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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Ok. You caught me. I can't spell. Just based upon my experience it is difficult to maintain proficiency in complex aircraft when one has such a demanding job like the Minister of Health. When I was deeply involved in aviation I knew a lot of doctors who had little time to maintain proficiency in less complex aircraft the like a Bonanza or even a Mooney because their jobs were so time consuming. I knew doctors who were involved in aviation accidents and some were fatal. I am not claiming anything and it is license and not licence. I guess you are or were a pilot?
  2. Do you know if it is more forgiving than a Piper Malibu? I know someone with a private with lots of money who almost got his ticket punched into the great unknown. In less than a year he sold the Malibu and bought a Cirrus 22.
  3. Such a busy person and all. As the full time Health Minister of a country of almost 70 million and while campaigning to be the next PM how does he have enough time to maintian his proficieny as a pilot? It's not like flying a C172 or a Piper Warrior.
  4. Thanks. I thought the same. Expensive airplane. $5 Mil?
  5. I said it looks like a singe engine turbo prop. I could be wrong. Big world of difference from someone who holds a PPL versus a CPL. Minimum requirements for a CPL is at least 250 hours. In my day the minimum for a PPL was 40 total hours. Also, the checkride for a CPL is tougher.
  6. Yes. Some scary experiences as a CFI and CFII who used to do BFR(Biennial Flight Reviews) and Aircraft Checkouts prior to renting them. In the US FAA standards are the bare minimum and I have been scared off my rocker by some Private Pilots. I especially avoided wealth Private Pilots who thought they can handle anything. These were the days before safety enhancements like what Cirrus aircraft have(you know the parachute) and automatic landing systems. I especially dreaded flying with Doctors who often bought complex aircraft like the Bonanza or even the Mooney and got over their heads. Remember a guy named JFK Jr in 1999. He bought too much airplane as a private pilot. These are just my thoughts based upon my past flying experience.
  7. I was the first on scene of an aircraft crash. A C421 went off the takeoff end of the runway and both the pilot and passenger died. The aircraft never got airborne and i noticed the control lock on the yoke had never been removed. The private pilot had recently purchased the airplane. It was one of the quickest NTSB investigation on record. I doubt a Commercially rated pilot would have missed this item on the preflight checklist.
  8. To fly a complex turbine powered aircraft requires more experience than private pilots. I would not trust a private pilot to fly me on a turbine powered aircraft. I have been a pilot for over 35 years(Commercially rated, CFI and CFII) and I have known private pilots with big and fast airplanes who are no longer flying. Some are now flying in the clear blue skies of heaven.
  9. It looks like s single engine turbo prop which might require a type rating and probably the equivalent of a commercial pilot certificate. This could be like saying John Travolta piloted a B727 in his time. The truth might be an experienced commercial pilot was the PIC (Pilot in Command) with a co-pilot? Co-pilot could mean someone who has very limited experience. Don't believe everything you read in the newspaper.
  10. Mini Lotus next to Bangkok Bank. I will try Makro tomorrow.
  11. I just got back from the 7-11 and Lotus on Niimman and no milk of any kind. Very few containers of even soy milk were available. So I see a shortage. Also, the supply of yogurt was low.
  12. That’s tough from where I come from 300K won’t get you a house or a condo. It’s tough oll over. Even getting homeowners or even auto insurance from my home state is difficult because some insurance companies have stopped writing new policies.
  13. I saw a group of ladies at Central Festival yesterday who were from Saudi. They were all wearing Nikabs and speaking Arabic. Also, recently I stayed at the Shanri La Hotel and it looked many of the guests were from the Middle East. This group is the true “big spenders”.
  14. Went to the Central Festival Tops market today and ordered an iced latte at the bakery. I tasted almond milk in the iced latte. I did not mind but did not ask for almond milk. I went to the milk cooler and only saw the Meiji brand lactose free milk. It looked there were about 25 bottles of the 830 Milliliter bottles of this milk. This might be a bigger problem than I initially thought. Could ice cream and yoghurt shortages be next?
  15. As one ages the joints and back are less able to support mass(weight). I just turned 60 and have been going to the gym for 40 years. I am 171 cm and 66 KG. For me flexibility and cardio vascular health are the two priorities. More mass(even if it is muscle) puts strain on our joints. Of course everyone’s goals will be different. I do a lot of stretching and my weight training is light weights and multiple repetitions. I still run on the treadmill multiple times per week. So far this has worked for me.
  16. After 7 yeas in Chiang Mai I am looking for a new destination. I am looking for first hand information on Cebu. 1) Hotel or serviced apartments in the center of the city. 2) Are there any good service apartments located close to Ayala Mall? 3) Are there agents in Cebu that I can speak to about Visa’s? I have done some initial research and it looks like I quality for the SRRV Expanded Courtesy Visa. I have been on a Thai Retirement Visa (Non Imm OA) for the past 7 years. In my personal and professional life I have met many Filipinos and Filipinas and I con honestly say I am more compatible with Filipinos than Thais. Any response would be appreciated.
  17. This is has been my experience and just two things: 1) Admit a mistake was made 2) Then apologize 2 recent examples (they are small but it happens more often then it should) Went to a cinema and bought the ticket at the automated machine but the ticket did not come out. Had to ask the girl to stop looking at her phone and help me. The first thing she said was "you did it wrong". I replied no and to open the machine. She got the key and opened the machine and the ticket was stuck inside. She handed me the ticket and walked away. Ok, thank you for your hard work?? Second example was a problem at a high-end hotel. I was told to leave the breakfast buffet because "you don't pay". I had paid for my stay with the breakfast charge. I went to the reception desk and asked the girl to confirm that I had paid for breakfast. She asked me "are you Mr. Alex?". My name is not Alex and I told her to fix this error. I handed her my room key and she tapped on the keyboard. She then handed me the key back and said "ok". She didn't say anything else and I was able to have breakfast. OK, I know problem solved. Unfortunately I have had many similar experiences in LOS. I know many will say this is petty but from my perspective an admission of a mistake and a simple apology goes a long way. I can't recall when was the last an employee of a business actually admitted they made a mistake and then apologized. To me apologizing for making a mistake is not losing face. Of course this is not how the locals think. I know I am blowing into the wind and this will always be a losing battle.
  18. A plausible defense could be crowd control and for the safety of the star from getting mobbed by his fans.
  19. How fast would the Army be deployed if protesters showed up at BKK Airport or at the major malls like Siam Paragon or Central World? Just wondering.
  20. Blacklist was an exception and it is now ending after 10 seasons. James Spader will be missed. I think the entire CSI franchise has been overdone (the original, Vegas, NY and Miami). CBS appears to be out of new ideas because some of it's programs are rehashed from the past (Magnum, SWAT, CSI and even the three FBI shows were done before and beforeI). I have never seen a single episode of Thrones and I dropped Netflix a few years ago and the only show I miss is Fauda.
  21. Some might. The people Thailand will care if foreign investment and the Golden Goose that is known as Tourism are negatively impacted because of the political circus.
  22. Well I was at the Central Festival Immigration office yesterday and business was being conducted in a timely and efficient manner.
  23. I like the way Mr. Pita left. He made a short speech, took off his I.D. Badge, placed it on the desk, walk down and gave a fist salute. In essence he was saying "you won this round but it is not over". As time go by others like him will emerge. Also, "the world is watching and this was not a good like for the Land of Smiles".
  24. Compared to American TV shows British content is still Golden. From Inspector Morse and then Lewis to Line of Duty and Doc Martin reruns are better than the crap that comes from ABC, NBC, CBS or Fox. Oh yeah and the classic BroadChurch with the great David Tennant and Olivia Coleman(the next Judi Dench) are shining examples of great television and acting.
  25. I just saw an interview on Youtube. It was a Brit who had been married to a Thai lady. They were married for 8 years and together for 10 year.s. The title of the interview was “My wife died and I found out she had AIDS on the day she died”. It was one of the most interesting interviews I had seen. I then asked myself this question: What would I do if my wife or girlfriend had told me she was HIV positive? What would any of us do? Get angry, run as fast I can to a clinic for an HIV test or stay and be supportive the woman? I hope I never have to face this question.
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