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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Thai women are no different than any other woman. I was married to one for 37 years and we drifted apart and got divorced. I have two college educated bilingual daughters here in the Us and four young grandsons. I speak Thai fluently - for 40 years. Things that are wrong with Thai women are the same things that might bother you with women elsewhere. Treat them like the girl you loved in high school and you will have a lasting and fun time. Different language and culture, but they respond to manly courtesies just like women everywhere do....my opinion.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    More like junior high school,

    but I agree with you, fully

  2. Thai girls odnt love the falang it is hes money and only hes money - I dont understand why so many are so crazy after marry a thai woman - to say it frankly they are useless .

    you can not ask them about anything cause they dont know anything -even a masterdegree thai hardly knows where USA or Europe it

    Thet are interested in Thailand only - brainwashed by a sick system with lack of intilligence.

    Many seems to thing they wil be living in a dream paradise with their " thai family" - forget it. you are tolerated and accepted but never a part of their closed society.

    I have meet ladys from otehr Asians neighbourhoods which hare much clever -

    They are not interested if you cna speak 5 langueges fluently or the system in your country

    The are interested in their own foods,their own sick soap operas TV movies-

    they dont want to try your " falang food" they dont like it even they never tasted it

    The listen to their own " music" - and to the monks which rip them of for money and they seem themselves as a kind of " upperclass " among other asian countries

    forget it you wil never be able to have a thai after european style she has no respect for you but she will have respect for her thai husband whom are often a drunken violent perosn with monkey brain who dont want to work - but run around with other women ..

    I wil never nver involved my self with a thai - then your worst nightmare will begin,

    sorry if Io ffende any - but its the sad thruth ,,

    Horribly wrong, but you are entitled to feel the way you do....

    All I hear everywhere I go, is American music, sometimes horribly copied by a Thai, but most times, in every mall, I hear American music artists, the younger generation wearing mostly American fashions, jeezus, if I can count how many girls I have seen wearing shirts that say Brooklyn on them, and have no idea that Brooklyn is actually a place people live, and where many ex-pats actually come from,

    my thai g/f has slowly been switching to beef, as I won't eat pork or any of the fish from the pacific anymore,

    is trying to adjust to being with an american, which is apparently a lot different than the falange they are used to, (UK) (Australia)

    and, all her music on her USB in her car, is mostly American or pop rock, sung by Americans,

    on the occasions she has played thai music, it has been thai rock music, which to me, as a guitar player, all sounds great,

    you may be too old, or too young to make an adjustment to a younger thai woman,

    we can understand that, but not an attack on them as idiots,

    when it comes to matters of the heart, I find them to be an advanced people....I have also met several male thai musicians, and have found it very easy to become friends, even though, we can barely converse

  3. Scarpolo, I am experienced in these things and have thought about it a great deal my self.

    As in the fallang world relationships fall apart but I am sure they are taken a lot more lightly in Thailand, at least among the ladys you will meet in the bar areas.

    Protect yourself both emotionally and financially but stay with it, not easy to do and requires a lot of independence mentally.

    Your lady probably does love you a lot --today!.

    Well said,

    I know she loves me,

    she is treated very well...very respectfully, and always lovingly,

    there is a patience factor that she brings out, that I wish my last wife was able to accomplish with me,

    with her, I lost patience because of her complete lack of self respect, and barrage of negative self talk,

    with the thai girl, she is all dignity, and all about her love of her family, and generally a very happy and very positive thinker....

    this commands respect, and a rise to challenge my own relationship limitations, for my own personal growth...

    if I wasn't constantly brought into the "higher self" mode, this wouldn't be a relationship I would be pursuing

  4. With all due respect, from the sound of your posts:

    I would suggest that she is paranoid and not willing to give her heart to you as she senses, at least from what I have read in your post that you are not "totally in the game" yourself. Meaning that you do not trust her. As others have said, Thai girls are no different than any other in the world. If they do not sense commitment and trust, they sure as heck are not going to give you any in return and I do not blame them.

    Add to this the stigma and hurdle that all decent farongs have to get past, I call it the the "pump and run" farong, I do not blame any of the Thai girls for being scared, from Bar Girl to Master's degree Grad for being overly cautious headed into any long term relationship. Having a weekend grind is one thing. Finding someone that you want and desire to be with forever and committing yourself to them is quite another thing. .

    Yeah, been in more than a few relationships in my life myself.

    Based on these past relationships though, none more pure than what I have now with my beautiful Thai wife. Very honest and open as far as I am concerned. May last forever, may blow up down the road, but I have no complaints and trust her 100% and because of this, I at least suspect, that she trusts me. While it could all blow up in my face I know is that I refuse to go through life looking over my shoulder waiting for things to fall apart and tend to be forward thinking in this regard. I am happy, She is happy, trust is earned over time.

    No, my wife was not a bar girl, she has a masters degree in economics and comes from a solid family, having said that, I have many friends that have wives that were and they have a great life, and their wives are great and very appreciative of their husbands. I also am honest enough to know that education or past work history has little bearing on fidelity or life down the road. The only difference is that you may have to work a little harder to earn her trust if she was in the game. Again though, if you yourself are not 100% in the game, sure as heck do not expect her to be anywhere close to committed to you. She just sees you as another short time Charlie.

    Life is Short, This is not a dress rehersal........................................................

    She is committed, I am living in her home.

    Her cautions were better expressed by Wym, when he stated she had to be very careful about her image with her friends, if in two months we split apart...

    She confirmed that, word for word last night to me......

    It has slowly drifted through her best friends, that she is with an older american and, at least one has seen a picture of me, and was surprised that I didn't look "older" (obviously, not a morning before coffee shot)

    With the help of the posters here, and with the input I receive from her directly,

    I can see a oinch of self sabotage, based on past relationships, and a misreading of what I thought was distrust, to fear of cultural backlash

    In any event, I am happy she spoke to her best friend this morning, after the makeup sessions of last night and this morning, TMI, I know, and not after, as it brought her a sense of calmness and security, that wasn't apparent the previous days....and she was able to discuss our misunderstandings, calmly and laugh about them, as her friend, told her to just relax..

    sometimes a few too many beers can tilt the thoughts process too......on either side,.

    I once confused her wanting to give me privacy at times while I worked, as not wanting to be with me....

    or not wanting to stay the night one night with me in my condo, because she thought I needed the time alone to pack,

    I of course, thought, that meant, she had somewhere else to go, or someone else to be with.....so this trust thing goes both ways.

    it does matter where you meet them, especially if they are in the business...

    it is confusing that she has managed to live a normal and otherwise successful life, despite, or because of the occupation.

    either way, if I was a Saint, I wouldnt be so compatible, so, I am well aware of who and what I am and believe the mates we choose are little more than our own reflection' at the time

    it can be as simply as that

  5. Mine expresses her love for me by putting up with me.

    I wouldn't put up with me and often wonder why she does.

    I can only be love.

    Are you sure it's not all about the money?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Probably...can you lend us a tenner while payday?

    I am sorry, I don't think I can. I have to get my hair done, my nails done, my shopping done, and I have my mommy, daddy, grandma, siss and bros back home waiting for me to send them money, luckily I don't have kids but I do have a long list relatives also asking for money. I think you need to give me money.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    if that is truly your picture,

    I am 100% certain,

    your honesty about your needs whilst bring about you,

    many the the man of "his" dreams ;-)

  6. Perhaps the circumstance in which you met your Thai gf has a lot to do with how she approaches a relationship and what she expects out of it. For example, if a hooker in the States decided to opt out of "the life" and pair with you (a reliable sign of attraction in most circumstances) but didn't have enough education or skills to get a decent job, she might expect financial support as well and you'd be dead wrong if you thought that inappropriate. If that's not the case here, self reflection might go a long way to learn what signals you're sending out. If you haven't resolved that then there is no geographical cure.

    well said

  7. The question could be "what can I get for my money" serious, it can be a good trade. As said in so many posts, they are blessed with many talents; Thai girls can be very kind , smiling, not complicated, caring, and for me most important, they have a calming effect on me. My heart just relaxes every time she is close to me. Whether this is love I will never know and i don't care. It is just perfect the way it is. And for this sweet package, we help her and her family financially. Nothing wrong with that!

    It is indeed, a sweet package

  8. Saying I love you and being affectionate do not come naturally to most of them, but when they love you, you can be sure they will be loyal, honest, faithful, supportive and respect you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    that respect can easily be lost

    it is like success, it is not "transferable"

    it has to be re earned, every time


    Michael Jordan trying to take his physical prowess from the basketball court to the baseball field,

    it didnt really happen for him as he "expected"

    I believe my issues are expectations, which will either adjust, or we fail,

    we are both trying to learn the other's culture

  9. Whatever you can say, those who know can tell; thai girls live is different to other girls love where money comes first, i know many cases where a thai girl lives with a foreigner who takes care of her and may be also her family but behind the girl is having affair with a thai, some men even volontarily accept this kind of situation at least he knows with whom she is doing it. The more money you give her, the more she will show you that she is attracted by you but it is only superficial because the day after she will forget what you did for her. She will control your expenses, you may think that she wants you to save money!!! No she is just scared about nothing or little left for her. Always imagine what will happen at the time you have no more money. You will not be surprised of the number of suicides going on in this country most of the victims are people being well-off before. My advice is that If you can afford buying love then do it, there are thousand ways to do it and what you can for your money, she will not may be give you, you even have the choice of doing it when you feel like and not when you want and she refuses. You have the choice of changing girls when ever you want where as when you are with one this could be a problem. You may want to go out for dinner or any with a nice girl, there are classy young girls working as escorts you can hire for the day or as long as you want. It will cost you less energy, trouble and money to get commited with a single girl whom you beleive belong to you only,.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I know this happens, and I am sure it happens a lot:

    There are also situations where, this shoe won't fit, ie; living in the same home....

    When a woman spends all her time with only you, and is happy, there is little room for cheating, and from what I can tell from her friends, and their lives as I have gotten to knwo them from their facebooks and what she tells me about them,

    they are all monagamous, and what we would call "old school"

    I compare them to America, in the 40's

  10. Love is when you stagger in singing Nellie Dean at 3 am, fall over the dog, slobber all over her as she is sleeping, rub your penis randomly on her in the remote hope she'll find that a turn on, before passing out on the couch, and you still wake up with a blanket on you as well as a glass of OJ next to you when you wake up....and she smiles at you in the morning (though I suspect she wants to take my bank card to Central Bang Na and the new bed she's had her eye on for a while will be arriving later in the week....

    Best of humor ro date for this thread!

  11. Love full stop. is a con job perpetrated on males by their mothers from an early age and reinforced by almost every song they hear.

    The male of the species comes to believe that he will one day meet the perfect girl of his dreams and fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

    The female knows this and takes full advantage of it.

    Reality is mostly different, hands up those who have been through it and are in their second or third go.

    Yes it does actually exist and hopefully you find it.

    I already went the "love" from home route a few times in the States,

    2 marriages, 2 kids, 2 LTR's and a few hot affairs, they were all "that" love,

    I am not falling for anything like that, for now, and have interests back home still,


    I am not desiring that roller coaster again,

    just trying to figure out this particular one, and her overly cautious nature, and if it is over come with time,

    or, is it just a waste of time, hers too

    When I first came to Thailand, many years ago, I had a good lesson in the meaning of sincerity in a relationship, best summed up by the words of David Bowie...

    "Then I ran across a monster who was sleeping

    By a tree.

    And I looked and frowned and the monster was me."

    Width of a Circle

    Very true, and applies to me here, many times,

    but again, it is mostly communication issues, and our mutual lack of understanding of the other's culture,

    which is sort of out of step and American culture, isn't cultural, its more primal, and guttural

  12. How does she express it?

    When I go to the Bathroom, she's already put the toothpaste on my brush.

    I'm laughing here cos my wife does exactly the same thing!
    aww so sweet.. wait is she trying to say u have smelly breath

    floss and brush your tounge guys

    not being mean just what I find

    Not to get to doctoral,

    but it is also a very good idea to use hydrogen perioxide as a mouth rinse, upon waking....

    this is a healthy way of assisting the bacteria and other germs and other accumulated deposits of toxins from the lungs and respiratory tract, which will occur best when laying in sleep position that awaits disposal upon waking,

    anyone just drinking water or coffee without a peroxide rinse, is just washing those toxins that your body worked hard all nite to bring to the surface to escape in your breath and saliva, right back into your blood steam,

    there are also tongue scrapers, which are more effectice than a tongue brush, I havent actually used one in a while, but now that it has come up, its not a bad idea...

    ask any dentist about peroxide rinsing,

    all good dentists will agree

  13. Love. You still believe in that fairytale? The more I see these type of questions asked the more I believe that men have become vaginized. Yes. TBS. Tiny Ball Syndrome. Other than for some physical release in the shortest amount of time possible, why are you guys trying to figure out the mind of a female?

    I call these type of men the WKOP. The White Knights of Poon. Always trying to come to the rescue of some woman who is exploiting them.

    If you want to live her life and throw yours away to keep her happy, by all means, fall in love. If you want the Big Balls lifestyle of freedom and the ability to do whatever you want, then remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life.

    Keep women as fun sexual escapes. No love. No marriage. Have fun. Stop trying to analyze women. Enjoy them for their bodies. The rest let that be AMP. Another Mans Problem.

    Turok, Dioosaur Hunter

    How old are you, is one question I have?

    The other is not a question, but the ancient wisdom teaches that the real key to spiritual power and the path to ascension is found in that very vagina you so easily dismiss as a playground....

    study the Freemasons and the Rosecrucians, and you may learn, women have the temple, we merely enter it, (some of us for longer periods of time than others)

    but they have the temple,

    their feminine energy is required for our growth..

    this is not vaginalization of the male,

    this is the proper use of this vital energy,

    and, if you really delve into the ancient wisdom, you will find that the real power is having them reach their highest state, while we maintain, and do not drop our energy needlessly, or the entire experience is left to the physical world, and you have gained, nothing from those moments,

    it is too deep to get into,

    but no one should be confused,

    I am clear minded in this and secure in my personage, whatever that means, it just occured to me to write that,.

    I don't seek females to fulfill fantasy, or to live a fantasy life, or to play the Knight, (although, I did write a song with Knight in the title)

    They have a power that they provide the male, who knows how to access it, and keep it

    now those living through their penis head, can all go throw up.

    others will understand this, although, you would have to have attained a certain level of ascension,.

    this board has many of both

  14. Love to a Thai girl is the ATM and your fat wallet . She expresses it by getting pissed and shagging other guys.

    Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That is not love

    That is not even sane

    That does sound like a comment that would find better fitting on the Bar Girl from Isaan thread, and HELP!l my girlfriend just left me threads...

    But, your post is authentic, and, may help others that may find themselves in that scenario...

    sounds like a fast trip to HIV

  15. "there is a psychological term for a person who thinks he can "rescue" another person"

    This seems to be the common Pschology explanation!


    What is love

    Good question! and after a lifetime of asking myself the same question, In all honesty I have failed to come up with the definitive answer.I suspect there is no perfect answer to suit everyone, everyone has their own variatians,to suit their own personal outlook! and needs.This very question would make a huge Topic on it's own. Perhaps you would consider Posting this Topic? Im sure there would be a lot of Interest!

    Meanwhile,this link may be a start of the long road of research!


    Majic: this link was too good not to post in its entirety.

    While I believe all of it was 100% on point, I particularly and personally enjoy seeing the word "interdependence" rather than see the age old and tired psychological term "co-dependence"

    It never made any sense to me, as obviously man and woman DO need- each other and become dependent on the other,

    I thought that was the yin yang theory, which apparently was usurped to sell medication.

    What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. love-puzzles.jpgLove can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said Love all

    Depending on the context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But love is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.

    In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it.

    Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect.

    Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection.

    • Like 1
  16. Scarpolo ... you have a bit of self-sabotage happening there Brother?...

    a sort of 'if she thinks I am worth having, she isn't'?

    contemplated the 'fate / destiny' aspect; where we - in this case you - go through various life experiences to attain the knowledge to assess and be ready for the one?

    thought about how you may be enacting on her where you are at where women have walked out on you; making her pay?

    if - as you say - she has Facebooked her status with you, your pulling the pin maximizes the hurt to her ... is that what you really want?

    you have written much, exposed yourself, which - to me - bespeaks a Man. So f'kin man up. Give her some latitude (that you expect to be given to you, given your experiences)

    This is a heady - psychological - game ... there are no 'winner's' .., there just players (not the negative one) who are evaluated (eventually) by the harshest judge .. Self.

    You have learned to read people ... so has she. She recognizes quality in you. Don't f'kin blow it ...

    As to the mind-set of a woman ... who knows? But the same can be said about us men.

    I was reading this article about a bloke in the back streets of Vietnam; he was approached by a young girl who, in very basic language, said he could have her for a price. He looked at her, saw her predicament ... instead he bought them a meal and they sat on the dock eating together ... her demeanor changed from prostitute to a young girl rocking her legs over the side of the peer ...

    They, like us, have the young trusting person who has been suppressed ... everything has a memory ... please consider rubbing out the line in the sand, as it's intent is to keep others out, when in reality, you want to let someone in ...

    just my opinion (and its working for me)


    most of this is cultural misunderstandings, language barriers, and expectations, which become adjustable

    good thoughts from all.

    this forum provides, insight into the mindset of a culture I know, almost nothing about.

    I am learning,

    all is well in the world

    thanks to all


  17. You keep talking about your own personal situation here.

    You're right, few Thais would think you should marry a sex worker in the first place, much less pay the sin sot.

    Some people go so far as to say if she's not a virgin you don't have to pay, which is ridiculous.

    If she's got kids you're planning on accepting and supporting then there's a stronger case, I haven't seen many Thais do that either.

    No age limit though, plenty of respectable women get married well into their thirties these days and among the hi-so, sin sot of millions are routine.

    The wealthier her family and the higher educated and more respected her profession the higher the price. Also depends on the wealth of the groom - and THAT's where I think the culture clash really comes in.

    Bottom line most poor families feel - if he's not wealthy to the point that this piddly amount is an issue for him, then move on and find a more deserving guy.


    you make a lot of sense:

    • Like 1
  18. If you think you might be leaving to the point she's picking up on that, IMO you're not doing it right.

    Either be in it full-tilt do your best to make it work and of course that includes making her feel happy and secure.

    Or cut the cord and let her move on with her life, don't forget her clock is ticking, to string it out just because you're getting what you want but plan to move on is IMO very unfair to her.

    I was in that mode until last night,

    she He disclosed, while drunk, that she He has a lack of trust in me,

    and that is the reason I havent met her His "real" friends,

    remember, she he lives a dual life, and has girlfriends friends from grade school that she He hangs with and is in touch with near daily,

    who do not know her his occupation.

    they think she He has "investments" from past boyfriends girlfriends, and income from homes in the north, and is well off,

    they know she He has a new boyfriend girlfriend, because after three years, her His facebook suddenly went from occasional selfies, to multiple pictures of her Him in the places I take her Him, including out of the country, with her him smiling, beaming at me, I should say and they are clearly not selfies,

    so, I am being hidden, and although I didnt ask to meet them,

    which I dont mind actually, it is probably better for me, because of the age difference, but,

    it is the lack of trust,

    I see red flags everywhere from that after 4 months, that should have eased more,

    and it is also her His ultra conservativeness, which I dont quite get:

    I dont want to feel like I am forcing anyone to do anything, and, I am not Thai.

    the culture clash, clashed last night, so, I brought my suitcases in from the garage....

    I am not here doing charity work, I have expectations, that her He isnt going to meet,

    thus, the bags came in,

    It's a notice of intent to leave, if adjustments in attitude commensurate with the outlay aren't met,

    and they tipped last night, against this working, so, I am being very upfront about what is going on

    I was all in, her He isn't

    this is where guys girls get in trouble,

    and, that is not the way this will end, bitterly for either of us,

    this will end nicely if it does,

    I just want to know how other girls guys act,

    you can't come from the sex industry and be a prude,

    these things do not jibe

    Wow! reading that is like reading the feeling of a woman who's on the verge of leaving her boyfriend.

    Will you quickly fall into the arms bosom of the next woman who shows you any affection?

    Again, well done, and, according to the bossoms and the affection, very possibly:

    But, she is a Leo, in Thailand. Affection is not their game, and bossoms?

    you wont find many at 5'7 98 pounds with anything resembling a bossom

    This one isn't over....I have not adjusted to their "way"

    A week ago she was considering a trip to the states with me,

    she told her best friend, next thing I knew, they were both convinced] I might "sell her" there and she changed her mind and said, after one year!

    That is what I am talking about!

    They actually conjured that up on their own, and now, it has become real to them!

  19. If you think you might be leaving to the point she's picking up on that, IMO you're not doing it right.

    Either be in it full-tilt do your best to make it work and of course that includes making her feel happy and secure.

    Or cut the cord and let her move on with her life, don't forget her clock is ticking, to string it out just because you're getting what you want but plan to move on is IMO very unfair to her.

    I was in that mode until last night,

    she disclosed, while drunk, that she has a lack of trust in me,

    and that is the reason I havent met her "real" friends,

    remember, she lives a dual life, and has girlfriends from grade school that she hangs with and is in touch with near daily,

    who do not know her occupation.


    so, I am being hidden, and although I didnt ask to meet them,

    which I dont mind actually, it is probably better for me, because of the age difference, but,

    it is the lack of trust,

    I see red flags everywhere from that after 4 months, that should have eased more,

    and it is also her ultra conservativeness, which I dont quite get:

    I dont want to feel like I am forcing anyone to do anything, and, I am not Thai.


    you can't come from the sex industry and be a prude,

    these things do not jibe

    Of course they do.

    She plans on re-entering mainstream Thai society sometime, probably soon by the sound of it.

    Disclosing she has a farang boyfriend is a ONE-TIME deal, she can't do it until she's 100% sure you're going to be "the one".

    Otherwise she's immediately out of the closet as a sex-worker in the eyes of mainstream society, one farang BF then husband with a good enough cover story will fly, but more than one, when people already probably have their suspicions, won't fly at all.

    It isn't her that's being a prude, her culture is stuck in 100-years ago Victoriana, and it's very rare to find a girl willing to try to buck the system unless she's from a wealthy background and can afford to.

    I think you nailed it.

    She basically has told me that, word for word.

    Your confirmation, makes sense of it,

    It is a world I am still new too, but, your point is right on

    • Like 1
  20. The thought manifests as the word,

    The word manifests as the deed,

    The deed develops into habit,

    And the habit hardens into character.

    So watch the thought and its way with care,

    And let it spring from love

    Born out of concern for all beings.

    The words above echo what the Buddha said more than 2500 years ago: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. The truth of this verse is timeless: it is truth whether for the past, the present or the future.

    Buddha at 2am!,


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  21. Love is.....to be second to last on the list....just before her familys soidog(s).

    She does not express it.

    Yes get off the pity pot.

    You have your goals by now right?

    Now work hard at achieving them.

    Part of that will have to include taking on a more constructive outlook, and probably re-establishing strong positive relationships with those you have been viewing as the enemy.

    Feeling sorry for yourself, seeing yourself as the victim expecting others to commiserate with you isn't going to help you get your kids back.

    Now now.....one has nothing to do with another. Try to see it seperate. I just stated my last experience based on OP's question. An unfortunate experience. It is however how it is. Have had good experiences in the past 2. One tends to remember the last 1 more vividly.

    If I listed all my bad experiences:

    I am hopeful, that I am a positive influence in her life,

    She started the love talk when drunk one night,

    I never expected it,

    And just want to help, and feel appreciated.

    They have their own ways here of expressing it, and that is what was posited here...how do others receive that expression.

    I just actually went upstairs and asked her, the same.....the answers I got, are non western in nature, which I have difficulty with,

    I also had to explain, it isnt a joke when a woman says "don't touch me"

    She thought she was being playful, and that it doesn't mean anything,

    I had to explain, in America, No, is serious.....and I take it that way....

    Perhaps I could have phrased the original question differently, idk,

    I dont understand their culture, and she is cultural, not a farm girl, but old school,

    it's hard for me to see it in a 32 year old, because as we all know, they arent like that in ths States, they can be wild as hell, and very aggressive,

    this is not this girl

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