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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. If, I was a woman, I would never come near you.

    You are complicated, uncertain of yourself, quite immature.

    You aren't a woman and news flash, they may not take the same view of it.

    I am a woman and the post does not strike me as at all immature, much the opposite.

    Nor did it suggest to me a lack of self-confidence (takes a fair amount of self-confidence actually to be willing to put such personal details out there). My take is rather that as someone who has never lived in Thailand but having heard all the horror stories of relationships gone bad here (especially ones through online dating sites) , he has some realistic concerns and wants to bounce them off of people who do live here.

    As for complicated -- most women consider that a plus. Complicated = depth = interesting. Something too few men are....

    Now please guys, behave yourselves. If you don't want to read a post of this length, then - don't read it. If you don't have something useful to say then - don't say anything. Simple, really.

    haha Costa got owned by a western girl.. clap2.gif

    It gets kind of boring in this sausage fest at times and some female input is always welcome.

    So, women are the reason for the "it's complicated" relationship status in facebook, I knew there was some logic to that!

  2. I have done my own 'study'

    I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

    What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

    Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

    But how would he know what happens after he passes out?

    ie., does she stay home? would he even know, or care?

    I actually had a friend whose thai wife is 42 and he 68, and he cheats as much as he can an actually told me, he wouldnt care of she had a b/f on the side; she doesn't and wouldn't

    that is a great gal,

    he is just a dope

    Scarpolo, relax mate, I was being sarcastic.

    No worries,

    I was casting about on my friend and his mistreatment of his wife,

    I needed her to be a translator at the onset of my relationship, but the price tag was too high

    In order for his relationship to not blow up with me as the fuse,

    and thus the blame, I cut off a 27 year friendship, to not only his surprise, but, also his wife and my g/f

    and this is the person I came to thailand to visit

    eventually, I expect a Lorena Bobbitt story from his next of kin.

    Its bad enough he cheats and mistreats her and she drinks and complains,

    once he started using me to cover his whereabouts and wanted to use the 2nd bedroom of my luxury condo to bring his "thai love links and tagged" dalliances, I backed away and cut off communication.

    It was the only way to live "in truth" and, I had to show her, I wasn't the same.

  3. I have done my own 'study'

    I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....

    What a class act! No doubt you are really proud of yourself and you wife is such a lucky woman.

    Let me guess, "You've been drinking on the steps of the local 7 eleven again ?

    But how would he know what happens after he passes out?

    ie., does she stay home? would he even know, or care?

    I actually had a friend whose thai wife is 42 and he 68, and he cheats as much as he can an actually told me, he wouldnt care of she had a b/f on the side; she doesn't and wouldn't

    that is a great gal,

    he is just a dope

  4. Thai girls are primitive by Western standards, and unsophisticated, so it is not unusual for them to display jealousy both fiercely and sometimes dangerously. The more sophisticated we are, the less likely we are to display the selfish emotion of jealousy ...

    - the Magician

    Just to capture this stunning piece written by the Forums newest sociologist ... facepalm.gif

    I disagree completely with the statement that Thai girls are primitive....

    They are surely in touch with their primal needs, but that's because "daddy" isn't around to help them, and in many cases, never was

    I find them more evolved psychologically and spiritually, and perhaps emotionally, than the vast majority of "western girls"

    AND< they havent been "spoiled" yet, but it's coming.

    just look at who are the new stores at the malls,

    all france, and USA.....all needless and senseless fashion and cosmetics

    today's televison has two thais amonsgt a group, one is wearing an Atlanta Falcons tee shirt, the other a Washington Senators cap.

    neither know either

    they are becoming slaves to the consumer debt god,

    to top it off, I saw a kid on a scooter in Laos wearing a NY Giants cap.

  5. Love full stop. is a con job perpetrated on males by their mothers from an early age and reinforced by almost every song they hear.

    The male of the species comes to believe that he will one day meet the perfect girl of his dreams and fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

    The female knows this and takes full advantage of it.

    Reality is mostly different, hands up those who have been through it and are in their second or third go.

    Yes it does actually exist and hopefully you find it.

    I already went the "love" from home route a few times in the States,

    2 marriages, 2 kids, 2 LTR's and a few hot affairs, they were all "that" love,

    I am not falling for anything like that, for now, and have interests back home still,


    I am not desiring that roller coaster again,

    just trying to figure out this particular one, and her overly cautious nature, and if it is over come with time,

    or, is it just a waste of time, hers too

    1. You obviously have a problem maintaining relationships.

    2. If she was a bar girl it is doomed to fail anyway.

    3. Taking the first 2 points into consideration discussion would be futile.

    Pathetic response actually, as:

    1) You can "maintain" an old car forever, but eventually, they rust and you are "throwing good money after bad"

    Traders know too well that if you do not cut your losses, they only get worse

    2) She wasn't a bar girl. Not that there is anything wrong with it.

    In fact, she doesn't go to bars, without a group of friends, and then, she doesn't drink anyway because she drives

    3) Attempting a conversation with a closed mind, is worse

    • Like 1
  6. If you want an Island, don't particularly want to swim (most Thai girls don't want to) ... try this.

    My Thai gf and I visited here ... koh-sichang-boring-or-brilliant

    South of Bangkok ... north of Pattaya.

    Not many Westerners .. we didn't see any for the couple of days we were there.

    I have a thai g/f, and just want the beach, and her. I have no interest in anyone from the west or being in the tourist areas...

    She speaks the language, I like the food, its all good in LOS

    • Like 1
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have done my own 'study'

    I came home tonight pissed out of my head, Knocked the wife's legs apart and went for 'glory' and she didn't want a Thai man when I blew my coutarde d' amoure in her....so ;eave that shit to Stickman.....


    You're just telling people that you can't take your drink and your wife is middle-aged and your marriage is childless.

    It's all there in glorious black and white.

    Maybe, but it's full of love....unlike I'd say yours is given you're making wild guesses on other people's lives at 9pm on a Saturday night....

    I hope you didn' follow through again beforehand!

    Did he state whether or not she "expressed" her love?

  8. post-192707-0-28403800-1393093614_thumb.

    If I may help here to answer first question about Thai woman love.

    My experience with my g/f was exactly as I read other experienced and open minded guys articles somewhere else.

    Patience , patience, patience...

    As about our money..???? I must say I do not have one... really.

    My age is 61 and g/f 37 ...

    She has own hairdresser business and comes from very poor family... very poor.

    I am her first farang who was very hard to trust after she learned from society what we are doing in Thailand...

    I forgot....She found me... on Thailovelinks.com and not me...

    I tried to invite her to my country for vacation and she refused and does not want to talk about it. She just love own country and job she is doing.

    I was so impatient and trying to break up with her 4 times even before I met her personally but always I had to change my mind when she start to cry.... ( now I just learned why I should not be angry on her .. simply I did not understand many things in her culture )

    I am not the soft type of guy ok. I lost everything after 2 marriages with 2 western woman...just imagine how am I sensitive on bull...t.

    To make long story short ... I showed her my true intentions and acted exactly same way as to western woman ....and guess what now ?

    She is no different then western woman..with a little difference that it took me long time to hear from her words "I love you and missed you"

    Decent Thai woman does not say those words very openly even if she show it other way. But it happened finally and she is showing it on daily bases same as western woman.

    Yes, yes , yes Thai girl need love and she is not a different to western woman at all except she knows you soon will be sick and old not having much money at all . Ask yourself if western woman would do the same????

    In fact Thai woman does not get it from Thai man that much we are western man used to express it to our woman and to them... they just love it.

    When Thai girl/woman finally trust you, she will be with you to your last days ....if you western spoiled man do not &lt;deleted&gt;..k up OK.

    To finalize it ;

    I can only say this... My Thai princess is with me everyday on internet based programs including viber a 3 -4 times a day worrying about everything wrong could happened to me when I am overseas or even in Thailand.

    In my 60's I would never expect so much love from much younger woman not to mention I am her 2 b/f in her life .(first changed his gender hehe)

    Hey guy ..she knows that I am broke...and even if I propose her little help with our green money she feel offended..(She is very proud woman and.I must be very careful now to try to "help"with my little money)

    If I could show you her photos you probably could not believe me one word I wrote...heheh. she is just so beautiful that I am just feelings lucky old fart.

    Guys I gave her my last best feelings and she is paying back with even more now.

    That's the life.

    To be honest !!!!!! why we are looking for woman in different country to ours ????

    Don't try to tell me that they after our money ....


    Never forget what kind of image we printed about our western nature in Thailand

    Hence do not expect miracles and if any happens to you be happy.

  9. Now dating a gorgeous 32 year old Thai girl, no kids (requirement for me) who grew up in the States. Sooooo much easier in every way. She has a new CRV, condo downtown, family owns 6 Family Marts in Bangkok. Completely obsessed with sex everyday….I couldn't be happier. It was just a matter of continuing to look and getting a lucky break.


    Actually, no, I'm not lying. Feel free to PM me and I would be happy to introduce you, provided you buy the beers.smile.png (Of course, should he then realize I'm not lying, he will not retract his comment, but whatever…)

    And why would I lie? I have no reason for doing so...

    So you'd have us believe that a self-confessed short, bald, unattractive man can go from happily dating a schoolteacher, dumping her because she won't wear skirts that show off her crotch to now dating a "gorgeous" 32 year old with a CRV, a downtown condo and an insatiable libido?

    Ok well,

    First, that CRV was bought on credit - you'll be paying for that soon enough

    Second, that condo was bought with the Thai equivalent of a sub-prime mortgage - you'll be paying for that soon enough

    Third, while it's not beyond the realms of possibility that a "gorgeous" 32 year old would be into dating Mr. Wimpy/Elmer Fudd - even a buff one - I doubt that she's been won over by your sparkling personality.

    Methinks this is either gonna cost you or it'll be over inside a month.

    PS . . . isn't it funny how people make a big fuss out of dating women with means in Thailand when the West is chock full of them.

    The West, is LOADED with women with their own means,

    the problem is,

    this makes them less "desirable"

    their demands are far too great for what they are giving there, AND, and this is a BIG AND, it usually takes them well into their 40's to get anywhere (same w men), by then, they aren't "pretty" to most of us, and, some are already grandmothers

    girls in their 30's in the US, are not yet flocking to guys in their 50's or more, unless they are LOADED,

    that can be taken to mean they are so drunk they dont care,

    or the guy is so loaded financially, that neither of them care

    Thailand, let's face it, permits men, of any age, to do "better" than he was in the west,

    And, I hear you on the balloon mortgage, and IMHO, there is some major shit gonna hit the fam in Thailand soon, collapsing their fairy tale economy which was being adjusted lower, every month since i got here 6 mo ago from their unsustainably rosy forecasts

    I expect SE Asia to make it thru the currency adjustment coming to the US, but, the FED was warned by the IMF, to beware of the "damage" even the talk of tapering was doing, so, you can forget the taper, it is Weimar to the rescue,

    Thailand is sinking,

    the USA already drowning,

    If I thought a pretty 32 year old, was going to be interested in me in the States, I would still be there, AND,

    I would have to be able to put up with the highly, no grossly inflated prices for everything there, and those days are over

  10. Now dating a gorgeous 32 year old Thai girl, no kids (requirement for me) who grew up in the States. Sooooo much easier in every way. She has a new CRV, condo downtown, family owns 6 Family Marts in Bangkok. Completely obsessed with sex everyday….I couldn't be happier. It was just a matter of continuing to look and getting a lucky break.


    Actually, no, I'm not lying. Feel free to PM me and I would be happy to introduce you, provided you buy the beers.smile.png (Of course, should he then realize I'm not lying, he will not retract his comment, but whatever…)

    And why would I lie? I have no reason for doing so...

    So you'd have us believe that a self-confessed short, bald, unattractive man can go from happily dating a schoolteacher, dumping her because she won't wear skirts that show off her crotch to now dating a "gorgeous" 32 year old with a CRV, a downtown condo and an insatiable libido?

    Ok well,

    First, that CRV was bought on credit - you'll be paying for that soon enough

    Second, that condo was bought with the Thai equivalent of a sub-prime mortgage - you'll be paying for that soon enough

    Third, while it's not beyond the realms of possibility that a "gorgeous" 32 year old would be into dating Mr. Wimpy/Elmer Fudd - even a buff one - I doubt that she's been won over by your sparkling personality.

    Methinks this is either gonna cost you or it'll be over inside a month.

    PS . . . isn't it funny how people make a big fuss out of dating women with means in Thailand when the West is chock full of them.

    That can't possibly be the same person who posted he went back to the bar girls?

    I think there is a confusion, unless, it is just me

  11. '...You are assuming love is the same to all Thai girls and of course, it is not. Just as in Western girls, some might be conservative/shy, others might demonstrate their love openly and in public, freely. Each girl will express her love differently. No two are the same, which makes it interesting.

    Thai girls are primitive by Western standards, and unsophisticated, so it is not unusual for them to display jealousy both fiercely and sometimes dangerously. The more sophisticated we are, the less likely we are to display the selfish emotion of jealousy which is usually more to do with saving face than with a deep feeling for you. Displays of jealously, whether with a Western or Thai girl, should NEVER be mistaken for a love of you. It is entirely an emotion self-centred on the person displaying the jealousy. Foreign men with long-term Thai girlfriends or Thai wives convince themselves that either they are special, or more usually, their Thai partner is one-in-a-million different. She isn't and you are deluded! No matter, if you're happy. It's not my bank account or my life to worry just how badly you are getting screwed.

    It is not uncommon for a Thai girl/woman to ditch their partner when/if the money runs out, so where is the love there?...Although this can also happen in Western relationships or there would be no such thing as a prenup (prenuptial)!

    For me, the divide between even the most educated Thai from an illustrious background and my upbringing and background is so vast I know it could never work long-term, so I have fun but always leave my heart at home. Have I been tempted? A dozen times a day, but it could never work...And if you think it can work or you think it has worked, you're kidding yourself. I have been here too long and know too many failed relationships,often over a long term, to be convinced otherwise. Nevertheless, don't let me stop you from living the Thai dream. HINT: 'It's called the Thai dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

    As for these men who treat their Thai women like slaves; They have them clean their feet and clip their toenails; wash their back in the shower, put toothpaste on the brush for them...Shame on you - SHAME ON YOU! I would be SO EMBARRASSED to let ANYONE do these things for me, even if I was incapacitated. MAN UP! If you LOVE your Thai partner YOU, YES YOU should be doing these things for HER! The question should be; " What is love to a farang man with a Thai girl and how does HE express it?" - theMagician

    You are asking for a whole lot of truth there pard-ner.

    I am not sure it is forthcoming on an internet chat site,

    but, I am among them liberated men, and understand, the female is a requirement for a real life, with all that they provide

    it is up to us, MEN, to lead them, to their happiness......

    Thai girls want to rule, at least this one does, and she does for the most part, it is her home, her car, her life that I have entered and highly disrupted,

    is there a financial component,, of course there is,

    that is what we, who can; will do, for love

  12. Lots of girls think the way to show it is to be pathologically jealous.

    Even if deep down they know and expect, even accept that most of us just can't handle monogamy, they're afraid if they show you they accept it that you'll think they don't really love you.

    Goes the other way too, if you let them know you're OK with them fooling around, it takes a lot of convincing that that doesn't mean you don't really "love" them too.

    These deeply ingrained cultural mores are a real challenge to overcome.

    I got a full dose of that act from the Brazialian I was married to for 9 years, will NEVER not recognize that insanity again,

    This one, isn't jealous, that I know of, yet....

    Did state her reason for being single, was not wanting to be "number 2" to all those who offered her condo's etc...

    Also, her "job" precludes her from being honest with her friends,

    this double life business is ok with me, short term, but goes nowhere long term, even a blind man can see that

    I'm just reading this 9-page thread and maybe asking this prematurely but does the job make the girl lie or is it a natural defensive reaction?


    somehow, probably shame, she kept this far away from her core friends

    she has never associated with her co workers,

    never changed employers, worked in a very high end place, and came and went as she pleased. (sic.) amassing a great deal of assets, for a thai with a diploma.

    she lies to her friends that she doesn't work, and doesn't need money due to investments gained from a past relationship.

    I do know, she bought properties and investments with a former wealthy thai boyfriend, who never told his family where she worked, so, when he got caught cheating, they split, and the investment homes in the north, are solely hers.

    She didnt take on another boyfriend for 3 years,until me, she said, because, it wasnt worth the hassle,

    She could have as much sex as she wanted, safely, deny access to any man he didnt want, including the former boyfriend,

    There is quite a bit of control involved in her world, and she maintains this dual life, with only her mother knowing what she was doing.

    This is a shameful position for her, and she doesnt like it, but the money she was making, and the lifestyle it granted her, including taking months off at a time, is was too good for her to leave,

    She claims she hates when other men touched her, and, I was one of them and got to see the "act"

    She is a professional, in every sense of the word, including, world class driver in thailand

    I also have had the pleasure of her escorting me to Laos, for my Visa, and being with a Thai girl, wherever we go, has always benefitted me in thailand and in laos,

  13. She calls me "My Love", all the time and anywhere.

    Keep telling her my name is Costas, and I get the answer........Yes, my love.

    She loves me muchthumbsup.gif

    Our experience is very similar. When my beloved speaks with her friends, she may use my name or call me husband. This incrediable woman has been more instrumental at making me a better man, than my beautiful and now grown children. Even my dear parents. Words escape me to fully express. In this life have known many good and loving people. Perhaps my long deceased wife had to endure some of the same hardships? However nobody but my eldest son has ever spoken to my soul in this manner and with such self sacrifice, to wake me up. With deeds, not words. Life has taken on new and higher meaning. That is how she expresses it. To also mention, I can be no less the buffon than the next man. Chokh Di.

    I lift my glass to your openess,

    as well as our male collective, buffoonery

    sometimes, they really are giving us their all,

    and we are too wounded from the past, to realize it

  14. I maintain that generally Thai women prefer Thai men; farangs are a career choice & some mixed couples try harder than others to make it work as a relationship but 'at the end of the day' (comes the night & we all go home) the insular nature of Thai society prevails - they (the Thais) don't as a rule live in an 'international' world like what we westerners do!

    Apart from that you don't have to be homosexual to see that most Thai guys, aside from being Thai, like the girls, i.e finding the same things funny, having been brought up in a similar way (socialisation), have got great looking bodies!

    So wisen-up chappies, get a grip, see it as it is - It took me a very long time!

    I agree,

    generally, they prefer Thai men, and this girl has obviously never had anything by thai boyfriends, and her friends are thai, there isnt a farange, in any picture on 4 years of her facebook,

    How she expects, if she even does to integrate me into her soclal life, escapes me, and probably her as well.

    One thing though, clearly she is trying to adjust, wants to understand words I use repeatedly, and then gives me the Thai version, and we repeat them until we learn them,

    expectation management is key, in any relationship from business to friendships

    if I didnt start out wanting to be a good friend for her, she probably wouldnt have ever replied to me,

    as it is, I had to emply my friends wife, to call her for me, as I doubt I would have gotten her to meet us, and, in fact,

    she only agreed to meet with me, because there would be a thai woman there

  15. Many Thai woman live a double kind of life meaning that the foreigner is foreign to her and so she talks and acts differently then when she is alone with other Thai's. She speaks their language and with that, can understand, comprehend and let her true inner most feelings known. Being with a foreigner man everything is a different kind of experience. Her relationship with another Thai man will most likely not be the same as with a foreigner. Words are powerful and if you know how to speak with a woman she can feel many different things, even can fall in love.

    Many Thai women look for security, money, good food which are the basics for most every person. However, I believe you can know if they love you or have deep feelings for you, you will see it in their actions. As for me and my girlfriend of 5 years, I see the love she has for our 2 year old daughter. She is not a person that asks for money except to go eat some THAI food or pay for something that's common to us, our family. For example: money for laundry, gas for motorbike, milk for the baby. Everything else I take care of and pay such as food, medical, housings, education, etc... Does she "love" me? The answer is yes!

    Any girl/woman that has any brains and cares about her needs being met and if she is treated with love and respect, and when the needs of her family are met will "love" you don't you think?

    What are your expectations?

    Do you want a woman to hang all over you or tell you how much she loves you because you're the best partner she ever been with? Every girl is an individual and they all grow up having different experiences. That carries over into their adulthood.

    If you feel that she cares for you and she doesn't have eyes for another guy, if she doesn't always ask or talk about money, if she doesn't waste your money, if she respects you and watches your back in a foreign country, if she sings in the shower then most likely she loves you for all that you mean to her.

    I am good with all of the above,

    And, like most females, they require tangible evidence of caring for them,

    and that is basically financial.

    It was the same for me with my last two wives, I find it completely natural

  16. I talk to one thai girl non stop all day and all night, we some time fight and I try to ignore her for a day but we are soon chatting like nothing happened

    i sometime try to get her to love me and sweet talk her but she wont bite lol

    i don't know about love, sure its great until u bang her blow ur load and lose the urge to REALLY show your love untill a few days later

    but not many ppl here talk about awesome friend ship

    any comments on this

    Many men confuse on line relationships with real relationships. I used to feel sorry for a lady who did dances for her husband when he was off shore (all the boys on the boat were watching) till one night I found out she was not alone when she was dancing but the other guys were out of the cam viewing area.

    Gee whiz,

    I surely hope that only real human interacting relationships are what we are talking about, excepting the prior poster.

    Online, you are having a relationship;

    wiith your self

  17. After you've downloaded and subtitled (in English) House of Cards Season One she gang-watches it with you, then discusses its plot twists with you and pesters you to finish subtitling Season Two so she can watch that.

    While she's watching this thing she stops any phrasing that she doesn't understand and asks you to translate it.

    She communicates.

    She knits you a stunning cable-knit pullover for your trip back to the Old Country. She learns how to make a cracking good del Monaco style Caesar salad. She learns the names of various wines and suggests them with the right food when you're out. She teaches the kid to maintain a lady's decorum right up until the closing play in the courtship.

    She only WAIS you or anybody else when it's appropriate and when she means it.

    And once in a while, in the bedroom she'll shock the hell out of you in the bedroom with something she says she's never done before but has always wanted to try.

    She develops a taste for cheese because you agree that like the anchovies in a Caesar, som tam without pla ra to pull everything together is just vanilla.

    She saves money.

    She holds your values in some elevated regard and respects you for having them.

    And when you do the same she knows what you are doing.

    She raises the kid to be proud of herself, to respect herself and to chose her friends wisely.

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

    You may want to hold the achovies,

    they are probably Fukashima fries..

    Same wtih any pacific fish

    • Like 1
  18. Now dating a gorgeous 32 year old Thai girl, no kids (requirement for me) who grew up in the States. Sooooo much easier in every way. She has a new CRV, condo downtown, family owns 6 Family Marts in Bangkok. Completely obsessed with sex everyday….I couldn't be happier. It was just a matter of continuing to look and getting a lucky break.


    As paul harvey would say,

    and now, "the rest of the story"

  19. Scarpolo ...

    as long as you understand the language barrier exists ... even when you speak the same language ...

    Yes, I am fully aware of the Men are from Mars women are from outer space reality

    Right now,

    She and her friend are trying to understand why I walk barefoot in the grass, but wear shoes inside.

    (they are house shoes only, to protect from the marble floors)

    They just aren;t understanding the value of standing, or lying, in the grass

  20. Yeah? sin sod is designed to extract precious paper from a foreigners pocket, actually its in place because of the power of the pussy, men will pay to get into it.

    I think its amazing how many Thai women live years with a Thai guy and not marry, it also amazes me how traditional Thai women get when there dating a farang.

    Why are you making payments for dads pick up?

    You know what? if i was going to pay sin sod for a beautiful Thai girl id expect that she would be worth paying for, as one former TGF said to me when she was trying to show me what i was getting for my money, you get an educated woman with a masters degree with well paid job working in a multi national company under 30 and a virgin when i met you,, now she had a strong case.

    Agreed, all they have to do is say they are "engaged"

  21. If you think you might be leaving to the point she's picking up on that, IMO you're not doing it right.

    Either be in it full-tilt do your best to make it work and of course that includes making her feel happy and secure.

    Or cut the cord and let her move on with her life, don't forget her clock is ticking, to string it out just because you're getting what you want but plan to move on is IMO very unfair to her.

    I was in that mode until last night,

    she disclosed, while drunk, that she has a lack of trust in me,

    and that is the reason I havent met her "real" friends,

    remember, she lives a dual life, and has girlfriends from grade school that she hangs with and is in touch with near daily,

    who do not know her occupation.


    so, I am being hidden, and although I didnt ask to meet them,

    which I dont mind actually, it is probably better for me, because of the age difference, but,

    it is the lack of trust,

    I see red flags everywhere from that after 4 months, that should have eased more,

    and it is also her ultra conservativeness, which I dont quite get:

    I dont want to feel like I am forcing anyone to do anything, and, I am not Thai.


    you can't come from the sex industry and be a prude,

    these things do not jibe

    Of course they do.

    She plans on re-entering mainstream Thai society sometime, probably soon by the sound of it.

    Disclosing she has a farang boyfriend is a ONE-TIME deal, she can't do it until she's 100% sure you're going to be "the one".

    Otherwise she's immediately out of the closet as a sex-worker in the eyes of mainstream society, one farang BF then husband with a good enough cover story will fly, but more than one, when people already probably have their suspicions, won't fly at all.

    It isn't her that's being a prude, her culture is stuck in 100-years ago Victoriana, and it's very rare to find a girl willing to try to buck the system unless she's from a wealthy background and can afford to.

    Spot on again.

    She is making sure it is the ONE TIME PASS,

    even said so, in the very same language, that she "wants to be sure"

    One of her best friends is beginning to insist on a double date....

    Apparently that pressure has been ongoing since before I moved in with her,

    She hasn't told anyone that yet and its nearly 3 months, although, it is possible, her mother "knows"

  22. Mine expresses her love for me by putting up with me.

    I wouldn't put up with me and often wonder why she does.

    I can only be love.

    Are you sure it's not all about the money?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Probably...can you lend us a tenner while payday?

    I am sorry, I don't think I can. I have to get my hair done, my nails done, my shopping done, and I have my mommy, daddy, grandma, siss and bros back home waiting for me to send them money, luckily I don't have kids but I do have a long list relatives also asking for money. I think you need to give me money.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    if that is truly your picture,

    I am 100% certain,

    your honesty about your needs whilst bring about you,

    many the the man of "his" dreams ;-)

    Yes, honestly it is me, why are people giving me a hard time about my avatar or my nationality? It is starting to bug me now, really.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I only said something becuase it is a picture of cute girl,

    and there are some men here, with avatars of females, and they are clearly not.

    I am happy you have joined in, and hope you are treated with respect here

    • Like 2
  23. If she is a bargirl read "Private Dancer."

    If not, read "Thailand Fever."

    Better yet, read both!

    You know, thus far, I've gotten on fine without reading either selection.

    Sort of worked it out for myself ... with a little help for the old-timers here*

    * Said with respect to those who walked that road before me and put up the signposts.

    I have received a wealth of knowledge in a very short amount of time from TV, and not just this thread.

    I created this thread because I was questioning her commitment based on my own misunderstanding of how they show their feelings, which; many have agreed, they don't.

    We have spoken about it and its the mothers indoctrination....the mother, VERY old school,

    it will not change....she has even said, she has wanted to change, but it is too deeply ingrained, so, I will work "around it"

    She has also admittted she has missed on relationships with men she liked, because she was "ashamed" to say anything, and neither did they, even though she knew the guy liked her, but because of her upbringing, the guy never knew she liked him back, and thus, the guy thought she didnt like him......really, this is all junior high school, except, at least in jr high, or high school, the girl would put someone up as the pilot to float the trail balloon,

    they must not have that in the subtitles here, which is the only place they learn about "our" culture, which they want to model on the outside,

    but can't understand us on the inside,

    heck, we don't even understand ourselves,

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