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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. ?This wWeak white men who want to cater to other people's needs generally fail in Thailand.as in response to this line: ? My response was not meant for you.
  2. It should be free is you use Skype or something similar.
  3. Just a little courtesy. In some cases this is asking for too much. LOS is the only country where even an acknowledgement of kindness or generosity is a rare thing. But this will stop me. I will continue to tip and be generous when I can.
  4. I just read an article in a publication which I m not allowed to mention that quotes number that seem rather unrealistic: Seksan Sripraiwan, director of the TAT's Tokyo office, said senior citizens aged 60 and older account for 32% of Japan's total population, some 40 million people, of which 14-15 million live in Tokyo. Japanese senior tourists have special interests that differ from other long-stay travellers, said Mr Seksan. Golf culture plays a big part in their community and this sport is safe for the elderly, with many of them choosing to play while staying abroad. Long-stay travellers from Japan have average spending of 5,000-6,000 baht per day, which is similar to leisure tourists from Japan, he said. I thought many Japanese seniors live in poverty? I have some elderly Japanese neighbors who buy 40 to 60 Baht meals several times a day. I rarely see them even shopping at Topps or Rimping. Also, none of them own golf clubs.
  5. Thanks. I think you have answered my question. I won’t be doing that.
  6. I have lived in CNX for 6 years and was a frequent visitor to LOS for 20 years. I still don't understand Thai people. I always try to be generous in terms of tipping and I even give money to homeless people on the streets. In Chiang Mai there is woman and a toddler who are homeless. They usually roam Huay Kaew Road from Nimman down to Somphet. A few months ago it was raining and she was trying to stay dry with cardboard boxes. I felt bad for her and gave her some money. She took the money and walked away. From time to time I see her on the streets and usually I give her 20 or 40 baht. Each time she just takes the money and keeps walking. Last week she came up to me while I was waiting for a Songtao and put her hand out. I gave her a 10 baht coin(All I had was a 1000 Baht note). . She was not happy and demanded more money. I declined and she walked away. This is the first time where a homeless person was upset because I did not give her enough money. For comparison while I was in Seoul, S. Korea I gave the equivalent of $1 dollar to a homeless guy and he got on his knees and thanked me. I seemed to recall most Koreans showed appreciation when I tipped at restaurants and even at the hotels I stayed. I can't recall the last time I was show any appreciation for leaving a generous tip at any business in Thailand. I have been told tipping is not common in Thai culture but is not showing appreciation or even gratitude not part of Thai Culture as well? Or does it just apply to foreigners? I still intend on tipping and in some cases give money to homeless. Often I feel like I am at a different wavelength with most Thai people. Even if I was fluent in the Thai language I doubt I could truly be compatible with most. A few years ago I met a Thai woman who lived in San Francisco for a few years we got along mostly well. She was the only Thai woman that I have met in LOS that I saw any potential for a possible relationship. There was little to no hope with the other Thai woman I have met Living in LOS has been fine as long as I have limited contact with most Thai people. I am courteous to them and in turn most have been courteous to me. So I do not have any major complaints but I just don't understand the people of LOS. My guess is I never will.
  7. On this one Ted and the NRA are wrong. i carried a firearm for over 20 years. In that time I knew of two cops had ND’s(Negligent Discharges). They shot themselves in the leg. I almost got shot in the face with a shotgun when an overzealous officer at the range swung the barrel at me. So if highly trained police officers have ND’s then what about those who are less trained. Also, no one truly knows how they will or even if they will react in a real life shoot scenario. I knew of a Deputy Marshall who ran out the courtroom when a prisoner wrestled a firearm away from another Deputy Marshall. ‘ I consider myself as a somewhat of Conservative who has not voted for a Republican in the last two Elections but on this issue both Ted and the NRA are wrong. Having an armed office or security guard at a school does not make it safer. It just makes it look safer. As we remember in Florida an armed Deputy Sheriff stayed outside of the school as students were bing shot. His name was Peterson. He claimed to be following Department Policy. On that day “Dam the policy because people are dying”.
  8. How about just a full blown medical exam upon arrival at the nearest private hospital in BKK. I can just imagine full blood, urine, X-ray and an MRI package for just under 19,999 Baht(what a bargain for one to have peace of mind and Welcome to Thailand).
  9. I would not have a problem if a BKK Freelancer had to check me for symptoms of Monkey Pox.
  10. The only true way to screen is: A full body strip search. A body scanner cannot detect blisters covered by clothing.
  11. "Tax the Rich"? Maybe Joe Biden can learn something from this. He is stating the rich should pay their fair share of taxes. Next time a rich American enters the USA then Customs can levy taxes on every piece of designer product in their luggage. What next? Taxes on my Ipad when come through BKK?
  12. If you use an agent in another province they do the 90 Day report for you(online or you might have to send you passport to the agent?). Based upon the people I have spoken to in CNX using this particular agent down south is common for for people who live in other parts of the country. Hit the streets and talk to people. There are agents in CNX that provide the same type of service.
  13. A follow up question could be: How was your claim handled? Insurance companies can be great up until when a policy holder files a claim. I have never filed a claim on the two Health Insurance Policies that I have in Thailand. The service provided from both companies so far has been good. I hope they honor their policy commitments if and when I file a claim.
  14. I am a retired American Police Officer and handling firearms hasbeen a part of my life for almost 40 years. I have never been to a firing range in Thailand(probably won’t) and do not know how Safety procedures are enforced. Rule #1 to me has been “never point your weapon at anyone or anything that your are not willing to kill”. On another note Alec Baldwin knows how this shooter must be feeling now?
  15. Oh. I missed that part. I guess I do not qualify. I miss it by a few thousand dollars.
  16. Actually I do qualify for this visa. My monthly income is in excess of 80,000 Baht and my current health insurance has maximum coverage of 3.5 Million Baht. My main issue is the Visa Application fee of 50,000 Baht(approximately $1400 USD). But the actual visa qualification requirements are still unclear. Initially there was a requirement to have money sit in a Thai Bank. This is something I would not do.
  17. I have an OA with the required health insurance and it would cost me more to obtain this LTR. On the surface it sounds good but “devil is in the details”. Many will find this out when they look deeper into it. Here are the specific requirements for the “Wealthy/Retired category” Groups 1 & 2: Wealthy Foreigners and Retirees Must purchase a health insurance policy which covers medical expenses of no less than US$50,000 for at least 10 months starting from the date of the application OR provide a social security certificate covering medical expenses in Thailand OR provide proof of at least US$100,000 held in a Thai or foreign bank account for at least 12 months prior to the application date. Must have evidence of an average income of at least US$80,000 for at least 12 months prior to the application date.
  18. Years ago I met a Filipina English Teacher in Chiang Mai. True she did speak Fluent English but her accent was rather thick and really noticeable. Also, she said most of the students in the school where she taught did not respect her because she was Filipina. She also complained she made much less than English Teachers from the US, Canada or England. “Nothings seems to have changed”
  19. It’s just a coincidence. Declining numbers and the gradual reopening of the country. Now back to listening to Art Bell and Coast to Coast(some Americans of a certain age will know whoI am talking about).
  20. Burger, fries and a drink will be at least $10. Will this fly in Thailand? I have tried Shake Shack in Los Angeles and it was good. But I prefer Inn-N-Out anyway. Being a Christian company or not is not a factor for me. I also go to Chik-Fil-A as well. A big Clue bout Chik is they are closed on Sundays. Last time I ate at Chik I had a chicken sandwich, fries and a drink and it was over $10.
  21. Finally got an answer from this shop( I will never go there again). It took several messages on Line and a couple of phone calls). 1. Your Ipad is old 2, The circuits are old 3. The technician had an accident during battery removal/installation(really do not know what he meant by this?) 4. The lines on the screen cannot be removed. Great. Thank you and 555. Finding a quality repair shop is really difficult. "You can pick up the Ipad tomorrow". The Saga of the Ipad battery replacement in CNX is now over. I got to spend 3500 Baht for a new Ipad battery and black horizontal lines on my screen. I would call this a great deal. On that note I might as well buy a new Tablet(this time I will probably buy a Samsung).
  22. I have on OA so I will respond to specifics about this visa: 1. If you have Tricare then are you US Military retired? Is your monthly pension around $2,000? If so then go the 65,000 Baht monthly income equivalent route. If not then you would just need a bank statement stating you have the equivalent of 800,000 Baht. Just like the O Visa the money does have to seasoned for the initial application. 2. A medical certificate with a doctors signature is required. 3. Criminal background check can be completed with companies called "FBI channelers". I can recommended two but not sure I can state the companies on this forum
  23. Recently a well known independent Apple Repair Shop in CNX replaced the battery on my Ipad Pro. Now the screen has 4 vertical black lines on the right edge of the screen. Also the right edge appears darker when I put the device on a white screen. I took the Ipad back to the shop and asked what happened. The answer I got was this: "it is delicate matter and we have to investigate more, please give us two days". I thought to myself 555.. So I played dumb and politely said "take as much time as your need". I am not tech savvy but it looks moisture got inside my device during the battery change? Can anyone who is knowledgeable about Ipad's offer comments on moisture getting into Apple Devices, the indications and long term effects.
  24. This guy is mild compared to a certain US Senator who recently said to cancel Student Loan Debt to fight inflation??? I guess some missed the class on basic economics in school.
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