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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Yesterday I went to CM Ram to have a cyst removed. The procedure was painless and it took about 10 minutes. The total cost was 8200 Baht(Since it s Ram I was not surprised even though I was quoted less when I signed the consent form). Anyway I got stitches on the area where the cyst was removed. The doctor said I should gently wash the stitch area with soap and water. He also said to watch for infection, take the antibiotics and come back in 7 days to have the stitches taken out. Pretty clear instructions. The confusion started when an aide in the department gave me two bottles(A disinfecting solution and sodium chloride). He then said to come back everyday for cleaning with the two bottles and it would cost 500 baht each time. This would be an additional 3500 baht. I have never heard of such a thing. I asked him to explain this and his English was very poor and he directed me to two other people. One of them said I could go to any other hospital for cleaning. The doctor who removed the cyst was busy with other patients and I was not able to speak to him. In the many years I have been going to Ram this was the most confusing thing I have ever heard. At this point I intend to follow the doctors instruction only. Has anyone had a cyst removed and been told to come back to have the stitch area cleaned at an additional cost?
  2. USAA sends me the security code to my US Skye Number. However, I do pay $6.50 a month to have a specific US Skype Phone number.
  3. “Unnamed Defense Official”? I’m American and if this statement is true then it is hypocritical. If Cambodia invited China in then as they say “Too Bad”. The the Defense Department should ask another country in the region for an invitation to build a base. I was told by a retired Army Colonel that one of the purpose for invading and then staying in Afghanistan for so many years was to maintain a military presence to keep in China in check(Afghanistan and China have a common border). I guess that is no more since August 2021.
  4. Appreciate it. "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words will not hurt me". Batman-sometime in the mid 1960's.
  5. It was never in the Bellagio. I never said it was. Bellagio had or has it's own steakhouse. This is what I said. My real crime is not spelling Ruth Chris correctly. For that I await my punishment from the disciplinary board of Aseannow.com. Sarcasm, the survival tool for adversity.
  6. Let's say you are a tourist from the USA and all you have are a USA based Debit Card and a USA based Credit Card, how would you get a Starbucks Latte? I have never used my USA Debit Card in Thailand(truthfully don't know if it would work here) and I really would not want to make a small credit card purchase at a Starbucks. This gong cashless trend might not be great for some tourists who plan on exchanging a lot their money into Baht.
  7. But not in 2001. Brag a lot? I mentioned steak experiences I had over 20 years ago. A true bragger would mention more recent events. For me this was just a little nostalgia from two decades ago. I did not intend to offend you or insult you. So far I have mentioned Bellagio(still in business), Ruth Chriss(out of business) and Empress(still in business). So I mentioned the names of 3 businesses(one of them no longer exists). If that is a lot then I am guilty and let me be punished by the Aseannow enforcement bureau. Also, I admit I did not spell Chriss incorrectly. For this I apologize because "bragging and name dropping" are two things I do not engage in often. I am not that good at it. "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words will not hurt me", Batman
  8. In 2001 I paid over $300 dollars for two at the steak house at the Bellagio Hotel in Los Vegas. This was before the U2 Concert at UNLV(of course this cost an arm, leg and a vital organ). So paying 2000 Baht($57) could be considered a relative bargain as long as the steak is a quality cut of meat. I have only had steak onca in LOS and was not impressed. The best steak I ever had was at a Ruth Chriss in Beverly Hills. .
  9. Yes. Your are right. I do live a sad life. I have just booked another hotel and it was only 5000 Baht for one night. I will continue with my sad life.
  10. I realize that on my initial post I should have added some context. About a month ago I went to a great hotel in the same area. It was the Empress Premier Hotel on Chang Klan. For those in CNX this hotel is located close to the Astra Condos and the Shangri La 1. Cost with Breakfast on Agoda: 1500 Baht. As mentioned previously I paid over 4000 Baht at the other hotel. 2. Check in was smooth and friendly. The reception clerk even wished me a happy birthday after giving me back my passport. This hotel visit was part of my birthday celebration. This is was nice gesture 3. The room was large. Possibly 40 SQM? It had a living room area with a large window. But the view was of the Chang Klan neighborhood. The Chang Klan area looked gloomy on that day. 4. The bathroom was large. It had a large bathtub and a separate shower with one of those fountain shower heads. 5. Amenity items in the bathroom were: 2 toothbrushes, a razor, two bottles of shampoo, body wash and moisturizer. There was even a small bottle of cologne. This is why I thought a higher level hotel would be the same. I was wrong. 6. The Breakfast buffet experience was great. I ordered scrambled eggs at the egg station and they arrived at my table in a couple minutes. The selection of bakery items, fruits, yoghurt in individual cups was fine. The workers at reception and at the breakfast buffet were professional and attentive. Overall the Empress exceeded my expectations. I thought if pay more next time then I should get even more. Of course I was wrong. I will definitely go back to the Empress Hotel.
  11. Dizzy only while wearing a mask. Currently running a 9 minute per mile pace without a mask. Context is important.
  12. Harm? Like inhaling and exhaling with the nose and mouth covered. I find this to be harmful. Covering your nose and mouth with a mask is not a problem when one is just sitting or standing. Of course this just my opinion and I could be wrong. I used to be pilot and many years ago I did training in hypoxia recognition(this is when you are in an altitude chamber, simulate climbing to above 18,000, feet, take off your mask and gradually become hypoxic). My belief is for some physically exerting oneself with the nose and mouth covered is like a mild case of hypoxia.
  13. Do you use a mask with a.valve, a standard surgical mask or the N95 mask? I found it difficult to walk briskly wearing even a surgical mask in the heat and humidity of Thailand. So when I workout in the gym(the air condition in this gum often not turned on) I will not wear a mask. Also, I do not wear mask when I run outside. I know there are specifically designed masks for athletes with valves but they are expensive.
  14. Thank you. You are the grammar expert of this forum.
  15. I am physically fit but sometimes walking for an extended period with a mask on leads to a slight case of dizziness. At the time the air condition was not on and I would never exert myself in that gym with a mask on. Just my observation based upon my physical condition. I am old but I have ran marathons in the past and I could not imagine inhaling and exhaling with a mask on.
  16. Sense and sensible are two different things.
  17. Then why come to the gym and use a treadmill that will put stress on your body. If one has a respiratory condition then the last thing one should be doing is covering the nose and mouth. Also, I did not judge her or anyone. I just posted what I observed.
  18. As I was leaving the gym this morning in CNX I saw a woman walking on the treadmill. She was wearing a mask. The gym does not require a mask when one is using the gym. She was talking on her cell phone while wearing a mask. I have never seen this before. She was the only one using the gum at the time. Does anyone wear mask while using a treadmill or other cardio machine?
  19. Derision? Maybe true? When is anyone ready to defend against a defamation suit?
  20. Really appreciate the psychological analysis about who and what I am. The mental health and cultural experts on this forum are top notch. I guess the point of the original post was missed. The point was this: In LOS it does not appears there is a big difference in service between a 3,4, or 5 star hotel. My interactions with the employees in this hotel were audit and low key. I never raised my voice. I just did not smile. I guess if this angry then so be it. I kept my anger internal(this is the most important lesson on how to live in LOS). There are few places in LOS where a Foreigner can express his or her feelings without being judged as an “angry and culturally insensitive person”. This is also true on this forum as well. Of course everyone on this forum is an expert. So every response is true as well.
  21. The manager was not available. Initially the manager of dining services was not available as well. Before checkout the dining manager called me and actually listened to my complaint.
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