Mexico

    Global Entry gets you past the passport checker, but you can still be harrassed beyond that.

    So much lol, and fail. This doesn't just happen to Americans. This doesn't just happen to "single males travelling from a certain place". It doesn't just happen to certain people because of their hairstyle.

    At the end of a 4 year posting to Germany, Canada Customs sent agents to our base to inspect everything everyone was shipping "home". Married, single, male, female, didn't matter. They literally sat there and went through every magazine page by page, and every movie (on F/F - back in the days of VHS tapes). They brought in the dogs. They took stuff apart. They were looking for any and everything that was illegal to bring into Canada. I wasn't even allowed to bring back a special (Canadian) edition of Playboy, that had been bought in Canada, even after I showed the customs agent the info proving it had come from Canada.

    That was back in the mid-80's.

    I've been travelling internationally (personally and professionally) since the early 90s. Many trips to/from Thailand (as a single male). For the last 10(+) years I've been working in an ME country and living in Thailand. Once every couple of years I have to return to Canada for one reason or another.

    With passports full of stamps/visas from Thailand, Cambodia, UAE, Philippines, Egypt, Afghanistan, Turkey and India, how many times have I been stopped/questioned/searched when arriving ? Zero.

    I've actually been searched more often when leaving Canada, including having my phone/laptop swabbed and tested for traces of explosives.

    Then again. I try to look presentable whenever I travel and rarely have more than a couple of drinks (if any - tend to dehydrate too much when flying). I have nothing to hide and maybe my mannerisms show that.

    I'm that guy you see ahead of you in the line that breezes through the metal detector/scanner because he has already removed ALL metallic objects and put them in his carry-on or screening tray beforehand.

    I'm the guy that whizzes through Immigration because my passport/paperwork is in order and ready to go when I get to the counter, I am polite and don't reek of booze/puke/body odour or act suspicious (or belligerent) towards the Immigration officer.

    Actually, you won't see me ahead of you, because I'm usually through and gone so smoothly, hardly anyone ever notices. You usually only notice the people that are inconveniencing you. Whether it's people ahead of you causing delays, or people "singling" you out for some reason for additional "screening".

    Funny how it's usually "someone else" that is the main cause of most people's problems...........

    (note: It seems that in the last 10 years, I've only done 38 round trips and gone through 80 sets of Customs/Immigration in 8 different countries, so I may not have the experience that some other members here have with these matters.)

    I travel in biz class and dress in biz attire. Dress pants, buttoned down collared shirt. I shower in the lounge at my stop over in Korea or Japan. And I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and usually shave before we land in the states..... so appearance isn't always a sure thing.

    Topic has come up here since 2004.


    I return often, and am in the target demographic, and have not been searched. I've been using Global Entry (kiosk) for a few years so no chance of a search now. Also get TSA Pre-Check so easy-peasey intra-U.S.

    See a few lines up.....


    The Muslim Capital of America?

    Other than Washington DC,

    do you not realize that Hezbollah and other groups are here, and Detroit is one of thier favorites?

    Thailand is also a Hezbollah hub,

    really guy,

    going through Detroit, is not the actions of a sane, heavy world traveler, but I am glad you wrote all this because, Chicago Ohare may not be much better, and, JFK< is JFK.

    I think I will deal w LAX, and MIA only now

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  20. Spent two days and nights in Pattaya at Siam Bayshore Resort.

    It was well located, and the Walking Street began about 30-40 yards from the hotel entrance, which was far enough to keep the rif raff out.

    Riff Raff is the right word, as this area of Pattaya had everything I would prefer to avoid, but the two days made it easy to view it as walking through a movie set. Anything more, wouldnt be palatable.

    My next quesiton is,

    will any part of Pattaya improve this experience, or is Hua Hin the answer?

    My girlfriend who is Thai, won't go anywhere near the sun, for any extended period (more than 10 min)

    but I want cleaner water to swim in, and I want and enjoy the sun, so.....

    any ideas are appreciated.

    ps. I did are one or two guys walking around with clearly recently broken noses, and there was no shortage of ugly bar girls every few feet,

    that and the overly aggressive pitchemen for the dance halls, (if thats what they are) were a bit too much in our faces,

    but the street vendors food was of a better quality then I have seen in thailand so,

    if there is any part of Pattaya worth visiting, I am up to know and hear suggestions

    thanks folks

  21. I think I paid marriage counselors and psychologists for my wife and HER psychologically abused daughter from a madman, tens of thousands, p;us legal fees for their custody battles,

    So the marriage counselors were only for her. And the psychologically abused daughter doesn't make her "Sod." Sod means fresh, as far as I know.

    Nor does your statement about HER daughter does any good for you, or your wife. You know that she is not your daugher and I hope that she'll have a father as well. But a father who loves her, is what kids need. Not between a madman, and now you.

    The Sin Sod in most cases is only to show the guests what the guy puts on the table. You'll get it back.

    Please try to stay calm, or you'll be the next madman.You might think again, if you really want to get married, as so many people believe that a piece of paper is creating a better relationship. It doesn't. Good luck from an already 12 years happily married guy from Sisaket.-wai2.gif

    She is now 21 and both a groupie and a porn movie "participant" with tattooes all over her...

    no thanks, I tried and received only canceled checks for my efforts and still dealing with a 2 year divorce "process"

    kind of like the "peace process"

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