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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. I am also working on an age ratio of 53-32, which isn't that far apart because I am a musician, and we are not matuure enough to be with women our own age and frankly, I know this pisses people off, but I am in great shape, and capable with a 32 year old girl,

    I also have a 20 year age difference, and run a lot.

    In fact if we are going to discuss levels of fitness, I would be at least x2 your level.

    Not a musician, but can sing along to about 50% of the popular Thai songs at concerts and karaoke.

    And able to discuss the relative merits of each artist in Thai.

    But I'm not stupid gullible enough to think she loves me for myself.

    I swim for cardio, and have a pool 300 feet from my (her) home....

    I am not sure about the "love" part, and she only told me that the first time, when she was dropped off at my condo by her girlfriends,, from one of their birthday parties, very drunk, and she said it for the first time then.......I don't get a lot of flattery from her, but she gets it from me,

    the I love you's come far and few between, but she shows me she loves me, in her own way, every day.

    I can't say that I love anything more than her body, and have actually told her that, but I do love many things about her,

    I am still legally married back home and came here to relax get away from the chemtrails and my wife's army of lawyers,

    So, as much as I want love, I will be content with her passion and not care about what it is called,

    I think though, if she didnt love me, she wouldnt have brought me to meet her mother,

    wouldnt have stopped working, without me paying her, which she did for two months,

    and it was only when I learned she was now late on her mortgage because she was spending all her time with me in Chiang Mai, because I left her,

    that I decidedd to move in with her, and pay her to live here,

    I have said on other threads, it is no more than what I was paying to live alone in a condo, and see her when she could, and now, I dont eat alone, dont sleep alone,, and have a room to myself for my guitar practice, and as I write, she is standing 6 feet from me, ironing my clothes and there is food cooking on the stove,

    I have a better relationship with her, than I did my wife of 9 years, whom I loved madly,

    this one, I can live with, and love her for who and what she is,.

    nothing wrong with any of this,

    and I hope I can stay long enough that she finds meaningful employment for herself, that allows her to grow, in case I decicde to leave, and she is forced back to work,

    I say forced because, she will go through the money she is saving, and if she didnt properly prepare, the mortgage payment comes again, and there wont be anyone to pay it, but herself,

    it is 15,000 baht monthly, for a 3 bedroom home, in a gated community,

    this is not a bar girl, and won't go to bars alone

    she owns properties in the north that are income producing and I am encouraging her to seek out more of them, for herself, not for me, for her.

    I am interested in owning a guest house in chaing mai though,

    anyone who can provide input on that would be greatly appreciated

  2. "Dating" hookers? Isn't that an oxymoron?

    Not at all. Many prostitutes have boyfriends or are trying to find boyfriends. They can keep their work separate.

    Could you allow your Thai bar girlfriend to continue being a bar girl?

    You can take a girl out of the bar, but never the bar out of the girl.

    High end prostitutes, are not the same as bar girls,

    there is a difference in education and aspiration

  3. This implies that girls (all of them) don't have true aspirations of bettering themselves,

    Not sure that living with an old guy can be considered as "bettering oneself".

    Unless the ultimate aim was to keep old guy assets, and be rid of old guy.

    In which case, back to "you were only a trick".

    I guess my problem understanding all this, is the "assets" part.

    I havent moved anything over here, and don't plan on it, so, I am not getting all this the way others do.

    I am also working on an age ratio of 53-32, which isn't that far apart because I am a musician, and we are not matuure enough to be with women our own age and frankly, I know this pisses people off, but I am in great shape, and capable with a 32 year old girl,

    these are factors that change equations, and drift far off the mean average of what typically takes place here,

    I have seen the great disparity couples all over,

    they dont look unhappy,

    I will tell you the guys I pity though,

    the one's my age, 40's to 50's I see all over BKK, pushing baby carriages with women in their late 20's and early 30's

    I won't do that,

    it seems to be a prescription for death of everything, starting with the romance, and ending with the wallet,

    but all this other posting about girls not being able to leave their occupation and assume a new role is rediculous, as role playing is all they know, and the role they want most, is to be honored

  4. "Dating" hookers? Isn't that an oxymoron?

    Not at all. Many prostitutes have boyfriends or are trying to find boyfriends. They can keep their work separate.

    True, but once you start out as a trick/customer then that is forever what you will be.

    I cannot agree with this statement, "once you start, you always are"

    This implies that girls (all of them) don't have true aspirations of bettering themselves,

    not all are vulturous consumers of male wallets, although they do ALL have the same needs,

    some are smarter than others, (some call this the long con)

    I don't accept this term, as anyone who uses it, is making a general statement that there isn;t a heart inside these girls, or tht at the end of their shift, they don't go home and cry because they don't see a way out,

    There are good girls doing "bad things" all the time,

    try to remember that,

    especially if you have a daughter

    • Like 2
  5. I doubt it. Post a gMap link, including directions from where you get off the macadam

    By water in a boat one may cross back and forth from America to Canada 20 times an hour if the wind is blowing from your intended direction of travel.

    The border begins at the northwesternmost point of Minnesota's Northwest Angle 49°23′N, 95°09′W, and proceeds in an easterly direction through the Angle Inlet into the Lake of the Woods. At 41°19′N, 94°48′W in the Lake of the Woods, the border turns to a southerly direction, and continues into the Rainy River. The border then follows the Rainy River to Rainy Lake, then subsequently through a numerous amount of small


    I didn't want an encyclopedic discourse on the entire border.

    I said I don't believe you yourself personally have knowledge of specific location(s) in Canada where a foreigner could drive off the highway, put a boat in the water and head over to the US side without being detected by the authorities and their countermeasure systems nor reported by the locals.

    I'm asking for a specific pinned location, for example:


    Next time I want to bring in one of my teeraks without bothering with the paperwork - or maybe a nuclear suitcase bomb - I'll give it a try.

    (to the TLA watchers notified by the above keywords- just kidding I swear!! )

    Anyone can step off a dock on the Canada side of Lake Ontario or get picked up off shore and brought into any of the inlets spanning from Buffalo east, and go undetected.

    All that is required of boat owners in NY, is that they "check in" upon their return

  6. Yes, very proud of who and what I do, and how I do it.

    Did you have a problem with that assessment, and I leave you with,

    it takes one to know one, and whats a woman doing here anyway?

    without knowing your history, is it menopause, bargirls, low life's that has attracted you to me?

    The only things attracted to you would be flies, mate.

    I'm just amused at how you consistently manage to lower the tone of every single thread you join with your boorish, vulgar and sordid sexual commentary.

    Again, without the silly attempt at flaming;

    where is my counter point wrong on this guy?

    he is a sex addict, who may be near suicide,

    I know, I have seen him aplenty, the difference is, he is likely not "australian", mate

    I also come from both sides of the tracks, biking and banking,

    and I have seen what men thought were their wholesome wives, blow guys in the office in the stairwell, and snort coke off toilet seats and biker chicks who wouldn't let another guy even kiss them hello

    the gutter is in the individual, not the actual gutter,

    you are almost an insult to street cleaners

  7. Update - I think I'm going to call it quits with the teacher.

    1) She is overly obsessed with maintaining her skin white, to the point she only walks outside if covers can be found.

    2) She has some kind of disorder that makes her sweat in buckets when she is hot. I can't accept this. She won't see a doctor about it.

    3) I love going to the gym and staying in shape. She sees no reason to maintain herself, and at 31 and already larger, its only going to get worse. I believe going to a gym regularly shows respect for your partner.

    4) The sex. She is happy with standard sex….I don't have the patience to persuade, teach….last one was 1 year before she would even consider a toy.

    5) I have no idea where her money goes but seeing her place, she's living like some third world rat. I always keep my place clean and tidy. Her place is a complete disaster; clothes piled, garbage in corners; completely disgusting. I could never live like that.

    6) She looks great but has no desire to look or dress sexy. I don't mean whorish but small, tight jean shorts or a tight skirt are just out of the question. Its just tiring.

    Done…..Also, I don't think I can stop cold turkey with the bargirls as I slipped up last night with 1 from Spanky's. And it was great sex; way better than with the good girl.

    I am probably doomed to hell living here...

    Sorry where you stay, but you have this coming:

    1) these girls pay a lot of money to doctors and skin care specialists to rid their skin of the pocks and other marks they were either born with, or received as scarring from the sun as children: If you look on Thai television, all the girls in advertising, actresses, anchors are all chalky white.

    You have a problem with this, you are not understanding of the female personality and what they are sold as "beautiful"

    2) Disorder?, you mean like Menopause, and she is too embarrassed to tell you, and you are too inexperienced with women to recognize it?

    3) Gym's are for people who like gym's and being around other sweaty men. I am in great shape and do it the way Jack La Lane showed us as kids, and our 7th grade gym teacher. No one needs a gym. Just people who think they do, kind of like people who condemn females who sweat in 95 degree weather, with or without menopause. And, by the way, didn't you chooose her woth the body she had?

    4) Toys? those are for gay men who can't stay hard.....really, toys? Why? enlighten all of us as to why you need them, oh, wait, you want them used on yourself? gotcha

    5) Did she ask you to move in?

    6) which is it, number 3, or number 6? I am confused, she either looks great, or she doesnt

    my girlfriend is gorgeous, wont wear tight ANYTHING, won't show any skin abover her thighs,

    never wears an unbottoned blouse, is conservative as they come, thinks white is right, won't go in the sun,

    and worse, won't put on a bathing suit because she is too shy, and doesnt want the sun....(say goodbye to Bali, baby)

    So, why do you want her to dress slutty, are you trying to sell her in the street?

    my last wife dressed like joan jett, and required constant validation, ad nauseum

    this one sounds like she has a healthy self image, but, you, cannot accept her, because?????

    ah yes,

    because in thailand, 500 baht gets you the "special massage"

    try any ladyboys yet? I hear they love toys, for boys

    &lt;deleted&gt; are you banging on about?

    You seem to be having a conversation with yourself.

    Still, at least you admit you're low-life

    Yes, very proud of who and what I do, and how I do it.

    Did you have a problem with that assessment, and I leave you with,

    it takes one to know one, and whats a woman doing here anyway?

    without knowing your history, is it menopause, bargirls, low life's that has attracted you to me?

  8. what is it they say,

    you can take a bar girl lovers man out of the girl, but you can't take the love of the low life, out of the guy?

    maybe, if you admitted you were a low life, you would be more accepting of yourself, as I accept my own self,

    now, before the moderator gets a ring around his ass, that is good old fashioned, down home schooling, that he would have to pay me $300 an hour for, in real life, so, don't bar me from trying to keep this wreck from suicide

  9. Update - I think I'm going to call it quits with the teacher.

    1) She is overly obsessed with maintaining her skin white, to the point she only walks outside if covers can be found.

    2) She has some kind of disorder that makes her sweat in buckets when she is hot. I can't accept this. She won't see a doctor about it.

    3) I love going to the gym and staying in shape. She sees no reason to maintain herself, and at 31 and already larger, its only going to get worse. I believe going to a gym regularly shows respect for your partner.

    4) The sex. She is happy with standard sex….I don't have the patience to persuade, teach….last one was 1 year before she would even consider a toy.

    5) I have no idea where her money goes but seeing her place, she's living like some third world rat. I always keep my place clean and tidy. Her place is a complete disaster; clothes piled, garbage in corners; completely disgusting. I could never live like that.

    6) She looks great but has no desire to look or dress sexy. I don't mean whorish but small, tight jean shorts or a tight skirt are just out of the question. Its just tiring.

    Done…..Also, I don't think I can stop cold turkey with the bargirls as I slipped up last night with 1 from Spanky's. And it was great sex; way better than with the good girl.

    I am probably doomed to hell living here...

    Sorry where you stay, but you have this coming:

    1) these girls pay a lot of money to doctors and skin care specialists to rid their skin of the pocks and other marks they were either born with, or received as scarring from the sun as children: If you look on Thai television, all the girls in advertising, actresses, anchors are all chalky white.

    You have a problem with this, you are not understanding of the female personality and what they are sold as "beautiful"

    2) Disorder?, you mean like Menopause, and she is too embarrassed to tell you, and you are too inexperienced with women to recognize it?

    3) Gym's are for people who like gym's and being around other sweaty men. I am in great shape and do it the way Jack La Lane showed us as kids, and our 7th grade gym teacher. No one needs a gym. Just people who think they do, kind of like people who condemn females who sweat in 95 degree weather, with or without menopause. And, by the way, didn't you chooose her woth the body she had?

    4) Toys? those are for gay men who can't stay hard.....really, toys? Why? enlighten all of us as to why you need them, oh, wait, you want them used on yourself? gotcha

    5) Did she ask you to move in?

    6) which is it, number 3, or number 6? I am confused, she either looks great, or she doesnt

    my girlfriend is gorgeous, wont wear tight ANYTHING, won't show any skin abover her thighs,

    never wears an unbottoned blouse, is conservative as they come, thinks white is right, won't go in the sun,

    and worse, won't put on a bathing suit because she is too shy, and doesnt want the sun....(say goodbye to Bali, baby)

    So, why do you want her to dress slutty, are you trying to sell her in the street?

    my last wife dressed like joan jett, and required constant validation, ad nauseum

    this one sounds like she has a healthy self image, but, you, cannot accept her, because?????

    ah yes,

    because in thailand, 500 baht gets you the "special massage"

    try any ladyboys yet? I hear they love toys, for boys

  10. Don't tell Scarpolo but they're triangulating to get a fix on the last few TV members' IP addresses.

    I am all good, using TOR when needed,

    Not gonna let em catch me no

    Not gonna let em catch, the Midnight Rider....

    Did someone say Blackrock was(n't) here?

    Gee whiz,

  11. I am with a former sex worker, which according to your math, means, approximately 1,500 "sessions"

    what would you do?

    Go back to your own country. Get some therapy. Tell your therapist you need to work on your self-confidence and self-esteem. Tell your therapist you want to learn how to become a man worth calling a man.

    Yesterday I visited a department store. I needed a piss so I went to the toilet.

    I did NOT fall in love with the urinal, nor did I stare amorously at the porcelain crapper.

    A toilet is a toilet is a toilet. And a slut is a slut is a slut.

    Unless there's something seriously wrong with you, you do not fall in love with a toilet.

    Who said anything about LOVE?

    You may want to have a chat with yourself,

    Oh wait, you already are

  12. I will add that to the list of what dogs do,

    wander in the dark!,

    before you pointed that out, I never looked at dates on posts,

    I am still kinda new to TV,

    I am grateful for the things I am learning, including that as an American I can thru a corporation own a business here, (didnt see a lawyer yet though)

    but I have also received two warnings, so, I am not sure how much more I will be around,

    and, I am never offensive, so, havent figured out their beef yet

  13. I expect mutual respect, love and loyalty, no matter where my wife or partner would be from in the world. If you have that, then you also have a best friend, who will stand by your side no matter what bad things in life you will face.

    I also expected that first time around.

    Unfortunately, what I received was someone (UK schoolteacher) who thought it was OK to lie, cheat and steal from me.

    Now, second time around (Thai farm girl), I expect the lying, cheating and stealing, and I get what I expected.

    But at least my eyes are open, so I'm not in for such a big disappointment, and I can (hopefully) manage the losses.


    Forget the "foreigner" and "a Thai" from the post title.

    It seems to be a 50% likelihood of getting married to anyone, anywhere in the world.


    Forget accusing me of being bitter, not bitter, but am really, really, disappointed by women's behavior in general.

    Well, it toke me 12 years to figure out things in my marriage and that my wife what not the kind of person, I thought she was. So off I went looking for a fresh start and a new life. Not easy to have to leave two kids, but it was that or being miserable the rest of my life. After my divorce, I was 100% sure I would never get involved in a longterm relationship again.

    But sometimes life just "fxxks you" and I am now in this relationship with my Thai-girlfriend. A person who I can trust 100% and who has proven to me that no matter what, she will stand by my side. No lies, no need for money, no BS of any kind! After my marriage failed, I was sure that a person like that did not exist, but I am happy I found out, that there are real great, honest and loving women out there. Yes, I know I sound like a stupid Hollywood movie, but the fact is that I am really happy and still completely in love with my GF - although we have now know each other for over 4 years and we now have a small baby, which sometimes can be pretty hard.

    So I fully understand your feelings and your disappointment in women. However, what I do not understand is your willingness to be with someone that does exactly what your ex also did. Personally, I would then prefer to live alone, just enjoy life and break some women-hearts (just to get a bit of revenge)

    Why are you in a long-term relationship, with someone you do not believe in? To me, that is self-destructive because you will only be disappointed over and over again. Sorry, just my opinion - nothing personal :-)

    Surely, you do not mean it when you say, you would "break some women's hearts, just for revenge?"

    do you?

    You can retract that, if you think your karma may be affected by leaving that value or belief out there.....?

    I would go out of my way, NOT to ever break a girls heart, intentionally,

    I am not sure if I believe in hell, but I am assured if there is one'; besides murder or rape of a child, that is in the top 5

    • Like 1
  14. My dear friend

    Take advise from an old asian.

    If youre willing to nod yes to everything your thai gal says then go ahead.Thai women are never wrong they always want there own way and when they dont get it you will get tantrums galore.

    Ive never found a rich respectable thai girl with a farang unless they met in university.

    A wise German told me that for the thai women

    1st is her father and mother

    2nd is her brother sister and relatives

    3rd are her neighbours and friends

    4th is her dog

    and 5th is her farang husband.

    Loads of good women where u stay so dont waste your time here.

    Also questions which rise eyebrows how many like you has she found on facebook??

    Where and when did she go to usa as an exchange student ask to see her passport.

    Who paid for her trip some western poor sod like you???

    Tread carefully my friend youre young and have the world at your feet.

    I was able to get past 1,2, the neighbors, the dog,

    still havent met any friends,

    only the best friend and the mother, knows there is a farange in her life,

    none of them know, I am living with her, including the friends.

    love my thai girl

    Looks like I posted in haste,

    last night, after replying her,

    I was downstairs having a cocktail with my g/f, and I mentioned this list in an appropriately timed manner as I weaved it into our conversation, and what I learned was,

    Sometimes, her dog, comes first!

    I thought I was ahead of the dog, until last night,

    but on the lighter side,

    I have also told her that, men are like dogs, is many ways,

    I named a few, such as, we like the way girls smell, (ever watch a dog say hello to a female?)

    we don't care usually about any mess we leave,

    we tend to track things all over the house

    and then, she lovingly added, not bathing....

    which was another way of saying, go shower or you aint gettin any,

    so, as a dog, I still have a shot at being number 1.,

    but as a man in her life;

    clearly, dead last!

    love her honesty,

    try finding that in the west@

  15. Wierd,

    that's the first thing my son asked me?

    and, btw, did she mention opium den?

    I have been seeking one!

    please post its location!

    the moderators cannot say I am off topic or trollling for asking about the opium den, as, first of all its a freakin joke, you dipdarts, and, its in reply to the poster who posted it first,

    I have been warned twice lately, for what reason, I couldnt tell you

    I post politely and on point

    • Like 1
  16. Update - I think I'm going to call it quits with the teacher.

    1) She is overly obsessed with maintaining her skin white, to the point she only walks outside if covers can be found.

    2) She has some kind of disorder that makes her sweat in buckets when she is hot. I can't accept this. She won't see a doctor about it.

    3) I love going to the gym and staying in shape. She sees no reason to maintain herself, and at 31 and already larger, its only going to get worse. I believe going to a gym regularly shows respect for your partner.

    4) The sex. She is happy with standard sex….I don't have the patience to persuade, teach….last one was 1 year before she would even consider a toy.

    5) I have no idea where her money goes but seeing her place, she's living like some third world rat. I always keep my place clean and tidy. Her place is a complete disaster; clothes piled, garbage in corners; completely disgusting. I could never live like that.

    6) She looks great but has no desire to look or dress sexy. I don't mean whorish but small, tight jean shorts or a tight skirt are just out of the question. Its just tiring.

    Done…..Also, I don't think I can stop cold turkey with the bargirls as I slipped up last night with 1 from Spanky's. And it was great sex; way better than with the good girl.

    I am probably doomed to hell living here...

    Where U stay,

    Please, Help me with my "dilemma"

    I believe that based only on your expertise and recent experience with several "classes?" of ladies can bring me to the light

    So, your perfect teacher, turned out to be a pig, not interested in sex?

    Can't possibly understand the attraction, or why she didnt clean the stye before bringing in her next hog, but, regardless.

    I am with a former sex worker, which according to your math, means, approximately 1,500 "sessions"

    College educated, whatever that actually means here, it was a business college, I saw the pictures and the certificate,

    But, here is where is she apparently, "different"

    she owns a home, which is spotless, cleans relentlessly, owns a car outright, no payments, cooks, although, way too spicy for me most of the time, but she is learning about new foods from me, and now eating a lot less pork and more prime beef,

    Owns three homes in the north where her family lives and she collects rent (when the mother doesn't "need it")

    Owns a small parcel of land, too small for me to use, but, nevertheless, has made her work, which she isn't proud of and has hidden successfully, from all of her friends somehow, created a retirement pension for herself

    IS AWESOME in bed, which means for me, satisfying in every way,

    Has a figure of a teenager, at 33, 5'7" 98 lbs,

    But, according to your "rules of engagement" you would run from this kind of girl? Right?

    Tell me, Where U stay, what should I do?

    She was the cautious one, waiting 3 months to show me where she lived, (gated community surrounded by golf courses)

    Is still very slow to introduce me to her friends, although I did meet her mother because I am the foreigner, and she has been lied to a million times,

    Already knows that if it gets very serious and she wants marriage, its the American way and her mother can attend or not, I suggested not, (which is never going to happen anyway, as I am still married in the States and wouldnt get married again if the guiilotine was being hoisted before me)

    Prior to my declaration that the old marriage rules are for girls that are 18, not 32, (my reasoning) she told me all the "thai requirements" which I very tactfully told her, was pure fiction for me,

    She looks out for me in every way in public, teaching me how to handle my rough around the edges NY self,

    including telling me if something that I want can be purchased cheaper elsewhere,

    didn't complain when she didnt get a diamond or gold for valentines day, but did get two dinners and the royal treatment at home,

    I did of course give her a gold ankle bracelet after we first coupled up, and a gold necklace for her religious ornament that she had hanging from silver and didnt look good to me, neither of which had any value to me anymore as I took them back from my last wife, (by accident)

    So, Where U stay, What should I do?

    I am only here since September also, and, yes, I met her while she was working, at the high end of the profession,

    She admittted later in the relationship that she wanted to say no to me, because I was American and she was afraid, and then,

    the next day, I had a friends wife call her to speak to her in Thai, to ask her out to dinner with the 4 of us, to which she agreed, and we had an actual date.

    If I didnt know she was in the "industry" I would have thought I was dating a "traditional" conservative girl, who doesnt dress sexy, doesnt show a lot of skin outdoors, won't wear a bathing suit because, although she has a killer body, as described above, she wants to keep her skin white, and hides from the sun, just like your girl...and many of the thai girls. I am actually darker than she is, because I lay in the sun every day with eyes closed to receive the light.

    now mind you, I have been married twice to "good girls" who, actually, weren't what their mothers thought either,

    so, according to your rules, I should run,

    but I am living better now, and more cheaply that an any time in the US in the last 18 years,

    in a beautiful home away from the city, chauferred in a 2 year old car,

    with a girl 22 years younger than me, I am 54 soon, she is 32

    what would you do?

  17. wow you've made it: First base in 8days, two weeks of chaperoning, and you think you've made it to real love and have sussed out all the issues with Thai relationships.

    It's beautiful to be 21 ! smile.png

    No offense, but,

    at 21, not just her,

    but all her friends would have had

    "happy endings"

    sounds like a fag, writing for high school play, and seeking input because his porn channels go one way only

  18. Long term or ST no difference. A sociopath sees the "other" as an object for gratification rather than a fully equal human being.

    What about the guys keep a prisoner locked up in the basement. Oh his victim's black therefore he can't be a racist?

    Not talking about the OP here, just in the abstract.

    He isn't a racist,

    He will let any female sit on is face,.....

    what he is, is a "self hater"

    big difference

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