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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. If this what happens then it will come as a shock to some. I recall speaking with a highly educated liberal who said “I want property owners to pay more taxes but I don’t want rent to increase”.
  2. Will the forgiven student loan debt be considered as a Taxable Income? In past when a unpaid loan is forgiven a Form 1099 was issued.
  3. Things are not much better with Mr. Dementia in the White House. “I do not fear the loud enemy, it’s the quiet ones I fear”. Uncle Joe sounds non threatening but he will cause long term damage and also “how come my student loans were not forgiven”?
  4. I've had True Unlimited for 4 years. Unlimited Data with 700 minutes of Talk. I use a Samsung phone that is 5G capable and sometimes the speeds are in excess of 100MBPS. So far I have not complaints. I use my phone as my primary hotspot and it has been reliable. Hotspot speeds are normally between 30 to 50 MBPS.
  5. Out of the 4 million about 3.5 million are the backpacker/stay at a hostel crowd. Not exactly the “big spender” types. At least this is what I see in CNX. Plenty of rooms available in many of the middle and high level hotels.
  6. Only took the 12th response before circling back to Trump.
  7. For me it hit me because she was born with 2 big strikes 1) Poor family 2) HIV. Someone like her I would help in anyway i can. Even with these disadvantages she is trying to improve her life by getting an education. Before I read about Magic Johnson, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1990, I thought HIV was a death sentence. But with Anti-Virals many can live for a long time. I wish NatchaneeCha a long and happy life. I have kept her account number and will try and send her some money from time to time in the future.
  8. I was struggling with student loan debt from 1988 to 1992. But I paid back every cent. I learned an important lesson: Never borrow more than you could payback based upon the type of job you might get after graduation. Is graduation a requirement for Biden’s Debt Forgiveness? How about working or volunteering to have the loans forgiven? What next? Car loan forgiveness? Why now in August of 2022? Sends the wrong message.
  9. Just donated through my Bangkok Bank App. In recent memory I can’t think of a better cause. No one with HIV should be harassed and it should have been kept private. Good luck to NatchaneeCha.
  10. I have seen one Tesla in Chiang Mai. Besides home I wonder where the owner can charge his or her EV? Back in the US there are more and more charging stations popping up everyday. Even then the cost of an EV is out of reach for most Americans. If I was still working then I could possibly squeeze some money out of my budget and buy a Tesla. Presently even if I lived back in Los Angeles there is no way I could afford to own an EV. The next and most obvious question is how long does an EV battery last? Cannot find an answer to this question. Also, what is the cost to replace or even repair the battery? In my last year in Law Enforcement I had to investigate a traffic collision involving an early version of an EV(I think it was a Honda EV?) and the battery was impacted and the acid spilled onto the road. Of course the Fire Department declared this as a Haz Mat incident and the Haz Mat response team had to be called out. The road was closed for almost 4 hours. Traffic was a nightmare in this part of town. A standard collision not involving death or serious injury would have been wrapped up in about 30 to 45 minutes. Of course this was long before EV's were on the road. Having the road filled with EV's sounds like a good idea until one looks into the details. "The devil is always in the details.".
  11. ??? The Antibiotic? Yes much cheaper at a pharmacy. Does this answer your question?
  12. Hoka shoes. I just bought a pair at a Rev Runner at Central Festival. These shoes are primarily for running but i use mine for walking. Hoka’s are known for extra padding. Just a caution that Hoka’s are very expensive(5000 Baht is the average price).
  13. I took a gamble on a bottle of Thai wine at Big C for 199 Baht. It was awful. Never again. I do not believe it was aged properly in a barrel? It tasted like rotten grape juice.
  14. Just finished a bottle of Charles Strong Red. Been lucky because a local Lotus market sells it for 319 Baht. I consider this a great price for a half way decent bottle of wine in LOS. When I am back in the USA I usually buy Charles Shaw (Red or White) for $2.49 at a local Trader Joe's. I prefer wine over beer but if the cost of a cheap bottle of wine in LOS is equivalent to $9.00 then I can accept it and carry on(that is after my wine nap).
  15. Unfortunately i am a veteran of Gastro visits. I have had 3 endoscopies and 2 colonoscopies in the last 10 years. The actual endoscopy/colonoscopy are diagnostic procedures. Therefore, if the total cost of the combo(endoscopy and colonoscopy) is 36,000 Baht then it is a fair price. My last Endo/Colo in Chiang Mai was 36,000 Baht. What comes after is a separate matter. In my case a small Polyp was found during the colonoscopy and and it was benign. The 36,000 Baht included the doctors fee, the center fee and the pathology fee. So a separate charge to analyze any polyp(s) is new to me. I have had this procedures done in both the US and in Chiang Mai and in both cases there was no separate charge for polyp removal and analysis. But in my case only one small polyp was found. It could be a different matter if multiple polyps are found.
  16. Just because S. Korea used K-POP, Korean Dramas, Samsung Phones etc etc as it’s “Soft Power” does not mean “lightning will strike twice”.
  17. Iherb.com. 1) Bangkok Bank Debit card has been accepted without problems 2) Last order arrived in 15 days from California.
  18. I did both at Chiang Mai Ram and total cost was 36,000 in April 2021. Pathology report came back a week later. I believe a similar priced package is currently being offered at Ram.
  19. Do you have a BofA account? Otherwise: bankofamerica.com? If you do not have an account with BofA then I really can't see them being very helpful to you. I closed all of my BofA accounts more than 10 years ago due to poor service.
  20. The federal agency I fear the most is the IRS. About 10 years ago I got an IRS demand letter for more money. This was based upon on a tax return I had filed 3 years earlier and I had filed an amended return for the same year because of a missing 1099. The CPA told me in many cases an amended return results in a new and deeper look at a return. . I feared the worst and this is why I have had a CPA do my taxes for over 35 years. The CPA went to war on my behalf and won. It was months of back and forth but in the end I paid ZERO. Since then let’s just say my deductions have been on the conservative side. I do not believe for a second that only the rich and corporations will be scrutinized by the IRS that is now more funded. As for inflation reduction, reduction in prescription drug prices and of course the environment, the probability of me benefiting it in my lifetime is very small. I was born in the early 1960’s and I live on a fixed state government pension, currently not taking any medications and never owned an electric vehicle or lived in a home with solar panels. I live in reality but it seems some in the Senate live in the world of idealism.
  21. If it was Tom Jones I would consider it.
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