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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Yes. I believe it is the original owner. I seem to recall his name is Chris? Was there last week for Salmon BBQ(good food for 139 Baht-on Saturdays).
  2. COVID-19 PCR TESTING COSTING 2800 THAI BAHT WITH SAMEDAY RESULTS AVAILABLE AT CM MEDICLINIC. Cmmedclinic.com. Last time I did a PCR Test in CNX was at this clinic. I believe at the time CM Ram Hospital was 3500 Baht. In the US the cheapest PCR test I found was $175. I have found that PCR tests are definitely cheaper in the Thailand then in the USA. Therefore, where exactly in the world are PCR tests 4 to 6 cheaper than Chiang Mai?
  3. Ditto. She was great and will be missed. I watched Murder She Wrote when it was originally on CBS and enjoyed it very much.
  4. On the way to lunch in Somphet I walked by the building. It was dark and locked up.
  5. I came back into BKK two weeks ago. My current OA Visa Health Insurance expertise on Jan 14 2023. Therefore i got stamped in until Jan 14, 2023. I plan on getting the insurance policy renewed in December 2023 until Jan 14 2024. I also plan a one day trip to Kuala Lumpur in late December and I should be able to get stamped in until Jan 2024(at least I hope so but with TIT??). In the end this is the plan.
  6. CNN has a bureau in Hong Kong and often sends reporters out in the field in Asia. The only time Fox had it's people in Asia was to cover the Trump-Kim Summits in Singapore and Hanoi. Based upon it's business model Fox News really does not care about Global Events with few exceptions (namely Ukraine). When I had access to CNN International I saw some of Anna Coren's work. She looked like a capable reporter (notice I did not use the word journalist) and has reported in many parts of Asia. With Breaking News it is rare that any reporter will obtain the proper visa in order to cover a story in a foreign country. As long the reporter(s) does not cause an incident then "no fuss, no muss". This time she got caught in the middle and probably never cover a stary in LOS again. I wonder if Jeff Zuker (the CEO of CNN) will have to come to LOS and offer his apologies? CNN or it's parent company could make amends by making a large donation to the families. Now back to a "real" news channel: Al Jazeera(they have reporter based out of Bangkok-Tony Cheng). .
  7. I spoke to a nurse some years back and she said more nurses make between 20,000 to 25,000 when they start. I thought rather low considering the education and training required to become a nurse.
  8. The only time Grab Drivers refused my order was on a rainy day and I chose to pay Cash on Delivery. As soon as I switched to Pay By Card a driver accepted my order and delivered the food.
  9. Last week I returned from Los Angeles. I took the nonstop Singapore Airlines flight from LAX to SIN. This flight was about 90% full. Many of the people were going to SIN and even more were going to Bali. Very few including myself were going to BKK. The SIA flight from SIN to BKK was about 50% full. Thailand is not the only option for foreign visitors in this region of the world. Very few countries have entry restrictions now. I just got a roundtrip from BKK to LAX with a stop in NRT in late Jan 2023 for $765 dollars on ANA. Apparently there is a huge sale going on by Japanese Airlines. Also, Japan is also open to tourists and S. Korea has been open for months. The chase for tourists in Asia will be fierce. Is LOS up to the challenge?
  10. Living in CNX for 7 years. I would say about a 6 or 7 now. Just an example is some of the higher end hotels can be had for under $90 per night. These same hotels were going for over $200 before Covid. I work out at a gym in a hotel and the hotel has very few guests and the gym averages 8 to 10 visitors per day.
  11. I was back in Los Angeles for a couple weeks and was able to get vaccinated for the Omicron Variant(Bivalent) at a local CVS pharmacy. The only difference this time was I had no side effects at all (I felt no pain in the injection and my arm did not feel sore unlike the first three times).
  12. I have read some in the Currency Trade peg the Baht/Dollar at 38 at best? But who really knows where it will top out at.
  13. Once removed from office a former President is subject to criminal prosecution. I never said impeachment is a not a political process. Also, never said anything about "future office" for Donald Trump. The facts are Donald Trump was impeched twice and not convicted. Bill Clinton was impeached once and not convicted. That is if anyone is counting. Ironically both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had Special Counsels investigate them(the late Ken Starr and of course Robert Mueller). So Ken Starr was conducting a political investigation as well Robert Mueller? "Perhaps you are not American"? Does that really matter? Last time I checked you had to be an American citizen to hold a Department of Defense Security Clearance. I have held two DOD clearances.
  14. You would be wrong on your ASSumption. I do not watch Fox News(really not a news channel). 1) If Donald Trump had been impeached then he could have been removed from office and indicted on criminal charges. I thought that was the purpose of impeaching him? 2) I do not have a crystal ball and do not know what is coming or not. 3) I was a police officer in a past life and this I know for sure: If it takes this long and this many attempts to find criminal charges to stick against one person then it will be difficult to get a conviction in a court of law. Those who oppose Donald Trump(the list is long) in essence “shot their load way early and way too often”. Everything from Russian Collusion, Hookers in Moscow, Putin’s Pawn, income tax evasion, obtaining loans fraudulently, stealing from his own charity, inciting the Jan 6 Riots, etc, etc, and so far no charges? I am amazed that Donald Trump has not faced criminal charges yet.
  15. Then he should have been impeached. Oh they tried that. Back to square one and it is now 2022. Then why is Trump still not indicted after leaving loffice almost two years ago? As for Mueller: “he punted”.
  16. Robert Mueller was appointed as a Special Counsel and he was not pursuing a criminal investigation? Then what was he doing?
  17. He has been out of office for almost 18 months. Like I said before I am not a Trump Guy(never liked him). But because I was in Law Enforcement I believe in the rule of evidence. Like Jerry Maguire said "show me the money" then "show me the evidence". It almost seems like the concept of "throw the book at the suspect and see what charges stick". Yes, sometimes cops do this. What did Robert Mueller find? If indeed Donld Trump committed crimes before and while in office then he should have been arrested and/or indicted on January 22, 2021.
  18. Just landed at BKK from SIN. Immigration took about 20 minutes. In may case the IO looked over my Health Insurance paperwork for about 5 minutes because I have an OA Visa. International arrivals was not busy at all. After I got my bag the baggage claim area was deserted. The domestic side was somewhat busy. It looked like many Thai’s were traveling today.
  19. I am not the one who is “all over the place:. In essence Trump has been investigated since 2016. 6 years of investigations and committees and where are we?
  20. So all this is about indicting Donald Trump for Insurrection and election Crimes? Just one question? What more evidence does Merrick Garland need? In essence he directly ordered the storming of the Capital? Then indict him, go to trial and see what the jury says. Of course no one really knows what any jury will do. I learned this lesson in 1995. My former agency thought we had a certain retired football star convicted. That is until 12 people thought otherwise. It looks like the saga of “get Trump” will be a long running reality show.
  21. I never said a convicted President would lose Secret Service protection. If Donald Trump gets convicted of a crime and is sent to prison then how would a Secret Service detail protect him? Secret Service agents do not work inside of prisons. If Donald Trump becomes a parolee then possibly the Secret Service could provide protection but Parolees come under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections. The most recent case of mishandling classified information by a prominent person is David Patraeus. He allowed his mistress access to classified information when he was CIA Director. in the end he plead guilty to a Misdemeanor and paid a fine. The critical issue for Donald Trump in terms of NISPOM is did he allow access to classified information to a foreign national. This is when the possibility of espionage comes into play.
  22. Just repeating what the”talking heads have been saying since 2016. The New York AG is an AG. Obviously Letitia James is not Merrick Garland. The Secret Service becomes irrelevant if anyone under their protection gets indicted or arrested. Then the US Marshall Service or Justice Department Agents will take cover. The Search Warrant served at Mar A Lago(the correct spelling) was violation of NISPOM(accessing, handling and storing classified documents). This would come under the jurisdiction of Merrick Garland if it becomes a criminal matter. Not all NISPOM violations are crimes.
  23. Not a Trump supporter or loyalist but when the Attorney General files a lawsuit and not indicts it means the evidence is not strong. I believe many on CNN and MSNBC said Trump will be in handcuffs and do the “perp” walk for years. When will this magical moment occur?
  24. 10 days ago I connected at NRT from SIN to LAX. Passport, boarding pass, and carry-on bags were the only things checked.
  25. This was the weirdest car rental experience I have ever had. A few months ago I reserved an economy car for two weeks with Enterprise and of course the cost for 14 days came to $1100. This is the most I have been quoted for 14 days to rent a Mitsubishi Mirage(the tiny car with a 3 cylinder engine). A week before I left I checked with Hertz and found out a Mini SUV would only cost $521 for 14 days. So I went with the Mini SUV(a Kia Sorrento). Even with high gas prices renting the larger vehicle ended up much cheaper than renting the smaller vehicle. My guess is most people do not want larger vehicles. The average price for gas in Southern California was about $5 per gallon. If anyone has a USA trip planned in the near future and you need to rent a car you might want to consider a larger vehicle.
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