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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Don't pay a bloody thing, you have known her for under two years! Getting involved in a payment for a truck was a staggering balls up on your part.

    I would ride off into the sunset because this sounds like it's going only one way, down the u - bend.

    I would ride off, in the truck

    this is all crazy talk, why do guys do this?

    gosh, another thread that requires the input of my friend Rich Glauber, veteran of Thai and Cambodian females of all shapes and sizes,

    unlike myself,

  2. OP, assuming you have been living together for the duration of your relationship (15 months), what does marriage really mean? Again, assuming the GF is Thai and following a different religion to you, what does marriage really mean? It is 2014 (2557), times are changing and views on marriage are changing also.

    Some posters are suggesting that you dump her and look for someone else, IMHO, easier said than done as you obviously have feelings for the girl if you have been together for 15 months. If you are both happy, leave it the way it is. If the reason is to simplify visas or whatever, the two of you go on holiday and get married quietly without the family involvement, they will forgive after a time if the love for the daughter is true.

    If the girl really loves you, she won't push it.

    Precisley what I said the the girl I am with today.

    If your mother wants money and gold, I want an 18 year old, not a 33 year old, so, sorry.

    Your mother can either pay for the wedding, or not come,

    I of course have not bothered to tell her that in America, when the milk is free, we do not buy the cow

    • Like 2
  3. Yes, so many expats have nothing good to say about Thais about whom they generalize appallingly....

    ... and Indians, Chinese, Russians, Africans ...

    For some people it's all about :

    Have you lived in these countries?

    I lived in China(10y) and Thailand(1.5y)

    I'd need to live in China for at least a hundred years, to pull par with racism as to the magnitude of that of Thailand!. Sure, Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!

    Please explain this sentence from your post; thanks

    ""Chinese are not that open as far as SEX is concerned, but apart from that - China is WIDE open, Thailand? "Closed"!""

    what does this mean, Thailand closed?

    closed to what?

  4. All the beaches are <deleted>, it is just that Jomtien beach is marginally less shitty. The islands are less shitty than Jomtien but you run the risk of dodgy, overcrowded ferry boats to commute.

    Meanwhile, back to reality. The hotel 'on the water only' is a deception since apart from most coastal-dwelling Brazilians, who spends all the hours of the day on a beach and in the surf?

    So now, without getting into gory details, it comes down to what does the OP and his 'current g/f' plan on doing in the odd hours between swimming and sleeping. It also depends to what degree the OP (and his g/f) consider as 'in your face' with regard to brothels and hooker bars.

    A 3000 baht hotel will get you a clean place WITH ITS OWN POOL which is much healthier. Try the Holiday Inn, The Wave (new) or The Stay (just off Beach Road on Soi 10).

    PS. It is odd the OP specifically mentioned his g/f as being 'current'... it is almost as if... in Pattaya? No! Surely not?

    If the beaches are shit, and the water is bad, I cannot fathom interest at all,

    the hookers and bar scene is not fun for me

  5. There are groups of Nigerians here that may be the root of some of the black man's issue,

    I wouldnt know though, but, I have seen them near Sukhumvit,

    They are the only one's I have seen that can't take their eyes off my Rolex.

    I have seen some Thai's also, that I am sure would roll me if they thought I was drunk enough to take down, or stupid enough to walk down the wrong street.

    I do neither, but I did stop wearing it in bkk,

    no problem where I live here, and I am not the only one dressed well, and carrying more than 100 baht

  6. possibly not racism against u but a sort of stereotyped racism that they ahve picked up from movies (boys in the hood ,yo yo types)... same as even though im israeli american jewish, my husband will often say antisemitic things like the 'jews/stingy' type thing, cause that is waht he has heard in his uneducated group of family and friends... and then he will go on to say people are people there are good ones and bad ones.

    here he has had nigerian and sudanese friends, but doesnt like my daughter's ethiopian jewish boyfriend ... not skin colour but because the guy doesnt match my husband's idea of what a potential husband should act like.

    he will make comments about arabs (nu... we live in a racist polarized society here) yet works wit arab workers and gets along no problem...

    so it could be racist stereotyping from the television. as far as hiring, yes, thais are racists by colour. white =good perfect hi/so classy. black is low/society, not worth it... thais high aim is to have white underarm pits, legs, face etc... they love michael jackson...

    i am still surprised that my hsuband chose a pure black pup out of our litter of lhasa apsos to raise, usually they dont want black dogs either...

    It's true,

    my g/f spends time every night putting some cream/drug on her face, where her dark marks are,

    back home we called them "freckles"

    here, its a sign of low class,

    they want to be white, and as white as possible.

    they see western women going topless at the beach and don't understand them

    I think it is a national obsession, started by the cosmetics industry; directly, targeting naive thai girls as I have seen spas and clinics open everywhere, and it is only the young girls there, ages 30ish and below,

    and for myself, as a white person of black sea heritage, I think this whiteness obsession is bordeline territory, as in, screwed up psychologically,

    look on thai television, every news caster, and program host and all the models, look like death with a little makeup. no, with a lot of makeup,

    they may look good to thai's

    but to me, they do not

  7. got to laugh at these guys who are 50+ and think a 20 year age range isn't a big deal.

    you are all delusional.

    I could ask any girl my age or a little older if they would want to be in a relationship with a guy that old and they will all say "fuc_k NO"

    unless you look like george clooney, or you present an immense financial disparity, where they can benefit. Otherwise, they will find the idea revolting and their friends would make fun of them about it.

    50/30 = financial based relationship in most cases considering there are not to many george clooneys running around....

    not going to judge you, just giving the honest truth about it. if she is happy and you are happy, then i don't really give a fuc_k what you do. just don't delude yourself about it.

    You know, Metapod,

    In addition to the girls not wanting to be honest,

    You are on a forum where I would speculate many of the men while in their 40's. dated girls in their 20's

    Since you are not yet a man, in his 40's, or 50's.

    in order for you to command any respectability here,

    You need to acknowledge, that there is a lot about the world, you just DO NOT know.

    Do you acknowldge this simple factoid?

    And to add, whether you seek credibility or not,

    When I was "your age" I drove a taxi in NYC and Miami,

    I was taken by surprise many many times, when topless dancers, and call girls, would call me for the ride's both ways, and the amount of in some cases, gorgeous married women working as escorts, astounded me. Mind you, these aren't thai women, and their husbands didn't know, but for crissakes, I did, and never forgot that lesson.

    Be careful, girls don't always tell the truth, to guys.....

    I also am aware of a website operating in the States,

    where girls advertise themselves as either, hourly, overnight, or GFE, girlfriend equivalent, for more time,

    A friend introduced me to a few of these girls,

    ALL of them, were married, living in other states, either stewardess, business women, or just hoe's on the travel circuit,

    Eminem said it best,

    "not a jealous man, but females lie"

    now, about that admission?

    the one where, since you aren't a female in her 20's or 30,

    and that you are not a man in his 40's or 50's, so you don't know "jack" about this topic,

  8. Unfortunately for some, the best of the best Beach Road hotels are surrounded and submerged by brothels and more. You have to literally beat the ladies of the night (and day) and their patrons off with a shitty stick just getting in and out of these places. Shocking! Horrible! Disgusting!

    It is such a shame since the pristine waters of the Gulf as it laps the dazzling white beaches beside the main road boardwalk are so inviting too.

    PS. Come alone. You'll thank yourself for it.

    Have a thai g/f, so want to stay clear of the outdoor sex flea market,

    the islands sound better, but if the water is truly bad, I would rather go somewhere else?

  9. Scar, thanks for the honest and open posts on this topic. Takes a lot to write so openly on such things. Some of your knockers here wouldn't dare to while they live in denial and really probably believe their wives/gfs are with them for themselves and not the contents of the wallet/bank account.

    Thanks pal. I've enjoyed your input....

    You are just as delusional as he is. He is a 50+ old man dating a former prostitute 20+ years younger. Then has the gall to claim it isn't a relationship built around financial disparity and support. I bet he even pays her money every month.

    Then he tries to be tell (a guy in his 20s) that girls my age think its perfectly fine to date old men like him? lol. it is like he is living in a completely different universe to the real world. sady, a universe many older foreigners find themselves inhabiting while in Thailand.

    Seemingly, you require a bit more of a grasp of reading comprehension as you are not understanding what is really quite simple.

    For the benefit of others, less bright and talented as yourself,

    what I said was,

    Some girls in their 20's prefer men in their early 40's: This is an undisputable fact of life

    Some girls in their 30's prefer men in their early 50's: This is an undisputable fact of life, too. (notice the extra o at the end of too?

    Since, by your own admission, you are neither a girl in her 20's,

    nor, are you, by your admission again, a girl in her 30's,

    I can assure you when I state as eloquently as I can,

    you don't know by any weight or measure of experience

    what you are talking about, in any way, in any form,

    at all on this topic, do you?

    And let me add, yes, I am paying to live with her, same as I was paying the fat old, ugly condo owner to live I in a gated community, which is what I am used too, far away from the city, the noise, the congestion and the pollution, in what I consider, the long island of bangkok.

    If I was broke, would she be with me?

    well, then, self proclaimed expert on a topic of which he has no experience,

    how else would I pay my "rent?"

  10. first off ... to one and all in TV

    one one hand, I do understand the anonymity (of not using your real name), but on the other, I wonder what its a sign of; being able to distance yourself from that part that wants to speak you mind, but is too timid too under your real name?

    To my mind, many of us come here to learn how to deal with things that we or our friends are unable to ...

    So '52' ... I feel we have more in common that differences; I agree in the 'long term'; 'marriage' and also that it is a 'business';

    I have been in a few 'businesses' and aside from the 'assets' (which can be replaced), I feel the emotional bank-balance is a different thing in its entirety ... so many posters are bitter and vindictive that I believe their emotional bank balance is bankrupt.

    Scarpolo ... a septic no doubt (not that there is anything wrong with that; but by your move (Thailand), it suggests where your head is at) and I like reading your posts ... they are measured

    Megapod ... you say you make observations (which is good), but they are opinions (and I discussed them before) that come from a negative place; we have all been burned brother (as to how much we contributed to the breakdown of previous relationships is for another session ...)

    but lets look at George Clooney ... he's just a male butterfly, flitting from one female to another; is he today's Rock Hudson; I don't know and I don't care ... I am living in my world, not some surreal media world with photo-shopped opportunities

    live and let live ... "there, but by the grace of (insert), go I" ...

    'mean what you say, say what you mean, but don't be mean when you say it' ... if you don't like that 'sex and travel' (f ...off)

    I came to Thailand at the insistence of a friend from NYC, who has lived here for 15 years, and each time he came back to visit, found me in yet, another unhappy marriage or relationship, regardless of their age, and pressed me repeatedly that when I ran out of excuses, to come to bkk,

    those excuses were good one's, raising two kids alone, the new wife with cancer, but when they were all through draining me, I decided to take him up on it, arriving with two pair of jeans, a pair of sneakers, boat shoes, and 3 tee shirts, and, one guitar. Everything else, I left home.

    After being here less than two weeks, I was ready to leave this overpopulated, polluted city, until I met a girl that I liked, and that changed many things.

    Do I expect it to last? of course not.

    Will this one be different than any other of the stories I read about, ,doubtful.

    Is she honest about herself; mostly.

    But this is my overall feeling about thailand, as sung by friend Rich Glauber, enjoy:

  11. got to laugh at these guys who are 50+ and think a 20 year age range isn't a big deal.

    you are all delusional.

    I could ask any girl my age or a little older if they would want to be in a relationship with a guy that old and they will all say "fuc_k NO"

    unless you look like george clooney, or you present an immense financial disparity, where they can benefit. Otherwise, they will find the idea revolting and their friends would make fun of them about it.

    50/30 = financial based relationship in most cases considering there are not to many george clooneys running around....

    not going to judge you, just giving the honest truth about it. if she is happy and you are happy, then i don't really give a fuc_k what you do. just don't delude yourself about it.


    Don't remember a lot of these girls running around with older farangs 25 years ago..Infact there were very few farangs around then and alot of the farangs were quite young!.seems a retirement /supply/poverty/ issarn scenario today.

    And don't delude yourself of what others think..Thai or farang..

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    25 years ago?

    The demographics were far different,

    Was there a BTS and an MRT?

    How many 30 year olds had cars back then?

    Fact: No matter your age,

    if you look good, (not fat and unkempt) dont act like their parents,

    can handle younger girls in bed, and in treat them well, both privately, and in public, they will be interested,

    it's their nature, and if they are attracted, you know it, you also know it, if they aren't.

    or, maybe you wouldn't.

    Being with younger women is nothing new to many of us.

    you asked the wrong girls, period.

    you are an old delusional man. you can only get a younger girl because you are in a significantly poorer country (Thailand). You know that and that is why you are here.

    I asked the wrong girls? lol. The only girls who are my age and would show any interest in you are either hookers, or poor and uneducated.

    would that rule out, "educated hookers?"

  12. I didn't ask anyone..I was stating an observation..

    Stop personalizing everything..

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    none of this is personal,

    just a learning forum for all,

    I keep an eye open for anything that will alert me to the pitfalls of Thailand,

    I see most of them, and none of them are new, but, I am also aware that even the hustlers, get hustled,

    so I am open to all postings,

    not trying to come off as the all knowing, in any way,

    maybe its just my accent,

    it has gotten me in trouble before

    • Like 1
  13. got to laugh at these guys who are 50+ and think a 20 year age range isn't a big deal.

    you are all delusional.

    I could ask any girl my age or a little older if they would want to be in a relationship with a guy that old and they will all say "fuc_k NO"

    unless you look like george clooney, or you present an immense financial disparity, where they can benefit. Otherwise, they will find the idea revolting and their friends would make fun of them about it.

    50/30 = financial based relationship in most cases considering there are not to many george clooneys running around....

    not going to judge you, just giving the honest truth about it. if she is happy and you are happy, then i don't really give a fuc_k what you do. just don't delude yourself about it.


    Don't remember a lot of these girls running around with older farangs 25 years ago..Infact there were very few farangs around then and alot of the farangs were quite young!.seems a retirement /supply/poverty/ issarn scenario today.

    And don't delude yourself of what others think..Thai or farang..

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    25 years ago?

    The demographics were far different,

    Was there a BTS and an MRT?

    How many 30 year olds had cars back then?

    Fact: No matter your age,

    if you look good, (not fat and unkempt) dont act like their parents,

    can handle younger girls in bed, and in treat them well, both privately, and in public, they will be interested,

    it's their nature, and if they are attracted, you know it, you also know it, if they aren't.

    or, maybe you wouldn't.

    Being with younger women is nothing new to many of us.

    you asked the wrong girls, period.

  14. got to laugh at these guys who are 50+ and think a 20 year age range isn't a big deal.

    you are all delusional.

    I could ask any girl my age or a little older if they would want to be in a relationship with a guy that old and they will all say "fuc_k NO"

    unless you look like george clooney, or you present an immense financial disparity, where they can benefit. Otherwise, they will find the idea revolting and their friends would make fun of them about it.

    50/30 = financial based relationship in most cases considering there are not to many george clooneys running around....

    not going to judge you, just giving the honest truth about it. if she is happy and you are happy, then i don't really give a fuc_k what you do. just don't delude yourself about it.

    You would be dead wrong.

    In my 40's, most of my girlfriends were in their mid 20's. why?

    The same reasons the girls in their 30's wants at guy 50,

    Because we offer them a stability and security they cannot get easily in their age group,

    and we can stimulate them in many ways beyond the obvious.

    Dead wrong, this was before I came to Thailand,

    Here its a national imperative it seems

  15. I know this was for "52".

    But 52 and I have some things in common, so, I just want to ask,

    whats better, living with a young 52, who is taking care of the expenses and seed money for her future,

    or sitting with a number on her blouse, wondering if another 8 hour shift will go by, without a customer?


    If you must judge people, it should be by their individual actions, their beliefs and the size of their dreams,

    if they even have any,

    bar girls want to pay off their scooter, and make it home alive,

    I have sampled a few in Chiang Mai, and found them to be fearful of their future, but not ashamed of who they are,

    they seemed to be happy to be working at all, and seemingly picking their own poison,

    by the way,

    the customers they had to deal with in those bars, was pretty gross, by anyone's "standards"

  16. I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

    By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

    The border begins at the northwesternmost point of Minnesota's Northwest Angle 49°23′N, 95°09′W, and proceeds in an easterly direction through the Angle Inlet into the Lake of the Woods. At 41°19′N, 94°48′W in the Lake of the Woods, the border turns to a southerly direction, and continues into the Rainy River. The border then follows the Rainy River to Rainy Lake, then subsequently through a numerous amount of small


    I didn't want an encyclopedic discourse on the entire border.

    I said I don't believe you yourself personally have knowledge of specific location(s) in Canada where a foreigner could drive off the highway, put a boat in the water and head over to the US side without being detected by the authorities and their countermeasure systems nor reported by the locals.

    I'm asking for a specific pinned location, for example:


    Next time I want to bring in one of my teeraks without bothering with the paperwork - or maybe a nuclear suitcase bomb - I'll give it a try.

    (to the TLA watchers notified by the above keywords- just kidding I swear!! )

    Once upon a time certain spirits where cheaper in Canada than the USA (tax). Also sometimes there are beer strikes in Canada. There are many reasons that one might want to cross the border. An American would never say macadam btw.

    However, anyone who plays hockey would know the &lt;deleted&gt;***** lakes freeze. An iceboat would be fine almost anywhere and not many police snow mobiles can keep up with a 60 mph iceboat (sail, quiet). Or skate across. That's one of the things that made prohibition so funny; ice. In the winter walk across the river in the summer swim. I gave you the coordinates so you can see where the distance across the border are, "spitting distance."

    Boating in the great lakes makes border crossings an odd event. I guess some people report in but I've crossed so many hundreds of times and I don't even have a vague idea of where to go to file some paperwork or get searched. It's not like there is a metal scanner on the gas dock of the fishing hut in Northern Canada.

    Not one single person that I know that regularly uses Lake Ontario, reports back in,

    They said, the reporting, was done a phone on a pole

  17. Getting someone else involved when it's obvious your intention is to cross over illegally seems overly risky to me.

    I'm talking about foreigners having their own boat on a trailer, putting it into the water at a spot in Canada, and crossing over without anyone reporting them.

    If it's really that easy what are we spending billions on "border security" for?

    Canadians can do that, all day long,

    It is Americans,. who cannot dock

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