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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I stopped reading articles because often they incomplete or not accurate. I believe there are 14 bones in a human face. So mostly means how many?
  2. "My brother screamed at me". Join the club. This is from an Apache Helicopter Pilot who flew combat missions in Afghanistan. As they say in my part of the world: "Come on man, take away his man card".
  3. I have investigated fatal and very serious traffic collisions but I have never seen anyone who "broke nearly every bone in her face"? Is she in a coma? Injuries of this magnitude are usually fatal. Also, the medical bills are one thing but next will come the medical evacuation back to the UK. Possibly a nurse would have to accompany her in business class or even possibly a medical charter flight. 50K might just be a starting point. Very sad story.
  4. This happens in Souther California as well. When I worked the graveyard shift I would patrol the beach in Venice and often I could smell sewage coming from the drainage tunnels. This was a frequent occurrence. When it rained public works would claim the sewage system was overloaded and they had to relieve the pressure on the system and “some” sewage was released into the ocean. I have not going swimming into any ocean for over 25 years.
  5. I saw a help wanted sign at local CNX 7-11 and the posted daily pay was 350 Baht. It did not mention how many hours per day.
  6. Simple economics is when the lowest members of the working class get a minimum wage of 600 Baht or in many parts of the US $15 per hour then all workers above them should get a commensurate raise as well. It only seems fair that a worker who currently makes 600 Baht then should get a raise to 1200 Baht? Then what will you get? A steep increase in prices of goods and services. Doubt it will happen because business leaders will do everything they can to stop it. I can see a gradual increase to 600 Baht in phases. For instance 400 Baht this year, 450 in 2023 and 500 in 2024 and so on. But then I just realized I am applying western logic. Disregard, TIT.
  7. Yes, I would consider both. But KSK site is in the city and Promenada is more out. Interesting to see what actually happens or does not happen.
  8. I just walked or navigated through this mess to and from the gym. This also makes vehicle traffic worse. As usual the work had not started as of 0830. TIT
  9. Had an interesting conversation with a local business owner today. Of course this is all unofficial but interesting: The Company that built the Terminal 21 shopping malls (my favorite is the one in BKK) is taking a long look a KSK as a potential site for Terminal 21 Chiang Mai. At least there is something going on about this property. If such a project was given the green light it would be years before anyone us see it.
  10. Ok. Obvious question is this: Did he/she have a body part removed when he/she first transitioned?
  11. Wow. I have never heard of anyone use the words Clitoris and Abacus in the same sentence.
  12. + is One and - is Zero. Tomato, Tomaato. A long time ago an engineer told me it's as simple + Charge and a - Charge on a board. Of course at that time I had not idea what he was talking about. This was in the early 80's and Cobol, Dbase and Lotus 123 were the hot things in tech.
  13. Binary Code? Ever hear of it? Analog Computer? Are you talking about an abacus?
  14. English will die when computers can be programmed in another language. This could be sooner than later because computers only understand + and -. +++----- or -+-+---- or ++++-----.
  15. From 5,000 to 8,000 there is no package. Plenty of apartments available in that range. I can think of one basic type of apartment that will offer a month contract in that range. A basic studio(bed, desk, fridge, bathroom) would fit in that range. The complex is dated but has a swimming pool. Cleaning might be once a month(linen change as well). The name of the complex is Huay Kaew Residence located next to the Orchid Hotel. The Orchid Hotel can be had for 700 Baht per night but it is really old and mostly empty except for conferences for local businesses and government workers. Just for comparison as far as I know the most expensive serviced apartment in Chiang Mai is the Kantary Hills Serviced Apartment in Nimman. A studio unit is spacious with kitchen, a bathroom with a bathtub, a washing machine and the complex has a great gym, pool and even a sauna. But of course this type of package costs 61,000 a baht per month now because it is high season. Low season goes down to 51,000. This does not include water and electricity. To get the full picture of what is available is almost impossible unless one goes to an agency.
  16. Sometimes I do not believe what Blinken says. Most of the time I don't believe what Joe says. The only people who seemed to care about Paul Whelan was his family and maybe friends. Griner had influential people pushing on her behalf.
  17. Hmm. Education and Volunteer Visa's. Does this mean one cannot study Muay Thai for 3 years?
  18. So what can Joe Biden offer to Vlad to get Paul Whelan out? 1) Vlad demands no more arms for Urkraine-highly unlikely(at least I hope so). 2) Buy Russian Oil at $100 per barrel 3) Allow Aeroflot to fly into the US so Russian can go shopping? Negotiating 101: Have some leverage.
  19. 1) The Britney Griner book deal 2) Britney Griner talk show circuit tour 3) The Exclusive, Exclusive sit down interview with Oprah 4) The Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded by Joe Biden 5) A standing ovation at the next WNBA game 6) The Grand Marshall at the next Pride Festival Parade in both West Hollywood and New York. All these accolades are coming for the returning hero. Meanwhile “The Merchant of Death” is sharing a bottle of vodka with Vlad. At this point Paul Whelan will be in Russia for a very long time because the US does not have an equally valuable Russian to swap for . It should have been a 2 for 1 deal because old Viktor was a very valuable asset.
  20. Now 16 days is the standard for overstayers? So all the overstayers in the 100 to 1000 day range have been captured?
  21. I saw two Tesla’s in Chiang Mai in the last week(one of them was the SUV model with doors that open up). Then I wondered besides at home where can a Tesla owner charge his vehicle?
  22. It could be used as a weapon to get the police to target some(like your enemies).
  23. This lyric is very honest. To some it is sad. To others it is painful but true: ’What’s love go to do with it. Nothing but a second hand emotion” Performed by the great Tina Turner and written by Terry Britten and Graham Lyle.
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